1,032 research outputs found

    Proposta de organização e visualização de grande quantidade de imagens orbitais através de web services.

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    The organization of satellite imagery seeks to facilitate the presentation and manipulation of spatial information in projects of Land Management's Strategic area from Embrapa Satellite Monitoring, enabling integration between mapped data and interoperability of image data and mapped regions. As a way to standardize this organization, we followed the recommendations of national and international bodies that deal with the standardization of geographic metadata, specifically satellite images. To view this integration, a webmapping interface was created. A webmapping must be prepared to meet the needs of relationship between user and product. In this paper we propose a standardized structure for storage and maintenance of images obtained by satellite sensors aiming its availability on the web through web map services, examples of interoperability. The non-interoperability prevents sharing of information and computing resources. The visualization of web map services takes place through a webmapping that benefits from the organization structure of satellite images proposed in this paper. The hierarchical organization proposed research assistance of satellite images. As they are entered into the database, now new images will be organized in a logical structure, without affecting the search for listings older images. The webmapping allows a direct link between the metadata and geospatial data visualization. Combining web services based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in conjunction with the Flex technology allows the creation of Rich Internet Applications (RIA) giving the user more possibilities of interaction via the Web

    Global tropical forest cover change assessment with medium spatial stellite imagery using a systematic sample grid - data, methods and first results.

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    At the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission, a methodology has been developed to monitor the pan-tropical forest cover with remote sensing data for the years 1990-2000-2005 in Latin America, Southeast Asia and Africa on the basis of over 4000 sample units sample units with a dimension of 20 km by 20 km located at every full latitude and longitude degree confluence. From the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) instruments, images with low cloud impact from the epochs around the years 1990, 2000 and 2005 were selected and subsets covering the sample units were cut-out, pre-processed, segmented and classified in five different land cover classes in order to build global and regional statistics on tropical forest cover change. The data was validated in three steps, internal correction of wrongly classified objects, external (national or regional) expert validation and internal harmonization of the data. In this paper, the data collection and the workflow of the forest cover change assessment for the epochs 1990 and 2000 is presented. Parts of the results for the Brazilian Amazon have been validated by comparing with interpretations of corresponding samples carried out by the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), showing a very high correlation. Further, the figure produced by INPE through the PRODES program on gross deforestation for the years 1990-2000 was compared to the figure calculated on basis of the JRC results for the respective area, where the JRC estimate that was ca. 10% higher than the INPE estimate

    Viral-Associated Trichodysplasia: Characterization of a Novel Polyomavirus Infection With Therapeutic Insights

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    Background Viral-associated trichodysplasia of immunosuppression is a rare cutaneous eruption that is characterized by follicularly based shiny papules and alopecia with characteristic histopathologic findings of abnormally anagen follicules with excessive inner root sheath differentiation. Prior reports have described the histopathologic characteristics on vertical sections; however, to our knowledge, immunohistochemical analysis of polyomavirus proteins has not been previously performed. Observations We discuss the thorough diagnostic evaluation and therapy of an unusual case of viral-associated trichodysplasia due to a newly described human polyomavirus that occurred in a patient with post-treatment chronic lymphocytic leukemia and an abnormal white blood cell count. Unique to our study is the immunohistochemical staining for the polyomavirus middle T antigen, which demonstrated positive staining of cellular inclusions within keratinocytes that compose the inner root sheath. Further evaluation with scanning electron microscopy and polymerase chain reaction analysis of viral DNA confirmed the presence of the virus. Treatment with topical cidofovir resulted in dramatic clinical improvement and hair regrowth. Conclusions Several tools, including immunohistochemical staining for the polyomavirus middle T antigen, can be used to identify the pathogenic virus associated with viral-associated trichodysplasia. This case highlights the utility of multiple diagnostic modalities and a robust response to a topical therapeutic agent, cidofovir

    Webmapping desenvolvido em tecnologia Flex para análises e monitoramento de obras de infraestrutura.

