74 research outputs found

    “Listen to What We Have to Say”: Children and Young People’s Perspectives on Urban Regeneration

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    There is an important body of research that explores the contested understandings of urban regeneration programmes in areas of socio-economic disadvantage. While poor housing and living conditions must be tackled, regeneration programmes have been criticised for their destructive and displacement impacts on communities, their lack of public consultation and their reinforcement of the stigmatization of poor areas that draws “attention away from the structural and institutional failures that produce and reproduce poverty” and inequality (Hancock & Mooney, 2013, p. 59). However, much of the literature focuses on the understandings and perspectives of adult residents in regeneration areas. This article explores the views of young residents from ages 6 to 19 in Knocknaheeny, one of the largest social housing estates in Cork City in the South of Ireland, which is undergoing a regeneration programme. Through a series of creative methods, the research reveals the distinctive analysis these children and young people have on their community, the change it is undergoing, issues of poverty, stigma and exclusion, and their lack of involvement in the decision-making process. Taken together, these children and young people generate an analysis that is strikingly reminiscent of Wacquant’s (2008) concept of ‘territorial stigma.’ They clearly cite how the misrecognition and devaluation of their neighbourhood and community shifts responsibility for decline away from the institutional failings of the local authority and state, back toward the people who live there

    Housing and sustaining communities on the West Cork islands

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    Government policy recognises the Irish islands as integral to Ireland’s cultural heritage, identity and economy. Within the context of a national housing crisis which is recognised as having reached the status of a national emergency, this report examines the impact of the availability, affordability and quality of housing on the sustainability of life on the seven inhabited West Cork islands. The research was undertaken using an innovative research process which foregrounds the voices of island residents through a participatory mixed methods approach, involving a survey that was co-constructed with island residents and in-depth focus groups

    Exercise and the microbiota

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    The authors are supported in part by research grants from Science Foundation Ireland including a centre grant (Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre; Grant Numbers SFI/12/RC/2273 and 12/RC/2273). Dr. Orla O’Sullivan is funded by a Starting Investigator Research Grant from Science Foundation Ireland (Grant number 13/SIRG/2160). Dr. Paul Cotter is funded by a Principal Investigator Award from Science Foundation Ireland P.D.C are supported by a SFI PI award (Grant number 11/PI/1137).peer-reviewedSedentary lifestyle is linked with poor health, most commonly obesity and associated disorders, the corollary being that exercise offers a preventive strategy. However, the scope of exercise biology extends well beyond energy expenditure and has emerged as a great ‘polypill’, which is safe, reliable and cost-effective not only in disease prevention but also treatment. Biological mechanisms by which exercise influences homeostasis are becoming clearer and involve multi-organ systemic adaptations. Most of the elements of a modern lifestyle influence the indigenous microbiota but few studies have explored the effect of increased physical activity. While dietary responses to exercise obscure the influence of exercise alone on gut microbiota, professional athletes operating at the extremes of performance provide informative data. We assessed the relationship between extreme levels of exercise, associated dietary habits and gut microbiota composition, and discuss potential mechanisms by which exercise may exert a direct or indirect influence on gut microbiota.The authors are supported in part by research grants from Science Foundation Ireland including a centre grant (Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre; Grant Numbers SFI/12/RC/2273 and 12/RC/2273). Dr. Orla O’Sullivan is funded by a Starting Investigator Research Grant from Science Foundation Ireland (Grant number 13/SIRG/2160). Dr. Paul Cotter is funded by a Principal Investigator Award from Science Foundation Ireland P.D.C are supported by a SFI PI award (Grant number 11/PI/1137)

    Targeting the Microbiota to Address Diet-Induced Obesity: A Time Dependent Challenge

