1,843 research outputs found

    Spatial Variations of Fundamental Constants

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    We show that observational limits on the possible time variation of constants of Nature are significantly affected by allowing for both space and time variation. Bekenstein's generalisation of Maxwell's equations to allow for cosmological variation of alphaalpha is investigated in a universe containing spherically symmetric inhomogeneities. The time variation of alphaalpha is determined by the local matter density and hence limits obtained in high-density geophysical enviroments are far more constraining than those obtained at high redshift. This new feature is expected to be a property of a wide class of theories for the variation of constants.Comment: 4 page

    The subdwarf B star SB 290 - A fast rotator on the extreme horizontal branch

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    Hot subdwarf B stars (sdBs) are evolved core helium-burning stars with very thin hydrogen envelopes. In order to form an sdB, the progenitor has to lose almost all of its hydrogen envelope right at the tip of the red giant branch. In close binary systems, mass transfer to the companion provides the extraordinary mass loss required for their formation. However, apparently single sdBs exist as well and their formation is unclear since decades. The merger of helium white dwarfs leading to an ignition of core helium-burning or the merger of a helium core and a low mass star during the common envelope phase have been proposed. Here we report the discovery of SB 290 as the first apparently single fast rotating sdB star located on the extreme horizontal branch indicating that those stars may form from mergers.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, A&A letters, accepte

    State Primary Stroke Center Policies in the US: Rural Health Issues.

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    Objective: To explore the relationship between state primary stroke center (PSC) designation policy implementation and access to optimal stroke care for residents of rural areas. Materials and Methods: Primary data were collected during the period September 2008–August 2009. Following content analysis of state PSC policies, four case study states were selected for fieldwork, in part for state rural healthcare access challenges. Variables included the barriers and facilitators to PSC designation policy implementation. More than 100 semistructured stakeholder interviews were conducted by teams of researchers. Large-group meetings were also observed. Interview summaries were reviewed by stakeholders for accuracy and completeness. Results: The consistent finding in all study states was that PSC designation and state policy implementation in rural areas are unlikely for a variety of reasons, including lack of financial resources for telemedicine, difficulty maintaining neurology coverage, and emergency departments unable to administer thrombolytics. Findings indicate recognition by states about the need for stroke-care public policy specific to telemedicine in rural areas. Conclusions: Although state PSC designation policies raise awareness of rural issues, designation policy alone cannot overcome the obstacle of rural access to optimal stroke care. States must be technology-ready, and providers need to embrace e-health and telemedicine to ensure coordination of care for stroke victims in rural areas. More important is that state policy makers should provide rules and regulations to encourage PSC hospitals to use telemedicine and “proxy credentialing” to support their affiliated rural facilitie

    The MultiSite Spectroscopic Telescope campaign: 2m spectroscopy of the V361 Hya variable PG1605+072

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    We present results and analysis for the 2m spectroscopic part of the MultiSite Spectroscopic Telescope (MSST) campaign undertaken in May/June 2002. The goal of the project was to observe the pulsating subdwarf B star PG1605+072 simultaneously in velocity and photometry and to resolve as many of the >50 known modes as possible, which will allow a detailed asteroseismological analysis. We have obtained over 150 hours of spectroscopy, leading to an unprecedented noise level of only 207m/s. We report here the detection of 20 frequencies in velocity, with two more likely just below our detection threshold. In particular, we detect 6 linear combinations, making PG1605+072 only the second star known to show such frequencies in velocity. We investigate the phases of these combinations and their parent modes and find relationships between them that cannot be easily understood based on current theory. These observations, when combined with our simultaneous photometry, should allow asteroseismology of this most complicated of sdB pulsators.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&A; Figure 1 at lower resolution than accepted versio

    Cool Jupiters greatly outnumber their toasty siblings : Occurrence rates from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ©2019 The Authors. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.Our understanding of planetary systems different to our own has grown dramatically in the past 30 yr. However, our efforts to ascertain the degree to which the Solar system is abnormal or unique have been hindered by the observational biases inherent to the methods that have yielded the greatest exoplanet hauls. On the basis of such surveys, one might consider our planetary system highly unusual - but the reality is that we are only now beginning to uncover the true picture. In this work, we use the full 18-yr archive of data from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search to examine the abundance of 'cool Jupiters' - analogues to the Solar system's giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn. We find that such planets are intrinsically far more common through the cosmos than their siblings, the hot Jupiters.We find that the occurrence rate of such 'cool Jupiters' is 6.73 +2.09 -1.13 per cent, almost an order of magnitude higher than the occurrence of hot Jupiters (at 0.84 +0.70 -0.20 per cent). We also find that the occurrence rate of giant planets is essentially constant beyond orbital distances of ~1 au. Our results reinforce the importance of legacy radial velocity surveys for the understanding of the Solar system's place in the cosmos.Peer reviewe

