17 research outputs found
A new genus of patellogastropod with unusual protoconch from Miocene of Paratethys
The protoconch and teleoconch morphology of “Tectura” angulata, “Tectura” pseudolaevigata from the Sarmatian and “Tectura” zboroviensisfrom the Badenian of the Eastern Paratethys have been studied in detail for the first time. The new genus Blinia is established for Sarmatian species which are characterized by a protoconch indicative of lecithotrophic type of early development lacking even a short free−swimming larval stage. In contrary the protoconch of Badenian “Tectura” zboroviensis demonstrates features of the shell typical for planktonic larva. The shape and proportions of a pancake−like protoconch in Blinia species suggest the development of young snails in brood pouch in the mantle cavity of maternal individual. The independence of Blinia gen. nov. from other Patellogastropoda such as Tectura, Patella, and Helcion is supported also by characteristics of shell structure. Typical patellogastropod protoconchs are present in the Badenian and the first half of the early Sarmatian and the protoconchs indicating lecithotrophic development are observed in patellogastropods only from the younger half of early Sarmatian and middle Sarmatian deposits. The change in ontogenetic strategy occurred during time of lowered salinity in the Paratethys. We suggest that the snails’ reproductive strategy was modified and free larval life was suppressed to cope with salinity change in the ambient water
Limpet-shaped gastropods of the genus Diodora (Vetigastropoda: Fissurellidae) from the Middle Miocene of Western Ukraine
The genus Diodora Gray, 1821 is widely represented in the Middle Miocene of the Central Paratethys with specimens usually attributed to D. graeca (Linnaeus, 1758) or D. italic (Defrance, 1820), well-known recent species of the Atlantic / Mediterranean Basin. In samples from the Upper Badenian of Western Ukraine we found two clusters of Diodora specimens, showing a similarity with these species, but a review of shell diagnostic characters using a statistical approach has revealed their clear conchological separateness. The first species from Varovtsi and Horodok is attributed herein to D. nodosa (Eichwald, 1830), whereas the second species from Maksymivka is described as a new species, D. stalennuyi sp. nov. We consider that these molluscs inhabited the Polish-Ukrainian marginal part of the Late Badenian Basin. Detailed descriptions of the protoconch and teleoconch morphology of the taxa involved, including SEM images, are presented
Paleontological study of the Paleogene–Neogene deposits cored by boreholes 302 (Ravnopolie village) and 303 (Verhnesadovoe village) is provided – the Alma depression, the Crimea. Biostratigraphic units (zones and beds with fossils) are identified in the Paleogene section: beds with Subbotina turkmenica in marls and clays strata of the Kumian regiostage; foraminiferal zones Globigerapsis tropicalis s.l. and Planulina costata, nanoplankton zone NP19-20 in the Alma suite of the Almian regiostage; beds with Globigerina officinalis, beds with Lenticulina herrmanni, zones NP19-20, NP21 and NP22 in the Kyzyldjar strata and beds with Spiroplectammina oligocenica, zonа NP22 in the Zubakian strata of the Planorbellian regiostage. Neogene deposits lies with ravinement on the Lower Oligocene ones. In the neogene section the Novomoskovsk and the Dnepropetrovsk-Vassilievka beds of the Middle Sarmatian, the Maeotian and the Pontian are identified by characteristic associations of foraminifers, ostracodes and nanoplancton. Several levels of redeposition are established: Chokrakian mollusks, Konkian ostracodes and Paleogene foraminifers found out together in the Middle Sarmatian’s Dnepropetrovsk-Vassilievka beds. Thirty tree Middle Sarmatian gastropod species revealed in the Alma depression deposits for the first time. Also the representatives of genera Blinia, Flexitectura, “Amnicola”, Odostomia, Omalogyra and Melanochlamys are identified in the territory for the first time. Проведено палеонтологічне вивчення палеоген-неогенових відкладів, розкритих св. 302 (с. Рівнопілля) і св. 303 (с. Верхньосадове) – Альмінська западина, Крим. Виділені біостратиграфічні підрозділи 96в ранзі зон і верств з фауною в розрізі палеогену: верстви з Subbotina turkmenica у товщі мергелів і глин кумського горизонту, зона Globigerapsis tropicalis s.l., зона Planulina costata, нанозона NP 19-20 в альмінській світі альмінського горизонту, верстви з Globigerina officinalis, верстви з Heterolepa almaena, верстви з Lenticulina herrmanni, зони NP 19-20, NP 21, NP 22 у кизилджарській товщі, верстви з Spiroplectammina oligocenica, зона NP22 у зубакінській товщі планорбелового горизонту. Неогенові відклади з розмивом залягають на відкладах нижнього олігоцену. У розрізі неогену за характерними комплексами форамініфер, остракод і нанопланктону виділені середній сармат (новомосковські, дніпропетровсько-василівські верстви), меотис і понт. Встановлені кілька рівнів перевідкладення: у вапняках дніпропетровсько-василівських верств середнього сармату одночасно зустрінуті чокракські молюски, конкські остракоди і палеогенові форамініфери. Виявлені 33 середньосарматських види черевоногих молюсків, які раніше не були відомі у відкладах Альмінської западини. Вперше на досліджуваній території зареєстровано представників родів Blinia, Flexitectura, «Amnicola», Odostomia, Omalogyra, Melanochlamys.
