126 research outputs found

    Localization of Narrowband Single Photon Emitters in Nanodiamonds

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    © 2016 American Chemical Society. Diamond nanocrystals that host room temperature narrowband single photon emitters are highly sought after for applications in nanophotonics and bioimaging. However, current understanding of the origin of these emitters is extremely limited. In this work, we demonstrate that the narrowband emitters are point defects localized at extended morphological defects in individual nanodiamonds. In particular, we show that nanocrystals with defects such as twin boundaries and secondary nucleation sites exhibit narrowband emission that is absent from pristine individual nanocrystals grown under the same conditions. Critically, we prove that the narrowband emission lines vanish when extended defects are removed deterministically using highly localized electron beam induced etching. Our results enhance the current understanding of single photon emitters in diamond and are directly relevant to fabrication of novel quantum optics devices and sensors

    Ethnic and Gender Disparities in the Uptake of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement in the United States

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    Introduction: Little is known about ethnic and gender disparities for transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) procedures in the United States. Methods: We queried the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) database (2011–2014) to identify patients who underwent TAVR. We described the temporal trends in the uptake of TAVR procedures among various ethnicities and genders. Results: Our analysis identified 39,253 records; 20,497 (52.2%) were men and 18,756 (47.8%) were women. Among all TAVRs, 87.2% were Caucasians, 3.9% were African Americans (AA), 3.7% were Hispanics, and 5.2% were of other ethnicities. We found a significant rise in the trend of TAVRs in all groups: in Caucasian men (coefficient = 0.946, p \u3c 0.001), Caucasian women (coefficient = 0.985, p \u3c 0.001), AA men (coefficient = 0.940, p \u3c 0.001), AA women (coefficient = 0.864, p \u3c 0.001), Hispanic men (coefficient = 0.812, p = 0.001), Hispanic women (coefficient = 0.845, p \u3c 0.001). Hence, the uptrend was most significant among Caucasian women, and relatively least significant among Hispanic men. Multivariate regression analysis was conducted to evaluate in-hospital mortality among different groups after adjusting for demographics and baseline characteristics. After multivariable regression for baseline characteristics overall, the in-hospital mortality per 100 TAVRs was highest among Hispanic men 5.5%, followed by Caucasian women 5.0%, Hispanic women 4.6%, AA women 3.7%, AA men 3.4%, and Caucasian men 3.38% (adjusted p value = 0.004). Conclusions: In this observational study, we demonstrated that there is evidence of ethnic and gender differences in the overall uptake and adjusted mortality of TAVRs in the United States

    Demographic transition and the real exchange rate in Australia: An empirical investigation

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    This article utilizes the empirical findings that age structure of the population affects saving, investment and capital flow and hypothesizes that age structure influences the real exchange rate. Based on this link, an empirical model is specified for Australia and estimated with annual data for the period 1970–2011. An autoregressive distributed lag model of cointegration indicates that Australia's real exchange rate is cointegrated with its productivity differential and the relative share of young dependents (0–14 years) in the population. Long-run estimates show that young cohort has an appreciating influence on the real exchange rate. Also, the short-run adjustment is substantial, with more than 65% of the disequilibrium corrected in a year

    Reforming Fiscal Institutions in Resource-Rich Arab Economies: Policy Proposals

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    This paper traces the evolution of fiscal institutions of Resource Rich Arab Economies (RRAEs) over time since their pre-oil days, through the discovery of oil to their build-up of oil exports. It then identifies challenges faced by RRAEs and variations in their severity among the different countries over time. Finally, it articulates specific policy reforms, which, if implemented successfully, could help to overcome these challenges. In some cases, however, these policy proposals may give rise to important trade-offs that will have to be evaluated carefully in individual cases

    Basic mechanisms of urgency: roles and benefits of pharmacotherapy

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    Introduction Since urgency is key to the overactive bladder syndrome, we have reviewed the mechanisms underlying how bladder filling and urgency are sensed, what causes urgency and how this relates to medical therapy. Materials and methods Review of published literature. Results As urgency can only be assessed in cognitively intact humans, mechanistic studies of urgency often rely on proxy or surrogate parameters, such as detrusor overactivity, but these may not necessarily be reliable. There is an increasing evidence base to suggest that the sensation of ‘urgency’ differs from the normal physiological urge to void upon bladder filling. While the relative roles of alterations in afferent processes, central nervous processing, efferent mechanisms and in intrinsic bladder smooth muscle function remain unclear, and not necessarily mutually exclusive, several lines of evidence support an important role for the latter. Conclusions A better understanding of urgency and its causes may help to develop more effective treatments for voiding dysfunction

