6,561 research outputs found

    Correlations and charge distributions of medium heavy nuclei

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    The effects of long- and short-range correlations on the charge distributions of some medium and heavy nuclei are investigated. The long-range correlations are treated within the Random Phase Approximation framework and the short-range correlations with a model inspired to the Correlation Basis Function theory. The two type of correlations produce effects of the same order of magnitude. A comparison with the empirical charge distribution difference between 206Pb and 205Tl shows the need of including both correlations to obtain a good description of the data.Comment: 20 pages, Latex, accepted for publication in Jour. Phys.

    Visual Outcome Of Traumatic Cataract Surgery In Ibadan, Nigeria

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    To review the visual outcome of traumatic cataracts operated at the University College Hospital, Ibadanwith the view to making recommendations for improved outcome. All patients operated at the University College Hospital Ibadan, Nigeria between May 1999 and April 2004with traumatic cataractwere reviewed retrospectively to determine visual outcome andmain causes of poor visual outcome 6/18, 10 (32.2%) < 6/18-3/60,while 32.2%of the cases reviewed remained blind or had visio

    Addison's disease: a case report

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    Addison's disease is a rare endocrine disease. This is a report of a case of Addison's disease as seen in a Nigerian female patient to highlight the occurrence in this environment as well as sensitize practitioners as to its possible aetiology, particularly in this era of tuberculosis and the pandemic of HIV/AIDS. Keywords: Addison's disease, tuberculosis Annals of African Medicine Vol.2(2) 2003: 85-8

    Effects of state dependent correlations on nucleon density and momentum distributions

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    The proton momentum and density distributions of closed shell nuclei are calculated within a model treating short--range correlations up to first order in the cluster expansion. The validity of the model is verified by comparing the results obtained with purely scalar correlations with those produced by finite nuclei Fermi Hypernetted Chain calculations. State dependent correlations are used to calculate momentum and density distributions of 12C, 16O, 40Ca, and 48Ca, and the effects of their tensor components are studied.Comment: 16 pages, latex, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Paediatric discharges against medical advice at a tertiary health centre in Bayelsa State, Nigeria

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    Introduction: Paediatric discharges against medical advice (DAMA) are common hospital experiences which limit appropriate and comprehensive treatment as a result of abrupt termination of physician care. The fact remains that the children who are the major culprits of this practice are not legally able to participate in this decision making process which may negatively affect their health.Objectives: This present study was carried out with the aim of identifying the DAMA prevalence, the socio-cultural characteristics and reason(s) for DAMA among the paediatric patients admitted into the Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital, Bayelsa.Methods: Case notes of all children who had been discharged against medical advice over a 2 year period(1st of June 2011 to 31st of May 2013) were retrospectively reviewed and analysed.Results: One hundred and fortyone children out of a total of 1872 children admitted into the paediatric wards had been discharged against medical advice, giving a DAMA prevalence rate of 7.5%. Out of 120 children whose case notes were retrieved and analysed, there were69(57.5%) males and 51 (42.5%) females with a male: female ratio of 1.4:1. Neonatal septicaemia (32.6%), birth asphyxia (27.9%) and prematurity (14.0%) were the major diagnosis in neonates while respiratory tract infections (18.2%), severe malaria (15.6%) and septicaemia (14.3%) were the commonest diagnosis in older children who were DAMA. Discharges against medical advice occurred commonly in the first week of admission (69.0%) and among infants (58.0%). Majority of the patients were from low and middle social classes (85.8%) with 30% of the children belonging to families with 4 or more children. The commonest reasons for DAMA were financial constraints (36.7%), lack of clinical improvement (7.5%) and inconvenience of child’s admission (7.5%). Only 27% of the children’s clinical condition had been noted to have improved before DAMA and fathers were the signatories to the discharge documents in 68% of cases.Conclusions: Discharges against medical advice remain a serious public health problem with infants being the most vulnerable. Government provision of free child health services, improving access to health facilities through creation of better road network, better patient- physician relationship, child advocacy and female empowerment would help to ameliorate this problem.Keywords: Discharges against medical advice, child care, advocacy, Nigeria

    A Review of Stroke Cases in a Military Hospital in Nigeria

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    BACKGROUND: CVA (Stroke) remains one of the most common neurological illnesses in the country, accounting for a greater percentage of morbidity and morality. Its increasing prevalence is a source of worry to most health personnel. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study is to review the patient characteristic, risk factors, clinical features and prognostic factors among the patients with CVA who were admitted within the period under review; with a view to reinforcing measure to address this factor. METHOD: This is a retrospective study of all new patient managed for stroke in the medical ward of Military hospital, Port Harcourt from January 1, 2012 to October 31, 2012. RESULT: A total of 37 patients were admitted with stroke during the period under review. The males were 19 (51.3%) and females, 18 (48.7%). Hypertension (81.1%), Deranged lipid profile (45.9%) and diabetics (24.3%) were the commonest risk factors for stroke. HIV accounted for 10.8% of the patients, and it was also the risk factor in all the patients less than 50yrs. Sixteen (43.2%) patients had left hemparesis, 14(37.8%) right hemiparesis, while global was 7 (18.9%). A total of 7 deaths were recorded in the first 72hrs of admission. CONCLUSION: Stroke still contributes significantly to the increasing mortality and morbidity among patients admitted in our hospitals. Modifiable risk factors should be aggressively addressed to reduce the burden of stroke in our society. Keywords: Stroke, Military Hospital, Nigeria

    Harmful traditional practices in a newborn: A case report

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    Ninetynine percent of the nearly four million newborn deaths occur in developing countries with newborn deaths remaining relatively invisible and neglected1. In these countries, traditional attitudes and practices dominate newborn care and are often harzadous2. As most births and newborn deaths in developing countries occur outside health care facilities, a reduction in neonatal mortality may depend significantly on interventions involving adaptation of traditional care behaviours practiced at home3. However, despite the importance of traditional practices in the newborn period, little is known about the impact of these practices on newborn health2. We herein present a case of an eighteen day old female who was rushed to the hospital with severe wasting, recto-vaginal prolapse and septic umbilical cord resulting from repeated traditional homecare practices by her mother and grandmother. This case highlights the impact of harmful traditional home care practices on newborn health and emphasizes the urgent need for public enlightenment campaigns and other policy decisions and interventions aimed at reducing this societal menace.Keywords: Harmful traditional practices, newborn, neonatal morbidity, neonatal mortalit

    Letter from C. O. Mailloux to Newport Illuminating Co, copy to John Yale

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    Cystercercus Larva in the Anterior Chamber of the Eye of a 7- year-old Nigerian Girl

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    The case of a 7 year old Nigerian girl with features of traumatic uveitis which was later found to have anterior chamber cestode larva infestation is presented. Though uncommon, ocular cestode larva infestation should be considered when children present with features of ocular inflammation
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