137 research outputs found


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    English language learners experienced difficulties in understanding readings in English. This research aims to improve students’ reading comprehension by implementing Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) at second semester students of English Department, STKIP Panca Sakti Bekasi. This research used a Classroom Action Research (CAR) was conducted in two cycles. There are qualitative and quantitative data collected in this research. The former data were gained by analyzing field note, observation sheet and interview while the latter ones were obtained from pre-test, post-test and portfolio of pre-cycle, cycle I and cycle II. The result shows that the mean score of students’ reading performance increases in four dimensions not only on literal, interpretative, applicative but also on critical understanding. The finding indicates that the students’ mean score at pre-cycle (68) increases to 77 and to 87 in the first and second cycles respectively. For interpretative understanding, the average score at pre-cycle was 61, increasing to 69 in the first cycle and to 80 in the second cycle. For applicative understanding, the average score at pre-cycle was 62, increasing to 64 in the first cycle and to 84 in the second cycle. Finally, the critical understanding also increases, from 59 at pre-cycle to 65 in the first cycle and to 85 in the second cycle. Therefore, the implementation of CAR effectively improves the students’ reading performance

    Membangun Jaringan Komputer Client Server Berbasis Linux Serta Squid untuk Filtering Lokal pada Laboratorium Komputer Universitas Sultan Fatah

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    Sekumpulan komputer yang terpisah-pisah akan tetapi saling berhubungan dalammelaksanakan tugasnya disebut dengan jaringan. Laboratorium komputerUniversitas Sultan Fatah Demaksekaranghtelah memakai jaringan. Namun belum berbasis linux yang lebih mudah dan hemat. Diharapkankedepannya nanti, Unisfat mampu merancang sistem jaringan komputer yang baru dengan Client Serverberbasis liNUX Fedora. pada Lab Komputer Universitas Sultan Fatah dan merancang bagaimana sistemfiltering pada jaringan komputer menggunakan Server Fedora dengan Aplikasi SQUID

    Menjinakkan” Globalisasi: Studi Kritis Globalisasi Budaya Pada Pementasan Sendratari Ramayana Borobudur

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    This article seeks to critically examine the performances of Ramayana as one of the cultural attractions is held periodically in the area of Prambanan temple. This study is motivated from concerns about the negative impact of globalization that hit the third world countries, including Indonesia. Among the negative form of globalization is economic and foreign cultural invasion that further marginalize local economic actors and diluting the national culture. Ramayana is an example case interesting because it uses global influences into Indonesia and transforming positively for the benefit of culture-based tourism. This tactic proved to be successful to make Ramayana as a tourist attraction that is quite attractive to foreign tourists or domestic. The article attempts to read the Ramayana as a form of glocalization, which emphasizes creativity in combining global elements with a particular locality. In addition, this article seeks to offer alternative improvements to the Ramayana using Multi-Stakeholder Governance framework and Value Chain approach. Artikel ini berupaya melakukan telaah kritis terhadap pagelaran Sendratari Ramayana sebagai salah satu atraksi budaya yang diselenggarakan secara periodik di kawasan Candi Prambanan. Telaah ini dilatarbelakangi dari kekhawatiran akan dampak negatif globalisasi yang menerpa negara-negara dunia ketiga, termasuk Indonesia. Diantara bentuk negatif globalisasi ialah invasi ekonomi dan budaya asing yang semakin meminggirkan pelaku ekonomi lokal dan melunturkan budaya nasional. Kasus Sendratari Ramayana menjadi contoh menarik karena berhasil mempergunakan pengaruh global yang masuk ke Indonesia dan mentransformasikannya secara positif untuk kepentingan pariwisata berbasis budaya. Siasat ini terbukti berhasil menjadikan Sendratari Ramayana sebagai sebuah daya tarik wisata yang cukup diminati bagi wisatawan asing ataupun domestik. Artikel ini berupaya membaca Sendratari Ramayana sebagai bentuk dari glokalisasi, yang menekankan pada kreatifitas dalam menggabungkan antara unsur global dengan lokalitas tertentu. Selain itu artikel ini juga berupaya menawarkan alternatif pembenahan terhadap Sendratari Ramayana menggunakan kerangka pikir Multistakeholder Governance dan Value Chain

    A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of the Interpersonal Meaning of a Television Advertisement in Indonesia

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    ABSTRACTThis article attempts to investigate and explore the interpersonal meaning of YOU C1000 on Indonesian television advertisements. This study was conducted qualitatively using case study to check how different semiotic and modes such as music, sound, speech, color, action, and image work together to build the interpersonal meaning. This study discusses the interpersonal meaning in speech and music, interpersonal meaning in movement and interpersonal meaning in image and color. The study aimed to give some contributions to social semiotics studies, television, or video advertisement. YOU C1000 advertisement is successful to attract audiences’ attention. The election of Miss Universe advertisement star, Bali as the shooting location, English as the language function and wedding ceremony as the activity are the significant factors to introduce the product to the market. In addition, its tagline is a successor factor as well. If people hear Healthy Inside and Fresh Outside, they will remember YOU C1000.                                       ABSTRAKArtikel ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi and menyelidiki makna interpersonal dari produk ‘YOU C1000’ pada iklan televisi Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus untuk mengetahui bagaimana semiotik dan moda yang berbeda seperti musik, suara, ucapan, warna, tindakan, dan gambar, dapat berjalan bersama-sama dalam membentuk makna interpersonal. Penelitian ini mengulas makna interpersonal dalam ucapan dan musik, makna interpersonal dalam gerakan, dan makna interpersonal dalam gambar dan warna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kontribusi pada studi semiotika sosial, televisi, atau iklan video. Iklan YOU C1000 berhasil menarik perhatian penonton. Pemilihan bintang iklan Miss Universe, Bali sebagai lokasi syuting, bahasa Inggris sebagai fungsi bahasa dan upacara pernikahan sebagai aktivitasnya adalah faktor-faktor yang signifikan untuk memperkenalkan produk tersebut ke pasar. Selain itu, ‘tagline’-nya juga merupakan faktor penting lainnya. Jika orang-orang mendengar ‘Healthy Inside and Fresh Outside’, mereka akan mengingat YOU C1000.     How to Cite: Hidayat, D. N.., Abrizal., Alek. (2018). A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of the Interpersonal Meaning of a Television Advertisement in Indonesia. IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 5(2), 119-126. doi:10.15408/ijee.v5i2.1118


