42 research outputs found

    Prospects and tendencies of multiprocessor systems development

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    Prospects and main tendencies of development and design of modern multiprocessor systems are considered. It is shown that for today the promising solutions are personal computing clusters, which represent a strategic direction for the computing development

    Some complex intensification features of spheroidizing annealing of low carbon steel

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    The paper considers complex intensification features of spheroidizing annealing of low-carbon steels and possible technological realizations of intensive annealing modes in current lines. The research aims to reveal the intensification nature of the steel’s spheroidizing due to the non-isothermal holding and an internal coolant for the metal heating. That allows a significant reduction of the spheroidizing annealing process while improving the steel product’s technological properties – providing a high dispersion and homogeneity of the structure across the entire plane of its section. The multiprocessor computing system with its mathematical and IT software for modeling the heat treatment modes of metal billets effectively controls the processes

    Some complex intensification features of spheroidizing annealing of low carbon steel

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    The paper considers complex intensification features of spheroidizing annealing of low-carbon steels and possible technological realizations of intensive annealing modes in current lines. The research aims to reveal the intensification nature of the steel’s spheroidizing due to the non-isothermal holding and an internal coolant for the metal heating. That allows a significant reduction of the spheroidizing annealing process while improving the steel product’s technological properties – providing a high dispersion and homogeneity of the structure across the entire plane of its section. The multiprocessor computing system with its mathematical and IT software for modeling the heat treatment modes of metal billets effectively controls the processes

    Возможности и перспективы использования СВЧ-радиометрии в медицине и научных исследованиях

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    Розглянуті можливості та перспективи використання НВЧ-радіометрії для реєстрації і вимірювання електромагнітних полів і випромінювань біооб’єктів та людини. Проаналізовані основні принципи побудови радіометричних систем дециметрового діапазону, а також напрямки біомедичного використання НВЧ-радіометрів.The possibilities and perspectives were discussed of using EHF-radiometry for registration and measurement pf electromagnetic fields as well as bioobject’s and human radiation. The basic principles of construction of dm-range radiometric system were analyzed as well as the trends of biomedical utilization of EHF-radiometers.Рассмотрены возможности и перспективы использования СВЧ-радиометрии для регистрации и измерения электромагнитных полей и излучений биообъектов и человека. Проанализированы основные принципы построения радиометрических систем дециметрового диапазона, а также направления биомедицинского использования СВЧ-радиометров


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    Carotid endarterectomy (CEA) can be followed by postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD). Goal of the study: to investigate the effect of total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) with propofol and inhalation anesthesia (IA) with sevoflurane on cerebral oxygenation and POCD. Materials and methods. 40 patients were enrolled into the study and divided into the groups of TIVA and IA. The cerebral tissue oxygen saturation with oxygen (SctO2) was recorded during CEA and in 24 hours after it. Cognitive functions were assessed with Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) before the CEA, in 1 and 5 days after. Results. Reduction of SctO2 was observed on the operated side after carotid clamping. SctO2 transitory reduced on the contralateral side in the TIVA group and was significantly higher in the IA group. MoCA changes in 24 hours after the surgery correlated with SctO2 reduction on the ipsilateral side in TIVA group (rho = 0.54; p = 0.015). In 5 days after CEA, the cognitive functions were higher in the IA group (p = 0.028). Conclusion. Anesthesia with sevoflurane used for CEA may mitigate an asymmetry of cerebral perfusion, improves oxygenation of contralateral hemisphere and reduces the risk of POCD. Каротидная эндартерэктомия (КЭАЭ) может сопровождаться послеоперационной когнитивной дисфункцией (ПОКД). Цель исследования: сравнить влияние тотальной внутривенной анестезии (ТВВА) пропофолом и ингаляционной анестезии (ИА) севофлураном на церебральную оксигенацию и ПОКД. Материалы и методы. В исследование включено 40 пациентов, разделенных на группы ТВВА и ИА. Во время, а также в течение 24 ч после КЭАЭ регистрировалось насыщение ткани мозга кислородом (SctO2). Когнитивные функции оценивали по Монреальской шкале когнитивной дисфункции (MoCA) до вмешательства, а также спустя 1 и 5 сут после КЭАЭ. Результаты. После пережатия сонной артерии наблюдали снижение SctO2 со стороны вмешательства. На контралатеральной стороне SctO2 транзиторно уменьшилось в группе ТВВА и было достоверно выше при ИА. Изменения MoCA через сутки после операции коррелировали со снижением SctO2 на ипсилатеральной стороне в группе ТВВА (rho = 0,54; p = 0,015). На 5-е сут после КЭАЭ когнитивные функции были выше в группе ИА (p = 0,028). Заключение. При КЭАЭ анестезия севофлураном нивелирует асимметрию церебральной перфузии, улучшает оксигенацию контралатерального полушария и снижает риск ПОКД.

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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    The Peculiarities of the Internal Position of Younger Schoolchildren with the Various Orientation of the Personality

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    The article submits some psychological features of the internal position of younger schoolchildren with various orientations of the personality. The basic directions of psychological support of the internal position of the personality of younger schoolchildren are proved in the article


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    Carotid endarterectomy (CEA) can be followed by postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD). Goal of the study: to investigate the effect of total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) with propofol and inhalation anesthesia (IA) with sevoflurane on cerebral oxygenation and POCD. Materials and methods. 40 patients were enrolled into the study and divided into the groups of TIVA and IA. The cerebral tissue oxygen saturation with oxygen (SctO2) was recorded during CEA and in 24 hours after it. Cognitive functions were assessed with Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) before the CEA, in 1 and 5 days after. Results. Reduction of SctO2 was observed on the operated side after carotid clamping. SctO2 transitory reduced on the contralateral side in the TIVA group and was significantly higher in the IA group. MoCA changes in 24 hours after the surgery correlated with SctO2 reduction on the ipsilateral side in TIVA group (rho = 0.54; p = 0.015). In 5 days after CEA, the cognitive functions were higher in the IA group (p = 0.028). Conclusion. Anesthesia with sevoflurane used for CEA may mitigate an asymmetry of cerebral perfusion, improves oxygenation of contralateral hemisphere and reduces the risk of POCD