6 research outputs found

    Foreign direct investment and poverty alleviation: the case of Bulyanhulu and Geita gold mines, Tanzania

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    This PhD thesis seeks to quantify the economic, social and environmental effects of the gold mining sector as a component of foreign direct investments in Tanzania and its contribution to poverty alleviation. In addition to highlighting the socio-economic gains and losses, by exploring the corporate the social responsibility policies and practices, the book also traces the private-public partnerships with local communities around the two mines under consideration (Bulyanhulu Gold Mine Ltd. in Kahama District and Geita Gold Mine Ltd. in Geita District, north-western Tanzania). The book is expected to further stimulate the debate on the relationship between profit, corporate income taxes and corporate social responsibility as well as its implication for foreign mining companies. It also sheds more light on the contribution of the mining sector to Tanzania's economy. The book concludes that the economic growth associated with the mining boom, albeit limited, is significant to the rural communities around the mines.</p

    Foreign direct investment and poverty alleviation: the case of Bulyanhulu and Geita gold mines, Tanzania

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    This PhD thesis seeks to quantify the economic, social and environmental effects of the gold mining sector as a component of foreign direct investments in Tanzania and its contribution to poverty alleviation. In addition to highlighting the socio-economic gains and losses, by exploring the corporate the social responsibility policies and practices, the book also traces the private-public partnerships with local communities around the two mines under consideration (Bulyanhulu Gold Mine Ltd. in Kahama District and Geita Gold Mine Ltd. in Geita District, north-western Tanzania). The book is expected to further stimulate the debate on the relationship between profit, corporate income taxes and corporate social responsibility as well as its implication for foreign mining companies. It also sheds more light on the contribution of the mining sector to Tanzania's economy. The book concludes that the economic growth associated with the mining boom, albeit limited, is significant to the rural communities around the mines.ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde

    Foreign direct investment and poverty alleviation in Tanzania: a case of Bulyanhulu and Geita Gold Mines Limited in Kahama and Geita districts

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    Emmanuel Nyankweli onderzocht de economische, sociale en milieuaspecten van goudwinning in Tanzania. Ook analyseerde hij hoe de goudmijnbouw heeft bijgedragen aan armoedebestrijding in het land. Uit zijn onderzoek blijkt dat de sociaaleconomische status van bewoners in mijnbouwgebieden is verbeterd ten opzichte van bewoners van vergelijkbare rurale gebieden. Dit is ondanks milieu- en gezondheidszorgen die worden gemeld. De overheid en mijnbouwbedrijven werken samen aan maatregelen om de gevolgen van mijnbouwactiviteiten voor het milieu te verzachten en duurzame ontwikkeling te waarborgen, onder meer door het organiseren van de afvalverwerking en door het beschermen van waterbronnen. Nyankweli concludeert dat het aantrekken van directe buitenlandse investeringen een belangrijke mijlpaal is voor Tanzania. Desondanks is het huidige beleid niet voldoende om goed beheer van natuurlijke hulpbronnen te bewerkstelligen en negatieve externe effecten te beperken