167 research outputs found

    Blockchain-based Decentralized Distribution Management in E-Journals

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    The application of blockchain in the context of E-Journal distribution to journalists is aimed at making the management paper adequately distributed and not misused. The security system in the distribution or management paper process of an open journal system is currently considered to be very lacking because one can duplicate the journal in an open journal system easily. Furthermore, it can be transferred to anyone who is not responsible. The security system in the distribution of an open journal system and the management of the management paper process is currently considered to be very lacking because one can duplicate the journal in an open journal system easily. Furthermore, it can be transferred to anyone who is not responsible. With the implementation of this blockchain technology, there are 3 (three) benefits, namely (1) The distribution of E-Journal in the Open Journal System is more targeted, and there are no errors. (2) The reputation of the Open Journal System becomes better with a sense of trust. This research will be implemented in an E-Journal in an Open Journal System using blockchain technology. (3) The management paper processing in the open journal system runs according to the procedure so that in the management process the distribution of soft copies and hard copies of the journal is protected from hacker threats, and this blockchain is used to guarantee its security

    The Glycemic Index and Organoleptic Test of Pekawai (Durio kutejensis) Chips

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    Pekawai fruit (Durio kutejensis) is one of the durian species that grows wild in the forests of West Kalimantan. It is known by its yellow-golden orange flesh color. It does not have an unpleasant smell and has non sticky flesh, which makes it attractive and has potential to be healthy snacks such as fruit chips. This research was conducted to find out consumer preference by doing organoleptic and glicemic index test. The glycemic index test has been done by 10 volunteers and organoleptic test conducted using scoring and hedonic methods with 35 panelists. Data analyzed with descriptive method. The results showed that pekawai chips has low glycemic index (12) and were liked by the panelists. The results showed that pekawai fruit, the exotic local fruit from West Kalimantan has big potential to be developed as a snack, which has high economic value and safe to be consumed by diabetics.   Keywords: glycemic index, pekawai, fruit, chip

    Hubungan Antara Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja Dengan Komitmen Organisasi

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    Komitmen Organisasi yang tinggi merupakan hal yang penting bagi setiap instansi atau perusahaan. Komitmen organisasi yang tinggi dapat diraih jika memiliki kualitas kehidupan kerja yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja dengan Komitmen Organisasi. Hipotesis penelitian ini ada hubungan positif antara Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja dengan Komitmen Organisasi. Subjek penelitian adalah semua pegawai Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan Kabupaten Magelang sebanyak 80 orang .Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan studi populasi artinya Semua anggota populasi dijadikan subjek penelitian. Alat Pengumpul data menggunakan skala kualitas kehidupan kerja dan skala komitmen organisasi. Metode analisis data menggunakan spearman rho. Berdasarkan hasil analisis korelasi spearman rho diperoleh nilai koefesien korelasi rxy sebesar 0,617; p untuk 2 arah sebesar 0.000; (p < 0.01) artinya ada hubungan yang sangat signifikan antara kualitas kehiodupan keja dengan komitme organisasi. Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja mempunyai rerata empirik sebesar 168,46 dan rerata hipotetiknya sebesar 137,5. Komitmen Organisasinya mempunyai rerata empirik sebesar 60,19 dan rerata hipotetiknya sebesar 50 . Berdasarkan kategori norma kualitas kehidupan kerja tergolong tinggi dan Komitmen Organisasi tergolong tinggi. Sumbangan efektif Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja dengan Komitmen Organisasi. 39,6. Sehingga masih ada 60,4% yang di pemgaruhi faktor lai

    Studi Manajemen Pengelolaan Obat di Puskesmas Lawa Kabupaten Muna Barat Tahun 2015

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    Pengelolaan obat merupakan suatu rangkaian kegiatan yang menyangkut aspekperencanaan, pengadaan, penyimpanan, pendistribusian dan penghapusan obat yangdikelola secara optimal untuk menjamin tercapainya ketepatan jumlah dan jenis perbekalanfarmasi. Pada pengelolaan obat di Puskesmas tingkat ketersediaan obat masih belum sesuaidengan kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan karena masih sering terjadi kekurangan dankekosongan obat disisi lain terjadi pula kelebihan obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmendapatkan informsi lebih mendalam tentang studi manajemen pengelolaan obat diPuskesmas Lawa Kabubaten Muna Barat tahun 2015 ditinjau dari perencanaan, pengadaan,penyimpanan, pendistribusian dan penghapusan. Jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif denganpendekatan deskriptif. Informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 4 orang, yang terdiri dari 2orang informan kunci dan 2 orang informan biasa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwaperencanaan pengelolaan obat berdasarkan metode epidemiologi dengan pengadaan obatdi sesuaikan pola penyakit dengan mengajukan LPLPO (Lembar Permintaan Dan LembarPemakaian Obat) ke Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Muna Barat dan GFK (Gudang FarmasiKota). Tempat penyimpanan obat di puskesmas masih kurang memadai, namunpenyusunannya sudah memenuhi standar penyimpanan obat di puskesmas. Pendistribusianobat yang dilakukan sesuai dengan prosedur pengelolaan obat, serta mengadakanpemusnahan pada obat yang kadaluarsa

    Analysis of Factors Related to Compliance with the Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in Clinical Laborator Hospital Dr. Ibnu Sutowo Baturaja

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    Background: Laboratory of dr. Ibnu Sutowo Baturaja local Hospital was a hospital that has a risk of considerable danger injured at work in his laboratory personnel. Compliance Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the laboratory is important to always be applied by the laboratory staff. This study was conducted to analyze the factors associated with compliance with the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the laboratory personnel. Method: The study design was observational and the type of research is a qualitative research. The informants as many as six people, and the data retrieved by conducting in-depth interviews, examine documents and compare with the results of observation. Analysis of the data using the data triagulasi, including triangulation of sources, methods, and data. Results: The use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is already used by officials, but the use of PPE is less than the maximum. Laboratory workers have the motivation, knowledge, perception is quite good, but in practice they only laboratory workers do not use PPE properly complete. Regulation, supervision and Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) had been applied but not maximized. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the compliance of the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the laboratory staff has been good, but less than the maximum we recommend the use of other types of PPE such as headgear and laboratory shoes use as well