930 research outputs found

    The Expansionist View of Systematic Testimonial Injustice: South Asian Context

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    In this paper, I offer an expansionist view of the Frickerian central case of testimonial injustice, citing examples from the South Asian context. To defend this expansionist position, I provide an argument in three parts. First, I argue that credibility deficit and credibility excess are entangled with each other in such a way that often, one produces the other. Secondly, I contend that we should not say that systematic testimonial injustice is a consequence of credibility deficit only because of the entanglement between them. I also contend that for being the central case of testimonial injustice, identity prejudice should not be necessarily negative; it can be positive as well. Propounding a twofold condition of the status of a knower, the last part claims that testimonial injustice occurs when one of the two conditions remains unmet

    The Motivation Problem, Future Generations, and the Idea of “Leaving the Earth No Worse”

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    The author examines the problem of motivation about future generations. He argues that though many philosophers think that direct motivations are problematic for future generations only, they are not unproblematic for the current generations too, and that the motivation problem can be solved if we consider the idea of “leaving the earth no worse.” He also shows why such an idea should be promoted and can motivate us to work in the best interests of current and future generations. The author also contends that prioritizing the idea of “leaving the earth no worse” is not exclusively anthropocentric

    Landfill leachate treatment by combination of electro - fenton and sequencing batch reactor method

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    Landfill leachate contains a large amount of organic, inorganic and heavy metal contents. Untreated leachate is a potential source to effect of soil, surface and groundwater. The combined treatment offers an alternative technique in dealing to leachate treatment. This research is to determine the effectiveness of combined electro-Fenton and sequencing batch reactor (SBR) method on the removal of SS, colour, COD and NH3-N. The experimental involved three major parts were coagulation-flocculation, electro-Fenton and SBR method. This process could be operated independently in a batch mode and optimum conditions for each treatment were identified. In the combined process, leachate was first fed to coagulation-flocculation for pre-treatment. Then, the effluent from that process was oxidized in electro-Fenton process. The final process is the effluent of leachate was fed to a SBR method. The combined treatment was operated under the optimum conditions for all the processes. The result of coagulation-flocculation shown PAC is more effective at 2500 mg/L of optimum dosage. After coagulation-flocculation process, the removal of SS, colour, COD and NH3-N were 80%, 77%, 61% and 35% respectively. The result of electro-Fenton shown Al-Al is more effective at 200 A/m2 of optimum current density, 25 minutes of optimum reaction time, 4 of optimum pH, 800 mg/L of optimum H2O2 dosage and 1000 mg/L of optimum FeSO4•7H2O dosage. After electro-Fenton process, the removal of SS, colour, COD and NH3-N were 87%, 95%, 82% and 65% respectively. The final process of SBR effluent was approaching neutral pH at 6.90 at 2800 mg/L of optimum MLSS and 6 h of optimum reaction time. The overall performance of combined treatment on the removal of SS, colour, COD and NH3-N were 84%, 82%, 87% and 78% respectively. Thus, this combined treatment offers as an alternative technique for landfill leachate treatment on the removal of pollutants

    Micro-credit, Trust, and Social Solidarity in Bangladesh: A Socio-philosophical Analysis

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    Drèze and Sen are not entirely right in their apparent glorification of the roles of nongovernmental organizations in Bangladesh in An Uncertain Glory: India and Its Contradictions because they leave out and/or de-emphasize some important issues, especially those that are related to the problematic trusting relationship between nongovernmental organizations in Bangladesh and rural poor women. Nongovernmental organizations’ use of trust disturbs social solidarity in rural Bangladesh mainly because of their massive supervision mechanism that they undertake to sustain the so-called trusting relationship between them and their debtors. The massive supervision mechanism damages social solidarity also because it creates a tension between local norms and nongovernmental organizations’ neoliberalist values of “discipline, efficiency and competitiveness,” which nongovernmental organizations try to inject into villagers by their numerous social engineering programs, which are state’s responsibility. Nongovernmental organization monitoring has some psychological impacts on their clients that also contribute to shaking social solidarity. The absence of a proper trusting relationship between nongovernmental organizations and rural poor women reduces the capabilities of the latter as a result of which Drèze and Sen’s glorification of Bangladeshi nongovernmental organizations and Sen’s capabilities approach are in tension. However, there are strategies that Bangladeshi nongovernmental organizations should employ to address the issues raised due to their massive supervision mechanism

    Investigation of micro-pits formation on billet surfaces in plane strain extrusion

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    Extrusion is a process of pushing a material through a die to yield a desired cross-section product. The application of surface texture has become well known for enhancing tribological performance. In this research, the effect of micro-pits embedded on a work piece lubricated with vegetable oil using plain strain extrusion were studied and compared with those seen with mineral-based oil lubricant. The experiments were conducted at room temperature (around 27ºC). A taper die with a 60 die half-angle, with micro-pits array, was prepared. Test lubricants used were paraffinic mineral oil (PMO) VG460 and VG95 and refined, bleached and deodorized (RBD) palm stearin. The results were analysed to determine the extrusion load and the billet’s surface roughness and plastic deformation. RBD palm stearin was recorded as having the highest extrusion load (83.15 kN)

    Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran terhadap Perilaku Anggota Koperasi dalam Memakai Produk Simpanan (Studi pada Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah Baitul Maal Wa Tanwil Amanah Ummah Kartasura Sukoharjo)

