20 research outputs found

    Multiscale analysis of pattern formation via intercellular signalling

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    Lateral inhibition, a juxtacrine signalling mechanism by which a cell adopting a particular fate inhibits neighbouring cells from doing likewise, has been shown to be a robust mechanism for the formation of fine-grained spatial patterns (in which adjacent cells in developing tissues diverge to achieve contrasting states of differentiation), provided that there is sufficiently strong feedback. The fine-grained nature of these patterns poses problems for analysis via traditional continuum methods since these require that significant variation takes place only over lengthscales much larger than an individual cell and such systems have therefore been investigated primarily using discrete methods. Here, however, we apply a multiscale method to derive systematically a continuum model from the discrete Delta-Notch signalling model of Collier \emph{et al.} (Pattern formation by lateral inhibition with feedback: a mathematical model of Delta-Notch intercellular signalling, \emph{J. Theor. Biol.}, 183, 1996, 429--446) under particular assumptions on the parameters, which we use to analyse the generation of fine-grained patterns. We show that, on the macroscale, the contact-dependent juxtacrine signalling interaction manifests itself as linear diffusion, motivating the use of reaction-diffusion-based models for such cell-signalling systems. We also analyse the travelling-wave behaviour of our system, obtaining good quantitative agreement with the discrete system

    The isolation of spatial patterning modes in a mathematical model of juxtacrine cell signalling

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    Juxtacrine signalling mechanisms are known to be crucial in tissue and organ development, leading to spatial patterns in gene expression. We investigate the patterning behaviour of a discrete model of juxtacrine cell signalling due to Owen \& Sherratt (\emph{Math. Biosci.}, 1998, {\bf 153}(2):125--150) in which ligand molecules, unoccupied receptors and bound ligand-receptor complexes are modelled. Feedback between the ligand and receptor production and the level of bound receptors is incorporated. By isolating two parameters associated with the feedback strength and employing numerical simulation, linear stability and bifurcation analysis, the pattern-forming behaviour of the model is analysed under regimes corresponding to lateral inhibition and induction. Linear analysis of this model fails to capture the patterning behaviour exhibited in numerical simulations. Via bifurcation analysis we show that, since the majority of periodic patterns fold subcritically from the homogeneous steady state, a wide variety of stable patterns exists at a given parameter set, providing an explanation for this failure. The dominant pattern is isolated via numerical simulation. Additionally, by sampling patterns of non-integer wavelength on a discrete mesh, we highlight a disparity between the continuous and discrete representations of signalling mechanisms: in the continuous case, patterns of arbitrary wavelength are possible, while sampling such patterns on a discrete mesh leads to longer wavelength harmonics being selected where the wavelength is rational; in the irrational case, the resulting aperiodic patterns exhibit `local periodicity', being constructed from distorted stable shorter-wavelength patterns. This feature is consistent with experimentally observed patterns, which typically display approximate short-range periodicity with defects

    Spreading dynamics on spatially constrained complex brain networks

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    The study of dynamical systems defined on complex networks provides a natural framework with which to investigate myriad features of neural dynamics, and has been widely undertaken. Typically, however, networks employed in theoretical studies bear little relation to the spatial embedding or connectivity of the neural networks that they attempt to replicate. Here, we employ detailed neuroimaging data to define a network whose spatial embedding represents accurately the folded structure of the cortical surface of a rat and investigate the propagation of activity over this network under simple spreading and connectivity rules. By comparison with standard network models with the same coarse statistics, we show that the cortical geometry influences profoundly the speed propagation of activation through the network. Our conclusions are of high relevance to the theoretical modelling of epileptic seizure events, and indicate that such studies which omit physiological network structure risk simplifying the dynamics in a potentially significant way

    Effective equations governing an active poroelastic medium

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    In this work we consider the spatial homogenization of a coupled transport and fluid-structure interaction model, to the end of deriving a system of effective equations describing the flow, elastic deformation, and transport in an active poroelastic medium. The `active' nature of the material results from a morphoelastic response to a chemical stimulant, in which the growth timescale is strongly separated from other elastic timescales. The resulting effective model is broadly relevant to the study of biological tissue growth, geophysical flows (e.g. swelling in coals and clays) and a wide range of industrial applications (e.g. absorbant hygiene products). The key contribution of this work is the derivation of a system of homogenized partial differential equations describing macroscale growth, coupled to transport of solute, that explicitly incorporates details of the structure and dynamics of the microscopic system, and, moreover, admits finite growth and deformation at the pore-scale. The resulting macroscale model comprises a Biot-type system, augmented with additional terms pertaining to growth, coupled to an advection-reaction-diffusion equation. The resultant system of effective equations is then compared to other recent models under a selection of appropriate simplifying asymptotic limits

    Microstructural influences on growth and transport in biological tissue—a multiscale description

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    The detailed understanding of growth and transport dynamics within biological tissue is made particularly challenging by the complex and multiscale nature of this medium. For this reason so-called effective descriptions are frequently sought. These offer coarse-scale models that still accommodate aspects of microscale dynamics. When considering tissue growth, such formulations must accommodate the continuous growth and remodeling processes that occur in response to environmental cues. As a model system for investigating relevant phenomena, in this chapter we consider nutrient-limited growth of a porous medium (with broad application to vascularized tumor growth). Using asymptotic homogenization we derive the macroscale equations that describe a ‘double porous medium’ whose flow is influenced by both the tissue microstructure and growth that occurs in response to nutrient transport governed by an advection–reaction equation. The coupled flow and transport dynamics are demonstrated by numerical experiments indicating the influence of microscale structure and transport phenomena on the macroscale dynamics. The importance of slip, tortuosity, and of nutrient-limited growth are considered

    Stability analysis of electrical microgrids and their control systems

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    The drive towards renewable energy generation is causing fundamental changes in both the structure and dynamics of power grids. Their topology is becoming increasingly decentralised due to distributed, embedded generation, and the emergence of microgrids. Grid dynamics are being impacted by decreasing inertia, as conventional generators with massive spinning cores are replaced by DC renewable sources. This leads to a risk of destabilisation and places an upper limit on the volume of renewable power sources that can be installed. A wide variety of different control schemes have been proposed to overcome this problem. Such schemes fall into two broad categories: so-called 'grid-following' controllers that seek to match output AC power with grid frequency, and 'grid-forming' systems that seek to boost grid stability. The latter frequently work by providing synthetic inertia, enabling DC renewable sources to emulate conventional generators. This paper uses the master stability function methodology to analyse the stability of synchrony in microgrids of arbitrary size and containing arbitrary control systems. This approach provides a powerful and computationally efficient framework in which to benchmark the impact of any number of renewable sources on grid stability and thereby to support microgrid design strategies. The method is demonstrated by computing stability bounds for two different grid-forming systems, providing bounds on the feasible number of generators that can be accommodated. In addition, we contrast our results with predictions from a simplistic but widely-used phase oscillator model, finding that such descriptions significantly overestimate the grid stability properties

    A multiscale analysis of nutrient transport and biological tissue growth in vitro

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    In this paper, we consider the derivation of macroscopic equations appropriate to describe the growth of biological tissue, employing a multiple-scale homogenisation method to accommodate explicitly the influence of the underlying microscale structure of the material, and its evolution, on the macroscale dynamics. Such methods have been widely used to study porous and poroelastic materials; however, a distinguishing feature of biological tissue is its ability to remodel continuously in response to local environmental cues. Here, we present the derivation of a model broadly applicable to tissue engineering applications, characterised by cell proliferation and extracellular matrix deposition in porous scaffolds used within tissue culture systems, which we use to study coupling between fluid flow, nutrient transport and microscale tissue growth. Attention is restricted to surface accretion within a rigid porous medium saturated with a Newtonian fluid; coupling between the various dynamics is achieved by specifying the rate of microscale growth to be dependent upon the uptake of a generic diffusible nutrient. The resulting macroscale model comprises a Darcy-type equation governing fluid flow, with flow characteristics dictated by the assumed periodic microstructure and surface growth rate of the porous medium, coupled to an advection--reaction equation specifying the nutrient concentration. Illustrative numerical simulations are presented to indicate the influence of microscale growth on macroscale dynamics, and to highlight the importance of including experimentally-relevant microstructural information in order to correctly determine flow dynamics and nutrient delivery in tissue engineering applications