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    peer-reviewedLinks between the gut microbiota and host metabolism have provided new perspectives on obesity. We previously showed that the link between the microbiota and fat deposition is age- and time-dependent subject to microbial adaptation to diet over time. We also demonstrated reduced weight gain in diet-induced obese (DIO) mice through manipulation of the gut microbiota with vancomycin or with the bacteriocin-producing probiotic Lactobacillus salivarius UCC118 (Bac+), with metabolic improvement achieved in DIO mice in receipt of vancomycin. However, two phases of weight gain were observed with effects most marked early in the intervention phase. Here, we compare the gut microbial populations at the early relative to the late stages of intervention using a high throughput sequencing-based analysis to understand the temporal relationship between the gut microbiota and obesity. This reveals several differences in microbiota composition over the intervening period. Vancomycin dramatically altered the gut microbiota composition, relative to controls, at the early stages of intervention after which time some recovery was evident. It was also revealed that Bac+ treatment initially resulted in the presence of significantly higher proportions of Peptococcaceae and significantly lower proportions of Rikenellaceae and Porphyromonadaceae relative to the gut microbiota of L. salivarius UCC118 bacteriocin negative (Bac-) administered controls. These differences were no longer evident at the later time. The results highlight the resilience of the gut microbiota and suggest that interventions may need to be monitored and continually adjusted to ensure sustained modification of the gut microbiota.The authors are supported in part by Teagasc, Science Foundation Ireland (in the form of a research centre grant to the Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre and PI awards to PWOT and PC) and by Alimentary Health Ltd

    Findings from a longitudinal qualitative study of child protection social workers' retention: Job embeddedness, professional confidence and staying narratives

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    The retention of social workers in child protection and welfare is an ongoing concern in many countries. While our knowledge based on the turnover of child protection and welfare social workers is growing, much less is known about ‘stayers’—those who undertake this work for over 10+ years. This article draws on the data gathered over a decade in Ireland on these social workers. The article addresses three questions: (i) What can we learn from social workers with 10+ years’ experience of child protection and welfare about their retention? (ii) Does job embeddedness theory help explain their choices to stay? (iii) Does the ‘career preference typology’ (Burns, 2011. British Journal of Social Work, 41(3), pp. 520–38) helps to explain social workers’ retention? The main findings are that if you can retain social workers beyond the 5-year point, their retention narrative intensifies, their embeddedness in the organisation and community strengthens and they have a stronger sense of professional confidence as they move out of the early professional stage. A surprising finding of this study was that nearly all of the social workers in this study had a staying narrative that changed little between their interviews a decade apart

    An evaluation of the Writing Assessment Measure (WAM) for children's narrative writing

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    AbstractThe study evaluated the reliability and validity of the Writing Assessment Measure (WAM), developed to reflect the skills which children of different abilities are expected to achieve in written expression, as part of the National Curriculum guidelines in England and Wales. The focus was on its potential use in investigations of children's written narrative in order to inform and target related interventions. The study involved 97 children aged 7–11 from one urban primary school in England. Prompt 1 was administered to all the children in their classrooms together with a standardised written expression test. After three weeks, the same procedure was followed and Prompt 2 was administered. Statistical analyses of the reliability and validity of the instrument showed that it is consistent over time and can be scored reliably by different raters. Content validity of the instrument was demonstrated through inspection of item total correlations which were all significant. Analyses for concurrent validity showed that the instrument correlates significantly with the Wechsler Written Expressive Language sub-test. Significant differences between children of different age and writing skill were also found. The findings indicate that the instrument has potential utility to professionals assessing children's writing

    Self-management needs of Irish adolescents with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA): how can a Canadian web-based programme meet these needs?

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    Background Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) affects over 1000 children and adolescents in Ireland, potentially impacting health-related quality-of-life. Accessible self-management strategies, including Internet-based interventions, can support adolescents in Ireland where specialist rheumatology care is geographically-centralised within the capital city. This study interviewed adolescents with JIA, their parents, and healthcare professionals to (i) explore the self-management needs of Irish adolescents; and (ii) evaluate the acceptability of an adapted version of a Canadian JIA self-management programme (Teens Taking Charge: Managing Arthritis Online, or TTC) for Irish users. Methods Focus groups and interviews were conducted with Irish adolescents with JIA (N = 16), their parents (N = 13), and Irish paediatric healthcare professionals (HCPs; N = 22). Adolescents were aged 12–18 (Mage = 14.19 years), and predominantly female (62.5%). Participants identified the needs of adolescents with JIA and evaluated the usefulness of the TTC programme. Data were analysed using a thematic analysis approach. Results Five themes emerged: independent self-management; acquiring skills and knowledge to manage JIA; unique challenges of JIA in Ireland; views on web-based interventions; and understanding through social support. Adolescents acknowledged the need for independent self-management and gradually took additional responsibilities to achieve this goal. However, they felt they lacked information to manage their condition independently. Parents and adolescents emphasised the need for social support and felt a peer-support scheme could provide additional benefit to adolescents if integrated within the TTC programme. All participants endorsed the TTC programme to gain knowledge about JIA and offered suggestions to make the programme relevant to Irish users. Conclusions There is scope for providing easily-accessible, accurate information to Irish families with JIA. The acceptability of adapting an existing JIA self-management intervention for Irish users was confirmed

