172 research outputs found

    Cost management in technological processes taking into account the implementation of the resource saving policy

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    The most important factor in maintaining the positions of Russian oil companies at the global level is taking into account the factors of changes in the external environment and the activation of internal reserves. The development of effective management decision support systems requires new management concepts based on current advances in production management theory and practice. The article proposes an approach based on determining the optimal combination of resources used in the production process and assessing their impact on the formation of production costs. The concept of cost management is based on an analysis, included the specifics of the enterprise’s internal environment and an assessment of the external environment impact on it. A cost management methodology has been developed to reduce the labour intensity of decision-making and the likelihood of technical selection errors, and to increase the efficiency of resource use and cost management. The proposed approach to cost management model formation has been recommended for using at oil industry enterprises. It can also be applied to enterprises in other industries by developing key performance indicators that affect the main cost items of the technological process under consideration


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    The conducted researches allowed to establish that intensive disintegration of a muscular glycogen leads to sharp decrease in size рН muscular tissue in the sour party that in turn affects a chemical composition and physic-colloidal structure of proteins therefore: resistance of meat of fish to action of putrefactive microorganisms increases; solubility of muscle proteins, level of their hydration which is water connecting abilities decreases; there is a swelling of collagen of connecting fabric; activity of the cathepsin (an optimum рН 5,3) causing hydrolysis of proteins at later stages of an autolysis increases; the bicarbonate system of muscular tissue with release of carbon dioxide collapses; predecessors of taste and aroma of meat are formed; process of oxidation of lipids becomes more active. As a result of accumulation dairy, phosphoric and other acids in meat of fish concentration of hydrogen ions of that decrease рН is result increases. Sharply shown sour environment and availability of inorganic phosphorus is considered the reason of disintegration of an actin-myosin complex on actin and a myosin which begins after 8 hours of storage, i.e. there comes the period of relaxation of muscle fibers and the period of permission of an numbness, and then the last stage of maturing of meat – deep autolysis. Thus, on the basis of classical ideas of biochemical changes of meat of land animals and summarizing the obtained data on posthumous changes in muscular tissue of fishes, it is possible to draw a conclusion that they have similar nature of regularity in comparison with muscular tissue of land animals, but their main difference is higher speed of course of autolytic transformations. It in turn leads to faster change of FTS of meat of fishes who are the defining indicators when developing assortment groups of products taking into account stages of an autolysis in meat


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    The method of hydroponics for growing plants without soil has been developed, where the many advantages are: the high technological performance; reduce of expenses; economy in watering and fertilizers due to lack of drainage system and extra engineering needed for solution circulation; reduce of exploitations expenses due to lack of soil tilling. There is also no problem concerning the root rots that are typical for all methods of growing plants without soil. This allows growing the plants with large root volume and prolonged period of vegetation. Efficiency of this system  has been proven by multi-year experiments. It was shown  that  vegetable crop  such as cucumber,  the root system of which is very sensible to oxygen deficiency, well grew, developed and gave fruits on the vegetation tray.Разработан  способ  бессубстратного  гидропонного выращивания, который обладет рядом преимуществ: обладает высокой технологичностью; обеспечивает снижение капитальных  затрат и экономию поливной воды и удобрений за счет отсутствия необходимости в дренаже и инженерных системах, связанных с циркуляцией питательного раствора; обеспечивает снижение эксплуатационных затрат за счет отказа   от использования  субстрата;  устраняет  проблему корневых гнилей, типичную для всех известных способов бессубстратной гидропоники, что позволяет успешно выращивать растения с большим объемом корневой системы и длительным периодом вегетации. Работоспособность  данного способа  выращивания подтверждена многолетними испытаниями. Было показано, что плодовые овощные культуры (в том числе и огурец, корневая система которого особенно чувствительна к кислородному голоданию) прекрасно растут, развиваются и плодоносят в вегетационных лотках данной конструкции

    Systemic vasculitides: сlinical cases

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    Systemic vasculitides (SV) are a group of diseases characterized by vessel wall inflammation that leads to ischemic changes in the organs and tissues, which the respective vessels supply blood to; the spectrum of the clinical manifestations of SV depends on the type, size, location of the affected vessels, and on the activity of systemic inflammation. The etiology of the majority of primary vasculitides is unknown. It is assumed that many microorganisms may initiate inflammation of vessels of various sizes, but only some forms of SV (and in some patients) can be clearly related to certain causative and/or trigger factors (drug hypersensitivity, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, etc.). The paper gives clinical examples of the timely diagnosis and treatment of 2 SV cases in young men working on the railway of the town of Ruzaevka

    Genetic polymorphisms associated with the development of arrhythmic type of cardiovascular events

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    The review analyzes the global agenda on mutational status of genes associated with adverse cardiovascular events of arrhythmic type. Whole exome sequencing will identify a risk group for the likelihood of early or delayed cardiovascular events of arrhythmic type, especially among patients receiving anticancer therapy with cardiotoxic drugs. The dedicated up-to-date panel of genetic polymorphisms will provide an opportunity to optimize management of patients, based on not only clinical, paraclinical and anamnestic data

    Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Implementation of Innovative Projects in the Steel Plant

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    The article Describes the essence and methods of evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of innovative projects. The results of this work are proposals to amend the legislation of the Russian Federation related to innovation policy.Описываются суть и методы оценки эффективности внедрения инновационных проектов. Результаты данной работы – предложения по внесению изменений в законодательство РФ, связанные с инновационной политикой


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    The collaborative work on growing of leafy turnip in condition of salad production line was conducted in ООО PKF «AGROTIP». The possibility of obtaining of ecologically safety salad turnip of cv. Selekta, Sapfir, and Biryuza at hydroponic system are shown. Data of yield, productivity, and content of ascorbic acid in green leaf of turnip growing in condition of flow hydroponic system are presented. The possibilities of using of tested turnip varieties in modern agrotechnological systems are discussed.Проведены совместные исследования по выращиванию репы листовой в условиях «салатныхкомплексов» на экспериментальной базе ООО «ПКФ «АГРОТИП». Показаны возможности получения экологически безопасной салатной зелени репы листовой новых сортов Селекта, Сапфир и Бирюза на проточной гидропонике. В данных условиях растения репы за 26 суток достигали массы от 88 до 182 г, в то время как у салата это происходит за 32 суток. Наиболее быстрыми темпами роста отличались сорта Селекта и Бирюза. Оценка биохимического состава салатной зелени репы показала, что в проточной культуре содержание аскорбиновой кислоты несколько ниже по сравнению с традиционной технологией, что, однако, не снижает ценности полученной продукции, которая при этом характеризуется очень низким накоплением нитратов. Таким образом, в зимнее время за один месяц при досвечивании на линии проточной гидропоники получена экологически чистая (низкое накопление нитратов) салатная зелень листовой репы сортов Сапфир, Бирюза и Селекта, что говорит о новых возможностях использования сортов ФГБНУ ВНИИССОК в современных агротехнологиях