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    Buscando o aprimoramento das análises de imagens, maior segurança e contínua disponibilização de imagens de satélite para monitoramento orbital das obras do Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento (PAC) do governo federal, uma nova interface de webmapping foi desenvolvida pelas áreas de Gestão Territorial Estratégica (GTE) e de Tecnologia da Informação (GTI) da Embrapa Monitoramento por Satélite utilizando a linguagem Flex. Essa nova interface é complementar à desenvolvida e apresentada em Carvalho (2009). Flex é uma linguagem de programação baseada em Flash para a criação de aplicações web do tipo Internet Rica (da sigla em inglês RIA ? Rich Internet Application), que têm características e funcionalidades de softwares tradicionais do tipo aplicativo.bitstream/item/30992/1/CT-28.pd

    Uma ferramenta para o cadastro e gestão de metadados de obras de infraestrutura e imagens de satélite do projeto PAC 10.

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    O Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento do Governo Federal (PAC) é baseado no conceito de investimentos em infraestrutura que, aliados a medidas econômicas, visam estimular os setores produtivos e, ao mesmo tempo, levar benefícios sociais para todas as regiões do Brasil. A Casa Civil e o Gabinete de Segurança Institucional da Presidência da República, a Secretaria de Planejamento e Investimentos Estratégicos (SPI) do Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão, e a Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa) do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento são parceiros no Projeto 10 do PAC Embrapa (PAC 10) ? ?Monitoramento orbital das obras do PAC e avaliação dos seus impactos?, executado pela equipe da Gestão Territorial Estratégica (GTE) da área técnica da Embrapa Monitoramento por Satélite. Devido à variedade de obras, diversas são as informações necessárias para o seu acompanhamento. Para organizar todas as informações, foi criado um banco de metadados digital.bitstream/item/30988/1/CT-27.pd

    C-Band All-Sky Survey: A First Look at the Galaxy

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    We present an analysis of the diffuse emission at 5 GHz in the first quadrant of the Galactic plane using two months of preliminary intensity data taken with the C-Band All Sky Survey (C-BASS) northern instrument at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory, California. Combining C-BASS maps with ancillary data to make temperature-temperature plots we find synchrotron spectral indices of β=−2.65±0.05\beta = -2.65 \pm 0.05 between 0.408 GHz and 5 GHz and β=−2.72±0.09 \beta = -2.72 \pm 0.09 between 1.420 GHz and 5 GHz for −10∘<∣b∣<−4∘-10^{\circ} < |b| < -4^{\circ}, 20∘<l<40∘20^{\circ} < l < 40^{\circ}. Through the subtraction of a radio recombination line (RRL) free-free template we determine the synchrotron spectral index in the Galactic plane (∣b∣<4∘ |b| < 4^{\circ}) to be β=−2.56±0.07\beta = -2.56 \pm 0.07 between 0.408 GHz and 5 GHz, with a contribution of 53±853 \pm 8 per cent from free-free emission at 5\,GHz. These results are consistent with previous low frequency measurements in the Galactic plane. By including C-BASS data in spectral fits we demonstrate the presence of anomalous microwave emission (AME) associated with the HII complexes W43, W44 and W47 near 30 GHz, at 4.4 sigma, 3.1 sigma and 2.5 sigma respectively. The CORNISH VLA 5 GHz source catalogue rules out the possibility that the excess emission detected around 30\;GHz may be due to ultra-compact HII regions. Diffuse AME was also identified at a 4 sigma level within 30∘<l<40∘30^{\circ} < l < 40^{\circ}, −2∘<b<2∘-2^{\circ} < b < 2^{\circ} between 5 GHz and 22.8 GHz.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRAS, referee's corrections made, awaiting for final approval for publicatio

    Informações geoespaciais para a gestão dos recursos naturais do Corredor de Nacala - Moçambique.

