66 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Siklus Air Terhadap Kualitas Air Irigasi Pada Sistem Irigasi Pantai

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    The main problem of water management in the low lying paddy area is the affect of restricted drainage condition and is maintaining its water quality. Fresh water supply. from irrigation main canal and or from rainfall is required 10 manage the irrigation system. The management of this irrigation system is characterized by reuse of return flow. The conceptual definition of cyclic use of returning water, flow was\u27 presented for evaluating the water use efficiency. ApplicatiOn of tank model (Kuroda et al, 1991) is very effective to explain the water reuse mechanism, fOr conserving irrigation water resources, thought it has very severe impact on water quality. By this concept the irrigation water could he oared from the upper block to the lower block in 2.5 days to 12.9 days. Surveying and analyzing of water quality such as p1-1, DO, SC, COD and T-Iï®1from the upper to the lower block were performed to know the effect of water conservation. From the result of the analysis it can be summerized that the water quality tend to decrease graduallyfrom the upper to the lower block because of the effect of water reuse mechanis

    Analisis Operasi Pemberian Air Irigasi

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    Irrigation water requirement of paddy fields can be supplied either by rainfall (effective rainfall) and or irrigation water. Effective rainfall is the amount of rainfall which is useful directly for crops production. Accuracy in providing irrigation water depends on various factors, such as the effective rainfall, irrigation efficiency, climate, and kinds of the crops. Operation of intake gate by operator generally depends on water requirement requested by the farmers (P3A) of tertiary block and existing irrigation efficiency. Accurate amount of irrigation water requirement and irrigation efficiency should be analyzed based on the field condition. Many countries have developed effective rainfall as one of the component in providing irrigation water requirement. Indonesia has applied the effective rainfall analysis based on the historical rainfall data (Ministry of Public Works, 1986). Other method for computing effective rainfall used in this study are the India method dan Renfro method. The practice of operation of intake gate carried out by the operator based on the farmers request and the performance of irrigation network system in PB5-ka block of Pijenan command area in Bantu! Regency are analyzed based on the field condition and effective rainfall calculated under the three methods. Analysis results show that the irrigation network system efficiencies in BP5-ka block during the cultivation period (MT) II, I, and III are good (70%), fair (50%) and poor (20%), respectively. Such conditions indicate that the irrigation network efficiency based on the Ministry of Public Works standard (80%-85%) is excessive and required adjustment to the field condition. The practice of operation of intake gate carried out by the operator appears to be wasteful at the end of MT I, II, and III, which is more than 80%. However, in total average it has fulfilled the accurate amount criteria with surplus tolerance of 2.57%, 1.32% and 12.50%, respectively. Based on the cultivation period 2002-2003 as well as the soil type of BP5-ka block, the irrigation water reqirement (effective rainfall calculated using the Ministry of Public Works method, Renfro method, and India method) should be theoretically modificate

    Analisis Kalibrasi Bangunan Ukur Debit Cipoletti

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    ABSTRAK One of the problems in the management of irrigation system is water irrigation distribution accuracy, which k actually measured by discharge measurement structure. The government usually underestimates discharge measuremem structure, especially its maintenance and rehabilitation. This condition will cause inaccurate discharge measurement. It h very important to study the preservation of the structure function accuracy. Structure function preservation is required through periodical calibration. Current meter is inadequate or even noprovided in an irrigation system. Stick floats, which have been calibrated in Hydraulics Laboratory of Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, is used for measuring water velocity in Surodadi secondary irrigation canal. Results of discharge measurement using depth variations are used for discharge coefficient calibration base of Cipoletti weir as one of the discharge measurement structure. Result of the study show that deviation of float is 0.80 %, which is significantly less than standard deviation of ISO/TR 7178-1983 (E). Calibration shows that discharge coefficient of Cipoletti weir is 2.32, in compare to initial value, which is 1.86. The discharge coefficient of 2.32 can not be applied in other Cipoletti weirs due to different physical condition. Discharge coefficient changes because staf gauge setting is not vertical and the sharp-crested weir of Cipoletti degrades due to corrosion. Keywords: Kalibrasi bangunan, ukur debi

    Analisa Fenomena Sumberdaya Terhadap Pembagian Air Irigasi

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    Success of a gate operator in the water distribution depend on water resources availability, crop pattern and irrigation scheduling. Sensitivity, carefullness and ability of gate operator in reading of natural phenomenon and characteristics of farmer is also very important for distribution of irrigation water. The quantification analysis was applied for this study. Analyses were tried for three gate operations of irrigation water. Daily series of operated irrigation water was specified as objective variables and daily series of rainfall, gate operations, growing seasons and farmer activities was called as explanatory variables. The result shows that the distribution of irrigation water in Piki and Puan by gate operator is strongly affected by rainfall. Crop pattern and irrigation scheduling of the Pika was considered carefully by the gate operato

