20 research outputs found

    Persepsi Guru Biologi terhadap Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka di SMA Negeri se-Kota Metro: (Biology Teachers' Perceptions on the Implementation of the Independent Curriculum at State High Schools in Metro City)

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    The change of the original curriculum from the Curriculum 2013 to the Merdeka Curricuum Eelicits a variety of perceptions or responses from teachers, students, and parents of students. The study aims to understand the perceptions of biology teachers about the application of the Merdeka Curriculum in the six state high schools in the city of Metro. The research methods used were six biology teachers from each school. Data capture techniques include interviews, observations, documentation, and data validation techniques. The resuls show that each biology teacher at the state hig school in Metro City has a different perception of the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum, which is because some eachers have difficulties implementing of the Merdeka Curriculum. Key words: Implementation, Merdeka Curriculum, Teacher perception Abstrak. Pergantian Kurikulum yang semula dari Kurikulum 2013 menjadi Kurikulum Merdeka menuai berbagai persepsi atau tanggapan mulai dari para guru, siswa maupun orang tua siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi guru biologi terhadap penerapan Kurikulum Merdeka di enam SMA Negeri yang ada di kota Metro. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif, dan subjek penelitiannya adalah enam orang guru biologi dari masing-masing sekolah. Teknik pengambilan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, dan  teknik penjamin keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi teknik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setiap guru biologi di SMA Negeri kota Metro memiliki persepsi yang berbeda-beda terhadap implementasi kurikulum merdeka, hal ini dikarenakan beberapa guru mengalami kendala dalam pengimplementasian kurikulum merdeka. Kata kunci: Implementasi, Kurikulum Merdeka, Persepsi Gur

    Pengelolaan dan Jaminan Keamanan Arsip Vital Kantor Notaris

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengelolaan arsip vital dan jaminan keamanan arsip vital. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap arsip vital Kantor Notaris Mintarsih Natamihardja, SH. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyimpanan arsip vital Kantor Notaris Mintarsih Natamihardja, SH menggunakan sistem tanggal atau urutan waktu (chronological filing system). Dalam pengelolaan arsip vital pada Kantor Notaris Mintarsih Natamihardja, SH ini belum terdapat jadwal retensi arsip (JRA) dan menemukan kembali arsipnya yang cukup lama karena dilakukan dengan cara manual yaitu dengan buku besar. Jaminan keamanan pada arsip vital di Kantor Notaris Mintarsih Natamihardja, SH dengan cara menggunakan lemari besi dan menggunakan kamper untuk melindungi arsip dari serangga atau yang lainnya, juga memberlakukan aturan yang hanya notaris dan pegawainya yang bisa mengakses arsip tersebut. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengelolaan arsip vital di Notaris Mintarsih Natamiharja, SH belum berjalan dengan baik. Namun demikian, Notaris Mintarsih Natamiharja, SH telah memberikan jaminan keamanan yang baik bagi arsip vital kliennya


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    Based on field observations, students need media that can improve motivation and easy to use during the learning process so that it is expected to be able to improve student learning performance.The purpose of this research is to explain the development of media, expose the use of media, and explain the improvement of learning performance with teams ' gift learning media in thematic learning in elementary schools.This research is a research and Development (R&D) conducted using the Borg and Gall (Sugiyono,2016) model modified according to the needs of researchers. The subject of this study is a class II student UPT SD Negeri Kedawung 01. The results show that, media assessments by media experts and material experts are each 76% and 83% respectively, teams ' gift media has 4 game stages which are Group division stage, learning stage, and gift division level, and response The use of media by learners of 86% as well as student learning achievements increased from an average value of 74.04 to 88.85 with N-Gain counting results showing a score of 0.5639 in a medium category. Teams ' gift learning Media is worth testing on the field and can improve student learning achievements. &nbsp


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    Cholesterol is a fatty substance in the blood that is needed by the body for the formation of cell walls. Excessive fat can cause coronary heart disease which occurs in the elderly, especially in women who have passed menopause due to a decrease in the activity of the hormones estrogen and progesterone which has an impact on increasing cholesterol levels in the body. One non-pharmacological treatment is to consume tomato juice.This Research Objective To determine the effect of giving tomato juice on reducing cholesterol levels in menopause at BPM Nurul Umaira Titipapan, Medan Deli District. The Research method is a Quasi-experimental design with a pre-post test design. The study was conducted in February-May 2021. The population of this study was menopause who did cholesterol checks at BPM Nurul Umaira Titi papan, Medan Deli District. The sample is 15 people, by Total sampling. The independent variable is menopause, the dependent variable is the cholesterol levels of menopause. The research instrument used an Observation Sheet. Processing of statistical test data Sample T-Test. Research results are showing the difference between pre and post-giving tomato juice obtained an average value of 4.667 with Std. Deviation 41,593 with 95% CI 1,367-28,700. The results of the Independent t-Test to determine the difference in the average value of blood cholesterol levels between the intervention group and the control group obtained a p-value of 0.001 (p<0.05). meaning that there is an effect of giving tomato juice to lower blood cholesterol levels. Conclusion: It can be concluded that tomato juice can help lower blood cholesterol levels in menopaus

