92 research outputs found

    Nurse Success: A Faculty Intervention to Help Students Realize their Goals

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    Nursing faculty at Piedmont Virginia Community College have developed an innovative and formal mentoring program designed to improve success for their students. Nurse Success was introduced in 2011 and provided support for students experiencing academic concerns. The program highlights findings that demonstrate the complex challenges often faced by students that extend beyond the academic and into personal and financial issues that impact student performance

    The association between price, competition, and demand factors on private sector anti-malarial stocking and sales in western Kenya: considerations for the AMFm subsidy

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    Abstract Background Households in sub-Saharan Africa are highly reliant on the retail sector for obtaining treatment for malaria fevers and other illnesses. As donors and governments seek to promote the use of artemisinin combination therapy in malaria-endemic areas through subsidized anti-malarials offered in the retail sector, understanding the stocking and pricing decisions of retail outlets is vital. Methods A survey of all medicine retailers serving Bungoma East District in western Kenya was conducted three months after the launch of the AMFm subsidy in Kenya. The survey obtained information on each anti-malarial in stock: brand name, price, sales volume, outlet characteristics and GPS co-ordinates. These data were matched to household-level data from the Webuye Health and Demographic Surveillance System, from which population density and fever prevalence near each shop were determined. Regression analysis was used to identify the factors associated with retailers’ likelihood of stocking subsidized artemether lumefantrine (AL) and the association between price and sales for AL, quinine and sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP). Results Ninety-seven retail outlets in the study area were surveyed; 11% of outlets stocked subsidized AL. Size of the outlet and having a pharmacist on staff were associated with greater likelihood of stocking subsidized AL. In the multivariable model, total volume of anti-malarial sales was associated with greater likelihood of stocking subsidized AL and competition was important; likelihood of stocking subsidized AL was considerably higher if the nearest neighbour stocked subsidized AL. Price was a significant predictor of sales volume for all three types of anti-malarials but the relationship varied, with the largest price sensitivity found for SP drugs. Conclusion The results suggest that helping small outlets overcome the constraints to stocking subsidized AL should be a priority. Competition between retailers and prices can play an important role in greater adoption of AL

    The prevalence and density of asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum infections among children and adults in three communities of western Kenya

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    Background: Further reductions in malaria incidence as more countries approach malaria elimination require the identification and treatment of asymptomatic individuals who carry mosquito-infective Plasmodium gametocytes that are responsible for furthering malaria transmission. Assessing the relationship between total parasitaemia and gametocytaemia in field surveys can provide insight as to whether detection of low-density, asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum infections with sensitive molecular methods can adequately detect the majority of infected individuals who are potentially capable of onward transmission. Methods: In a cross-sectional survey of 1354 healthy children and adults in three communities in western Kenya across a gradient of malaria transmission (Ajigo, Webuye, and Kapsisywa-Kipsamoite), asymptomatic P. falciparum infections were screened by rapid diagnostic tests, blood smear, and quantitative PCR of dried blood spots targeting the varATS gene in genomic DNA. A multiplex quantitative reverse-transcriptase PCR assay targeting female and male gametocyte genes (pfs25, pfs230p), a gene with a transcriptional pattern restricted to asexual blood stages (piesp2), and human GAPDH was also developed to determine total parasite and gametocyte densities among parasitaemic individuals. Results: The prevalence of varATS-detectable asymptomatic infections was greatest in Ajigo (42%), followed by Webuye (10%). Only two infections were detected in Kapsisywa. No infections were detected in Kipsamoite. Across all communities, children aged 11-15 years account for the greatest proportion total and sub-microscopic asymptomatic infections. In younger age groups, the majority of infections were detectable by microscopy, while 68% of asymptomatically infected adults (> 21 years old) had sub-microscopic parasitaemia. Piesp2-derived parasite densities correlated poorly with microscopy-determined parasite densities in patent infections relative to varATS-based detection. In general, both male and female gametocytaemia increased with increasing varATS-derived total parasitaemia. A substantial proportion (41.7%) of individuals with potential for onward transmission had qPCR-estimated parasite densities below the limit of microscopic detection, but above the detectable limit of varATS qPCR. Conclusions: This assessment of parasitaemia and gametocytaemia in three communities with different transmission intensities revealed evidence of a substantial sub-patent infectious reservoir among asymptomatic carriers of P. falciparum. Experimental studies are needed to definitively determine whether the low-density infections in communities such as Ajigo and Webuye contribute significantly to malaria transmission

    Symptomatic malaria enhances protection from reinfection with homologous Plasmodium falciparum parasites

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    A signature remains elusive of naturally-acquired immunity against Plasmodium falciparum. We identified P. falciparum in a 14-month cohort of 239 people in Kenya, genotyped at immunogenic parasite targets expressed in the pre-erythrocytic (circumsporozoite protein, CSP) and blood (apical membrane antigen 1, AMA-1) stages, and classified into epitope type based on variants in the DV10, Th2R, and Th3R epitopes in CSP and the c1L region of AMA-1. Compared to asymptomatic index infections, symptomatic malaria was associated with reduced reinfection by parasites bearing homologous CSP-Th2R (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR]:0.63; 95% CI:0.45–0.89; p = 0.008) CSP-Th3R (aHR:0.71; 95% CI:0.52–0.97; p = 0.033), and AMA-1 c1L (aHR:0.63; 95% CI:0.43–0.94; p = 0.022) epitope types. The association of symptomatic malaria with reduced hazard of homologous reinfection was strongest for rare epitope types. Symptomatic malaria provides more durable protection against reinfection with parasites bearing homologous epitope types. The phenotype represents a legible molecular epidemiologic signature of naturally-acquired immunity by which to identify new antigen targets

    A longitudinal cohort study of malaria exposure and changing serostatus in a malaria endemic area of rural Tanzania.

