16 research outputs found

    Comparative Cost of Early Infant Male Circumcision by Nurse-Midwives and Doctors in Zimbabwe

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    BACKGROUND: The 14 countries that are scaling up voluntary male medical circumcision (VMMC) for HIV prevention are also considering early infant male circumcision (EIMC) to ensure longer-term reductions in HIV incidence. The cost of implementing EIMC is an important factor in scale-up decisions. We conducted a comparative cost analysis of EIMC performed by nurse-midwives and doctors using the AccuCirc device in Zimbabwe. METHODS: Between August 2013 and July 2014, nurse-midwives performed EIMC on 500 male infants using AccuCirc in a field trial. We analyzed the overall unit cost and identified key cost drivers of EIMC performed by nurse-midwives and compared these with costing data previously collected during a randomized noninferiority comparison trial of 2 devices (AccuCirc and the Mogen clamp) in which doctors performed EIMC. We assessed direct costs (consumable and nonconsumable supplies, device, personnel, associated staff training, and waste management costs) and indirect costs (capital and support personnel costs). We performed one-way sensitivity analyses to assess cost changes when we varied key component costs. RESULTS: The unit costs of EIMC performed by nurse-midwives and doctors in vertical programs were US38.87andUS38.87 and US49.77, respectively. Key cost drivers of EIMC were consumable supplies, personnel costs, and the device price. In this cost analysis, major cost drivers that explained the differences between EIMC performed by nurse-midwives and doctors were personnel and training costs, both of which were lower for nurse-midwives. CONCLUSIONS: EIMC unit costs were lower when performed by nurse-midwives compared with doctors. To minimize costs, countries planning to scale up EIMC should consider using nurse-midwives, who are in greater supply than doctors and are the main providers at the primary health care level, where most infants are born

    Positive attitudes to pediatric HIV testing: findings from a nationally representative survey from Zimbabwe.

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    Early HIV testing and diagnosis are paramount for increasing treatment initiation among children, necessary for their survival and improved health. However, uptake of pediatric HIV testing is low in high-prevalence areas. We present data on attitudes towards pediatric testing from a nationally representative survey in Zimbabwe

    The HIV care cascade among female sex workers in Zimbabwe: results of a population-based survey from the Sisters Antiretroviral therapy Programme for Prevention of HIV, an Integrated Response (SAPPH-IRe) Trial.

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    : Female sex workers (FSW) in sub-Saharan Africa have a higher prevalence of HIV than other women of reproductive age. Social, legal, and structural barriers influence their access to care. Little is known about the HIV diagnosis and care cascade in most countries in Southern Africa. We aimed to describe the HIV diagnosis and care cascade among FSW in Zimbabwe. : We conducted cross-sectional respondent driven sampling (RDS) surveys of FSW in 14 sites across Zimbabwe as the baseline for a cluster-randomised controlled trial investigating a combination HIV prevention and care package. We administered a questionnaire, tested women for HIV and measured viral load. We report the mean, minimum, and maximum respondent-driven sampling-2 weighted site values. : The survey included 2722 women, approximately 200 per site. The mean HIV prevalence was 57.5% (42.8-79.2 site minimum and maximum). Of HIV-positive women, 64.0% (51.6-73.7) were aware of their status, 67.7% (53.4-84.1) of these reported taking antiretroviral therapy, and 77.8% (64.4-90.8) of these had a suppressed HIV viral load (&lt;1000 copies/mL). Among all HIV-positive women, 49.5% had a viral load &lt; 1000 copies/mL. : Although most HIV-positive women aware of their status are accessing antiretroviral therapy, 36.0% of HIV-positive women are unaware of their status and 29.3% of all FSW have an unsuppressed HIV viral load. Investigation and investment into models of testing, treatment, and care are necessary to reach UNAIDS targets for HIV elimination.<br/

    Effect of peer-distributed HIV self-test kits on demand for biomedical HIV prevention in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: a three-armed cluster-randomised trial comparing social networks versus direct delivery.

