243 research outputs found


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    The size of government expenditures and its effect on long-run economic growth, and vice versa, has been an issue of sustained interest for decades. Many studies have analyzed how government expenditures contribute to economic growth. However, they focused on the impact of total government expenditures and overall GDP growth. Very few studies attempted to link different types of government spending to growth, and even fewer attempted to analyze the impact of government spending at the sector level.government expenditure, economic growth, public sector

    Management of Objectives and Budgetary Planning

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    It is required to set short-term and long-term goals, to assess the means we need to achieve the objectives and to make budgetary decisions, as it is about choosing an action program according to the means at our disposal, on the basis of objective criteria by studying system and cost-effectiveness analyzes, even if it is difficult to assess whether an effective decision was taken on a scientific or intuitive basis. This article aims to present two budgeting methods, PPBS and MBO, which could together reduce the disadvantages of a separate action. It is therefore necessary to identify, in a general way, the ways of combining these two methods and their consequences in economic and social terms. Applying this strategy opens the prospect of effectively solving economic problems by rationalizing the budgetary procedure

    Analysis of Budget and Fiscal Policy and its Implications in Terms of Integration into the European Union

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    Our paper’s aim is to review the main fiscal and budgetary measures taken by theRomanian government in the pre EU era and its effects. Many of them were imposed by the Europeanaquis but other was just proper for the economic national and international context

    The impact of financial performance upon the social responsibility of Romanian SMEs – point of view

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    The aim of this paper is to assess the different approaches regarding the impact of social and environmental responsibility upon the financial performance. Most of the authors consider there is an impact and mostly only the ways of evaluate it or report it is different from an approach to another. Moreover the literature commonly separates the discussion regarding the social responsibility from the environmental approach. The study developed shows at least a variation of one of the many approaches and shows the specificity of Romanian business environment

    Parent Treatment Integrity Across Multiple Components of a Behavioural Intervention

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    Children with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often present with challenging behaviours such as aggression, extreme tantrums, non-compliance, or self-injury, which are associated with increased family stress. Behaviour analytic interventions are considered evidence-based practice for decreasing these challenging behaviours; however, most effective, multi-component interventions are implemented in-clinic by trained professionals, and treatment effects do not automatically generalize to the home. The literature is lacking on parent-implemented multi-component interventions in the home environment, and little research has reported on the levels of treatment integrity with which such interventions are implemented. Treatment integrity is crucial to both intervention outcomes, as well as confidence in the validity of the results. As such, it is important to select effective training procedures that may enhance treatment integrity, such as behavioural skills training (BST). BST is an evidence-based training procedure that is widely used in behaviour analysis to train complex skills. The present study sought to determine whether BST can be successfully used to train a parent of a six-year old child with ASD to implement a multi-component intervention in the home environment, while carefully monitoring treatment integrity levels for each treatment component, as well as impact on child behaviour. Results support the use of BST for this purpose, and implications for future research are discussed


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    The special economic importance and the diversity of forestry fund in present both as public and private property impose the corect understanding of all judicial institutions that constitute the appliable judicial regime for all woods, for all lands destinated for wood plantations, for those designated for woody nursery, technology requirements, production and forestry administration, of ponds, treams riverbeds, of other land with forestry destination, including the not productive ones coprised by forestry facilities at 1 january 1990, including the surface utilisation changes, according with the in – out operations performed in compliance with law, no matter the form of property. The understanding of the way the administration of forestry fund is done is essential in order to comply with the forestry regime, no matter the form of land property, compulsory for all owners of woods and wood related land. During the actual period the guard of forestry fund is a major goal in order to eliminate not only the illegal wood cutting yet its protection against any kind of destructions, damages, excessive grazing, pouching and other damaging deeds


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    Year 2014 was considered by NASA and NOAA hottest year in history. Combined temperature of the atmosphere and oceans has increased overall by 0.68 degrees Celsius, and the devastating effects of climate changes produced irreversible consequences on the sustainability of the planet earth. Increasing the frequency, intensity and complexity of their manifestation caused initiation and development of global policies aimed at mitigating climate change priority, reducing the risk of natural disasters or anthropological costs and negative effects to society and the environment. In order to fulfill the responsibilities assumed by Romania as a member of international bodies is necessary to search and apply new solutions as revolutionary and effective, especially autonomous enabling technology development and improvement of emergency intervention and replacement of emergency autonomous robotic systems. Autonomous robotic systems allow execution of prevention and management of emergencies in areas difficult to reach, hostile life and result in increasing their efficiency

    Bigger is better... again? An Essay

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    Some time ago it was obvious for many that "bigger" is not necessary the better way. Bigger was onlybigger and if we could do it smaller and better everybody was happy. The stockholders, thecommunities, the government, the "Green Peace" activists... But then again we are talking about a timewhen the UN was still a voice and the cold war was over. There was a time when the globalistsocialist-capitalism was the way and the nations where divided in capitalist economies and emergingeconomies. There were almost no national economies. No more

    The Influence of Telomerase on Induction and Repair of Targeted and Non-targeted Radiation Effects

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    The main aim of the project is to investigate the role of the telomere/telomerase system in the bystander effect. Pilot experiments were carried out on broad field X-ray and y-ray-induced bystander effect in normal BJ and immortalized BJ1-hTERT human foreskin fibroblasts. This work led to finding increased clonogenic inactivation and chromosomal damage in cells directly hit by ionizing radiation and provided direct evidence for medium-mediated bystander responses (micronuclei and cell inactivation) in fibroblasts irradiated with low LET radiation. Later, this work on targeted and non-targeted effects of radiation was extended as a number of different responses appeared which suggested expanding the scope of the studies. Therefore different cytogenetic responses and their relationship were studies. Connections between bystander effects and other non-targeted effects of radiation, such as low-dose hypersensitivity/increased radio-resistance phenomenon were considered. There was an indication that the bystander effect may play a role in cell inactivation at low radiation doses. Formation of DSBs induces the phosphorylation of the tumor suppressor protein, histone H2AX and this phosphorylated form, named y-H2AX, forms foci at DSB sites. Although y-H2AX foci were observed in exponentially growing cells containing media conditioned on X-irradiated cells, it is not clear if X-irradiation leads to double strand breaks in bystander cells. The data in this study suggests that lesions other than DNA double strand breaks are involved in the bystander effect and that different mechanisms are responsible for the production of y-H2AX foci in direct irradiated and bystander cells. No induction of foci of y-H2AX in bystander confluent cells were observed and this result is discussed. Our findings rule out any major involvement of the telomerase in the bystander effect and propose that telomerase may have other physiological functions associated with the protection of chromosomes from breakage

    A theoretical approach of fiscal and budgetary policies

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    The overall aim of this paper is to highlight the doctrinal issues that can influence fiscal and budgetary policies decisions taken in a certain period by the public decision makers. More specifically, we want to emphasize how classical and neoclassical doctrine influences fiscal and budgetary issues. These doctrinal features should be considered when assessing a period of governance and should be related to underlying fundamentals of organization of an economy in a specific context
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