27 research outputs found

    Economic Impact Analysis of Marine Tourism to Community Revenue

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    This study aims to determine the economic impact on the income of nautical tourism village community Olele District of Kabila Bone Bone Bolango District. This research was conducted in July-November 2015. The respondents rating determined non-probality sampling, are selected by convenience sampling method. Researchers chose rating arbitrary or accidental encounter. The data collection was done by direct observation using questionnaires. The economic impact was analyzed by using Keynesian Income Multiplier. The results showed that the impact on revenues of maritime tourism Olele village communities are in the category of low and have not been felt evenly. Income Keynesian Multiplier value is 0.99, Type 1 Income Multiplier Ratio is 1.21 and Type 2 Income Multiplier Ratio is 1.67. Direct economic impact in the form of income owners of business units that is equal to 66.27%. While the indirect impact in the form of labor income is still very low at 2.81%. Further impact in the form of labor expenditures amounted to 48.76% is used for food. Keywords: Marine tourism; Keynesian Income Multiplier; economic impac

    Analisis Parameter Dinamika Populasi Kepiting Bakau (Scylla serrata) di Kecamatan Kwandang, Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara

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    Kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) merupakan salah satu komoditas perikanan pantai yang mempunyai nilai ekonomis penting yang ditargetkan sebagai komoditas budidaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan lebar karapaks dengan berat tubuh, kelompok umur, pertumbuhan, mortalitas dan parameter pendukung untuk kehidupan kepiting bakau. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey dengan metode Simple Random Sampling. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan metode Bhattacharya (1967), Von Bertalanfy (1967), Gulland dan Holt (1959), Beverton dan Holt (1956), rumus Pauly (1980) dan metode Hill (1982). Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh hubungan lebar karapaks dengan berat kepiting jantan dengan persamaan W = -666,2513L9,8410 (R2) 0,7570, dan betina W=657,1955L9,5295 (R2) 0,9040. Masing-masing modus lebar karapaks L1 =105,7302 mm, L2 =121,3173 mm, L3 =157,5942 mm, lebar maksimum L =188,4860 mm, koefisien laju pertumbuhan K =0,3989 pertahun, umur teoritis mula-mula t0 =-0,2189 tahun, laju mortalitas total Z =0,4854 pertahun, mortalitas alami M =0,0870 pertahun dan mortalitas penangkapan F =0,3984 pertahun. Kata kunci: kepiting bakau, dinamika populasi, Kecamatan Kwandan

    Co-management mangrove ecosystem in The Langge Village, Anggrek District, North Gorontalo Regency

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    This research aimed to 1) determine the existing condition of Langge Village's mangroves and their utilization, 2) analyze stakeholders, the influence and mapping of co-management, and 3) analyze the form of co-management, roles, and responsibilities of stakeholders towards mangrove management in Langge Village. This research was conducted in August-November 2021. Mangrove vegetation data was collected using the line transect method; while the stakeholder data collection is done by open interviews. The data obtained from mangrove vegetation are frequency and density; while the stakeholders are in the form of interests, influence, implementation of co-management, and the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders. Based on this study, 16 species of true mangroves were found at 3 observation stations from Avicennia, Bruguiera, Ceriops, Rhizophora, Sonneratia, and Xylocarpus groups. Mangrove management in Langge Village is at the Advisory Committee stage or the advocacy stage.Keywords: Co-Management, stakeholders, management, mangrov

    Analisis Vegetasi Mangrove di Pulau Dudepo Kecamatan Anggrek Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan September - Desember 2012, bertujuan untuk mengetahui vegetasi mangrove di Pulau Dudepo, Kecamatan Anggrek, Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara. Observasi dilakukan dengan kombinasi antara metode jalur dan metode garis berpetak serta pengukuran parameter lingkungan sebagai data pendukung. Analisis vegetasi meliputi kerapatan jenis, kerapatan relatif, frekuensi jenis, frekuensi relatif, dominansi jenis, dominansi relatif, dan indeks nilai penting. Ditemukan 5 jenis mangrove yaitu Avicennia lanata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Bruguiera parviflora, Rhizophora apiculata, dan Rhizophora mucronata. Jenis mangrove Rhizophora mucronata terdapat di semua stasiun pengamatan dan memiliki nilai INP tertinggi pada semua kategori, baik pada kategori pohon (178.04%), pancang (200%), dan semai (154.64%). Tingginya INP mencerminkan keadaan vegetasi mangrove pada lokasi penelitian dalam kondisi baik dan belum banyak mengalami perubahan. Parameter lingkungan pada setiap stasiun menunjukkan nilai yang sesuai untuk pertumbuhan mangrove. Kata kunci: mangrove, analisis vegetasi, INP, Pulau Dudep