Social network analysis and the implications for Pontocaspian biodiversity conservation in Romania and Ukraine: A comparative study.
Romania and Ukraine share the Black Sea coastline, the Danube Delta and associated habitats, which harbor the endemic, aquatic Pontocaspian biota. Currently, this biota is diminishing both in numbers of species and their abundance because of human activities, and its future persistence strongly depends on the adequacy of conservation measures. Romania and Ukraine have a common responsibility to address the conservation of Pontocaspian biodiversity. The two countries, however have different socio-political and legal conservation frameworks, which may result in differences in the social network structure of stakeholder institutions with different implications for Pontocaspian biodiversity conservation. Here, we study the social network structure of stakeholder organizations involved in conservation of Pontocaspian biodiversity in Romania and the implications of network structure for conservation outcomes. Then we compare the findings from Romania to an earlier similar study from Ukraine. We apply a mix of qualitative and quantitative social network analysis methods to combine the content and context of the interactions with relational measures. We show that Pontocaspian biodiversity plays a minor and mostly incidental role in the inter-organizational interactions in Romania. Furthermore, there is room for improvement in the network structure through e.g. more involvement of governmental and nongovernmental organizations and increased motivation of central stakeholders to initiate conservation actions. Social variables, such as lack of funding, hierarchical, non-inclusive system of conservation governance and continuous institutional reforms in the public sector are consequential for the network relations and structure. Social network of stakeholders in Ukraine is more connected and central stakeholders utilize their favorable positions. However, neither in Ukraine is the Pontocaspian biodiversity a driver of organizational interactions. Consequently, both networks translate into sub-optimal conservation actions and the roads to optimal conservation are different. We end with sketching out conservation implications and recommendations for improved national and cross-border conservation efforts
Introduction. The need to ensure trouble-free operation of inhabited sealed objects of the Navy requires continuous improvement of technologies to increase their fire safety. Such technologies include the creation of hypoxic gas media at facilities that reduce the risk of fires and ensure the possibility of personnel staying in them. The purpose of the work is a comparative assessment of changes in the maximum human working capacity during continuous stay in various normobaric hypoxic environments, promising to increase the fire safety of sealed inhabited objects of the Navy. Materials and methods. In the 1st series of studies, 100 daily sealing of 6 male volunteers (28–53 years old) in controlled hypoxic environments was carried out: [O2] in the premises of permanent residence — 18–19%, periodic (4 hours per day) stay — 16–17%/ In the 2nd series of studies, 6 male volunteers (age 25–51 years) were continuously in argon-containing gas media with [O2]=13,5–14,5%, [Ar]=30–35% for 60 days. During the studies, the dynamics of the mental (operator) and maximum physical working capacity of the subjects were evaluated. Results. Stay in hypoxic environments was accompanied by a decrease in the working capacity of volunteers. The relative degree of negative changes in mental performance in group 1 did not exceed –7%, in group 2 — –10% of the initial level; the maximum decrease in physical performance in group 1 was on average about — –11%, in group 2 — –17% compared with the initial state, which does not go beyond the permissible limits. Conclusion. The introduction of tested gaseous media at naval facilities is promising. The choice of the composition of the gas mixture should be determined by the degree of risk of fires at a particular facility, the technical capabilities of creating and maintaining a hypoxic environment of optimal composition, the number and state of health of the crew.Введение. Необходимость обеспечения безаварийной эксплуатации герметизируемых обитаемых объектов Военно-Морского Флота предписывает постоянное совершенствование технологий повышения их пожаробезопасности. К таким технологиям относится создание на объектах гипоксических газовых сред, позволяющих снизить риск пожаров и обеспечить возможность пребывания в них персонала. Цель работы: сравнительная оценка изменений максимальной работоспособности человека при непрерывном пребывании в различных нормобарических гипоксических средах, перспективных для повышения пожаробезопасности герметизируемых обитаемых объектов ВМФ. Материалы и методы. В 1-й серии исследований проведена 100 суточная герметизация 6 добровольцев-мужчин (28–53 лет) в регулируемых гипоксических средах: [O2] в помещениях постоянного пребывания — 18–19%, периодического (4 часа в сутки) пребывания — 16–17%. Во 2-й серии исследований 6 добровольцев-мужчин (возраст 25–51 год) в течение 60 суток непрерывно находились в аргоносодержащих газовых средах с [O2]=13,5–14,5%, [Ar]=30–35%. В ходе исследований оценивали динамику умственной (операторской) и максимальной физической работоспособности испытуемых. Результаты исследований показали, что пребывание в гипоксических средах сопровождалось снижением работоспособности добровольцев. Относительная степень негативных сдвигов умственной работоспособности в 1-й группе не превышала 7%, во 2-й группе — 10% от исходного уровня; максимальное снижение физической работоспособности в 1-й группе составляло в среднем около –11%, во 2-й группе — –17% в сравнении с исходным состоянием, что не выходит за рамки допустимых пределов. Заключение. Внедрение испытанных газовых сред на объектах ВМФ является перспективным. Выбор состава газовой смеси должен определяться степенью риска возникновения пожаров на конкретном объекте, техническими возможностями создания и поддержания гипоксической среды оптимального состава, численностью и состоянием здоровья экипажа.</p