132 research outputs found

    Получение наноразмерных плёнок LiPON высокочастотным магнетронным напылением

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    Описана конструкция лабораторной установки для получения наноразмерных аморфных плёнок фосфор-оксинитрида лития (LiPON) методом высокочастотного магнетронного напыления. Каждый блок установки был модернизирован, чтобы основные параметры напыления (ВЧ-мощность, температура подложки, время напыления, давление рабочего газа) можно было регулировать в широком диапазоне. Установлена взаимосвязь между режимами напыления и микроструктурой плёнок LiPON. Установлено, что полученные плёнки LiPON характеризуются высокой величиной ионной проводимости при комнатной температуре (3,2•10⁻⁶ Ом⁻¹ •см⁻¹) и энергией активации 0,27 эВ. Изготовлен композиционный твёрдый электролит LIPON/LLTO/LIPON, который обладает высокой химической стойкостью при контакте с металлическим литиевым анодом, высокой ионной проводимостью и может быть использован в электрохимических устройствах.Описано конструкцію лабораторної установки для одержання нанорозмірних, аморфних плівок фосфор-оксинітриду літію (LiPON) методою високочастотного магнетронного напорошення. Кожен блок установки було модернізовано, щоб основні параметри напорошення (ВЧ-потужність, температура підложжя, час напорошення, тиск робочого газу) можна було реґулювати в широкому діяпазоні. Встановлено взаємозв’язок між режимами напорошення та мікроструктурою плівок LiPON. Встановлено, що одержані плівки LiPON характеризуються високою величиною йонної провідности за кімнатної температури (3,2•10⁻⁶ Ом⁻¹ •см⁻¹) та енергією активації у 0,27 еВ. Виготовлено композиційний твердий електроліт LIPON/LLTO/LIPON, який має високу хімічну стійкість при контакті з металевим літієвим анодом, високу йонну провідність і може бути використаний в електрохімічних пристроях.The construction of laboratory installation for fabrication of nanoscale amorphous films of lithium phosphorus oxynitride (LiPON) by highfrequency magnetron sputtering is described. Each unit of the installation is modified in such a way that the basic parameters of deposition (HF power, substrate temperature, deposition time, pressure of working gas) could be adjusted over a wide range. The relationship between the deposition parameters and the microstructure of the LiPON films is determined. As found, the deposited LiPON films are characterized by a high ionic conductivity at room temperature (3,2•10⁻⁶ Ом⁻¹ •см⁻¹) and conductivity activation energy of 0.27 eV. The fabricated LIPON/LLTO/LIPON composite solid electrolyte has a high chemical stability in contact with a lithium anode, high ionic conductivity, and can be used in electrochemical devices

    Broadband impedance spectroscopy of some Li+ and Vo** conducting solid electrolytes

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    The solid electrolyte Li3Ti1.5(PO4)3 compound has been synthesized by solid state reaction and studied by X-ray diffraction. At room temperature the compound belongs to rhombohedral symmetry (space group R3 ̅c) with six formula units in the unit cell. Li3Ti1.5(PO4)3, Li3xLa2/3–xTiO3 (where x = 0.12) Li+-ion conducting, Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9, (ZrO2)92(Y2O3)8 with fast oxygen vacancy transport ceramic samples were investigated in the frequency range from 1 Hz to 3 GHz in the temperature interval (300-700) K by impedance spectroscopy methods. Two dispersion regions in ionic conductivity spectra for investigated ceramic samples have been found. The dispersions have been attributed to relaxation processes in grain boundaries and in grains of the ceramics

    Broadband impedance spectroscopy of some Li+ and Vo** conducting solid electrolytes

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    The solid electrolyte Li3Ti1.5(PO4)3 compound has been synthesized by solid state reaction and studied by X-ray diffraction. At room temperature the compound belongs to rhombohedral symmetry (space group R3 ̅c) with six formula units in the unit cell. Li3Ti1.5(PO4)3, Li3xLa2/3–xTiO3 (where x = 0.12) Li+-ion conducting, Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9, (ZrO2)92(Y2O3)8 with fast oxygen vacancy transport ceramic samples were investigated in the frequency range from 1 Hz to 3 GHz in the temperature interval (300-700) K by impedance spectroscopy methods. Two dispersion regions in ionic conductivity spectra for investigated ceramic samples have been found. The dispersions have been attributed to relaxation processes in grain boundaries and in grains of the ceramics

    Representations of solutions of the wave equation based on relativistic wavelets

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    A representation of solutions of the wave equation with two spatial coordinates in terms of localized elementary ones is presented. Elementary solutions are constructed from four solutions with the help of transformations of the affine Poincar\'e group, i.e., with the help of translations, dilations in space and time and Lorentz transformations. The representation can be interpreted in terms of the initial-boundary value problem for the wave equation in a half-plane. It gives the solution as an integral representation of two types of solutions: propagating localized solutions running away from the boundary under different angles and packet-like surface waves running along the boundary and exponentially decreasing away from the boundary. Properties of elementary solutions are discussed. A numerical investigation of coefficients of the decomposition is carried out. An example of the field created by sources moving along a line with different speeds is considered, and the dependence of coefficients on speeds of sources is discussed.Comment: submitted to J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 20 pages, 6 figure

    Increased Activity of Cell Surface Peptidases in HeLa Cells Undergoing UV-Induced Apoptosis Is Not Mediated by Caspase 3

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    We have previously shown that in HeLa cells treated with a variety of agents there is an increase in cell surface peptidase (CSP) activity in those cells undergoing apoptosis. The increase in CSP activity observed in UVB-irradiated cells undergoing apoptosis was unaffected when the cultures were treated with the aminopeptidase inhibitor bestatin, and matrix metalloprotease inhibitor BB3103, but greatly enhanced when treated with the caspase 3 inhibitor-DEVD, and reduced in the presence of the poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitor-3-aminobenzamide (3AB). Neither 3AB nor DEVD had an effect on the gross morphology of the apoptotic cells observed under electron microscopy, nor did they have an effect on phosphatidylserine eversion on the cell membrane, or that of PARP cleavage. All the agents except for DEVD had no effect on the level of caspase 3 activity in the cells. The results suggest that other caspases may cleave PARP in these cells. Both 3AB and DEVD treatment reduced the level of actin cleavage seen in the apoptotic cells. The increase in CSP activity observed in cells undergoing UVB-induced apoptosis appears to involve PARP but not caspase 3

    Impact of Optimized Breastfeeding on the Costs of Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Extremely Low Birthweight Infants

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    To estimate risk of NEC for ELBW infants as a function of preterm formula and maternal milk (MM) intake and calculate the impact of suboptimal feeding on NEC incidence and costs

    Polymer‐Based Solid Electrochromic Cell for Matrix‐Addressable Display Devices

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