    Immunoglobulin Replacement Therapy During COVID-19 Pandemic: Practical and Psychological Impact in Patients with Antibody Deficiency

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    Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted on how health services deliver care and the mental health of the population. Due to their clinical vulnerability, to reduce in-hospital attendances during the COVID-19 pandemic, modifications in immunoglobulin treatment regimens were made for patients with antibody deficiency. These patients were also likely to experience social isolation due to shielding measure that were advised. We aimed to investigate the impact of modifying immunoglobulin treatment regimen on infection and mental health burden during shielding restrictions.// Method: Patients on immunoglobulin replacement therapy (IGRT) responded to a standardised questionnaire examining self-reported infection frequency, anxiety (GAD-7), depression (PHQ-8), fatigue (FACIT), and quality of life during the pandemic. Infection frequency and immunoglobulin trough levels were compared to pre-pandemic levels.// Results: Patients who did not change treatment modality or those who received immunoglobulin replacement at home during the pandemic reported fewer infections. In patients who received less frequent hospital infusions, there was no significant increase in infections whilst immunoglobulin trough levels remained stable. There was no significant difference in anxiety, or depression scores between the treatment modality groups. Patients reported higher fatigue scores compared to the pre-COVID general population and in those discharged following hospitalisation for COVID.// Conclusion: Changing immunoglobulin treatment regimen did not negatively impact infection rates or psychological wellbeing. However, psychological welfare should be prioritised for this group particularly given uncertainties around COVID-19 vaccination responsiveness and continued social isolation for many

    From Entitlement to Experiment: Industry Report on Case Studies of high performing providers

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    Commercial Immunoglobulin Products Contain Neutralizing Antibodies Against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Spike Protein

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with antibody deficiency respond poorly to COVID-19 vaccination and are at risk of severe or prolonged infection. They are given long-term immunoglobulin replacement therapy (IRT) prepared from healthy donor plasma to confer passive immunity against infection. Following widespread COVID-19 vaccination alongside natural exposure, we hypothesised that immunoglobulin preparations will now contain neutralising SARS-CoV-2 spike antibodies which confer protection against COVID-19 disease and may help to treat chronic infection. METHODS: We evaluated anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike antibody in a cohort of patients before and after immunoglobulin infusion. Neutralising capacity of patient samples and immunoglobulin products was assessed using in vitro pseudo-virus and live-virus neutralisation assays, the latter investigating multiple batches against current circulating omicron variants. We describe the clinical course of nine patients started on IRT during treatment of COVID-19. RESULTS: In 35 individuals with antibody deficiency established on IRT, median anti-spike antibody titre increased from 2123 to 10600 U/ml post-infusion, with corresponding increase in pseudo-virus neutralisation titres to levels comparable to healthy donors. Testing immunoglobulin products directly in the live-virus assay confirmed neutralisation, including of BQ1.1 and XBB variants, but with variation between immunoglobulin products and batches.Initiation of IRT alongside Remdesivir in patients with antibody deficiency and prolonged COVID-19 infection (median 189 days, maximum over 900 days with an ancestral viral strain) resulted in clearance of SARS-CoV-2 virus at a median of 20 days. CONCLUSIONS: Immunoglobulin preparations now contain neutralising anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies which are transmitted to patients and help to treat COVID-19 in individuals with failure of humoral immunity