4,746 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic relationships of Indian caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona) inferred from mitochondrial rRNA gene sequences

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    India has a diverse caecilian fauna, including representatives of three of the six currently recognized families, the Caeciliidae, Ichthyophiidae, the endemic Uraeotyphlidae, but previous molecular phylogenetic studies of caecilians have not included sequences for any Indian caecilians. Partial 12S and 16S mitochondrial gene sequences were obtained for a single representative of each of the caecilian families found in India and aligned against previously reported sequences for 13 caecilian species. The resulting alignment (16 taxa, 1200 sites, of which 288 cannot be aligned unambiguously) was analyzed using parsimony, maximum-likelihood, and distance methods. As judged by bootstrap proportions, decay indices, and leaf stabilities, well-supported relationships of the Indian caecilians are recovered from the alignment. The data (1) corroborate the hypothesis, based on morphology, that the Uraeotyphlidae and Ichthyophiidae are sister taxa, (2) recover a monophyletic Ichthyophiidae, including Indian and South East Asian representatives, and (3) place the Indian caeciliid Gegeneophis ramaswamii as the sister group of the caeciliid caecilians of the Seychelles. Rough estimates of divergence times suggest an origin of the Uraeotyphlidae and Ichthyophiidae while India was isolated from Laurasia and Africa and are most consistent with an Indian origin of these families and subsequent dispersal of ichthyophiids into South East Asia

    Apple Computer, Inc. v. Franklin Computer Corporation Puts the Byte Back into Copyright Protection for Computer Programs

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    This Note presents the areas in which the copyrightability of a computer program has been questioned and it explains the reasoning used by the Third Circuit in Franklin to reject arguments that not all computer programs are copyrightable. Although there is no longer any doubt whether a computer program may be the subject of copyright, fundamental issues involved in copyrighting a work may pose barriers to a program being protected. These issues will be discussed in light of the Third Circuit\u27s opinion in Franklin and the future directions which copyright law may take

    The Development of a Patient Portal for Use During Hospitalization: Pediatric Registered Nurses' Perspectives

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    Patient portals are innovative digital health technologies that are impacting nursing practice. A patient portal is an electronic tool that allows patients and parents to access personal health information. There has been a recent focus to implement patient portal technology when children are hospitalized. This manuscript style thesis examines pediatric registered nurses (RNs) perspectives of new technology including patient portals and its impact on nursing care. The first manuscript is a thematic literature review that was conducted to determine pediatric health care providers perceptions of patient portal implementation. Five articles were included in the analysis and only two articles focused exclusively on health care providers views. Four themes summarize the pediatric practitioner’s experiences with a portal technology: The Benefits of the Patient Portal; Impact on Provider Workload; User-Friendliness of the Patient Portal; and Health Care Providers Needs with Portal Implementation. Pediatric RNs voices are limited in currently published research. Therefore, the second manuscript is an interpretive description study conducted to explore pediatric RNs perspectives of new technology, including a proposed patient portal, on patient care. A total of 10 nurses participated in a semi-structured individual interview. Six themes represent the RNs views of new technology, including a proposed patient portal, and the impact on nursing care during a child’s hospitalization. The first three themes: Standing in Both Worlds, Reshaping the Care Triad, and Needing Support embody the nurses’ views on the implementation of technology in the pediatric inpatient units they work. The RNs previous experience with health technology implementation informs their perspectives of a new portal technology and its potential impact on patient care. The last three themes encompass the RNs views on the development of a patient portal: Improving Family Centred Care, Connecting with Care, and Anticipating Nursing Implications. Overall, the RNs are anticipating a positive impact the portal can have on the hospital experience for children and their family members. Even though the nurses report a feeling of standing in both worlds in regards to technology and its varied implementation, they are still optimistic. The RNs are also bringing awareness to the impact of all the new technology, not just a single piece, on patient care and the art of nursing. The integrated discussion provides recommendations to a larger ongoing study and discusses the impact on nursing practice, education, and research. Recruiting and involving pediatric RNs can take considerable time and effort but they can provide valuable insight and feedback on new technology, including patient portals, which may result in more sustained use.

    Existence of positive solutions of a superlinear boundary value problem with indefinite weight

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    We deal with the existence of positive solutions for a two-point boundary value problem associated with the nonlinear second order equation uâ€Čâ€Č+a(x)g(u)=0u''+a(x)g(u)=0. The weight a(x)a(x) is allowed to change its sign. We assume that the function g ⁣:[0,+∞[→Rg\colon\mathopen{[}0,+\infty\mathclose{[}\to\mathbb{R} is continuous, g(0)=0g(0)=0 and satisfies suitable growth conditions, so as the case g(s)=spg(s)=s^{p}, with p>1p>1, is covered. In particular we suppose that g(s)/sg(s)/s is large near infinity, but we do not require that g(s)g(s) is non-negative in a neighborhood of zero. Using a topological approach based on the Leray-Schauder degree we obtain a result of existence of at least a positive solution that improves previous existence theorems.Comment: 12 pages, 4 PNG figure

    Perron-Frobenius theorem for nonnegative multilinear forms and extensions

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    We prove an analog of Perron-Frobenius theorem for multilinear forms with nonnegative coefficients, and more generally, for polynomial maps with nonnegative coefficients. We determine the geometric convergence rate of the power algorithm to the unique normalized eigenvector.Comment: 13 page

    Perspectives on the Missiological Legacy of Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation

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    Upon the occasion of the 500th anniversary Martin Luther’s publication of his 95 theses, this composite article brings together five perspectives on the missiological legacy of the reformer and the subsequent Protestant Reformation. The blend of voices makes clear that Luther and the subsequent Protestant Reformation do not have a simple missiological legacy but rather various legacies: theological, ecclesiological, political, and practical; some of which co-exist, and even collide, in the same ecclesiastical community. The scandalous legacy of a splintered and splintering church remains. Yet, demonstrations of mutual recognition, reciprocal respect, and genuine fellowship can be found in certain missiological circles

    X-inactivation analysis of embryonic lethality in Ocrlwt/−;Inpp5b−/− mice

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    Mutations in the human OCRL gene, which encodes a phosphatidylinositol(4,5)bisphosphate 5-phosphatase, result in the X-linked oculocerebrorenal syndrome of Lowe. Mice with a targeted disruption of Ocrl have no phenotypic abnormalities. Targeted disruption of its closest paralog, Inpp5b, causes male infertility in the 129S6 background. Mice with disruptions of both genes are lost in utero prior to 9.5-10.5 dpc, indicating that there is a functional overlap between the two paralogs early in development. We analyzed the pattern of X-inactivation in four tissues of distinct embryonic origin from Ocrlwt/−;Inpp5b−/− females to explore the timing and tissue distribution of the functional overlap. X-inactivation was strongly skewed against the disrupted Ocrl− allele being on the active X chromosome in all four tissues tested, indicating that there is early selection against cell lineages lacking both Ocrl and Inpp5b. Extraembryonic tissue was also involved in the lethality because there were never any live-born Ocrlwt/−;Inpp5b−/− females when the functional Ocrlwt allele was on the paternal X chromosome, which is preferentially inactivated in trophoblast-derived extraembryonic tissues. Live-born Ocrlwt/−;Inpp5b−/− females were found when the functional Ocrlwt allele was maternal, although in fewer numbers than expected. The importance of the extraembryonic tissues in the early embryonic lethality of embryos lacking both Ocrl and Inpp5b is reinforced by the successful isolation of a viable 40,XX Ocrl−/−;Inpp5b−/− embryonic stem cell from the inner cell mass of a 3.5-dpc blastocyst prior to implantation. These results indicate a functional overlap of Ocrl and Inpp5b in most cell lineages, especially in extraembryonic tissues

    Ten myths about character, virtue and virtue education – plus three well-founded misgivings

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    Initiatives to cultivate character and virtue in moral education at school continue to provoke sceptical responses. Most of those echo familiar misgivings about the notions of character, virtue and education in virtue – as unclear, redundant, old-fashioned, religious, paternalistic, anti-democratic, conservative, individualistic, relative and situation dependent. I expose those misgivings as ‘myths’, while at the same time acknowledging three better-founded historical, methodological and practical concerns about the notions in question

    Isomorphism of graph classes related to the circular-ones property

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    We give a linear-time algorithm that checks for isomorphism between two 0-1 matrices that obey the circular-ones property. This algorithm leads to linear-time isomorphism algorithms for related graph classes, including Helly circular-arc graphs, \Gamma-circular-arc graphs, proper circular-arc graphs and convex-round graphs.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    Intergenerational justice of what: welfare, resources or capabilities?

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    An important aspect of intergenerational justice concerns the specification of a 'currency of advantage' that can be used to evaluate distributive outcomes across time. Environmental theorists have introduced several innovative currencies of justice in recent years, such as ecological space and critical natural capital. However they have often downplayed the application of established currencies (such as welfare, resources or capabilities) to issues of futurity. After exploring the merits of a number of rival currencies, it is argued that the currency of 'capabilities to function' provides a promising basis for a theory of justice that takes seriously the rights and duties of intergenerational justice
