4,478 research outputs found

    What should be taught in Intermediate Macroeconomics?

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    A lack of consensus remains on what should form the theoretical core of the undergraduate intermediate macroeconomic course. In determining how to deal with the Keynesian/classical divide, instructors must decide whether to follow the modern approach of building macroeconomic relationships from microfoundations, or to use the traditional approach based on aggregate models of the macroeconomy. In this article, the authors discuss the advantages and shortcomings of each approach in the context of course objectives. Because there is significant heterogeneity in textbook coverage, the authors summarize some of the approaches taken in current intermediate-level textbooks, which should serve as a useful starting point for new instructors. The authors also discuss how each approach can be extended to analyze the recent recession in the United States

    Logarithmic behavior of degradation dynamics in metal--oxide semiconductor devices

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    In this paper the authors describe a theoretical simple statistical modelling of relaxation process in metal-oxide semiconductor devices that governs its degradation. Basically, starting from an initial state where a given number of traps are occupied, the dynamics of the relaxation process is measured calculating the density of occupied traps and its fluctuations (second moment) as function of time. Our theoretical results show a universal logarithmic law for the density of occupied traps ˉϕ(T,EF)(A+Blnt)\bar{} \sim \phi (T,E_{F}) (A+B \ln t), i.e., the degradation is logarithmic and its amplitude depends on the temperature and Fermi Level of device. Our approach reduces the work to the averages determined by simple binomial sums that are corroborated by our Monte Carlo simulations and by experimental results from literature, which bear in mind enlightening elucidations about the physics of degradation of semiconductor devices of our modern life

    Fermi-LAT and Suzaku Observations of the Radio Galaxy Centaurus B

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    Centaurus B is a nearby radio galaxy positioned in the Southern hemisphere close to the Galactic plane. Here we present a detailed analysis of about 43 months of accumulated Fermi-LAT data of the gamma-ray counterpart of the source initially reported in the 2nd Fermi-LAT catalog, and of newly acquired Suzaku X-ray data. We confirm its detection at GeV photon energies, and analyze the extension and variability of the gamma-ray source in the LAT dataset, in which it appears as a steady gamma-ray emitter. The X-ray core of Centaurus B is detected as a bright source of a continuum radiation. We do not detect however any diffuse X-ray emission from the known radio lobes, with the provided upper limit only marginally consistent with the previously claimed ASCA flux. Two scenarios that connect the X-ray and gamma-ray properties are considered. In the first one, we assume that the diffuse non-thermal X-ray emission component is not significantly below the derived Suzaku upper limit. In this case, modeling the inverse-Compton emission shows that the observed gamma-ray flux of the source may in principle be produced within the lobes. This association would imply that efficient in-situ acceleration of the radiating electrons is occurring and that the lobes are dominated by the pressure from the relativistic particles. In the second scenario, with the diffuse X-ray emission well below the Suzaku upper limits, the lobes in the system are instead dominated by the magnetic pressure. In this case, the observed gamma-ray flux is not likely to be produced within the lobes, but instead within the nuclear parts of the jet. By means of synchrotron self-Compton modeling we show that this possibility could be consistent with the broad-band data collected for the unresolved core of Centaurus B, including the newly derived Suzaku spectrum.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 11 page

    A microfabricated sensor for thin dielectric layers

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    We describe a sensor for the measurement of thin dielectric layers capable of operation in a variety of environments. The sensor is obtained by microfabricating a capacitor with interleaved aluminum fingers, exposed to the dielectric to be measured. In particular, the device can measure thin layers of solid frozen from a liquid or gaseous medium. Sensitivity to single atomic layers is achievable in many configurations and, by utilizing fast, high sensitivity capacitance read out in a feedback system onto environmental parameters, coatings of few layers can be dynamically maintained. We discuss the design, read out and calibration of several versions of the device optimized in different ways. We specifically dwell on the case in which atomically thin solid xenon layers are grown and stabilized, in cryogenic conditions, from a liquid xenon bath

