51 research outputs found

    Comparison of microarray breast cancer classification using support vector machine and logistic regression with LASSO and boruta feature selection

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    Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer diagnosis amongst women worldwide. Despite the advancement of medical diagnostic and prognostic tools for early detection and treatment of breast cancer patients, research on development of better and more reliable tools is still actively conducted globally. The breast cancer classification is significantly important in ensuring reliable diagnostic system. Preliminary research on the usage of machine learning classifier and feature selection method for breast cancer classification is conducted here. Two feature selection methods namely Boruta and LASSO and SVM and LR classifier are studied. A breast cancer dataset from GEO web is adopted in this study. The findings show that LASSO with LR gives the best accuracy using this dataset

    Automated Segmentation And Classification Technique For Brain Stroke

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    Difussion-Weighted Imaging (DWI) plays an important role in the diagnosis of brain stroke by providing detailed information regarding the soft tissue contrast in the brain organ. Conventionally, the differential diagnosis of brain stroke lesions is performed manually by professional neuroradiologists during a highly subjective and time- consuming process. This study proposes a segmentation and classification technique to detect brain stroke lesions based on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI). The type of stroke lesions consists of acute ischemic, sub-acute ischemic, chronic ischemic and acute hemorrhage. For segmentation, fuzzy c-Means (FCM) and active contour is proposed to segment the lesion’s region. FCM is implemented with active contour to separate the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) with the hypointense lesion. Pre-processing is applied to the DWI for image normalization, background removal and image enhancement. The algorithm performance has been evaluated using Jaccard Index, Dice Coefficient (DC) and both false positive rate (FPR) and false negative rate (FNR). The average results for the Jaccard index, DC, FPR and FNR are 0.55, 0.68, 0.23 and 0.23, respectively. First statistical order method is applied to the segmentation result to obtain the features for the classifier input. For classification technique, bagged tree classifier is proposed to classify the type of stroke. The accuracy results for the classification is 90.8%. Based on the results, the proposed technique has potential to segment and classify brain stroke lesion from DWI image

    Hybrid feature selection of breast cancer gene expression microarray data based on metaheuristic methods: a comprehensive review

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    Breast cancer (BC) remains the most dominant cancer among women worldwide. Numerous BC gene expression microarray-based studies have been employed in cancer classification and prognosis. The availability of gene expression microarray data together with advanced classification methods has enabled accurate and precise classification. Nevertheless, the microarray datasets suffer from a large number of gene expression levels, limited sample size, and irrelevant features. Additionally, datasets are often asymmetrical, where the number of samples from different classes is not balanced. These limitations make it difficult to determine the actual features that contribute to the existence of cancer classification in the gene expression profiles. Various accurate feature selection methods exist, and they are being widely applied. The objective of feature selection is to search for a relevant, discriminant feature subset from the basic feature space. In this review, we aim to compile and review the latest hybrid feature selection methods based on bio-inspired metaheuristic methods and wrapper methods for the classification of BC and other types of cancer

    A case study of microarray breast cancer classification using machine learning algorithms with grid search cross validation

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    Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death and most frequently diagnosed cancer amongst women. Annually, almost half a million women do not survive the disease and die from breast cancer. Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science that uses data and algorithms to mimic how humans learn, and gradually improving its accuracy. In this work, simple machine learning methods are used to classify breast cancer microarray data to normal and relapse. The data is from the gene expression omnibus (GEO) website namely GSE45255 and GSE15852. These two datasets are integrated and combined to form a single dataset. The study involved three machine learning algorithms, random forest (RF), extra tree (ET), and support vector machine (SVM). Grid search cross validation (CV) is applied for hyperparameter tuning of the algorithms. The result shows that the tuned SVM is best among the tested algorithms with accuracy of 97.78%. In the future it is recommended to include feature selection method to get the optimal features and better classification accuracies

    Application Of Gabor Transform In The Classification Of Myoelectric Signal

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    In recent day, Electromyography (EMG) signal are widely applied in myoelectric control. Unfortunately, most of studies focused on the classification of EMG signals based on healthy subjects. Due to the lack of study in amputee subject, this paper aims to investigate the performance of healthy and amputee subjects for the classification of multiple hand movement types. In this work, Gabor transform (GT) is used to transform the EMG signal into time-frequency representation. Five time-frequency features are extracted from GT coefficient. Feature extraction is an effective way to reduce the dimensionality, as well as keeping the valuable information. Two popular classifiers namely k-nearest neighbor (KNN) and support vector machine (SVM) are employed for performance evaluation. The developed system is evaluated using the EMG data acquired from the publicy available NinaPro Database. The results revealed that the extracting GT features can achieve promising performance in the classification of EMG signals