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    O projeto Embrapa-Moçambique foi baseado nas similaridades edafoclimáticas existentes entre as savanas moçambicanas e o Cerrado brasileiro e objetiva o levantamento e o mapeamento das potencialidades dos recursos naturais de Moçambique. Neste estudo, organizaram-se bases de dados geográficos existentes do Corredor de Nacala, levantaram-se aspectos da legislação ambiental moçambicana, e realizou-se o mapeamento de florestas em distritos específicos deste corredor para a visualização da gestão de recursos naturais. Como resultados já alcançados, destacam-se a geração da base de dados geográficos on-line, a análise preliminar da integração da legislação ambiental em ambiente de sistemas de informação geográfica e o levantamento do uso e da ocupação dos distritos de Mandimba, Cuamba, Malema e Ribaué

    High harmonic generation in a gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fiber

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    High harmonic generation (HHG) of intense infrared laser radiation (Ferray et al., J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 21:L31, 1988; McPherson et al., J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 4:595, 1987) enables coherent vacuum-UV (VUV) to soft-X-ray sources. In the usual setup, energetic femtosecond laser pulses are strongly focused into a gas jet, restricting the interaction length to the Rayleigh range of the focus. The average photon flux is limited by the low conversion efficiency and the low average power of the complex laser amplifier systems (Keller, Nature 424:831, 2003; Südmeyer et al., Nat. Photonics 2:599, 2008; Röser et al., Opt. Lett. 30:2754, 2005; Eidam et al., IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 15:187, 2009) which typically operate at kilohertz repetition rates. This represents a severe limitation for many experiments using the harmonic radiation in fields such as metrology or high-resolution imaging. Driving HHG with novel high-power diode-pumped multi-megahertz laser systems has the potential to significantly increase the average photon flux. However, the higher average power comes at the expense of lower pulse energies because the repetition rate is increased by more than a thousand times, and efficient HHG is not possible in the usual geometry. So far, two promising techniques for HHG at lower pulse energies were developed: external build-up cavities (Gohle et al., Nature 436:234, 2005; Jones et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 94:193, 2005) and resonant field enhancement in nanostructured targets (Kim et al., Nature 453:757, 2008). Here we present a third technique, which has advantages in terms of ease of HHG light extraction, transverse beam quality, and the possibility to substantially increase conversion efficiency by phase-matching (Paul et al., Nature 421:51, 2003; Ren et al., Opt. Express 16:17052, 2008; Serebryannikov et al., Phys. Rev. E (Stat. Nonlinear Soft Matter Phys.) 70:66611, 2004; Serebryannikov et al., Opt. Lett. 33:977, 2008; Zhang et al., Nat. Phys. 3:270, 2007). The interaction between the laser pulses and the gas occurs in a Kagome-type Hollow-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber (HC-PCF) (Benabid et al., Science 298:399, 2002), which reduces the detection threshold for HHG to only 200nJ. This novel type of fiber guides nearly all of the light in the hollow core (Couny et al., Science 318:1118, 2007), preventing damage even at intensities required for HHG. Our fiber guided 30-fs pulses with a pulse energy of more than 10μJ, which is more than five times higher than for any other photonic crystal fiber (Hensley et al., Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), IEEE Press, New York, 2008

    Infraestrutura Nacional de Dados Espaciais: Aspectos Computacionais.

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    O objetivo deste documento é apresentar os principais conceitos relacionados aos pilares ?tecnologia? e ?padrões?, com enfoque em seus aspectos computacionais. A intenção é sumarizar os fundamentos teóricos envolvidos na especificação da INDE e reunir as principais referências de softwares open source atualmente disponíveis e amplamente adotados pela comunidade para a implantação da INDE.bitstream/item/84963/1/COMUN-TECNICO-1-GESTAO-TERRITORIAL-Infraestrut-Nac-Dados-Espac-ed01-2013.pd
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