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    BACKGROUND: Measurements of anti-malarial antibodies are increasingly used as a proxy of transmission intensity. Most serological surveys are based on the use of cross-sectional data that, when age-stratified, approximates historical patterns of transmission within a population. Comparatively few studies leverage longitudinal data to explicitly relate individual infection events with subsequent antibody responses. METHODS: The occurrence of seroconversion and seroreversion events for two Plasmodium falciparum asexual stage antigens (MSP-1 and AMA-1) was examined using three annual measurements of 691 individuals from a cohort of individuals in a malaria-endemic area of rural east-central Tanzania. Mixed-effect logistic regression models were employed to determine factors associated with changes in serostatus over time. RESULTS: While the expected population-level relationship between seroprevalence and disease incidence was observed, on an individual level the relationship between individual infections and the antibody response was complex. MSP-1 antibody responses were more dynamic in response to the occurrence and resolution of infection events than AMA-1, while the latter was more correlated with consecutive infections. The MSP-1 antibody response to an observed infection seemed to decay faster over time than the corresponding AMA-1 response. Surprisingly, there was no evidence of an age effect on the occurrence of a conversion or reversion event. CONCLUSIONS: While the population-level results concur with previously published sero-epidemiological surveys, the individual-level results highlight the more complex relationship between detected infections and antibody dynamics than can be analysed using cross-sectional data. The longitudinal analysis of serological data may provide a powerful tool for teasing apart the complex relationship between infection events and the corresponding immune response, thereby improving the ability to rapidly assess the success or failure of malaria control programmes

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    Spatial autocorrelation in uptake of antenatal care and relationship to individual, household and village-level factors: results from a community-based survey of pregnant women in six districts in western Keny

    Use of malaria RDTs in various health contexts across sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review

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    Abstract Background The World Health Organization recommends parasitological confirmation of malaria prior to treatment. Malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) represent one diagnostic method that is used in a variety of contexts to overcome limitations of other diagnostic techniques. Malaria RDTs increase the availability and feasibility of accurate diagnosis and may result in improved quality of care. Though RDTs are used in a variety of contexts, no studies have compared how well or effectively RDTs are used across these contexts. This review assesses the diagnostic use of RDTs in four different contexts: health facilities, the community, drug shops and schools. Methods A comprehensive search of the Pubmed database was conducted to evaluate RDT execution, test accuracy, or adherence to test results in sub-Saharan Africa. Original RDT and Plasmodium falciparum focused studies conducted in formal health care facilities, drug shops, schools, or by CHWs between the year 2000 and December 2016 were included. Studies were excluded if they were conducted exclusively in a research laboratory setting, where staff from the study team conducted RDTs, or in settings outside of sub-Saharan Africa. Results The literature search identified 757 reports. A total of 52 studies were included in the analysis. Overall, RDTs were performed safely and effectively by community health workers provided they receive proper training. Analogous information was largely absent for formal health care workers. Tests were generally accurate across contexts, except for in drug shops where lower specificities were observed. Adherence to RDT results was higher among drug shop vendors and community health workers, while adherence was more variable among formal health care workers, most notably with negative test results. Conclusions Malaria RDTs are generally used well, though compliance with test results is variable – especially in the formal health care sector. If low adherence rates are extrapolated, thousands of patients may be incorrectly diagnosed and receive inappropriate treatment resulting in a low quality of care and unnecessary drug use. Multidisciplinary research should continue to explore determinants of good RDT use, and seek to better understand how to support and sustain the correct use of this diagnostic tool

    Exploring how space, time, and sampling impact our ability to measure genetic structure across Plasmodium falciparum populations

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    A primary use of malaria parasite genomics is identifying highly related infections to quantify epidemiological, spatial, or temporal factors associated with patterns of transmission. For example, spatial clustering of highly related parasites can indicate foci of transmission and temporal differences in relatedness can serve as evidence for changes in transmission over time. However, for infections in settings of moderate to high endemicity, understanding patterns of relatedness is compromised by complex infections, overall high forces of infection, and a highly diverse parasite population. It is not clear how much these factors limit the utility of using genomic data to better understand transmission in these settings. In particular, further investigation is required to determine which patterns of relatedness we expect to see with high quality, densely sampled genomic data in a high transmission setting and how these observations change under different study designs, missingness, and biases in sample collection. Here we investigate two identity-by-state measures of relatedness and apply them to amplicon deep sequencing data collected as part of a longitudinal cohort in Western Kenya that has previously been analysed to identify individual-factors associated with sharing parasites with infected mosquitoes. With these data we use permutation tests, to evaluate several hypotheses about spatiotemporal patterns of relatedness compared to a null distribution. We observe evidence of temporal structure, but not of fine-scale spatial structure in the cohort data. To explore factors associated with the lack of spatial structure in these data, we construct a series of simplified simulation scenarios using an agent based model calibrated to entomological, epidemiological and genomic data from this cohort study to investigate whether the lack of spatial structure observed in the cohort could be due to inherent power limitations of this analytical method. We further investigate how our hypothesis testing behaves under different sampling schemes, levels of completely random and systematic missingness, and different transmission intensities
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