472 research outputs found

    Diagnosing transient ionization in dynamic events

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    The present study aims to provide a diagnostic line ratio that will enable the observer to determine whether a plasma is in a state of transient ionization. We use the Atomic Data and Analysis Structure (ADAS) to calculate line contribution functions for two lines, Si IV 1394 A and O IV 1401 A, formed in the solar transition region. The generalized collisional-radiative theory is used. It includes all radiative and electron collisional processes, except for photon-induced processes. State-resolved direct ionization and recombination to and from the next ionization stage are also taken into account. For dynamic bursts with a decay time of a few seconds, the Si IV 1394 A line can be enhanced by a factor of 2-4 in the first fraction of a second with the peak in the line contribution function occurring initially at a higher electron temperature due to transient ionization compared to ionization equilibrium conditions. On the other hand, the O IV 1401 A does not show such any enhancement. Thus the ratio of these two lines, which can be observed with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, can be used as a diagnostic of transient ionization. We show that simultaneous high-cadence observations of two lines formed in the solar transition region may be used as a direct diagnostic of whether the observed plasma is in transient ionization. The ratio of these two lines can change by a factor of four in a few seconds owing to transient ionization alone.Comment: 3 pages, in press A&

    In situ wavelength calibration of the edge CXS spectrometers on JET

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    A method for obtaining an accurate wavelength calibration over the entire focal plane of the JET edge CXS spectrometers is presented that uses a combination of the fringe pattern created with a Fabry-Pérot etalon and a neon lamp for cross calibration. The accuracy achieved is 0.03 Å, which is the same range of uncertainty as when neglecting population effects on the rest wavelength of the CX line. For the edge CXS diagnostic, this corresponds to a flow velocity of 4.5 km/s in the toroidal direction or 1.9 km/s in the poloidal direction

    The angular power spectrum of radio emission at 2.3 GHz

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    We have analysed the Rhodes/HartRAO survey at 2326 MHz and derived the global angular power spectrum of Galactic continuum emission. In order to measure the angular power spectrum of the diffuse component, point sources were removed from the map by median filtering. A least-square fit to the angular power spectrum of the entire survey with a power law spectrum C_l proportional to l^{-alpha}, gives alpha = 2.43 +/- 0.01 for l = 2-100. The angular power spectrum of radio emission appears to steepen at high Galactic latitudes and for observed regions with |b| > 20 deg, the fitted spectral index is alpha = 2.92 +/- 0.07. We have extrapolated this result to 30 GHz (the lowest frequency channel of Planck) and estimate that no significant contribution to the sky temperature fluctuation is likely to come from synchrotron at degree-angular scalesComment: 10 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Analysis of CMB foregrounds using a database for Planck

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    Within the scope of the Planck IDIS (Integrated Data Information System) project we have started to develop the data model for time-ordered data and full-sky maps. The data model is part of the Data Management Component (DMC), a software system designed according to a three-tier architecture which allows complete separation between data storage and processing. The DMC is already being used for simulation activities and the modeling of some foreground components. We have ingested several Galactic surveys into the database and used the science data-access interface to process the data. The data structure for full-sky maps utilises the HEALPix tessellation of the sphere. We have been able to obtain consistent measures of the angular power spectrum of the Galactic radio continuum emission between 408 MHz and 2417 MHz.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of the MPA/ESO/MPE Joint Astronomy Conference "Mining The Sky

    High resolution charge-exchange spectroscopic measurements of aluminum impurity ions in a high temperature plasma

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    Charge-exchange recombination spectroscopy, which is generally used to measure low-Z impurities in fusion devices, has been used for measuring Al+11 and Al+13 impurities in the Madison Symmetric Torus reversed field pinch. To obtain the impurity ion temperature, the experimental emission spectrum is fitted with a model which includes fine structure in the atomic transition. Densities of these two ionization states, calculated from charge-exchange emission brightness, are used in combination with a collisional radiative model to estimate the abundance of all other charge states of aluminum in the plasma and the contribution of aluminum to the effective ionic charge of the plasma

    Partial and total dielectronic recombination rate coefficients for W55+ to W38+

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    Dielectronic recombination (DR) is the dominant mode of recombination in magnetically confined fusion plasmas for intermediate to low-charged ions of W. Complete, final-state resolved partial isonuclear W DR rate coefficient data is required for detailed collisional-radiative modelling for such plasmas in preparation for the upcoming fusion experiment ITER. To realize this requirement, we continueThe Tungsten Project by presenting our calculations for tungsten ions W55+ to W38+. As per our prior calculations for W73+ to W56+, we use the collision package AUTOSTRUCTURE to calculate partial and total DR rate coefficients for all relevant core-excitations in intermediate coupling (IC) and configuration average (CA) using κ-averaged relativistic wavefunctions. Radiative recombination (RR) rate coefficients are also calculated for the purpose of evaluating ionization fractions. Comparison of our DR rate coefficients for W46+ with other authors yields agreement to within 7-19% at peak abundance verifying the reliability of our method. Comparison of partial DR rate coefficients calculated in IC and CA yield differences of a factor ∼ 2 at peak abundance temperature, highlighting the importance of relativistic configuration mixing. Large differences are observed between ionization fractions calculated using our recombination rate coefficient data and that of Pütterich et al [Plasma Phys. and Control. Fusion 50 085016, (2008)]. These differences are attributed to deficiencies in the average-atom method used by the former to calculate their data

