2,672 research outputs found

    Pentaquark Searches at CDF

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    Recently there has been revival of interest in exotic baryon spectroscopy triggered by experimental evidence for pentaquarks containing u,d,s and c-quarks. We report results of the searches for pentaquark states in decays to p K0S, Xi- pi+,- and D*- p performed at CDF detector using 220 pb-1 sample of pp= interactions at sqrt(s) of 1.96 TeV. No evidence for narrow resonances were found in either mode.Comment: Presented at 6th International Conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons (BEACH 2004), Chicago, Illinois, 27 Jun - 3 Jul 200

    A Precessing Ferromagnetic Needle Magnetometer

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    A ferromagnetic needle is predicted to precess about the magnetic field axis at a Larmor frequency Ω\Omega under conditions where its intrinsic spin dominates over its rotational angular momentum, NIΩN\hbar \gg I\Omega (II is the moment of inertia of the needle about the precession axis and NN is the number of polarized spins in the needle). In this regime the needle behaves as a gyroscope with spin NN\hbar maintained along the easy axis of the needle by the crystalline and shape anisotropy. A precessing ferromagnetic needle is a correlated system of NN spins which can be used to measure magnetic fields for long times. In principle, by taking advantage of rapid averaging of quantum uncertainty, the sensitivity of a precessing needle magnetometer can far surpass that of magnetometers based on spin precession of atoms in the gas phase. Under conditions where noise from coupling to the environment is subdominant, the scaling with measurement time tt of the quantum- and detection-limited magnetometric sensitivity is t3/2t^{-3/2}. The phenomenon of ferromagnetic needle precession may be of particular interest for precision measurements testing fundamental physics.Comment: Main text: 6 pages, 2 figures; Supplementary material: 3 pages, 1 figur

    Black Holes in AdS/BCFT and Fluid/Gravity Correspondence

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    A proposal to describe gravity duals of conformal theories with boundaries (AdS/BCFT correspondence) was put forward by Takayanagi few years ago. However interesting solutions describing field theories at finite temperature and charge density are still lacking. In this paper we describe a class of theories with boundary, which admit black hole type gravity solutions. The theories are specified by stress-energy tensors that reside on the extensions of the boundary to the bulk. From this perspective AdS/BCFT appears analogous to the fluid/gravity correspondence. Among the class of the boundary extensions there is a special (integrable) one, for which the stress-energy tensor is fluid-like. We discuss features of that special solution as well as its thermodynamic properties.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures (7 pdf-files). Save and view with Adobe Reader if images appear corrupted in the browse