41 research outputs found

    Comprehensive condition assessment of the black-backed sea shad (<i>Alosa kessleri</i>, Grimm, 1887) in the Lower Volga

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    The purpose of the research is to assess the condition of the black-backed sea shad (Alosa kessleri, Grimm, 1887) in the Lower Volga according to parasitological, microbiological, toxicological, and biochemical parameters, and to determine the correlation between the above during the spawning. Materials and methods. The research object was the black-backed sea shad caught with a river shore seine. Sampling for comprehensive studies was performed from 15 black-backed sea shads during the spawning migration in 2017. The fish were studied by the method of partial parasitological dissection (the protozoa class was not studied). The fish were collected and dissected, and cameral treatment was performed per Bykhovskaya-Pavlovskaya method. Microbiological studies were conducted by common methods. Species identification of identified helminths and microorganisms was performed according to standard identification guides. Toxicological studies included the determination of lead, cadmium, mercury, and petroleum hydrocarbons in the muscle tissue of the studied shad specimens by atomic absorption. In fish muscles, we studied the number of total lipids by the Zollner method, and water-soluble protein by the spectrometric Warburg-Christian method. The Fulton's condition factor was used for fatness determination. The obtained results were processed statistically. Results and discussion. The results of the comprehensive studies of commercial species of the black-backed sea shad (Alosa kessleri, Grimm, 1887) showed that the parasite fauna of fish was distinguished by a poor species composition as contracted with a qualitative microbiota biodiversity. Infection of the black-backed sea shad proceeded at the asymptomatic carrier level, which indicated a balanced relationship between parasites and the host. The levels of accumulated toxicants in shads were close to the characteristic values for fish in the Volga-Caspian basin. On average, the stock of energy resources in the studied fish had a positive trend in relation to the previous research period. The study results of the black-backed sea shad during the spawning showed the correlation of parasitological, microbiological, toxicological, and biochemical parameters that comprehensively affect the general physiological state of the studied fish

    Применение метода электротомографии для изучения внутреннего строения каменных глетчеров Алтая

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    Internal structure of rock glaciers was investigated at two key sites in Altai by means of electric tomography. It had been found that the rock glaciers of the same type, located at different altitude levels, differ in electric resistances of ice nuclei and the degree of consolidation of the ice material inside of them. Typical characteristics of the ice core of a rock glacier in the high-mountain area are the following: electrical resistivity is about 1000–2000 kOhm∙m and a high degree of the ice consolidation, while the same for the mid-mountain region: the electrical resistivity is 150–300 kOhm∙m and the presence of the talik zones within the glacier body. Using the method of electric tomography for investigation of the internal structure of the rock-glaciers makes possible to reveal presence of frozen soils and ice and to find the upper boundary of occurrence of them from anomalously high specific electric resistance. However, it is not always possible to determine a thickness of the rock-ice formation, and to estimate a degree of its consolidation that does not allow calculating the ice content volume. Limitations of this technology can be overcome by the use of electric tomography in combination with other geophysical methods.На двух ключевых участках территории Алтая выполнено исследование внутреннего строения каменных глетчеров с использованием метода электротомографии. Установлено, что каменные глетчеры, располагающиеся на различных высотных уровнях, отличаются по удельному электрическому сопротивлению и степени консолидации ледяного материала. Для каменно-ледяного ядра каменного глетчера в высокогорье характерны удельное электрическое сопротивление 1000– 2000  кОм∙м и высокая степень консолидации льда, а для каменного глетчера в среднегорье эта величина равна 150–300 кОм∙м, а в теле каменного глетчера присутствуют таликовые зоны

    Toward an economy of wellbeing: The economic impact of the Welsh healthcare sector