    Unsettling sustainability: the poetics of discomfort

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    peerreview_statement: The publishing and review policy for this title is described in its Aims & Scope. aims_and_scope_url: http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=rgrl2


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    We use the integrated polarized radio emission at 1.4 GHz (P1.4 GHz) from a large sample of active galactic nuclei (AGN; 796 sources at redshifts z < 0.7) to study the large-scale magnetic field properties of radio galaxies in relation to the host galaxy accretion state. We find a fundamental difference in P1.4 GHz between radiative-mode AGN (i.e., high-excitation radio galaxies (HERGs) and radio-loud QSOs) and jet-mode AGN (i.e., low-excitation radio galaxies (LERGs)). While LERGs can achieve a wide range of P1.4 GHz (up to ∼30%), the HERGs and radioloud QSOs are limited to P1.4 GHz 15%. A difference in P1.4 GHz is also seen when the sample is divided at 0.5% of the total Eddington-scaled accretion rate, where the weakly accreting sources can attain higher values of P1.4 GHz. We do not find any clear evidence that this is driven by intrinsic magnetic field differences of the different radio morphological classes. Instead, we attribute the differences in P1.4 GHz to the local environments of the radio sources, in terms of both the ambient gas density and the magnetoionic properties of this gas. Thus, not only are different large-scale gaseous environments potentially responsible for the different accretion states of HERGs and LERGs, we argue that the large-scale magnetized environments may also be important for the formation of powerful AGN jets. Upcoming high angular resolution and broadband radio polarization surveys will provide the high-precision Faraday rotation measure and depolarization data required to robustly test this claim

    Ion energy distribution measurements in rf and pulsed dc plasma discharges

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    A commercial retarding field analyzer is used to measure the time-averaged ion energy distributions of impacting ions at the powered electrode in a 13.56 MHz driven, capacitively coupled, parallel plate discharge operated at low pressure. The study is carried out in argon discharges at 10 mTorr where the sheaths are assumed to be collisionless. The analyzer is mounted flush with the powered electrode surface where the impacting ion and electron energy distributions are measured for a range of discharge powers. A circuit model of the discharge, in combination with analytical solutions for the ion energy distribution in radio-frequency sheaths, is used to calculate other important plasma parameters from the measured energy distributions. Radio-frequency compensated Langmuir probe measurements provide a comparison with the retarding field analyzer data. The time-resolved capability of the retarding field analyzer is also demonstrated in a separate pulsed dc magnetron reactor. The analyzer is mounted on the floating substrate holder and ion energy distributions of the impinging ions on a growing film, with 100 ns time resolution, are measured through a pulse period of applied magnetron power, which are crucial for the control of the microstructure and properties of the deposited films

    Are they ‘worth their weight in gold’? Sport for older adults: benefits and barriers of their participation for sporting organisations

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    The ageing global population has led to an increased focus on health for older adults. However, older adults have not been a specific priority for some sporting organisations (SOs). Thus, there is an emerging opportunity for this age group to be considered within international sport policy. The aim of this study was to understand the benefits and barriers that SOs encounter when engaging older adults. Eight focus group interviews (n = 49) were held with representatives of Australian national sporting organisations (NSOs), and older adults who were either sport club or non-sport club members. The socioecological model domains, interpersonal, organisational and policy, were used as a framework for thematic analysis, and organisational capacity building concepts were utilised to explain the findings. Common perceived benefits included interpersonal benefits (intergenerational opportunities and role models) and organisational benefits (volunteering, financial contributions and maximised facility usage) for engaging older adults. Common perceived barriers included interpersonal barriers (competing priorities and perceived societal expectations), organisational barriers (lack of appropriate playing opportunities, lack of facility access and lack of club capacity) and policy barriers (strategic organisational focus on children and elite sport and risk management). Whilst participation in sport is not common for older adults, their involvement can be invaluable for sport clubs. It is not anticipated that any policy focus on older adults will significantly increase active participation for this age group. However, any increase in older adults’ sport participation either through actively playing, supporting family and friends and/or volunteering will contribute to the positive health of individuals, sport clubs and the community.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio