1,103 research outputs found

    Optical IP switching a solution to dynamic lightpath establishment in disaggregated network architectures

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    The landscape of the telecommunications environment is constantly evolving; in terms of architecture and increasing data-rate. Ensuring that routing decisions are taken at the lowest possible layer offers the possibility of greatest data throughput. We propose using wavelengths in a DWDM scheme as dedicated channels that bypass the routing lookup in a router. The future trend of telecommunications industry is, however, toward larger numbers of interlinked competing operator networks. This in turn means there is a lack of a unified control plane to allow current networks to dynamically provision optical paths. This paper will report on the concept of optical IP switching. This concept seeks to address optical control plane issues in disaggregated networks while providing a means to dynamically provision optical paths to cater for large data flows

    Is fibromyalgia associated with a unique cytokine profile?

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    Objectives: The aetiology of primary chronic pain syndromes (CPS) is highly disputed. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis aiming to assess differences in circulating cytokines levels in patients with diffuse CPS (fibromyalgia) versus healthy controls (HC). Methods: Human studies published in English from the PubMed and MEDLINE/Scopus and Cochrane databases were systematically searched from inception up to January 2020. We included full text cross-sectional or longitudinal studies with baseline cytokine measurements, reporting differences in circulating cytokine levels between fibromyalgia patients and HC. Random-effects meta-analysis models were used to report pooled effects and 95% CIs. This study is registered with PROSPERO(CRD42020193774). Results: Our initial search yielded 324 papers and identified 29 studies (2458 participants) eligible for systematic review and 22 studies (1772 participants) suitable for meta-analysis. The systematic analysis revealed reproducible findings supporting different trends of cytokine levels when fibromyalgia patients were compared to HC, while the chemokine eotaxin, was consistently raised in fibromyalgia . Meta-analysis showed significantly increased tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) (SMD=0.36, p = 0.0034, 95%CI=0.12-0.60; I2=71%, Q2 p = 0.0002), interleukin (IL)-6 (SMD=0.15, p = 0.045, %95CI=0.003-0.29; I2=39%, Q2 p = 0.059), IL- 8 (SMD=0.26, p = 0.01, 95%CI =0.05-0.47; I2=61%, Q2 p = 0.005) and IL-10 (SMD=0.61; %95 = 0.34-0.89, p < 0.001; I2 = 10%, Q2 p = 0.34) in fibromyalgia patients compared to HC. Conclusion: We found evidence of significant differences in the peripheral blood cytokine profiles of fibromyalgia patients compared to HC. However, the distinctive profile associated with fibromyalgia includes both pro-inflammatory (TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8), and anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-10) in pooled analysis, as well as chemokine (eotaxin) signatures. Further research is required to elucidate the role of cytokines in fibromyalgia

    Low-resistance Ni-based Schottky diodes on freestanding n-GaN

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    Schottky diodes formed on a low doped (5 x 10(16) cm(-3)) n-type GaN epilayer grown on a n(+) freestanding GaN substrate were studied. The temperature dependent electrical characteristics of Ni contacts on the as-grown material are compared with an aqueous, potassium hydroxide (KOH) treated surface. In both cases the diodes are dominated by thermionic emission in forward bias, with low idealities (1.04 at room temperature) which decrease with increasing temperature, reaching 1.03 at 413 K. The Schottky barrier height is 0.79 +/- 0.05 eV for the as-grown surface compared with 0.85 +/- 0.05 eV for the KOH treated surface at room temperature. This is consistent with an inhomogeneous barrier distribution. The specific on-state resistance of the diodes is 0.57 m Omega cm(2) The KOH treatment reduces the room temperature reverse leakage current density at -30 V to 1 x 10(-5) A cm(-2) compared to 6 x 10(-2) A cm(-2) for the as-grown samples. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics. (DOI:10.1063/1.2799739

    Effects of milk heat treatment and solvent composition on physicochemical and selected functional characteristics of milk protein concentrate

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    peer-reviewedMilk protein concentrate (MPC) powders (∼81% protein) were made from skim milk that was heat treated at 72°C for 15 s (LHMPC) or 85°C for 30 s (MHMPC). The MPC powder was manufactured by ultrafiltration and diafiltration of skim milk at 50°C followed by spray drying. The MPC dispersions (4.02% true protein) were prepared by reconstituting the LHMPC and MHMPC powders in distilled water (LHMPCw and MHMPCw, respectively) or milk permeate (LHMPCp and MHMPCp, respectively). Increasing milk heat treatment increased the level of whey protein denaturation (from ∼5 to 47% of total whey protein) and reduced the concentrations of serum protein, serum calcium, and ionic calcium. These changes were paralleled by impaired rennet-induced coagulability of the MHMPCw and MHMPCp dispersions and a reduction in the pH of maximum heat stability of MHMPCp from pH 6.9 to 6.8. For both the LHMPC and MHMPC dispersions, the use of permeate instead of water enhanced ethanol stability at pH 6.6 to 7.0, impaired rennet gelation, and changed the heat coagulation time and pH profile from type A to type B. Increasing the severity of milk heat treatment during MPC manufacture and the use of permeate instead of water led to significant reductions in the viscosity of stirred yogurt prepared by starter-induced acidification of the MPC dispersions. The current study clearly highlights how the functionality of protein dispersions prepared by reconstitution of high-protein MPC powders may be modulated by the heat treatment of the skim milk during manufacture of the MPC and the composition of the solvent used for reconstitution

    Affairs of the heart: outcomes in men and women with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

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    Influence of emulsifier type on the spray-drying properties of model infant formula emulsions

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    The objective of this study was to compare the drying performance and physicochemical properties of model infant formula (IF) emulsions containing 43, 96 and 192 g L−1 protein, oil and maltodextrin (MD), respectively, prepared using different emulsifier systems. Emulsions were stabilised using either whey protein isolate (WPI), whey protein hydrolysate (WPH; DH 8%), WPH + CITREM (9 g L−1), WPH + lecithin (5 g L−1) or WPH conjugated with maltodextrin (DE 12) (WPH-MD). Homogenised emulsions had 32% solids content and oil globules with mean volume diameter WPH + LEC > WPH > WPH- MD > WPI, WPI > WPH > WPH- MD > WPH + LEC > WPH + CIT and WPH- MD > WPI > WPH > WPH + LEC > WPH + CIT, respectively. Additionally, differences in wettability, surface topography and oil globule distribution within the powder matrix and in reconstituted powders were linked to the emulsifier system used. Inclusion of the WPH-MD conjugate in the formulation of IF powder significantly improved drying behaviour and physicochemical properties of the resultant powder, as evidenced by lowest powder build-up during drying and greatest emulsion quality on reconstitution, compared to the other model formula systems

    A Mood-based Genre Classification of Television Content

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    ACM Workshop on Recommendation Systems for Television and Online Video, Foster City, California, USA, 6-10 October 2014The classification of television content helps users organise and navigate through the large list of channels and programs now available. In this paper, we address the problem of television content classification by exploiting text information extracted from program transcriptions. We present an analysis which adapts a model for sentiment that has been widely and successfully applied in other fields such as music or blog posts. We use a real-world dataset obtained from the Box- fish API to compare the performance of classifiers trained on a number of different feature sets. Our experiments show that, over a large collection of television content, program genres can be represented in a three-dimensional space of valence, arousal and dominance, and that promising classification results can be achieved using features based on this representation. This finding supports the use of the proposed representation of television content as a feature space for similarity computation and recommendation generation.Science Foundation Irelan

    Estimation of the Serviceability of Forest Access Roads

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    The purpose of this study was to ascribe attributes to forest access roads, to allow for estimation of their serviceability on the basis of their current condition. The approach estimates the quantity of timber that may be hauled through without critically damaging the flexible pavements. Seventy-two roads were classified on the basis of their surface conditions, subgrade material, and surface deflection as the strength parameter, for 40 and 60 t Gross Vehicle Weight. Using non-parametric statistical techniques, it was found that the surface quality of pavements was largely dependent on drainage conditions (coefficient of determination r2 = 0.84), and that a strong relationship (r2 = 0.90) also existed between drainage and the number of potholes. Pavements with peat subgrades were found to exhibit significantly higher critical deflections (5.6 mm) than pavements with mineral subgrades (1 mm), coupled with their inherent variability, it is arguable that visual classification may not be suitable for such pavements. On the basis of these results, the serviceability of individual roads, in Equivalent Standard Axle Loads (ESAL) was estimated. Potential pavement damage by a standard 6 axle timber haulage truck, of 40 t Gross Vehicle Weight, with a payload of 27 t, was evaluated to be triple that due to a standard axle (8.16 t). Increasing the payload by about 10%, increased the ESAL required to transport a unit volume of timber, hence potential pavement damage, by 20%. Consequently, a significant reduction in the serviceability of forest access roads may be incurred by small overload margins that are usually ignored