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    Population health and wellbeing is both a result, as well as a driver, of economic development and prosperity on global, European, national and sub-national (local) levels. Wales, one of the four United Kingdom (UK) nations, has shown a long-term commitment to sustainable development and achieving prosperity for all, providing a good example of both national and sub-national level, which can be useful for other European countries and regions. In this paper, the economic importance of the healthcare sector to the Welsh economy is explored. We use a large number of data sources for the UK and Welsh economy to derive an economic model for 2017. We estimate output, income, employment, value-added, and import multipliers of the healthcare sector. Results suggest that the healthcare sector has an above average contribution in four explored economic aspects of the Welsh economy (output, income, employment, value-added), according to its impact on the surrounding economic ecosystem. Also, it is below average regarding leaking through imports. The multipliers' values offer empirical evidence when deciding on alternative policy actions. Such actions can be used as a stimulus for encouraging regional development and post-COVID economic recovery. Our study refers to the Welsh healthcare sector's economic impact as a whole. Therefore, we suggest investigating the economic impact of individual healthcare providers in the future

    Cost of health inequality to the NHS in Wales

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    Background: Forty years from the seminal work of Welsh GP Julian Tudor Hart on the Inverse Care Law, inequalities in health and healthcare remain deeply embedded in Wales. There is a wider gap (over 17 years) in healthy life expectancy between people living in the most and least deprived neighborhoods in Wales. This health inequality is reflected in additional healthcare use. In this study we estimate the cost of inequality associated with this additional healthcare use to the publicly funded National Health Service (NHS) in Wales. Methods: We retrieved administrative data on all NHS inpatient admissions, outpatient and accident and emergency attendances in Wales between April 2018 and March 2019 from Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW). Hospital service use data were translated to costs using Healthcare Resource Group (HRG) and health service specific unit cost data and linked with area level mid-year population and deprivation indices in order to calculate the healthcare costs associated with socioeconomics deprivation. Results: Inequality in healthcare use between people from more and less deprived neighborhoods was associated with an additional cost of £322 million per year to the NHS in Wales, accounting for 8.7% of total NHS hospital expenditure in the country. Emergency inpatient admissions made up by far the largest component of this additional cost contributing £247.4 million, 77% of the total. There are also substantial costs of inequality for A&E attendances and outpatient visits, though not maternity services. Elective admissions overall have a negative cost of inequality, since among men aged 50–75 and women aged 60–70, elective utilization is actually negatively associated with deprivation. Conclusion: There are wide inequalities in health and healthcare use between people living in more deprived neighborhoods and those living in less deprived neighborhoods in Wales. Tackling health inequality through a combination of health promotion and early intervention policies targeted toward deprived communities could yield substantial improvement in health and wellbeing, as well as savings for the Welsh NHS through reduced use of emergency hospital care

    Комплексная оценка состояния проходной сельди-черноспинки (Alosa kessleri, Grimm, 1887) в низовьях Волги

