430 research outputs found
Automatikus azonosítás és hitelesítés vizuális kódokkal
Az automatikus azonosítás egyik legfontosabb és széles körben
alkalmazott eleme a vizuális kódokkal történő azonosítás. A
különbözô szimbólumokkal és mintákkal megjelenített
azonosítók teszik lehetôvé a gépek számára az elektronikus
leolvasást, ami nagyban segíti és gyorsítja a feldolgozást
pl. a bolti pénztáraknál, raktári átvételnél, nagy sebességű
feldolgozási helyeken, gyártósorokon. A szokásosan használt,
geometriai minták szerint tervezett kódok általában típusokat
vagy egyedeket azonosítanak. Elôállíthatók azonban olyan
mintázatok, melyek természetüknél fogva egyediek és így
eredetiség vagy hitelesség ellenôrzésére is alkalmazhatók.
Jelen írásunkban bemutatunk egy módszert QR kódok gyors és
pontos detektálására mobil készülékkel készített fényképeken,
valamint egy természetes mintázat felismerésére kidolgozott
Alkalmazási területként bemutatunk egy olyan lehetséges
hibrid vizuális kód konstrukciót, melyben mesterséges és
természetes mintázatok együttes alkalmazásával elérhetô az
azonosítás és a hitelesítés is
Rape myth acceptance as a relevant psychological construct in a gender-unequal context: The Hungarian adaptation of the updated Illinois rape myths acceptance scale
The Updated Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale (UIRMAS) has been widely used for measuring rape myth acceptance. The scale was created in the United States, however studies have shown that rape myth is a culturally and socially embedded phenomenon. Therefore, in order to measure rape myth acceptance in other parts of the world, the scale needs to be validated. Victim blaming and rape myths are both widespread in public reactions to rape in Hungary (ie, in media reports and public opinion). Furthermore, Hungary can be characterized by a weak feminist movement and scoring low on gender equality measures. Nevertheless, we expected and found the reliability and validity of the Hungarian version of the Updated Illinois Rape myth acceptance Scale (UIRMAS). In Study 1 we conducted a confirmative factor analysis to assess the structural validity of the scale and identified the original factors of
Efficient 1D and 2D barcode detection using mathematical morphology
Barcode technology is essential in automatic identification,
and is used in a wide range of real-time applications. Different
code types and applications impose special problems, so there is
a continuous need for solutions with improved performance.
Several methods exist for code localization, that are well
characterized by accuracy and speed. Particularly, high-speed
processing places need reliable automatic barcode localization,
e.g. conveyor belts and automated production, where missed
detections cause loss of profit. Our goal is to detect
automatically, rapidly and accurately the barcode location with
the help of extracted image features. We propose a new algorithm
variant, that outperforms in both accuracy and efficiency other
detectors found in the literature using similar ideas, and also
improves on the detection performance in detecting 2D codes
compared to our previous algorithm
Improved QR code localization using boosted cascade of weak classifiers
Usage of computer-readable visual codes became common in our everyday life at industrial environments and private use. The reading process of visual codes consists of two tasks: localization and data decoding. Unsupervised localization is desirable at industrial setups and for visually impaired people. This paper examines localization efficiency of cascade classifiers using Haar-like features, Local Binary Patterns and Histograms of Oriented Gradients, trained for the finder patterns of QR codes and for the whole code region as well, and proposes improvements in post-processing
A Novel Method for Barcode Localization in Image Domain
Barcode localization is an essential step of the barcode reading
process. For industrial environments, having high-resolution
cameras and eventful scenarios, fast and reliable localization
is crucial. Images acquired in those setups have limited
parameters, however, they vary at each application. In earlier
works we have already presented various barcode features to
track for localization process. In this paper, we present a
novel approach for fast barcode localization using a limited set
of pixels in image domain
Distance transform and template matching based methods for localization of barcodes and QR codes
Visual codes play an important role in automatic identification, which became an inseparable part of industrial processes. Thanks to the revolution of smartphones and telecommunication, it also becomes more and more popular in everyday life, containing embedded web addresses or other small informative texts. While barcode reading is straightforward in images having optimal parameters (fo cus, illumination, code orientation, and position), localization of code regions is still challenging in many scenarios. Every setup has its own characteristics, there fore many approaches are justifiable. Industrial applications are likely to have more fixed parameters like illumination, camera type and code size, and processing speed and accuracy are the most important requirements. In everyday use, like with smart phone cameras, a wide variety of code types, sizes, noise levels and blurring can be observed, but the processing speed is often not crucial, and the image acquisition process can be repeated in order for successful detection. In this paper, we address this problem with two novel methods for localization of 1D barcodes based on template matching and distance transformation, and a third method for QR codes. Our proposed approaches can simultaneously localize sev eral different types of codes. We compare the effectiveness of the proposed methods with several approaches from the literature using public databases and a large set of synthetic images as a benchmark. The evaluation shows that the proposed methods are efficient, having 84.3% Jaccard accuracy, superior to other approaches. One of the presented approaches is an improvement on our previous work. Our template matching based method is computationally more complex, however, it can be adapted to specific code types producing high accuracy. The other method uses distance transformation, which is fast and gives rough regions of interests that can contain valid visual code candidates
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