5 research outputs found

    Analisis Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Siswa SMP dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Persamaan dan Pertidaksamaan Linear Satu Variabel

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    This research is a descriptive qualitative study that aims to analyze the percentage of mathematical connection abilities in solving questions of One Variable Linear Equations and Inequalities which are seen based on indicators. The subjects of this study were seventh grade students of SMP in one of the cities of Cimahi which consisted of 22 students. The instrument used is a description test in the form of pretest and posttest conducted before the first cycle and after the second cycle. Students 'mathematical connection ability is seen based on the indicators on the pretest and posttest there are differences so that it can be said that students' mathematical connection skills are better than their previous abilities. The highest mathematical connection ability of students in the pretest test is found in the first indicator, namely using the relationship between mathematical topics with a percentage of 74% while the high indicator of posttest tests on indicator three is using Mathematics in everyday life with a percentage of 81%. There is also the lowest connection ability at the pretest found in the fourth indicator, which is to understand the equivalent representation of the same concept with a percentage of 5% while the low posttest indicator on the second indicator is using mathematics in other subjects with a percentage of 47%. So that the mathematical connection ability can be said to be better than before in solving equation problems and one variable linear inequality

    Vegetasi Gulma pada Tanaman Ubi Kayu (Manihot esculenta) Di Kabupaten Oku Timur Sumatera Selatan

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    Research on Weed Vegetation in  Cassava (Manihot esculenta) was carried out from March to April 2019 at a cassava plantation in East OKU Regency, South Sumatra. This study aims to determine the composition and structure of weeds in cassava plantations. This study used a quadratic method with 7 plots of 2 x 2 m in size. The parameters observed were density (K), relative density (KR), frequency (F), relative frequency (FR), Importance Value Index (INP) and Community Diversity Index (H '). The results showed 11 types of weeds, namely Ageratum conyzoides, Erechtites valerianifolia, Chromolaena odorata, Asystasia gangetica, Mimosa pudica, Boreria alata, Calapogonium caereuleum, Cleome rutidosperma, Physalis angulata, Cyperus rotundus, and Axonopus compressus. The dominant species was Ageratum conyzoides INP 47.43%. Species diversity is moderate with H 'value


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    This research is a descriptive qualitative study that aims to analyze the percentage of mathematical connection abilities in solving questions of One Variable Linear Equations and Inequalities which are seen based on indicators. The subjects of this study were seventh grade students of SMP in one of the cities of Cimahi which consisted of 22 students. The instrument used is a description test in the form of pretest and posttest conducted before the first cycle and after the second cycle. Students 'mathematical connection ability is seen based on the indicators on the pretest and posttest there are differences so that it can be said that students' mathematical connection skills are better than their previous abilities. The highest mathematical connection ability of students in the pretest test is found in the first indicator, namely using the relationship between mathematical topics with a percentage of 74% while the high indicator of posttest tests on indicator three is using Mathematics in everyday life with a percentage of 81%. There is also the lowest connection ability at the pretest found in the fourth indicator, which is to understand the equivalent representation of the same concept with a percentage of 5% while the low posttest indicator on the second indicator is using mathematics in other subjects with a percentage of 47%. So that the mathematical connection ability can be said to be better than before in solving equation problems and one variable linear inequality


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    Research is a purpose to describe competence of student math connection on main discussion of spldv and sptldv. Research method is a qualitatif description by describing indicator of math connection competence is eaziest and most difficult to student gained. Subject of this research is farmation class student and nurse class in the healthy SMK Surya global at least fourty students. Instrument is used question test of math connection competence. Based on analysis data that is the student have indicator well of conection competence on student's competence to comprehend how the ideas on math connection another and serve as a basis each other to deliver one unity intact, the students do the difficulties indicator connection in knowing and utilize connections between idea on math in farmation dept and nurse. But nothing difference conection competence of mathematics significant between farmation dept and nurs

    Analisis Self Efficacy Matematik Siswa Kelas VIII SMP 7 Cimahi Dilihat dari Gender

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    Tujuan dari penelitian deskriptif ini adalah untuk mengetahui Self efficacy matematik siswa kelas VIII SMP 7 Cimahi dilihat dari gendernya. Subjek dari  penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII yang terdiri dari 42 orang siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu dengan angketself efficacy(Mastery Experience, Vicarious Experience,Verbal Persuasion, dan Physiological and Affective states), wawancara dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan analisis data angket self efficacydan wawancara, didapatkan hasil bahwa self efficacy siswa laki-laki lebih baik daripada siswa perempuan dilihat dari persentasenya. Karena siswa laki-laki lebih unggul dalam: kemampuan matematikanya, kemampuan mengolah pengalaman pada pembelajaran matematika, menjadikan role model sebagai motivator, menganalisis pendapat dari orang lain, mengontrol situasi emosinya