    Analisis Kinerja Jaringan Irigasi

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    Kinerja jaringan irigasi lestari tergantung pada beberapa faktor. Faktor pengaruh tersebut berupa faktor non fisik (pengelola dan ketersediaan biaya operasi dan pemeliharaan) dan fisik (ketersediaan air dan prasarana jaringan). Penilaian terhadap kinerja jaringan irigasi dilakukan dengan wawancara terhadap pengelola dan analisis biaya satuan operasi dan pemeliharaa (faktor non fisik) dan evaluasi kondisi prasarana jaringan irigasi (fisik, termasuk ketersediaan air) dengan panduan penerapan pola dan tata tanam secara konsisten. Berdasarkan 3 faktor tersebut daerah irigasi (DI) dengan luas lebih dari 500 ha (ranking 1 sampai dengan 4) menunjukkan kinerja yang baik dan yang lain cukup baik. Kondisi tersebut menyiratkan bahwa Pemerintah Kabupaten Purworejo mempunyai atensi yang besar dalam pengelolaan DI dengan luas lebih dari 500 ha. Pemantapan DI Tegalduren menjadi DI teknis perlu dilakukan untuk menunjang kegiatan pengelolaan irigasi partisipatif. Ketidakberdayaanpetani dalam pemeliharaan prasarana irigasi perlu dibina secara terus menerus berdasarkan skala prioritas (demand–driven)

    Kajian Pola-hemat Pemberian Air Irigasi

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    Paddy is a semiaqutic crop that is also adaptic to water lacking condition such as paddy gogo. As common practice in Indonesia, farmers use excessive amount of irrigation water for their paddy field, hoping to yield maximum amount of harvest. Such practice result in the problem of irrigation water supply due to significant amount of irrigation water requirement. However, paddy harvest is actually influenced by the crop variety, water management, soil nutrient availability and land management. A study of irrigation watering pattern is required to obtain irrigation water saving based on the paddy botanical characteristics related to soil nutrient appropriate management in order to gain optimal harvest. This study applied the pattern of irrigation water supply to five plots of 2x3 m2 model consist of 7x11 points, filled with sandy clay soil. The pattern were continuous flooding (PTM), semi flooding – moisturing – semi flooding (SPS), semi flooding - moisturing (SPP), semi flooding – semi moisturing (SPSP) and flooding - moisturing (PP). Three seeds were planted in each point of PTM and PP pattern, and one seed for each of other pattern. Nutrient were given for every paddy plot at the 8th , 25 th and 40 th day of cultivation. Result of this study showed irrigation water used, which did not include land preparation, and harvest under the PTM, SPS, SPP, SPSP and PP pattern were 5385 l and 3,9 kg, 4290 l and 3,9 kg, 4530 l and 4,3 kg , 4265 l and 3,0 kg and 3915 l and 4,9 kg respectively. PP pattern used the least amount of irrigation water but yielded the filler to yield the optimum result, based on the paddy botanical characteristic and appropriate soil nutrient management. It also saved 33,8 % irrigation water in compare to the conventional practice based on the standard stated by the Ministry of Public Works

    Analisis Operasi Pelayanan Pembagian Air Irigasi

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    The irrigation water distribution service method is one of the aspect from the management of irrigation system. The water distribution service method has an effect towards the verification of gate operation on the division structure whereas in the end it will affect the performance of the irrigation system. The sloppiness of the operator in operating the gate will affect the performance of the irrigation system as a whole. This study will overview the application of the irrigation water distribution service method that is continous, rotated and controlled. The method that is used will be applied on the Pijenan irrigation system , especially on the BPS structure which serve the secondary paddy plot of Pijenan Kanan (Pika), Pijenan Kiri (Piki) and Pucanganom. The outcome of the analysis towards the application of some the methods a!)ove shows that controlled method offers a much better performance than continous or rotation methods. This would mean that the controlled method is the best way to verify. The pattern of gate operation based on need. That is exact in time and quantity