    The abundance and distribution patterns of sea urchins in Botubarani waters, Tomini Bay, Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the abundance and distribution patterns of sea urchins in Botubarani Waters, Kabila Bone District, Bone Bolango Regency. This research was conducted from July to August 2020. A total of three research stations were established, namely West Tamboa, Central Tamboa and East Tamboa. The abundance of sea urchins was calculated using a quadrant transect measuring 1 Ă— 1 m, which was laid 25 m perpendicular to the coastline using a line transect. Sea urchin species found were identified in situ and the distribution pattern of sea urchins was calculated using the morista dispersion index. The results showed that there were 5 types of sea urchins in Botubarani Beach, namely Echinometra mathaei, Diadema setosum, Echinotrix calamaris, Echinotrix diadema and Tripneustes gratilla. The sea urchin type Echinometra mathaei is the species with the highest abundance in all research stations, namely 25 ind./m2 at Tamboa Barat station, 9 ind./m2 at Tamboa Tengah station and 7 ind./m2 at Tamboa Timur station. The distribution patterns of sea urchins found in Botubarani waters include clusters for Echinometra mathaei and uniform patterns for sea urchins Diadema setosum, Echinotrix calamaris, Echinotrix diadema and Tripneustes gratilla. ANOVA analysis results show that there is no significant difference between sea urchin abundance and water quality parameters in all research stations. This indicates that there is no difference in environmental conditions at the three sampling locations

    Kondisi Terumbu Karang di Perairan Dulupi, Kabupaten Boalemo

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi terumbu karang di perairan Dulupi, Kabupaten Boalemo. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Bulan Juli 2012. Lokasi pengamatan dibagi atas dua stasiun yaitu Stasiun A dan Stasiun B. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode RRA (Rapid Reef Assesment), disamping itu dilakukan pengukuran parameter kualitas air yang meliputi parameter biologi, fisika dan kimia perairan sebagai parameter pendukung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi terumbu karang pada Stasiun A dan Stasiun B masih berada dalam kategori baik. Parameter kualitas air terukur masih sesuai untuk pertumbuhan terumbu karang. Kata Kunci: terumbu karang, tutupan karang, Dulupi


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    Olimoo’o village as a coastal village has abundant squid potential, so the group of women conducted the processing of dried squid products which are named "Cumkring O500". The problem that arises over time is that the business does not work as expected. The Community Empowerment Learning (KKN PPM) Real Work Lecture Program directs students to apply their knowledge to maximise community empowerment to develop the cumkring potential to become a superior product of the village which leads to an increase in the community's economy. Through this program the transfer of dried squid processing technology is carried out which aims to improve group skills in processing to product marketing, creating diversification of processed dried squid ready and improving the economy of the community. The method used is the active involvement of all group members through group learning techniques accompanied by mentoring and direct practice at all stages of the process. The output of this activity is an increase in group knowledge about the processing of dried squid, the creation of processed squid products with three levels of flavour, namely original, selow and hot issue and product socialisation. The long-term target of this activity is the Cumkring O500 product to become an icon of Olimoo’o Village, as expected by the government and society. Therefore, there needs to be a commitment from the group in cumkring processed innovation and group strengthening to create a sustainable production house, and develop it into Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) as a form of independence, equitable economic growth, and increasing community income

    Diversity of Gastropod in Mangrove Ecosystems in Tomini Gulf

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    The purpose of this research is to know the diversity of gastropod in mangrove ecosystem of East Pohuwato Village, District of Marisa, Pohuwato Regency. This research was conducted in August to November 2015. The method used is a quadrant transect method measuring 1x1 meter. Data analysis includes calculation of diversity index and equality index. The results showed that 11 gastropods were found, namely Telescopium telescopium, Terrebralia palustris, Terrebralias ulcata and Cerithidea cingulata, Cerithium cobelti, Faunus ater, Littorina scabra, Noses planospira, Nasarius corodatus and Nasarius optimus, and Spinidrupa spinosa. The index value of diversity in the study sites ranged from 0.73-0.75 with the category of medium diversity. Epifauna Gastropod similarity index value between Station I and Station II is 70.59% while the similarity index value for gastropod type of treefauna between Station I and Station II is 60% and both are in the same category. In general this shows the similarity of species Epifauna and Treefauna on both Stations Keywords: gastropods; diversity; similarity; mangrove; ecosystem