    Multi-wavelength photometric variation of PG1605+072

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    In a large coordinated attempt to further our understanding of the pp-mode pulsating sdB star PG1605+072, the Multi-Site Spectroscopic Telescope (MSST) collaboration has obtained simultaneous time-resolved spectroscopic and photometric observations. The photometry was extended by additional WET data which increased the time base. This contribution outlines the analysis of the MSST photometric light curve, including the four-colour BUSCA data from which chromatic amplitudes have been derived, as well as supplementary FUV spectra and light curves from two different epochs. These results have the potential to complement the interpretation of the published spectroscopic information.Comment: 6 pages, to be published in "Interpretation of asteroseismic data", proceedings of the HELAS NA5 Workshop, eds. W. Dziembowski, M. Breger and M. Thompson, Communications in Asteroseismology, 15

    The molecular genetic analysis of the expanding pachyonychia congenita case collection

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    BACKGROUND: Pachyonychia congenita (PC) is a rare autosomal dominant keratinizing disorder characterized by severe, painful, palmoplantar keratoderma and nail dystrophy, often accompanied by oral leucokeratosis, cysts and follicular keratosis. It is caused by mutations in one of five keratin genes: KRT6A, KRT6B, KRT6C, KRT16 or KRT17. OBJECTIVES: To identify mutations in 84 new families with a clinical diagnosis of PC, recruited by the International Pachyonychia Congenita Research Registry during the last few years. METHODS: Genomic DNA isolated from saliva or peripheral blood leucocytes was amplified using primers specific for the PC-associated keratin genes and polymerase chain reaction products were directly sequenced. RESULTS: Mutations were identified in 84 families in the PC-associated keratin genes, comprising 46 distinct keratin mutations. Fourteen were previously unreported mutations, bringing the total number of different keratin mutations associated with PC to 105. CONCLUSIONS: By identifying mutations in KRT6A, KRT6B, KRT6C, KRT16 or KRT17, this study has confirmed, at the molecular level, the clinical diagnosis of PC in these families

    Exoplanet properties from Lick, Keck and AAT

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    Doppler-shift measurements with a remarkable precision of Δλ/λ=3×10-9, corresponding to velocities of 1 m s-1, have been made repeatedly of 2500 stars located within 300 light years. The observed gravitational perturbations of the stars have revealed 250 orbiting planets, with 27 that cross in front of the host star, blocking a fraction of the starlight to allow measurement of the planet's mass, radius and density. Two new discoveries are the first good analog of Jupiter (HD 154345b) and the first system of five planets (55 Cancri). The predominantly eccentric orbits of exoplanets probably result from planet planet gravitational interactions or angular momentum exchange by mean-motion resonances. The planet mass distribution ranges from ~15 MJUP to as low as ~5 MEarth and rises toward lower masses as dN/dM~M-1.1. The distribution with orbital distance, a, rises (in logarithmic intervals) as dN/d log a~a+0.4. Extrapolation and integration suggests that 19% of all Sun-like stars harbor a gas-giant planet within 20 AU, but there remains considerable incompleteness for large orbits. Beyond 20 AU, the occurrence of gas-giant planets may be less than a few per cent as protoplanetary disk material there has lower densities and is vulnerable to destruction. Jupiter-mass planets occur more commonly around more massive stars than low mass stars. The transit of the Neptune-mass planet, Gliese 436b, yields a density of 1.55 g cm-3 suggesting that its interior has an iron silicate core surrounded by an envelope of water ice and an outer H He shell. Planets with masses as low as five Earth-masses may be commonly composed of iron nickel, rock and water along with significant amounts of H and He, making the term 'super-Earth' misleading. The transiting planet HD147506b has high orbital eccentricity but no significant orbital inclination to the line of sight, presenting a puzzle about its history. Its orbit together with the mean motion resonances of 4 of the 22 multi-planet systems provides further evidence for the role of planet planet interactions in shaping planetary architectures
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