6 research outputs found

    Perubahan guna tanah paya bakau di Malaysia: satu ulasan sistematik

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    Paya bakau merupakan sebuah sumber ekologi yang berharga. Ekosistem paya bakau memainkan peranan penting dalam membekalkan sumber kayu, habitat untuk pelbagai spesies, tapak pengumpulan mendapan, karbon dan nutrien, memberi perlindungan dari hakisan, bertindak sebagai zon penampan, menstabilkan garis pantai dan tebing sungai. Hal ini telah mengakibatkan pelbagai peringkat pengubahsuaian dalam guna tanah paya bakau untuk memenuhi keperluan manusia. Pelbagai penyelidikan dan artikel telah dijalankan di seluruh dunia mengenai perubahan penggunaan tanah hutan paya bakau tropika dengan penggunaan teknologi penderiaan jauh dan Sistem Maklumat Geografi (GIS). Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk meneliti keberkesanan teknologi penderiaan jauh dan GIS dalam penentuan perubahan guna tanah di kawasan paya bakau. Kajian ini merumuskan hasil kajian paya bakau dengan menggunakan GIS secara spesifikasinya dalam negara Malaysia dari tahun 2001 sehingga 2021. Ulasan yang sistematik adalah kaedah analisis hasil proses dan sumber dari Google Scholar (n=125), Scopus (n=10), Web of Science (WoS) (n=9). Penemuan menunjukkan satelit penderiaan jauh dan GIS merupakan aplikasi yang telah digunakan secara meluas dalam kajian hutan paya bakau dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan dan menyumbang kepada kajian pemantauan perubahan guna tanah di kawasan hutan paya bakau. Penemuan juga mendedahkan parameter untuk guna tanah dan indeks vegetasi yang telah digunakan dalam isu semasa perubahan guna tanah paya bakau di kawasan tropika. Kajian ini turut menyokong Matlamat Pembangunan Mampan (SDG) yang ke 14 yang berfokus kepada pemuliharaan dan perlindungan terhadap lautan dan pantai secara mampan dan mengiktiraf nilai bakau dalam kalangan masyarakat

    Development of semi-automated guided vehicle for fertigation agriculture

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    The design of this project is to carry the pesticide spraying system for the fertigation purpose. The system is basically a semiautomated guided vehicle controlled by Arduino Uno and guided by railway meanwhile the man power is minimized by only turned on the switch and it will move accordingly as set

    Lichens diversity and index of atmospheric purity of selected sites in Kedah, Malaysia

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    Lichens are mutualistic association of a fungus and algae that are able to absorb toxic materials from the air making it an excellent bioindicator for air quality assessment. Index of Atmospheric Purity (IAP) is an ecological index that uses lichen frequency to quantify environmental conditions, primarily air pollution. In this study, IAP scores were used to compare the air quality between a forested site, foot hill of Gunung Jerai (GJ) and in an open site, Taman Jubli Perak, Sungai Petani (SP). The lichens were collected at SP and GJ within 5 x 10m sampling site. Twelve trees were chosen at each sampling site and the tree barks were marked with 10 x 50cm sampling grid. Corticolous lichens attached below 100cm from the ground were collected. Standard morphological and chemical tests were conducted lichen species. The air quality of sampling areas, GJ and SP were determined by IAP score, low score indicated high level of pollution. Based on the Quality Level of IAP Table, GJ is classified as moderate polluted (IAP 26.65) and SP (8.3) as very highly polluted. Lichens IAP levels are predominantly affected by lichen habitat disturbance and air pollution. In SP, close proximity of the sampling to the main road traffic may contribute to be cause of the low IAP reading. Meanwhile, in GJ, recreational activities may contribute to the habitat disruption of lichens and low IAP score. As a conclusion, GJ had shown higher IAP score compared to SP due to habitat disturbance and air pollution

    Physico-chemical influence on the diversity of phytoplankton at Putrajaya Lake and Wetlands, Putrajaya, Malaysia

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    This study was conducted to determine the influence of physico-chemical parameters to the distribution and succession of phytoplanktons of Putrajaya Lake and wetlands. Water sampling was conducted at three selected sampling sites (water input: Site 1, natural remediation; Site 2 and lake activity centre: Site 3) from November 2017 to January 2018, and the physico-chemical parameters measured. Paleontological Statistics (PAST) software was used to analyse the diversity of phytoplanktons with the Shannon-Wiener index and Simpson index. Pearson Correlation, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Canonical Component Analysis (CCA) were also conducted to determine the relationship between phytoplankton and physico-chemical parameters at all sites. A total of 14 genera belonging to eight classes of phytoplanktons was found with Scenedesmus sp., Staurastrum sp. and Peridinium sp. being the most abundant. It was recorded that Staurastrum sp. was most correlated with ammonia and light intensity, Scenedesmus sp., correlated with nitrate, salinity, and phosphate at Site 2 in December 2017, whereas Peridinium sp. had a correlation with pH at Site 3 in January 2018. Based on this research, the diversity of the phytoplankton species and their dominance are considered as indicators of the trophic level and water quality of the sites. Thus, Site 1 and Site 2 showed a meso-eutrophic condition, while Site 3 showed a mesotrophic condition. Trophic conditions of a lake can be improved in the future with specific monitoring and management in order to maintain its functions and esthetic values

    How happy are you? Defining happiness in industrial revolution 4.0.

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    Industrial Revolution (IR) 4.0 had severely impacted human being as much as it helps the advancement in human life. Despite the growing problem regarding mental health especially among youth, there were still hope in order to bring happiness again to its original states or better. In order to do so, people need to have a correct definition of happiness which can bring them to fulfilment of live and tranquillity. This study aims to identify the concept of happiness. This concept paper utilizes literature review for data collection. Islam had offer various ways to attain happiness, thus people should really consider to find the solution through practicing Islamic teaching in future

    Knowledge, attitude and practice on hygiene of Kampung Sungai Karang Darat residents and its related factors November 2003

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    Introduction: A cross-sectional study was conducted in September 2003 to evaluate the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) level on hygiene of Kampung Sungai Karang Darat residents and its related factors. Methodology: It was a cross-sectional study conducted by a group of year four medical students 2003/2004 from Community Health and Family Medicine posting, Kulliyyah of Medicine, IIUM. Data collection methods included observations and interview-guided questionnaires. Out of the total number of 2620 residents, 304 people aged 18 and above from 200 houses which were randomly selected from 600 houses in that village were surveyed on the KAP of hygiene. We then determined the factors that affect the KAP level, and how it in turn influenced the health status of the respondents, particularly their susceptibility towards hygiene-related diseases. Result: From the statistical analysis, it was found that the mean KAP score of the respondents was 26.42+4.15, on a scale that ranged from 0 to 39 with the lowest KAP score of 14 and the highest KAP score of 36. It was then found that the higher the age of the respondents, the lower the KAP score (p<0.001). Higher socioeconomic status was associated with higher KAP score (occupation (p=0.007), academic level (p<0.001), and income per capita (p<0.001)). Malaysians of non-Pahang origin also had higher KAP score compared to residents of Pahang origin (p<0.001). People living in modern houses had a higher KAP value than those living in traditional houses (p<0.001). Housing quality also had effect on the KAP score (r=+0.665). However, the KAP level was not significantly related to gender difference (p=0.162). Personal hygiene had the lowest mean KAP score, followed by domestic hygiene and then community hygiene. Meanwhile, the highest mean low KAP score were found to have no significant preponderance towards hygiene-related diseases (p=0.409) Conclusion: Overall, the KAP level on hygiene of residents of Kampung Sungai Karang Darat was at a satisfactory level