10 research outputs found

    PPARs: Molecular Targets in the Pharmacogenomics Era

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    Abstract: The recent global increase in prevalence of diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes and hypertension in westernized societies is unfortunately not paralleled by our full understanding of the causative mechanisms. It is now firmly established that the interacting genetic and environmental (diet, smoking) components together determine the development and severity of the particular condition, which makes detailed dissection of such complex traits even more complicated. In effect, there is an unmet urgent need for molecular targets so we can directly modulate the causative factors and devise effective preventive and therapeutic algorithms. Among the most promising molecular targets for treatment of metabolic syndrome-related conditions identified so far, the group of three lipidsensors, the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) clearly stands out. The review focuses on pharmacogenetic aspects of recent developments in PPAR biology. Key words: PPAR -Systems biology -Pharmacogenetics -Thiazolidinediones -cd36 This work was supported by following grants: GAAV ČR B5105401 from the Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Introduction Global epidemics of diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension or dyslipidemia represent a major health issue of today's world. These entities, often clustering under what becomes known as metabolic syndrome Among the most promising molecular targets for treatment of metabolic syndrome-related conditions, the group of three peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) clearly stands out. The first PPAR being identified in 1990, thousands of papers later we are uncovering, step-by-step, their integrative and orchestrating roles in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, atherogenesis or cancer. PPARs are high on the lists of potential candidate genes for obesity As there are several excellent reviews available discussing the role of PPARs in obesit

    New Apolipoprotein A-V: comparative genomicsmeetsmetabolism

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    Summary The availability of the human genome sequence and the recently completed draft sequences of two major mammalian model species, the mouse (Mus musculus) and the rat (Rattus norvegicus), allow researchers to apply novel approaches for gene identification and characterization, using methods of comparative and functional genomics. Recently, a new gene coding for apolipoprotein A-V was identified in the vicinity of APOA-I/C-III/A-IV cluster on human chromosome 11q23 by comparative sequencing method. In a relatively short time, compelling evidence accumulated for the substantial role of APOA-V in lipid metabolism. Studies in knock-out and transgenic mice revealed that its expression pattern correlates negatively with triglyceride levels. This observation was verified in human population studies in variety of ethnic and age groups. Several single nucleotide polymorphisms were described and particular SNP alleles and haplotypes in the APO A-V gene region were shown to be associated with dyslipidemia. The discovery and characterization of the APO A-V demonstrates current possibilities of the integrative approaches in biology, boosted by the available bioinformatic tools

    Dynamic genetic linkage of intermediate blood pressure phenotypes during postural adaptations in a founder population

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    Blood pressure (BP) is a dynamic phenotype that varies rapidly to adjust to changing environmental conditions. Standing upright is a recent evolutionary trait, and genetic factors that influence postural adaptations may contribute to BP variability. We studied the effect of posture on the genetics of BP and intermediate BP phenotypes. We included 384 sib-pairs in 64 sib-ships from families ascertained by early-onset hypertension and dyslipidemia. Blood pressure, three hemodynamic and seven neuroendocrine intermediate BP phenotypes were measured with subjects lying supine and standing upright. The effect of posture on estimates of heritability and genetic covariance was investigated in full pedigrees. Linkage was conducted on 196 candidate genes by sib-pair analyses, and empirical estimates of significance were obtained. A permutation algorithm was implemented to study the postural effect on linkage. ADRA1A, APO, CAST, CORIN, CRHR1, EDNRB, FGF2, GC, GJA1, KCNB2, MMP3, NPY, NR3C2, PLN, TGFBR2, TNFRSF6, and TRHR showed evidence of linkage with any phenotype in the supine position and not upon standing, whereas AKR1B1, CD36, EDNRA, F5, MMP9, PKD2, PON1, PPARG, PPARGC1A, PRKCA, and RET were specifically linked to standing phenotypes. Genetic profiling was undertaken to show genetic interactions among intermediate BP phenotypes and genes specific to each posture. When investigators perform genetic studies exclusively on a single posture, important genetic components of BP are missed. Supine and standing BPs have distinct genetic signatures. Standardized maneuvers influence the results of genetic investigations into BP, thus reflecting its dynamic regulation

    Downregulation of Plzf gene ameliorates metabolic and cardiac traits in the spontaneously hypertensive rat

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    The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR), one of the most widely used model of essential hypertension, is predisposed to left ventricular hypertrophy, myocardial fibrosis, and metabolic disturbances. Recently, quantitative trait loci influencing blood pressure, left ventricular mass, and heart interstitial fibrosis were genetically isolated within a minimal congenic subline that contains only 7 genes, including mutant Plzf (promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger) candidate gene. To identify Plzf as a quantitative trait gene, we targeted Plzf in the SHR using the transcription activator-like effector nuclease technique and obtained SHR line harboring targeted Plzf gene with a premature stop codon. Because the Plzf targeted allele is semilethal, morphologically normal heterozygous rats were used for metabolic and hemodynamic analyses. SHR-Plzf(+/-) heterozygotes versus SHR wild-type controls exhibited reduced body weight and relative weight of epididymal fat, lower serum and liver triglycerides and cholesterol, and better glucose tolerance. In addition, SHR-Plzf(+/-) rats exhibited significantly increased sensitivity of adipose and muscle tissue to insulin action when compared with wild-type controls. Blood pressure was comparable in SHR versus SHR-Plzf(+/-) ; however, there was significant amelioration of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and cardiac fibrosis in SHR-Plzf(+/-) rats. Gene expression profiles in the liver and expression of selected genes in the heart revealed differentially expressed genes that play a role in metabolic pathways, PPAR (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor) signaling, and cell cycle regulation. These results provide evidence for an important role of Plzf in regulation of metabolic and cardiac traits in the rat and suggest a cross talk between cell cycle regulators, metabolism, cardiac hypertrophy, and fibrosis

    Quantitative Founder-Effect Analysis of French Canadian Families Identifies Specific Loci Contributing to Metabolic Phenotypes of Hypertension

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    The Saguenay–Lac St-Jean population of Quebec is relatively isolated and has genealogical records dating to the 17th-century French founders. In 120 extended families with at least one sib pair affected with early-onset hypertension and/or dyslipidemia, we analyzed the genetic determinants of hypertension and related cardiovascular and metabolic conditions. Variance-components linkage analysis revealed 46 loci after 100,000 permutations. The most prominent clusters of overlapping quantitative-trait loci were on chromosomes 1 and 3, a finding supported by principal-components and bivariate analyses. These genetic determinants were further tested by classifying families by use of LOD score density analysis for each measured phenotype at every 5 cM. Our study showed the founder effect over several generations and classes of living individuals. This quantitative genealogical approach supports the notion of the ancestral causality of traits uniquely present and inherited in distinct family classes. With the founder effect, traits determined within population subsets are measurably and quantitatively transmitted through generational lineage, with a precise component contributing to phenotypic variance. These methods should accelerate the uncovering of causal haplotypes in complex diseases such as hypertension and metabolic syndrome