    Effect of loading history on airway smooth muscle cell-matrix adhesions

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    Integrin-mediated adhesions between airway smooth muscle (ASM) cells and the extracellular matrix (ECM) regulate how contractile forces generated within the cell are transmitted to its external environment. Environmental cues are known to influence the formation, size and survival of cell-matrix adhesions, but it is not yet known how they are affected by dynamic fluctuations associated with tidal breathing in the intact airway. Here we develop two closely-related theoretical models to study adhesion dynamics in response to oscillatory loading of the ECM, representing the dynamic environment of ASM cells in vivo. Using a discrete stochastic-elastic model, we simulate individual integrin binding and rupture events and observe two stable regimes in which either bond formation or bond rupture dominate, depending on the amplitude of the oscillatory loading. These regimes have either a high or low fraction of persistent adhesions, which could affect the level of strain transmission between contracted ASM cells and the airway tissue. For intermediate loading we observe a region of bistability and hysteresis due to shared loading between existing bonds; the level of adhesion depends on the loading history. These findings are replicated in a related continuum model, which we use to investigate the effect of perturbations mimicking deep inspirations (DIs). Due to the bistability, a DI applied to the high adhesion state could either induce a permanent switch to a lower adhesion state or allow a return of the system to the high adhesion state. Transitions between states are further influenced by the frequency of oscillations, cytoskeletal or ECM stiffnesses and binding affinities, which modify the magnitudes of the stable adhesion states as well as the region of bistability. These findings could explain (in part) the transient bronchodilatory effect of a DI observed in asthmatics compared to a more sustained effect in normal subjects

    Describing financial crisis propagation through epidemic modelling on multiplex networks

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    This paper proposes a novel framework for modelling the spread of financial crises in complex networks, combining financial data, Extreme Value Theory and an epidemiological transmission model. We accommodate two key aspects of contagion modelling: fundamentals-based contagion, where the transmission is due to direct financial linkages, and pure contagion, where a crisis might trigger additional crises due to global effects. We use stock price, geographical location and economic sector data for a set of 398 companies to construct multiplex networks of four layers, on which a susceptible-infected-recovered transmission model is defined, in order to model the spread of financial shocks between companies by accounting for their interconnected nature. By utilizing stock price data for the 2008 and 2020 financial crises, we investigate and assess the effectiveness of our model in forecasting the propagation of financial shocks through the network, where a shock is detected by measuring stock price volatility. The results suggest that the proposed framework is effective in predicting the spread of financial crises. Our findings demonstrate the significance of each layer of the multiplex network structure, which differentiates between various transmission pathways, for predicting the number of affected companies, as well as for company-, sector- or location-specific predictions

    An analysis of waves underlying grid cell firing in the medial enthorinal cortex

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    Layer II stellate cells in the medial enthorinal cortex (MEC) express hyperpolarisation-activated cyclic-nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels that allow for rebound spiking via an I_h current in response to hyperpolarising synaptic input. A computational modelling study by Hasselmo [2013 Neuronal rebound spiking, resonance frequency and theta cycle skipping may contribute to grid cell firing in medial entorhinal cortex. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 369: 20120523] showed that an inhibitory network of such cells can support periodic travelling waves with a period that is controlled by the dynamics of the I_h current. Hasselmo has suggested that these waves can underlie the generation of grid cells, and that the known difference in I_h resonance frequency along the dorsal to ventral axis can explain the observed size and spacing between grid cell firing fields. Here we develop a biophysical spiking model within a framework that allows for analytical tractability. We combine the simplicity of integrate-and-fire neurons with a piecewise linear caricature of the gating dynamics for HCN channels to develop a spiking neural field model of MEC. Using techniques primarily drawn from the field of nonsmooth dynamical systems we show how to construct periodic travelling waves, and in particular the dispersion curve that determines how wave speed varies as a function of period. This exhibits a wide range of long wavelength solutions, reinforcing the idea that rebound spiking is a candidate mechanism for generating grid cell firing patterns. Importantly we develop a wave stability analysis to show how the maximum allowed period is controlled by the dynamical properties of the I_h current. Our theoretical work is validated by numerical simulations of the spiking model in both one and two dimensions