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    The purpose of the research is to assess the condition of the black-backed sea shad (Alosa kessleri, Grimm, 1887) in the Lower Volga according to parasitological, microbiological, toxicological, and biochemical parameters, and to determine the correlation between the above during the spawning. Materials and methods. The research object was the black-backed sea shad caught with a river shore seine. Sampling for comprehensive studies was performed from 15 black-backed sea shads during the spawning migration in 2017. The fish were studied by the method of partial parasitological dissection (the protozoa class was not studied). The fish were collected and dissected, and cameral treatment was performed per Bykhovskaya-Pavlovskaya method. Microbiological studies were conducted by common methods. Species identification of identified helminths and microorganisms was performed according to standard identification guides. Toxicological studies included the determination of lead, cadmium, mercury, and petroleum hydrocarbons in the muscle tissue of the studied shad specimens by atomic absorption. In fish muscles, we studied the number of total lipids by the Zollner method, and water-soluble protein by the spectrometric Warburg-Christian method. The Fulton's condition factor was used for fatness determination. The obtained results were processed statistically. Results and discussion. The results of the comprehensive studies of commercial species of the black-backed sea shad (Alosa kessleri, Grimm, 1887) showed that the parasite fauna of fish was distinguished by a poor species composition as contracted with a qualitative microbiota biodiversity. Infection of the black-backed sea shad proceeded at the asymptomatic carrier level, which indicated a balanced relationship between parasites and the host. The levels of accumulated toxicants in shads were close to the characteristic values for fish in the Volga-Caspian basin. On average, the stock of energy resources in the studied fish had a positive trend in relation to the previous research period. The study results of the black-backed sea shad during the spawning showed the correlation of parasitological, microbiological, toxicological, and biochemical parameters that comprehensively affect the general physiological state of the studied fish.Цель исследований – оценка состояния проходной сельди-черноспинки (Alosa kessleri, Grimm, 1887) в низовьях реки Волги по паразитологическим, микробиологическим, токсикологическим и биохимическим показателям, а также определение взаимосвязи между ними в период нереста. Материалы и методы. Объектом исследований служила проходная сельдь-черноспинка, выловленная с помощью речного закидного невода. Отбор проб для комплексных исследований от 15 экз. сельди-черноспинки осуществляли в период нерестовой миграции в 2017 г. Рыбу изучали методом неполного паразитологического вскрытия (класс простейших не исследовали). Сбор, вскрытие рыбы и камеральную обработку осуществляли по методике Быховской-Павловской. Микробиологические исследования проводили в соответствии с общепринятыми методиками. Видовую идентификацию выявленных гельминтов и микроорганизмов осуществляли по стандартным определителям. Токсикологические исследования включали определение содержания свинца, кадмия, ртути, нефтяных углеводородов в мышечной ткани исследуемых экземпляров сельди методом атомной абсорбции. В мышцах рыб исследовали число общих липидов по методу Цольнера и водорастворимого белка спектрометрическим методом Варбурга и Христьяна. Коэффициент упитанности определяли по методу Фультона. Полученные результаты обработали статистически. Результаты и обсуждение. Результаты комплексных исследований промыслового вида проходной сельди-черноспинки (Alosa kessleri, Grimm, 1887) показали, что паразитофауна рыб отличалась бедным видовым составом на фоне качественного биоразнообразия микробиоты. Заражение сельди-черноспинки протекало на уровне бессимптомного носительства, что указывало на сбалансированные отношения паразитов и хозяина. Уровни накопления токсикантов в организме сельди были близки к характерным значениям для рыб Волго-Каспийского бассейна. В среднем, уровень запаса энергетических ресурсов у обследованных рыб по отношению к предыдущему периоду исследований имел положительную динамику. Результаты исследования состояния сельди-черноспинки в нерестовый период показали взаимосвязь паразитологических, микробиологических, токсикологических и биохимических показателей, комплексно влияющих на общее физиологическое состояние обследованной рыбы

    Геофизические исследования внутреннего строения гляциально-мерзлотных каменных образований Центрального Алтая

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    Several complexes of glacial-permafrost stone formations have been studied in the Central Altai using geophysical methods. The features of their internal structure together with characteristic differences between them depending on the dynamic activity, altitude and geomorphological characteristics were determined. Integration of the methods of the electrical resistivity tomography and the GPR-sounding made it possible to distinguish roofs on all the studied formations and to estimate thicknesses of the stone-ice cores. Studying of eight formations with different degrees of activity and located at different altitudes did show that the thicknesses of the stone-ice cores increase with height: from 8–10 m in the mid-mountain zone up to 18-20 m in the highlands. The values of the specific resistance of cores inside the glacial-stone formations are directly proportional to altitudes of the objects (the correlation coefficient is 0.7) that give an indication of increasing in the amount of ice in them with height. The depth of occurrence of the roof of the stone-ice material in the formations is more dependent on the exposure of the slope on which the object is located, and changes from 1–2 m on slopes of the Northern exposure up to 4–6 m on slopes of the Southern and Western exposures.C помощью комплекса методов электротомографии и георадиолокационного зондирования установлена глубина залегания и оценена мощность каменно‑ледяных ядер, а также прослежена взаимосвязь морфологии поверхности и внутреннего строения гляциально‑мерзлотных каменных образований Центрального Алтая