    Pengelolaan air irigasi di petak Tersier

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    ABSTRAK Semakin banyak jaringan irigasi yang dibuat, maka semakin banyak pula persoalan yang timbul dalam pengelolaan airnya. Dengan investasi dari pemerintah yang begitu besar, maka harga air persatuan volume juga mahal, maka sudah saatnya para petani pemakai air diberi bekal pengetahuan un¬tuk meningkatkan kecakapan dalam mengelola air irigasi. Hal ini perlu agar dicapai tingkat efisiensi penggunaan air yang optimal. Di daerah Sleman, Yogyakarta khususnya di kecamatan Tempel, banyak dijumpai Daerah Irigasi (DI) kecil dengan luas kurang dari 100 ha, dapat ditingkatkan menjadi DI teknis yang pengelolaan airnya dapat diserahkan kepada petani setempat. Key words: irigasi, pengelolaan ai

    Analisis Kinerja Jaringan Irigasi

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    The performance of long-lasting irrigation network depends on various factors. They are non-physical factors (management, operation and maintenance cost unit) andphysical factors (water availability and irrigation infrastructure). The assessment to the performance of irrigation network was carried out by interviewing the management, analyzing the operation and maintenance cost unit (non-physical factor) and evaluating the infrastructure condition of the irrigation network (physical factor, including water availability) by having consistent guidance on the cropping pattern application. Based on the three factors, the command areas with area more than 500 ha (ranked from 1 to 4) indicated good performance and the others are moderate. Such condition implied that the Government of Kabupaten Purworejo paid significant attention upon the management of command area with areamore than 500 ha. Stabilizing Tegalduren command area to become technical was necessary in order to support the participative irrigation management. It is necessary to continually build up the farmers’ capability to cope with their powerlessness problem in maintaining the irrigation infrastructure based on the priority (demand-driven).ABSTRAKKinerja jaringan irigasi lestari tergantung pada beberapa faktor. Faktor pengaruh tersebut berupa faktor non fisik (pengelola dan ketersediaan biaya operasi dan pemeliharaan) dan fisik (ketersediaan air dan prasarana jaringan). Penilaian terhadap kinerja jaringan irigasi dilakukan dengan wawancara terhadap pengelola dan analisis biaya satuan operasi dan pemeliharaa (faktor non fisik) dan evaluasi kondisi prasarana jaringan irigasi (fisik, termasuk ketersediaan air) dengan panduan penerapan pola dan tata tanam secara konsisten. Berdasarkan 3 faktor tersebut daerah irigasi (DI) dengan luas lebih dari 500 ha (ranking 1 sampai dengan 4) menunjukkan kinerja yang baik dan yang lain cukup baik. Kondisi tersebut menyiratkan bahwa Pemerintah Kabupaten Purworejo mempunyai atensi yang besar dalam pengelolaan DI dengan luas lebih dari 500 ha. Pemantapan DI Tegalduren menjadi DI teknis perlu dilakukan untuk menunjang kegiatan pengelolaan irigasi partisipatif. Ketidakberdayaanpetani dalam pemeliharaan prasarana irigasi perlu dibina secara terus menerus berdasarkan skala prioritas (demand–driven)


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    Bantul Regency is about 506.85 km² consists of 16,440 ha paddy fields and 34,245 ha upland fields. The Pijenan weir is one of weirs located in Bedog river in Bantul Regency. The weir provides irrigation water for Jigutan command area (Pijenan Upstream) of 2.074 ha. Kebonongan command area was previously irrigated from Kamijoro free intake in Progo River. The Kamijoro free intake did not properly function properly due to the sediment deposited in 1969. This condition requires supply taken from Pijenan weir. Irrigation water supply taken to Kebonangan command area can be carried out if irrigation water to Jigutan command area has been optimum. Optimally utilized irrigation water for Jigutan command area is necessary based on the crop pattern and crop variety in order to maximize the farmers\u27 profit. Based on the restitution of irrigation management policy, farmers free to decide which crop variety will be cultivated in accordance to paddy-paddy-palawija pattern. Paddy as the main crop and palawija (corns, beans, peanuts, onion, and chilly) can be cultivated anytime in order to gain the maximum profit based on the available water in Jigutan command area. The optimization analysis of irrigation water allocation for Jigutan command area was performed using the linear program. Water allocation for Jigutan cQmmand area of 100% and 50% of available water resulted in optimum cultivation area of 822.88 ha with profit of Rp 7.688.517.507,00 and 612.88 ha with profit of Rp 6.743.877.335,00. The crop intensity with water allocation of 100% and 50% was 278% (197% paddy and 81% palawija) and 207.05% (114.05 paddy and 93% palawija), respectively. These results described that the optimum area of paddy crop cultivation is significantly sensitive to irrigation water allocation compared to the palawija market price. This explains why the profit obtained by the farmers is dependent from the palawija variety. Results of the optimization of irrigation water allocation of 100% and 50% of the available water to Jigutan command area provides annual supply to Kebonongan command area for 155.233.586 m³ and 75.316.444 m³, respectively
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