    Are Turkish Migrants Altruistic: Evidence from the Macro Data

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    We investigate in this paper whether the stable pattern of remittances over the last three decades can be explained by the altruistic behaviour. This possibility is tested by means of cointegration analysis, which is applied to Turkish remittances from Germany over the period 1962-2005. A single cointegrating relationship is found between the remittances of Turkish workers in Germany and the real Turkish GDP per capita, the real German GDP per capita, the stock of Turkish migrants in Germany, the real exchange rate, and the government instability. The negative coefficient associated with Turkish income and positive coefficients on the real exchange rate and political instability support the claim that Turkish remittances from Germany are altruistically motivated. In addition, we find that the coefficient on the stock of Turkish migrants to be equal to one

    An overwhelming post-splenectomy infection (OPSI)

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    We present the case of a 25 year old man who had a splenectomy five years previously following a road traffic accident (RTA). He presented to our A&E department one evening with fever and upper abdominal pain associated with nausea and vomiting. Clinical examination was unremarkable. Initial investigations revealed only pyuria. He was treated symptomatically along with parenteral antibiotic and admitted to the general medical ward. Within few hours he deteriorated rapidly with septic shock, multi-organ failure, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and eventually cardio-respiratory arrest. Despite all resuscitative measures he died within few hours of admission. Splenectomized patients are prone to develop severe infection, including sepsis and meningitis, due to OPSI, or overwhelming post-splenectomy infection. Presentation may be mild, but the course is rapid and the prognosis is very poor, even in young people. It is important that splenectomized patients receive vaccines according to guidelines, take antibiotic prophylaxis and are educated to seek medical attention at the earliest sign of even minor infections

    SingleEquation Estimation of the Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate

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    ABSTRACT: Estimating the degree of exchange rate misalignment remains one of the most challenging empirical problems in open-economy. A fundamental difficulty is that the equilibrium value of the real exchange rate is not observable. Standard theory tells us, however, that the equilibrium real exchange rate is a function of observable macroeconomic variables, and that the actual real exchange rate approaches the equilibrium rate over time. A recent strand of the empirical literature exploits these observations to develop a single-equation approach to estimating the equilibrium real exchange rate. Drawing on this earlier work, we outline an econometric methodology for estimating both the equilibrium real exchange rate and the degree of misalignment and illustrate the methodology using annual data from Côte d'Ivoire and Burkina Faso. We are grateful to Chris Adam, Neil Ericsson, Philip Jefferson, and Luis Serven for helpful advice, to Peter Montiel for very thorough comments on an earlier draft, and to Ingrid Ivins for assistance with data. Larry Hinkle provided invaluable comments and advice throughout and constructed the counterfactual simulations for Côte d'Ivoire and Burkina Faso. All errors are our own responsibility. Contents 1

    Gender inequality in acute coronary syndrome patients at Omdurman Teaching Hospital, Sudan

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    Background: Gender differences among patients with the acute coronary syndrome is still being debated, no research has been done on gender inequality among coronary syndrome patients in Sudan. Objectives: To study gender differences in presentation, management, and outcomes of acute coronary syndrome in Sudan. Subjects and Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive longitudinal study was conducted in Omdurman Teaching Hospital between July 2014 and August 2015. Patients were invited to sign a written informed consent form, were interviewed and examined by a physician, and then followed during their hospital stay. Information collected includes coronary risk factors, vital signs, echocardiography findings, arrhythmias, heart failure, cardiogenic shock, and death. The Ethical Committee of Omdurman Teaching Hospital approved the research. Results: A total of 197 consecutive acute coronary syndrome patients were included, 43.1% were females. A significant statistical difference was evident between males and females regarding the type of acute coronary syndrome, its presentation, and time of presentation to the hospital, smoking, and receipt of thrombolysis (P < 0.05). No differences were found with regard to age, hypertension, diabetes, family history of myocardial infarction, percutaneous coronary intervention, and in-hospital acute coronary complications (P > 0.05). Conclusion: Women were less likely to receive thrombolytic therapy, present with chest pain, and diagnosed with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. No gender differences were found in acute coronary syndrome risk factors apart from smoking, which was more common in males, and there were no differences between males and females as regards in-hospital complications