    Липидная стратегия повышения биодоступности нуклеозидных ингибиторов обратной транскриптазы ВИЧ

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    In recent years, various approaches to the prodrug design on the basis of anti-HIV active nucleoside compounds used in the therapy are intensively investigated. In this paper, the principles of modifying this class of drugs by lipid substances allowing obtained conjugates to insert in natural lipid transport and metabolic pathways that can increase nucleoside agents bioavailability are described. Literature data associated with the research of the pronucleotide approach serving the purpose of increasing nucleoside drugs therapeutical efficacy and reducing the side effects on the organism are reviewed. Experimental data obtained by the authors in course of research of synthetic routes and properties of the new lipid-modified anti-HIV nucleosides are also presented.В последние годы широко исследуются различные подходы к конструированию пролекарственных соединений на основе применяемых в терапевтической практике анти-ВИЧ-активных нуклеозидных препаратов. В работе рассмотрены принципы модификации лекарственных средств данного класса с помощью веществ липидной природы, позволяющие образующимся конъюгатам встраиваться в естественные пути транспорта и метаболизма природных липидов, что приводит к повышению биодоступности нуклеозидных агентов. Представлены литературные данные, посвященные исследованиям пронуклеотидного подхода для повышения терапевтической эффективности нуклеозидных препаратов и снижения их побочного действия на организм. Также приводятся результаты собственных экспериментальных исследований путей синтеза и свойств новых липидмодифицированных анти-ВИЧ-нуклеозидов

    Дистанционное и радиолокационное исследование ледника Левый Ирбисту (Южно-Чуйский хребет, Республика Алтай)

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    To determine changes of glacier No. 31 (SU5A15106031), happened in the beginning of the XXI century, satellite images, obtained from the Landsat-7, 8, 9 and Sentinel-2 satellites in different years, were analyzed. As a result, data on the glacier changes were obtained for the period from 2000 to 2022. During this time, the length of the main stream of the glacier decreased by 144 m (6.8%), and the total area of the entire glacier – by 0.089 km2 (9.7%). The rate of retreat of the glacier front varied from 2 to 15 m/year, on average – 6.5 m/year, and the glacier area decreased by on average of 0.004 km2/year. In 2022, the glacier consisted of two separate ice streams, with a total area of 0.823 km2 and a maximum length of 1.955 km. Aerial photography was carried out using a DJI Phantom 4 quadcopter. A high-resolution orthophotoplan (±5 cm), a digital terrain model, a three-dimensional model of the surface of the glacier tongue and adjacent territories, with a total area of 0.25 km2, were made. Radar sounding was performed by the Python-3 georadar in two configurations: at frequencies 50 and 100 MHz. Two cross-sections of the glacier were constructed from the radar data: one was taken at a frequency of 100 MHz, and the second at both – 50 MHz and 100 MHz. The analysis of the radiogram of these profiles made possible to reveal that the larger thickness of the glacier in the study area was measured along the left side of the glacier tongue, the maximum recorded thickness was equal to 66 mНа основе данных ДЗЗ за 2000–2022 гг. выявлено изменение малого ледника № 31 (SU5A15106031), расположенного на Южно-Чуйском хребте Центрального Алтая. За это время ледник сократился на 144 м (на 6.8%) и потерял 0.089 км2 (9.7%) своей площади. Приведены результаты аэрофотосъёмки и радиолокационного зондирования нижней части языка ледника, выполненных в 2022 г

    Методы детекции специфических для опухолевой ткани однонуклеотидных соматических мутаций в препаратах цДНК из плазмы крови