    A case study of microarray breast cancer classification using machine learning algorithms with grid search cross validation

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    Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death and most frequently diagnosed cancer amongst women. Annually, almost half a million women do not survive the disease and die from breast cancer. Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science that uses data and algorithms to mimic how humans learn, and gradually improving its accuracy. In this work, simple machine learning methods are used to classify breast cancer microarray data to normal and relapse. The data is from the gene expression omnibus (GEO) website namely GSE45255 and GSE15852. These two datasets are integrated and combined to form a single dataset. The study involved three machine learning algorithms, random forest (RF), extra tree (ET), and support vector machine (SVM). Grid search cross validation (CV) is applied for hyperparameter tuning of the algorithms. The result shows that the tuned SVM is best among the tested algorithms with accuracy of 97.78%. In the future it is recommended to include feature selection method to get the optimal features and better classification accuracies

    Limited genetic diversity and high differentiation among the remnant adder ( Viperaberus ) populations in the Swiss and French Jura Mountains

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    Although the adder (Viperaberus) has a large distribution area, this species is particularly threatened in Western Europe due to high habitat fragmentation and human persecution. We developed 13 new microsatellite markers in order to evaluate population structure and genetic diversity in the Swiss and French Jura Mountains, where the species is limited to only a few scattered populations. We found that V.berus exhibits a considerable genetic differentiation among populations (global FST=0.269), even if these are not geographically isolated. Moreover, the genetic diversity within populations in the Jura Mountains and in the less perturbed Swiss Alps is significantly lower than in other French populations, possibly due to post-glacial recolonisation processes. Finally, in order to minimize losses of genetic diversities within isolated populations, suggestions for the conservation of this species in fragmented habitats are propose

    Conceptual Design Approach And Ergonomics Analysis Of Fire Resistant Purpose Shield

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    Shield was used as protection from danger centuries ago. Until this moment, there was still no shield available for firefighting purpose in safe and rescue operation. This factor has put a limit to firefighters, causing death to many victims who were in critical and dangerous situation. In this project, conceptual design will be proposed aimed to protect firefighters against fire and heat. The project was based on the existing design of Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) shield and innovated by adding the application of resisting fire. The methodology used are customer survey to fire fighters, house of quality in defining customers' needs, morphological chart in defining concepts, Rula-analysis in measuring ergonomic score and Pugh method for selection of best design. Carbon fibre was selected as the main material for the shield because it has a very low material density of approximately 1.75 g/cm3 and very high melting point of approximately 3500 °C. In Rula-Analysis, the ergonomics final score was 3. Results show that carbon fibre is appropriate for lightweight and fireresistant shield. Ergonomics score of 3 for standing and kneeing position while holding shield is acceptable and further investigation can be recommended

    Automated Medical Surgical Trolley

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    Operating theatre is a place in a hospital where surgical operations are conducted on patients by surgeons. In the operating theatre, the surgical equipment is placed on stainless steel table or on surgical instrument tray. However, during the operation accidents can occur where the surgical tools placed near to the surgeon could be accidentally be hit by them during the surgical operation. This may cause the surgical tools to fall on the floor which may lead to injuries. Hence, this paper presents an automatic medical surgical trolley for surgeons to grab operating tools easily. The proposed system is implemented for automaticmedical surgical trolley movement using Arduino Uno R3. The invention provides an automatic medical surgical trolley which comprises automatic guidance, a wireless controller, an obstacle avoiding detection device, a touch screen controller via smart phone, an IP camera, a trolley, an integrated power supply and a processor. The trolley with stainless steel shelves is ideal for use in clinical environments and operation theatres. Medical equipment is loaded in the trolley, the wireless remote drives the trolley to move forwards and backwards. Automatic visual guidance is achieved via an IP camera attached to the trolley and a touch screen controller via a smart phone. A large amount of space and a large number of materials are saved, the workload of medical workers will be greatly relieved, and the working efficiency will be improved
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