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    Kiai and pesantren are acknowledge to have contributed a lot in solving the problems of community welfare, especiallyin socio-religious and economic matters in Indonesia. The existence of pesantren so far has not only been insulated on its duties in managing morals and arranging itself as a tafaqquh fiddin institution that is indifferent to various social dynamics that develop. On the contrary, pesantren are actually responsive and progressive in addressing these issues with concrete work in the direct grassroots realm. Kiai Sahal and Maslakul Huda are examples of how kiai and pesantren figures institutionally contribute to answering social issues. Various activities carried out by the Maslakul Huda Islamic Boarding School are a form of crystallization of Kiai Sahal's ideas in order to respond to the actual social problems of the lower class of Kajen Village and its surroundings. Norms, the social networks in the figure of Kiai Sahal and the Pesantren Maslakul Huda, in this case have succeeded in fostering public trust which in the later stages has made it easier for the Islamic Boarding School Maslakul Huda to instill religious values ​​in their communities. This study tries to see how the social capital in Kiai Sahal and the Islamic Boarding School Maslakul Huda is able to bring success in realizing community welfare. The results of this study mention that community empowerment carried out by Kiai Sahal and the Pesantren Maslakul Huda participated in the process of transforming people's welfare through various activities and institutions under the auspices of the Maslakul Huda Islamic Boarding School Foundation

    Polymer-drug conjugates as nano-sized multi-targeting systems for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive, neurodegenerative condition. There are clear markers for the presence and progression of the disease, including β-amyloid (Aβ) plaques and Tau tangles, with many potential causes debated in the scientific community. Most existing treatments only provide symptomatic solutions. Due to poor aqueous solubility and possibly limited uptake across the blood–brain barrier (BBB), medications targeting the hallmarks of AD are still under study despite enormous efforts. Recently, nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems have demonstrated remarkable promise as precision medicines that may effectively increase bioavailability, permeate the BBB, and improve the targeting ability of a variety of pharmaceuticals. Polymer therapeutics have made tremendous progress in recent years, particularly in cancer treatment. Polymer–drug conjugates (PDCs) typically have a longer half-life, higher stability, and enhanced water solubility. Polymers serve as carriers for the administration of drugs, proteins, targeting moieties, and imaging agents in polymeric and macromolecular prodrugs. Numerous commercially viable PDCs for the treatment of various diseases have already proved their potential. This paper focuses mainly on the rationale for the design, synthesis, and potential use of PDCs as a multi-target treatment for neurodegenerative diseases

    Implementasi Konsep Lean Manufacturing Untuk Meminimalkan Waktu Keterlambatan Penyelesaian Produk ”a” Sebagai Value Pelanggan (Studi Kasus PT. Tsw (Tuban Steel Work)

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    PT. TSW (Tuban Steel Work) is a company engaged in manufacturing fabricated (make to order) with the commitment and the goal of providing effective services, convenient and timely delivery. But in fact, the company's commitment to the purpose can not be achieved that delays the project completion time is not in accordance with the order due date. Based on the observations made in the study, this is due to some events that can not add value or called by the waste (non-value added). This study aims to identify waste, analysis of contributing factors and recommendations for improvement as the system improvement efforts in creating customer value. By using the concept of lean manufacturing this study begins by describing the current state map and weighting of the waste system, waste weights were analyzed by matrix VALSAT used to identify waste in the system, to analyze the causes of waste by fishbone diagram to illustrate the root cause of waste and failures mode system analysis using failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) to determine the value of risk priority number (RPN) of the potential causes and potential effects of waste that occurs. The results showed that the waste that occurs is that there are waiting on purchasing activities (supplier), marking-up cutting and fit-up welding. From the discussion, the company recommended improving information systems internal-external (supplier) as well as improvements in the fabrication process activities


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    PREPARATION OF BARIUM HEXAFERRITE BY SOL GEL SELF COMBUSTION USING POLYVINYL ALCOHOL. Barium hexaferrite powders were produced by sol-gel auto-combustion. Ferric and barium nitrate in the molar ratio of 1:2, and Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA) are used as starting materials. After gelation with ammonium hydroxide, dehydration and subsequent mechanical milling, auto combustion and calcination at temperature from 300 oC to 1250 oC were performed to produce barium ferrite powder. XRD pattern showed barium ferrite phase started to form at temperature of 500 oC and grew to single phase at 1000 oC, with hexagonal structure. At this stage, the powder has saturation and remanence magnetization of 50.9 emu/g and 33.6 emu/g, respectively, and coercivity of 2.94 kOe