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    Introduction. Liquid biopsy is considered as a minimally invasive method of molecular genetic analysis that can be used for early diagnosis, prognosis of disease development, monitoring of residual disease or treatment outcomes, and selection of optimal drug therapy schemes for a patient. Along with the development of tests based on the study of panels of oncologically significant genes or their regions, for various forms of genetically heterogeneous tumors a promising approach could be the use as an object of liquid biopsy of an individual spectrum of somatic mutations of a particular patient that can be detected on the basis of high-throughput sequencing of tumor tissue.Aim. To determine the applicability of different methods for detecting single-nucleotide somatic mutations detected in tumor tissue of a particular patient in cDNA preparations from blood plasma obtained before surgical removal of the tumor and to evaluate the possibility of quantifying the proportion of the alternative variant in the total pool of cDNA. Materials and methods. We used normal and tumor tissue, as well as blood plasma samples from patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, and various methods for detecting single-nucleotide somatic mutations: real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with intercalating dye or with TaqMan probes, droplet digital PCR and high-throughput sequencing of target amplicons.Results. Using the example of a somatic mutation in the TLN1 gene detected in tumor tissue of a patient with hepatocellular carcinoma, methods were developed and tested, each of which allows specific detection of the mutant variant in small amounts (2 ng) of cDNA from the blood plasma of the same patient. The use of droplet PCR and target amplicon sequencing methods allowed us to quantify the proportion of the mutant variant in the total cDNA pool, which was 19.7 and 23.5 %, respectively.Conclusion. Among the methods investigated, droplet digital PCR and targeted amplicon sequencing allow not only reliable detection of mutant variants in small amounts of cDNA, but also adequate quantification, which is particularly important for the development of ways to monitor tumor growth during treatment. The close values of the proportion of mutant variants in cDNA detected by these methods indicate the accuracy of quantitative analysis and the possibility of their use for cross-validation of the results obtained.Введение. Жидкостная биопсия рассматривается как малоинвазивный способ проведения молекулярно-генетического анализа, который может быть использован для ранней диагностики, прогноза течения заболевания, мониторинга остаточной болезни или результатов лечения, а также выбора оптимальных для пациента схем лекарственной терапии. Наряду с разработкой тестов, основанных на исследовании панелей онкологически значимых генов или их участков, для различных форм генетически гетерогенных опухолей перспективным подходом может стать использование в качестве объекта жидкостной биопсии индивидуального спектра соматических мутаций конкретного больного, которые могут быть выявлены с помощью высокопроизводительного секвенирования опухолевой ткани.Цель исследования - определить возможность использования различных методов детекции однонуклеотидных соматических мутаций, выявленных в опухолевой ткани конкретного пациента, в препаратах циркулирующей ДНК (цДНК) из плазмы крови, полученных до хирургического удаления опухоли, и выявить возможность количественной оценки доли альтернативного варианта в общем пуле цДНК.Материалы и методы. В работе использованы препараты нормальной и опухолевой тканей, плазмы крови пациентов с гепатоцеллюлярной карциномой, а также различные методы детекции однонуклеотидных соматических мутаций: полимеразная цепная реакция (ПЦР) в реальном времени с интеркалирующим красителем или с зондами TaqMan, капельная цифровая ПЦР и высокопроизводительное секвенирование таргетных ампликонов.Результаты. На примере соматической мутации в гене TLN1, выявленной в опухолевой ткани пациента с гепатоцеллюлярной карциномой, разработаны и апробированы методы, каждый из которых позволяет специфично детектировать мутантный вариант в малых количествах (2 нг) цДНК из плазмы крови того же пациента. использование капельной ПЦР и секвенирования таргетных ампликонов позволило провести количественную оценку долей мутантного варианта в общем пуле цДНК, которые составили 19,7 и 23,5 % соответственно.Заключение. Капельная цифровая ПЦР и таргетное секвенирование ампликонов позволяют не только надежно детектировать мутантные варианты в малых количествах цДНК, но и адекватно проводить их количественную оценку, что особенно важно для разработки способов мониторинга опухолевого роста в процессе лечения. Близкие значения доли мутантного варианта в цДНК, детектированной этими методами, свидетельствуют о точности количественного анализа и возможности их использования для кросс-валидации получаемых результатов