7 research outputs found


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    The library materials management is one of the main activities in a series of library process. This activities allow the library collections to be organized in a systematic, effective and efficient manner. The performance of processing library materials greatly influences the success of the library in carrying out its duties and functions. This study aims to examine the optimization of processing library materials in the Regional Library and Archives Office of Karimun Regency. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. The population in this study were all staff at the Regional Library Office and the Archives of Karimun Regency totaling 48 people. With a sample of 10 people, namely 5 civil servants and 5 honorary people. As the result of the study concluded that here are several things that can be done by universities in order to change the community's stigma about the existence of universities. First, with more professional library management. Second, the development of a library with adequate facilities. The building or library room is quite good, in the sense that it is adequately visited by visitors. This is inseparable from the maintenance of space and buildings by librarian officers as a place to store collections of library materials, librarian workplaces, and reading rooms for library users. library equipment owned by the library and archives of the District of Karimun are library materials, research cabinets for goods, tables, chairs, collection shelves, library materials, magazines, newspapers, book stroller, and wall boards

    SKP (Sasaran Kerja Pegawai) dan Implikasinya pada Kinerja PNS di Lingkungan SMP Negeri 1 Meral Kabupaten Karimun

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    The research is descriptive research that is both explorative, to express a thing exists. The population was an appraiser (2 persons), a superior an appraiser (3 persons), and civil servants (28 people). Sample rates of return performed on all employees in units of the organization. The data collection was done by using quesioner covering knowledge assessors, substance, method , time , assessors mechanism and obstacles. The results of the analysis shows knowledge assessors about those policies related with the work performance civil servants is enough, but not applied in accordance with the provisions and have not been able to provide an assessment objectively. A method of assessment evaluation has been good enough working with the target of being measurable and clear but there are still some judgment behavior civil servants that were not clear indicators and the measurement based on the principles of approximately. Found some psychological so assessors could not make an assessment performance fair, in the form of assessment work performance that objective. The results of target work employees not yet used for the establishment of civil servants, and used only for promotion just requirements

    Efektivitas Iklan Traveloka Televisi Konvensional Pada Konsumen di Era Digital

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    Tujuan Traveloka beriklan adalah untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat akan hadirnya Traveloka sebagai salah satu pelopor online travel agency di Indonesia, serta untuk meningkatkan jumlah pengguna. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektivitas iklan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif dengan paradigma positivistik.  Pengukuran efektivitas iklan dilakukan dengan menggunakan model Customer Response Index (CRI). Hasil pengukuran di analisis disertai dengan penjelasan faktor-faktor yang menjadi alasan responden dalam memberikan respon mengacu pada indikator dari model Hierarchy of Effect. Hasil akhir penghitungan diperoleh nilai CRI sebesar 51,4% lebih besar dari unaware 1,4%, no comprehend 5,1%, no interest 12,9%, no intention 9,6% dan no action 19,6%. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa iklan televisi Traveloka “Edisi Ramadhan–Trip Mudik” tahun 2017 efektif. Kesimpulan diperoleh melalui pengujian model CRI diketahui bahwa nilai CRI (tahap action) lebih besar dari unaware, no comprehend, no interest, no intention dan no action iklan televisi Traveloka “Edisi Ramadhan–Trip Mudik” tahun 2017 efektif


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    Learning Indonesian as a school subject can be intended as an effort to develop Indonesian language functions for Senior High School students to obtain information, control behavior, interact with others, express personal feelings or intentions, develop learning skills, and use language to convey information. To achieve this purpose, the teacher must do learning optimally. This paper aims to elaborate on the various phenomena of learning Indonesian in Senior High school and various references as the basis of language and conclusions. The elaboration feedback strategy is the focus of this paper and intended as a discourse and input for the teacher as the person in charge of learning process in the classroom

    Skill, Transformational Leadership, And Competitiveness: Relationships In A Love Triangle