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    Study objective: We investigated two peer distribution models of HIV self-testing (HIVST) in HIV prevention demand creation compared with trained young community members (peer navigators). Methods: We used restricted randomisation to allocate 24 peer navigator pairs (clusters) in KwaZulu-Natal 1:1:1: (1) standard of care (SOC): peer navigators distributed clinic referrals, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and antiretroviral therapy (ART) information to 18–30 year olds. (2) peer navigator direct distribution (PND): Peer navigators distributed HIVST packs (SOC plus two OraQuick HIVST kits) (3) incentivised peer networks (IPN): peer navigators recruited young community members (seeds) to distribute up to five HIVST packs to 18–30 year olds within their social networks. Seeds received 20 Rand (US1.5)foreachrecipientwhodistributedfurtherpacks.TheprimaryoutcomewasPrEP/ARTlinkage,definedasscreeningforPrEP/ARTeligibilitywithin90daysofpackdistributionperpeernavigatormonth(pnm)ofoutreach,inwomenaged18–24(apriorityforHIVprevention).Investigatorsandstatisticianswereblindedtoallocation.Analysiswasintentiontotreat.Totalandunitcostswerecollectedprospectively.Results:BetweenMarchandDecember2019,4163packs(1098SOC,1480PND,1585IPN)weredistributedacross24clusters.During144pnm,27218–30 yearoldslinkedtoPrEP/ART(1.9/pnm).Linkageratesfor18–24−year−oldwomenwerelowerforIPN(n=26,0.54/pnm)thanPND(n=45,0.80/pnm;SOCn=49,0.85/pnm).Rateratioswere0.68(951.5) for each recipient who distributed further packs. The primary outcome was PrEP/ART linkage, defined as screening for PrEP/ART eligibility within 90 days of pack distribution per peer navigator month (pnm) of outreach, in women aged 18–24 (a priority for HIV prevention). Investigators and statisticians were blinded to allocation. Analysis was intention to treat. Total and unit costs were collected prospectively. Results: Between March and December 2019, 4163 packs (1098 SOC, 1480 PND, 1585 IPN) were distributed across 24 clusters. During 144 pnm, 272 18–30 year olds linked to PrEP/ART (1.9/pnm). Linkage rates for 18–24-year-old women were lower for IPN (n=26, 0.54/pnm) than PND (n=45, 0.80/pnm; SOC n=49, 0.85/pnm). Rate ratios were 0.68 (95% CI 0.28 to 1.66) for IPN versus PND, 0.64 (95% CI 0.26 to 1.62) for IPN versus SOC and 0.95 (95% CI 0.38 to 2.36) for PND versus SOC. In 18–30 year olds, PND had significantly more linkages than IPN (2.11 vs 0.88/pnm, RR 0.42, 95% CI 0.18 to 0.98). Cost per pack distributed was cheapest for IPN (US36) c.f. SOC (US$64). Cost per person linked to PrEP/ART was cheaper in both peer navigator arms compared with IPN. Discussion: HIVST did not increase demand for PrEP/ART. Incentivised social network distribution reached large numbers with HIVST but resulted in fewer linkages compared with PrEP/ART promotion by peer navigators

    Cost-per-diagnosis as a metric for monitoring cost effectiveness of HIV testing programmes in low income settings in southern Africa : health economic and modelling analysis