    Dielectronic recombination of lanthanide and low ionization state tungsten ions : W13+ - W+

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    The experimental thermonuclear reactor, ITER, is currently being constructed in Cadarache, France. The reactor vessel will be constructred with a beryllium coated wall, and a tungsten coated divertor. As a plasma-facing component, the divertor will be under conditions of extreme temperature, resulting in the sputtering of tungsten impurities into the main body plasma. Modelling and understanding the potential cooling effects of these impurities requires detailed collisional-radiative modelling. These models require a wealth of atomic data for the various atomic species in the plasma. In particular, partial, final-state resolved dielectronic/radiative recombination (DR/RR) rate coefficients for tungsten are required. In this manuscript, we present our calculations of detailed DR/RR rate coefficients for the lanthanide-like, and low ionization stages of tungsten, spanning charge states W13+^{13+} to W1+^{1+}. The calculations presented here constitutes the first detailed exploration of such low ionization state tungsten ions. We are able to reproduce the general trend of calculations performed by other authors, but find significant differences ours and their DR rate coefficients, especially at the lowest temperatures considered

    Ionization state, excited populations and emission of impurities in dynamic finite density plasmas: I. The generalized collisional-radiative model for light elements

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    The paper presents an integrated view of the population structure and its role in establishing the ionization state of light elements in dynamic, finite density, laboratory and astrophysical plasmas. There are four main issues, the generalized collisional-radiative picture for metastables in dynamic plasmas with Maxwellian free electrons and its particularizing to light elements, the methods of bundling and projection for manipulating the population equations, the systematic production/use of state selective fundamental collision data in the metastable resolved picture to all levels for collisonal-radiative modelling and the delivery of appropriate derived coefficients for experiment analysis. The ions of carbon, oxygen and neon are used in illustration. The practical implementation of the methods described here is part of the ADAS Project

    Tomographic capabilities of the new GEM based SXR diagnostic of WEST

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    International audienceThe tokamak WEST (Tungsten Environment in Steady-State Tokamak) will start operating by the end of 2016 as a test bed for the ITER divertor components in long pulse operation. In this context, radiative cooling of heavy impurities like tungsten (W) in the Soft X-ray (SXR) range [0.1 keV; 20 keV] is a critical issue for the plasma core performances. Thus reliable tools are required to monitor the local impurity density and avoid W accumulation. The WEST SXR diagnostic will be equipped with two new GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) based poloidal cameras allowing to perform 2D tomographic reconstructions in tunable energy bands. In this paper tomographic capabilities of the Minimum Fisher Information (MFI) algorithm developed for Tore Supra and upgraded for WEST are investigated, in particular through a set of emissivity phantoms and the standard WEST scenario including reconstruction errors, influence of noise as well as computational time

    Synthetic SXR diagnostic using GEM detectors on WEST: development in the prospect of tungsten monitoring

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    International audienceWEST (Tungsten Environment in Steady-State Tokamak) will be operating by the end of 2016 as a test bed for the ITER divertor components in long pulse operation. In this context, radiative cooling of highly ionized impurities like tungsten (W) sputtered from Plasma Facing Components (PFC) into the plasma core is a critical issue since even small impurity concentrations below 10-4 degrade significantly plasma performances and can lead to radiative collapse. In the plasma core, tungsten emission is dominant in the Soft X-ray (SXR) range 0.1 keV – 15 keV with complex contributions from line transition, radiative recombination and Bremsstrahlung emission.This paper presents the recent development of a synthetic SXR diagnostic using GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) detectors. This diagnostic will be used on WEST for W transport studies and will be equipped with two new GEM based poloidal cameras allowing 2D tomographic reconstructions with spectral resolution in energy bands. Thus once GEM response to plasma emissivity is characterized thanks to synthetic diagnostic, it offers new possibilities to disentangle the different SXR contributions in harsh fusion environments like e.g. WEST or ITER with respect to conventional semiconductor diodes working in current mode. Emitted SXR spectrum from the plasma is modelled thanks to ADAS database from given WEST scenario. The synthetic diagnostic includes Lines of Sight (LoS) etendues of the two cameras as well as probability of photoabsorption through filters, photoionization in the detection gas mixture (Ar-CO2), and transport of electron avalanches in the gas through GEM foils as computed with Magboltz. Local SXR emissivity is then retrieved from tomographic inversion using a Minimum Fisher Information (MFI) algorithm