21 research outputs found

    Untwisting two-way transducers in elementary time

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    Functional transductions realized by two-way transducers (equivalently, by streaming transducers and by MSO transductions) are the natural and standard notion of ``regular'' mappings from words to words. It was shown recently (LICS'13) that it is decidable if such a transduction can be implemented by some one-way transducer, but the given algorithm has non-elementary complexity. We provide an algorithm of different flavor solving the above question, that has double exponential space complexity. We further apply our technique to decide whether the transduction realized by a two-way transducer can be implemented by a sweeping transducer, with either known or unknown number of passes

    One-way definability of sweeping transducers

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    Two-way finite-state transducers on words are strictly more expressive than one-way transducers. It has been shown recently how to decide if a two-way functional transducer has an equivalent one-way transducer, and the complexity of the algorithm is non-elementary. We propose an alternative and simpler characterization for sweeping functional transducers, namely, for transducers that can only reverse their head direction at the extremities of the input. Our algorithm works in 2EXPSPACE and, in the positive case, produces an equivalent one-way transducer of doubly exponential size. We also show that the bound on the size of the transducer is tight, and that the one-way definability problem is undecidable for (sweeping) non-functional transducers

    Earliest Query Answering for Deterministic Nested Word Automata

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    International audienceEarliest query answering (EQA) is an objective of many recent streaming algorithms for XML query answering, that aim for close to optimal memory management. In this paper, we show that EQA is infeasible even for a small fragment of Forward XPath except if P=NP. We then present an EQA algorithm for queries and schemas defined by deterministic nested word automata (dNWAs) and distinguish a large class of dNWAs for which streaming query answering is feasible in polynomial space and time

    One-way definability of two-way word transducers

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    Functional transductions realized by two-way transducers (or, equally, by streaming transducers or MSO transductions) are the natural and standard notion of `regular' mappings from words to words. It was shown in 2013 that it is decidable if such a transduction can be implemented by some one-way transducer, but the given algorithm has non-elementary complexity. We provide an algorithm of different flavor solving the above question, that has doubly exponential space complexity. In the special case of sweeping transducers the complexity is one exponential less. We also show how to construct an equivalent one-way transducer, whenever it exists, in doubly or triply exponential time, again depending on whether the input transducer is sweeping or two-way. In the sweeping case our construction is shown to be optimal

    Minimizing resources of sweeping and streaming string transducers

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    We consider minimization problems for natural parameters of word transducers: the number of passes performed by two-way transducers and the number of registers used by streaming transducers. We show how to compute in ExpSpace the minimum number of passes needed to implement a transduction given as sweeping transducer, and we provide effective constructions of transducers of (worst-case optimal) doubly exponential size. We then consider streaming transducers where concatenations of registers are forbidden in the register updates. Based on a correspondence between the number of passes of sweeping transducers and the number of registers of equivalent concatenation-free streaming transducers, we derive a minimization procedure for the number of registers of concatenation-free streaming transducers

    Certain Query Answering on Compressed String Patterns: From Streams to Hyperstreams

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    International audienceWe study the problem of certain query answering (CQA) on compressed string patterns. These are incomplete singleton context-free grammars, that can model systems of multiple streams with references to others, called hyperstreams more recently. In order to capture regular path queries on strings, we consider nondeterministic finite automata (NFAs) for query definition. It turns out that CQA for Boolean NFA queries is equivalent to regular string pattern inclusion, i.e., whether all strings completing a compressed string pattern belong to a regular language. We prove that CQA on compressed string patterns is PSpace- complete for NFA queries. The PSpace-hardness even applies to Boolean queries defined by deterministic finite automata (DFAs) and without compression. We also show that CQA on compressed linear string patterns can be solved in PTime for DFA queries. The proofs of the results presented here can be found in the long version of this paper (https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01846016)

    Conciliation through Iterated Belief Merging

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    Bounded Delay and Concurrency for Earliest Query Answering

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    International audienceEarliest query answering is needed for streaming XML processing with optimal memory management. We study the feasibility of earliest query answering for node selection queries. Tractable queries are distinguished by a bounded number of concurrently alive answer candidates at every time point, and a bounded delay for node selection. We show that both properties are decidable in polynomial time for queries defined by deterministic automata for unranked trees. Our results are obtained by reduction to the bounded valuedness problem for recognizable relations between unranked trees

    Nested Regular Expressions can be Compiled to Small Deterministic Nested Word Automata

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    International audienceWe study the problem of whether regular expressions for nested words can be compiled to small deterministic nested word au-tomata (NWAs). In theory, we obtain a positive answer for small deter-ministic regular expressions for nested words. In practice of navigational path queries, nondeterministic NWAs are obtained for which NWA de-terminization explodes. We show that practical good solutions can be obtained by using stepwise hedge automata as intermediates

    Expressing Belief Flow in Assertion Networks

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    Abstract. In the line of some earlier work done on belief dynamics, we propose an abstract model of belief propagation on a graph based on the methodology of the revision theory of truth. A modal language is developed for portraying the behavior of this model, and its expressiveness is discussed. We compare the proposal of this model as well as the language developed with some of the existing frameworks for modelling communication situations.