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    Introduction: As prevalence of undiagnosed HIV declines, it is unclear whether testing programmes will be cost effective. To guide their HIV testing programmes,countries require appropriatemetrics that can be measured. The cost-per-diagnosisis potentially a useful metric. Methods:We simulated a series of setting-scenarios for adult HIV epidemics and ART programmes typical of settings in southern Africa using an individual-based model and projected forward from 2018 under two policies: (i) a minimum package of “core” testing (i.e. testing in pregnant women, for diagnosis of symptoms, in sex workers, and in men coming forward for circumcision) is conducted, and (ii) “core” testing as above plus “additional-testing”, for which we specify different rates of testing and various degrees to which those with HIV are more likely to test than thosewithout HIV. We also considered a plausible range of unit test costs. The aim was to assess the relationship between cost-per-diagnosisand the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio(ICER) of the additional-testingpolicy. Discount rate 3%; costs in 2018 US.Results:Therewasastronggradedrelationshipbetweenthecost−per−diagnosisandtheICER.Overall,theICERwasbelowUS. Results:There was a strong graded relationship between the cost-per-diagnosisand the ICER. Overall, the ICERwas below 500 per-DALY-averted (the cost effectiveness threshold used in primary analysis) so long as thecost-per-diagnosiswas below 315.Thisthresholdcost−per−diagnosiswassimilaraccordingtoepidemicandprogrammaticfeaturesincludingtheprevalenceofundiagnosedHIV,theHIVincidenceandameasureofHIVprogrammequality(theproportionofHIVdiagnosedpeoplehavingaviralload<1000copies/mL).However,restrictingtowomen,additional−testingdidnotappearcost−effectiveevenatacost−per−diagnosisofbelow315. This thresholdcost-per-diagnosiswas similar according to epidemic and programmatic features including the prevalence of undiagnosed HIV, the HIV incidence and a measure of HIV programme quality (the proportion of HIV diagnosed people having a viral load <1000 copies/mL). However, restrictingto women, additional-testingdid not appear cost-effective even at acost-per-diagnosisof below 50, while restrictingto men additional-testingwas cost effective up to a cost-per-diagnosisof 585.Thethresholdcostfortestinginmenfellto585. Thethreshold cost for testing in men fell to 256 when the cost effectiveness threshold was 300insteadof300instead of 500, and to $81 when considering a discount rate of 10% perannum.Conclusions:For testing programmesin low income settings in southern African there is an extremely strong relationship between the cost-per-diagnosisand the cost per DALY averted, indicating that the cost-per-diagnosiscan be used to monitor the cost effectiveness of testing programmes

    Matriptase-dependent epidermal pre-neoplasm in zebrafish embryos caused by a combination of hypotonic stress and epithelial polarity defects.

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    Aberrantly up-regulated activity of the type II transmembrane protease Matriptase-1 has been associated with the development and progression of a range of epithelial-derived carcinomas, and a variety of signaling pathways can mediate Matriptase-dependent tumorigenic events. During mammalian carcinogenesis, gain of Matriptase activity often results from imbalanced ratios between Matriptase and its cognate transmembrane inhibitor Hai1. Similarly, in zebrafish, unrestrained Matriptase activity due to loss of hai1a results in epidermal pre-neoplasms already during embryogenesis. Here, based on our former findings of a similar tumor-suppressive role for the Na+/K+-pump beta subunit ATP1b1a, we identify epithelial polarity defects and systemic hypotonic stress as another mode of aberrant Matriptase activation in the embryonic zebrafish epidermis in vivo. In this case, however, a different oncogenic pathway is activated which contains PI3K, AKT and NFkB, rather than EGFR and PLD (as in hai1a mutants). Strikingly, epidermal pre-neoplasm is only induced when epithelial polarity defects in keratinocytes (leading to disturbed Matriptase subcellular localization) occur in combination with systemic hypotonic stress (leading to increased proteolytic activity of Matriptase). A similar combinatorial effect of hypotonicity and loss of epithelial polarity was also obtained for the activity levels of Matriptase-1 in human MCF-10A epithelial breast cells. Together, this is in line with the multi-factor concept of carcinogenesis, with the notion that such factors can even branch off from one and the same initiator (here ATP1a1b) and can converge again at the level of one and the same mediator (here Matriptase). In sum, our data point to tonicity and epithelial cell polarity as evolutionarily conserved regulators of Matriptase activity that upon de-regulation can constitute an alternative mode of Matriptase-dependent carcinogenesis in vivo

    Anwendungen verdichteter Gase zur Extraktion und Raffination

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