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    This study aims to see the extent to which transformational leadership plays a role in mediating the relationship between personal skills and the competitiveness of private employees in the Karimun district. The total population used was 75 respondents selected based on random sampling techniques. Data analysis techniques use Smart PLS, and the results of this study are: 1) Skills have a direct and significant effect on competitiveness; skills possessed by employees can help increase the competitiveness of companies in a competitive market. 2) Skills have a significant influence on transformational leadership. Good skills can help a leader to set a good example, provide clear direction, motivate the team, solve problems, and build good relationships with his team members. 3) Transformational leadership has a significant positive impact on the company’s competitiveness. Transformational leadership can help increase productivity, drive innovation, increase employee satisfaction, and improve company reputation and competitiveness. 4) Skills have a direct and significant effect on competitiveness through transformational leadership. Skills can help increase productivity, drive innovation, increase employee satisfaction, improve a company's reputation, and enhance a company's overall competitive ability

    Bussu As Online Learning Platform On Vocabulary Learning Motivation Achievement Among Students

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    A robust online learning platform is critical for extending education beyond the classroom and facilitating interactive and individualized learning. Language learning has developed some patterns due to social interactions and independent learning experiences. Vocabulary motivation and achievement are critical components of students' English proficiency. Nonetheless, both variables are recognized as critical by lecturers and students, but receive less attention. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of Busuu, an online learning platform, on the motivation and achievement of university students in Indonesia when it comes to vocabulary learning. The platform's use as an independent variable, whereas motivation for vocabulary learning and vocabulary achievement, were dependent variables. This study employed a quantitative methodology. Busuu facilitates the learning experience by keeping track of the number of words learned, the level of fluency, and the duration of the learning day. The researchers refer to fluency as the indicator in the study. The questionnaire and test were adapted and modified from previous research on motivation and achievement in vocabulary learning. There were 98 participants. The research discovered that the Busuu online learning platform's performance significantly contributes to the motivation and achievement of vocabulary learners. The study proposes a new model of English learning that incorporates online learning platforms in order to boost students' motivation and vocabulary achievement

    Potensi ekowisata minat khusus pada wilayah Pulau Tulang Kabupaten Karimun Provinsi Kepulauan Riau

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    Ekowisata minat khusus merupakan salah satu jenis pariwisata yang diminati oleh kalangan, kelompok atau masyarakat tertentu. Keberadaan potensi ekowisata minat khusus ini dapat menunjang potensi ekowisata lain yang ada disekitarnya. Potensi ekowisata minat khusus ini juga diperkirakan ada di Pulau Tulang, maka dilakukanlah penelitian tentang potensi ekowisata minat khusus di wilayah Pulau Tulang Kabupaten Karimun Provinsi Kepulauan Riau.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari hingga Agustus 2020 bertempat di Pulau Tulang Kabupaten Karimun Provinsi Kepulauan Riau.Tujuan penelitian ini mengkaji potensi ekowisata minat khusus seperti ekowisata kunang-kunang, ekowisata goa, ekowisata sejarah dan mitos, dan ekowisata berlayar.Metode penelitian yang digunakan berupa metode observasi dengan pengamatan langsung dilapangan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ekowisata minat khusus kunang kunang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan dengan nilai Indeks Kesesuaian Wisata (IKW) sebesar 57,89% dengan kriteria sesuai bersyarat. Potensi ekowisata goa berpotensi dikembangkan dengan IKW sebesar 50,00% dengan kriteria sesuai bersyarat. Untuk ekowisata minat khusus sejarah dan mitos dapat kembangkan yaitu: Batu Naga, Batu Kucing, Batu Gajah, Batu Badak dan Makam Mati di Bunuh. Khusus ekowisata berlayar dapat dikembangkan dengan berlayar mengelilingi Pulau Tulang.Kata Kunci: Ekowisata, minat khusus, indeks kesesuaian wisat