8,286 research outputs found

    Rearrangements and Dilatancy for Sheared Dense Materials

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    Constitutive equations are proposed for dense materials, based on the identification of two types of free-volume activated rearrangements associated to shear and compaction. Two situations are studied: the case of an amorphous solid in a stress-strain test, and the case of a lubricant in tribology test. Varying parameters, strain softening, shear thinning, and stick-slip motion can be observed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Policy challenges and food security in Alqadarif State, Sudan

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    Food security is under focused issue in Sudan as a whole and AlQadarif State is not apart from that. According to the integrated food security phases classification (IPC) report April (2015), about 60% of the population suffering from food insecurity in the State. This problem needs to be solved by clear and sound policies and strategies.  The main objective of this study is to investigate and evaluate the Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) policies and strategies in the State. To achieve this objective secondary data such as annual reports, policy documents were collected from all key line institutions and primary data were collected by the mean of a questionnaire the main results of this research are that: there were no clear food security and nutrition policy documents for the key line institutions in the State.  Also, there was a gap between the policymakers at the State level and the locality level. 42% of the policymakers at the locality level did not aware of the existence of the FSN body in the State. About 94% of the policymakers in the localities believed that the Chamber of Zakat plays a very important role in helping at FSN situations. About 92% of policymakers in the state said that finance is not sufficient. The majority of the localities policymakers, 94%, do not have any (FSN) database in their localities. Finally, the main recommendation of this study is to build a food security and nutrition policy/strategy putting the conservation of the natural resources in consideration

    Inhomogeneous magnetism in the doped kagome lattice of LaCuO2.66

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    The hole-doped kagome lattice of Cu2+ ions in LaCuO2.66 was investigated by nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR), electron spin resonance (ESR), electrical resistivity, bulk magnetization and specific heat measurements. For temperatures above ~180 K, the spin and charge properties show an activated behavior suggestive of a narrow-gap semiconductor. At lower temperatures, the results indicate an insulating ground state which may or may not be charge ordered. While the frustrated spins in remaining patches of the original kagome lattice might not be directly detected here, the observation of coexisting non-magnetic sites, free spins and frozen moments reveals an intrinsically inhomogeneous magnetism. Numerical simulations of a 1/3-diluted kagome lattice rationalize this magnetic state in terms of a heterogeneous distribution of cluster sizes and morphologies near the site-percolation threshold

    Climate Change and Economic Development in Sub-Saharan African Countries: A Panel Econometric Approach

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    This paper attempts to empirically investigate the impact of climate change on economic development in Sub-Saharan African countries. It is a simple linear panel model using three estimation techniques, fixed effect, random effects and Maximum likelihood method. The Hausman test was also conducted to choose the most appropriate technique. In all, the paper finds that climate change impacts positively on the economic development in the region. The paper further recommends more adaptation as against mitigation measures, as many SSA countries already have some forms of indigenous adaptation measures which are relatively more manageable and less costly technological options in dealing with climate change. KEY WORDS: Climate, economic development, Afric

    Halophytes: What are their Defines, Important, and their Strategies to be Live in Saline Habitats? (A Review)

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           تتميز النباتات الملحية بقدرتها للعيش و الانتاجية في الترب او البيئات الملحية الاخرى. ان مصطلح النباتات الملحية يشير الى تلك الانواع التي تستطيع العيش في مواطن عالية الملوحة مثل الاهوار و الصحاري المالحة, بشرط ان انتاجيتها من الكتلة الحية عالية نسبيا في هكذا بيئات, وهي تمثل نباتات مهمة جدا نظرا لاستخداماتها المتعددة سواء كغذاء او علف او انتاج ادوية و غيرها من الاستعمالات الاخرى.       تستطيع تلك النباتات ان تحل مشكلة الملوحة العالية من خلال ان انواعها اما متحملة او مقاومة للملوحة عن طريق عدد من التكيفات و التي بدورها يمكن ان تكون تحورات مظهرية او تشريحية او خلوية. و تهدف هذه المراجعة إلى الإجابة عن الأسئلة الرئيسية المتعلقة بالنباتات الملحية والتي تشمل: ما هو تعريفها, ما هي اهميتها و استراتيجياتها للعيش وإعطاء إنتاجية جيدة في البيئات المالحة ؟Halophytes or saline plants characterized in their ability to live and give production in saline soils or in other saline habitats. They refer to plants that can live in high salts habitats like saline marshes and saline deserts, and can give relatively a high production of biomass in such habitats. They are very important due to their different uses of them as food, fodder, drugs and many other different important. They may solve salinity problem tolerant or avoidant species by several adaptations which may by morphological, anatomical or cellular modifications. In this review tend to answer the main questions related to halophytes which including: what are their defines, important, and their strategies to be live and give good productivity  in saline habitats

    A gorilla adenovirus-based vaccine against Zika virus induces durable immunity and confers protection in pregnancy

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    The teratogenic potential of Zika virus (ZIKV) has made the development of an effective vaccine a global health priority. Here, we generate two gorilla adenovirus-based ZIKV vaccines that encode for pre-membrane (prM) and envelope (E) proteins (GAd-Zvp) or prM and the ectodomain of E protein (GAd-Eecto). Both vaccines induce humoral and cell-mediated immune responses and prevent lethality after ZIKV challenge in mice. Protection is antibody dependent, CD