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    The objective of this research are to knows: 1) a simultaneously effect of the marketing mix on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings. 2) the effect of product on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings, 3) the effect of place partially on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings, 4) the effect of price partially on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings, 5) the effect of promotion partially on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings, 6) the effect of people partially on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings, 7) the effect of process partially on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings, 8) the effect of physical evidence partially on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings. This research used the descriptive quantitative one with the survey method. The population of the research was the members of KSKS BMT Amanah Ummah of Kartasura utilizing its product of savings. The samples of the research consisted of 80 respondents, and they were taken by using the accindental sampling technique. The data of the research were gathered through questionnaire. They were then analyzed by using multiple regression analysis, f-test, and t-test. Before the data were analyzed, the classical assumption pre-requisite tests, namely: multicolinearity test, heteroskedasticity test, and normality test had been conducted. The result of the research are: 1) there is a simultaneously effect of the marketing mix on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings (63,525>2,71), 2) product partially have a effect on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings (2,590<2,00), 3) place partially do not have a significant effect on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings (1,848<2,00), 4) price partially has effect on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings ( 2,702 >2,00), 5) promotion is partially has effect on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings (3,204>2,00), 6) people partially has effect on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings (2,787>2,00), 7) process partially has effect on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings (2,227>2,00), 8) physical evidence partially has effect on the behaviors of the members in utilizing the product of savings (1,147<2,00)


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    The job of being a fisherman is very risky, many factors that become the threat of work lurking a fisherman. Traditional fishermen are not facilitated with communication equipment that can support the safety of fishermen. So when something happens that can harm the fishermen, it can not be handled immediately. In this research developed a wireless communication system based on LoRa to be able to monitor fishermen working at sea by online,consisting of node devices attached to boats and  gateways that function to forward data from  the node device  to the web server using the MQTTprotocol, so that boat data can be monitored through  the  thingsboard dashboard. Data monitored include the location of fishing boats ( longitude  and  latitude coordinates ),the slope of the fishing boat (degree of roll and pitch) and also early warning. Testing the reliability of LoRa communication in marine communication scenarios is carried out by testing the distance of data transmission, data length and data delivery speed setting / air data rate with Line of Sight  (LOS) condition at Sea directly. From the results of data transmission reliability testing using the communication module LoRa E32 915T20D is able to reach the furthest distance up to 2.4 Km with the data send speed setting at 0.3 kbps  with an average delivery time delay  / time on air that tends to increase with the increase in the length of data sent

    Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Dua Verietas Kedelai (Glycine Max L.) dengan Pemberian Pupuk Hayati

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    Soybean is a much needed agricultural commodity in Indonesia. Soybean production in South Kalimantan in 2012 is 3,860 tons of dry weihgt (tDW), in 2013 4,072 tBK, in 2014 8,946 tDW, in 2015 10,537 tDW. Varieties play an important role in soybean production, because to achieve high yields are highly determined by genetic potential. Potential results in the field are influenced by the interaction between genetic factors with the management of climatic and soil environmental conditions. In podsolic soils and soils containing a lot of quartz sand, soybean growth is poor, unless the soil is given additional organic fertilizer. Bioertilizer is a fertilizer whose main content is living organisms (microorganisms) that are beneficial for plant growth. This study aims to (i) know the growth and yield of two soybean varieties with the provision of biological fertilizers (ii) to obtain the best soybean varieties with the provision of biofertilizer. The research was conducted in March - May 2017 at BPTP Experimental Plant of South Kalimantan Muara Rintis Village, District of Batang Alai Utara Regency of Hulu Sungai Tengah. The treatments were two varieties of soybean namely the national superior varieties (Anjosmoro) and local varieties given biological fertilizer. The result of research shows that all observation variables significantly affect with the best soybean varieties are Anjosmoro Varieties

    Pengelolaan Potensi Sumberdaya Kelautan sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Pendapatan Nelayan (Studi Kasus Community-based Management Wilayah Pesisir di Kabupaten Tuban)

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    The objectives of this research were to analyze Community-Based Managementapplication, influence and factors to management of coastal resources especiallyincreasing fisherman income on 5 districts in sub-province Tuban. The results showedthere are extensive community participation, capacity building and village coastalmanagement plans. These plans are significant in many ways. Planning is alsounderway to scale-up from pilot sites to a provincial program that provides technicaland financial support services to village government and communities coast-wide

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran SSVI (Somatis Auditori Visual Intelektual) Untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan Belajar Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran Ipa Kelas III SD Negeri 1 Lebengjumuk Tahun 2015/ 2016

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    This research aims to enhance the activity of the third grade students of SD Negeri 1 Lebengjumuk year 2015/2016 in learning science through the application of learning models SAVI (Somatic Visual Auditory Intellectual). This type of research is the Classroom Action Research (PTK). This research subject is the teacher (researcher) and third-grade students who totaled 25 people. The technique of collecting data using interviews, observation, documentation, and testing. While the captured data includes data activeness of student learning and learning outcomes data IPA. The validity of the data and instruments using triangulation. Data analysis techniques wearing Interactive Analysis Model consisting of three components: data reduction, data presentation and conclusion / verification data. Results of pre-cycle observation showed activeness of students in science learning 58.33%, while students who achieve KKM or get a ≥ 62 No 41.66%. Each cycle consists of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The results of the first cycle study, 72% of students' learning activeness and learning outcomes of students who reached KKM 64%. While Cycle II students' learning activeness increased to 96%. Learning outcomes of students who reached the KKM also increased to 88%. Judging from the results, then the application of Learning Model SAVI (Somatic Visual Auditory Intellectual) may enhance the activity of students in science teaching third grade of SD Negeri 1 Lebengjumuk year 2015/2016