    Al-Qur’an Braille Board Interpreter Glove Bagi Tunanetra Dalam Mengatasi Buta Aksara Arab

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    Al-Qur’an Braille Board Interpreter Glove Bagi Tunanetra Dalam Mengatasi Buta Aksara Arab ini terdiri dari Braille Board (Papan Braille) dan Interpreter Glove (Berupa Sarung Tangan Penerjemah). Braille Board merupakan media yang dibuat menggunakan bahan akrilik membentuk 40 pola huruf hijaiah braille. Interpreter Glove merupakan main device yang terintegrasi langsung dengan Braille Board. Interpreter Glove dilengkapi dengan microcontroller yang berfungsi untuk menerjemahkan pola hijaiah braille pada braille board kemudian diolah dalam sebuah program sehingga menghasilkan output berupa suara huruf hijaiah. Pembuatan alat dimulai dari perancangan studi literatur, merancangan konsep alat dan sistem, desain mockup, skema rangkaian elektronika, pemrograman perangkat serta pengujian produk. Pengontrolan sistem input, process dan output akan bekerja berdasarkan integrasi dua komponen utama alat yaitu Interpreter Glove dan Braille Board

    Effects of Arak Bali Administration on Spermatozoa DNA Fragmentation and Testosterone Level of Rats (Rattus norvegicus)

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    This study aimed to determine the effects of arak bali on the fragmentation of spermatozoa and testosterone in rats (Rattus norvegicus). This study used 24 rats (170-200 g), divided into four groups: one control and three treatments (receiving arak bali containing 40% alcohol as much as 0.1 and 0.5 mL and synthetic alcohol (40%) as much as 0.1 mL, for 45 days). The observation of DNA fragmentation was done using acridine orange staining and the measurement of testosterone level used ELISA method. The results showed that the provision of arak bali in experimental animals increased the occurrence of spermatozoa DNA fragmentation. The higher the volume of arak bali given, the higher the fragmentation of spermatozoa DNA. The administration of arak bali also decreased testosterone level. The higher the volume of arak bali given, the lower the rats' testosterone level

    Pengaruh Pemberian Infusa Albedo Semangka terhadap Perubahan Ukuran Diameter Pulau Langerhans Pankreas Tikus Jantan (Rattus norvegicus) Diabetes Mellitus

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    Diabetes Mellitus condition (DM) correlates with the damage that occur in pancreas especially in Langerhans islets, one of the damage indicators is diameter changes of Langerhans islets that getting smaller compare with the normal sizes. The use of natural ingredients to control diabetes mellitus can be done by infusing sweet beauty watermelon albedo which can be found abundant in traditional market. Albedo layer of watermelon contain antioxidant compounds that can help to regenerate Langerhans islets of pancreas. This study purpose was to know the effect of giving watermelon’s infusion albedo to diameter of Langerhans islets in diabetes mellitus rats (Rattus norvegicus), and analyze the potential process occurred based on the result as information source for other research. This study used 25 male rats (Rattus norvegicus) as animal model with 5 groups treatment which were normal group, positive group as control (DM without treatment), A group (DM+1000 mg/kgBB watermelon’s infusions albedo), B group (DM+1500 mg/kgBB watermelon’s infusions albedo), and C group (DM+2000 mg/kgBB watermelon’s infusions albedo). After all the treatments, the rats were anesthetized and dissected and then their pancreas was taken. The pancreas was processed into histological slides by fixing the pancreas in a fixative solution (10% formalin) then dehydrated in a series of graded ethanol and embedded in paraffin wax, cut at a thickness of 4 µm, and finally stained with hematoxylin-eosin dye for microscopic observation, according to the stages Histopathological analysis of the gonads was examined using standard methods. Data was collected by measuring the size of Langerhans islets with microscope Olympus CX33  and connected to the raster image application.  Data results from this study indicate that watermelon’s infusion albedo had effect to increase the diameter of Langerhans islets of rat with diabetes mellitu

    Pengelolaan Dan Jaminan Keamanan Arsip Vital Di Notaris Mintarsih Natamihardja, Sh

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengelolaan arsip vital dan jaminankeamanan arsip vital. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif denganpendekatan kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa NotarisMintarsih Natamihardja, SH dalam penyimpanan arsip vital menggunakan sistemtanggal atau urutan waktu (chronological filing system). Dalam pengelolaan arsipvital pada Notaris Mintarsih Natamihardja, SH ini belum terdapat jadwal retensiarsip (JRA) dan menemukan kembali arsipnya yang cukup lama karena dilakukandengan cara manual yaitu dengan buku besar.xix, 92 hlm.: ilus.; 23 c