21 research outputs found

    Tradisi Kepercayaan Masyarakat Pesisir Mengenal Kesehatan Ibu Di Desa Tanjung Limau Muara Badak Kalimantan Timur Tahun 2008

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    Background: Reproductive health covers biological and socio-cultural aspects. In the local context of East Kalimantan, the traditional culture may affect the behavior including antenatal, delivery and postpartum care, either in positive or negative manner. Objective: To explore community perspectives related to reproductive health particularly maternal health and its cultural beliefs. Methode: A qualitative research using phenomenology approach employed focus group discussion (FGD) and in-depth interview. FGD was held separately for pregnant women and community informant. In-depth interview was carried out to midwives and traditional birth attendants. The data were analyzed using interactive analyzes model. Result: The study site was Tanjung Limau Village in East Kalimantan. Village community hold their traditional beliefs for pregnant women mainly food restriction such as salted fish, calamari, pine-apple or cempedak. Also they were not allowed to go out in the evening around "maghrib" time with certain superstitious reason. The aim of those beliefs was to avoid delivery complication, and to keep the baby as being healthy and save. Conclusion: Traditional birth attendance still played a big role in delivery process. Community in Tanjung Limau Village in East Kalimantan still applied traditional beliefs regarding maternal health, thus health providers must learn its symbolic meaning in regard to educate community and change their behavior using acceptable approach

    Maternal Behaviour in Selecting Traditional Birth Attendants to Assist the Delivery in Kelinjau Ulu Village Muara Ancalong East Kutai East Kalimantan

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    Latar Belakang: Rendahnya pertolongan persalinan yang dibantu oleh tenaga kesehatan merupakan salah satu penyebab utama kematian ibu, di sisi lain peran dukun bayi masih dominan terutama di daerah pedesaan. Tujuan: Mengidentifikasi perilaku ibu dan budaya yang mempengaruhi ibu dalam memilih dukun bayi. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Wawancara mendalam dilakukan terhadap 10 ibu yang memiliki pengalaman persalinan dibantu oleh dukun bayi, 2 dukun bayi, dan 1 tenaga kesehatan. Hasil: Dukun bayi memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat yang mendasar dengan mendukung wanita selama kehamilan, persalinan, dan periode postpartum. Dukun bayi membantu persalinan sebagai perbuatan sukarela dan tidak akan dibayar, tetapi menerima bahan makanan atau uang sebagai tanda penghargaan. Dukun bayi juga memiliki peran penting pada upacara kelahiran. Ibu juga memiliki pendapat bahwa persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan cenderung menyakitkan, mereka merasa takut dan malu untuk membuka vagina mereka saat melahirkan dengan bidan. Selain itu, tidak adanya tenaga kesehatan akibat kendala geografis membuat ibu melahirkan dengan dukun bayi. Kesimpulan: Disarankan untuk mempromosikan manfaat kelahiran di fasilitas kesehatan atau dibantu dengan petugas kesehatan ketika ibu memiliki perawatan antenatal. Pada pelatihan dukun bayi, tenaga kesehatan harus mengarahkan peran dukun bayi hanya sebagai seorang pembantu yang memberikan dukungan emosional dan sosial bagi perempuan selama persalinan dan melahirkan

    Regresi Logistik Biner intuk Pemodelan Unmet Need pada Wanita Menikah di Kalimantan Timur (Analisis Data SDKI Tahun 2017)

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    Ginjal merupakan organ yang berperan penting di dalam tubuh manusia. Ginjal berfungsi menjaga komposisi darah dengan mencegah menumpuknya limbah dan mengendalikan keseimbangan cairan dalam tubuh. Beberapa faktor risiko dari penyakit ginjal kronis yaitu mengonsumsi minuman berenergi, hipertensi, perilaku merokok, umur, jenis kelamin, genetik dan diabetes mellitus. Berdasarkan data penyakit ginjal kronis dari RSUD Undata Palu pada tahun 2017 jumlah kasus sebanyak 7.148 kemudian pada tahun 2018 terjadi peningkatan jumlah kasus sebanyak 7.599 kasus dan di tahun 2019 sebanyak 3.424 kasus penyakit ginjal kronis, terjadi penurunan kasus di tahun 2019 disebabkan karena terjadinya pandemi Corona Virus Disease 19 (COVID-19) yang berdampak pada penurunan kasus di RSUD Undata Palu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsumsi minuman berenergi, hipertensi, dan perilaku merokok terhadap kejadian penyakit ginjal kronis di RSUD Undata Palu. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Cross Sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pasien rawat jalan di poli penyakit dalam 1 RSUD Undata Palu. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah accidental sampling dengan jumlah sampel 97 orang. Analisis Data menggunakan univariat dan bivariat dengan Uji Regresi Logistik Berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan beberapa variable yaitu: minuman berenergi (p=0,153), hipertensi (p=0,000), merokok (p=0,374). Kesimpulannya tidak ada pengaruh antara minuman berenergi dan perilaku merokok dengan penyakit ginjal kronis sedangkan hipertensi ada pengaruh dengan penyakit ginjal kronis. Disarankan pada pasien penyakit ginjal kronis, untuk melakukan pengendalian hipertensi, serta tidak mengonsumsi minuman berenergi dan merokok, serta menghindari faktor risiko lainnya pada penyakit ginjal kronis


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    Abstract Background: Preeclampsia accounts for nearly 10 percent of maternal deaths in Asia and Africa. Therefore, it is important to detect signs and symptoms early on by knowing the factors that are at risk for a mother experiencing preeclampsia. Objective: To determine the risk factors for preeclampsia in Asia and Africa through the application of meta-analysis. Method: A systematic review was carried out on 26 case-control and cohort studies related to risk factors for preeclampsia from four databases (PubMed, BioMed Central, ProQuest, and Google Scholar). The pooled odds ratio was calculated with the fixed-effect and random-effect model using Review Manager 5.3. Result: A total of 20 studies consisting of 2,954,769 women were included in the meta-analysis. Risk factors for preeclampsia based on maternal factors were chronic hypertension=9.74(95% CI 1.69-56.04), gestational diabetes=9.28(95% CI 4, 49-19.19), pre-pregnancy body mass index=2.70(95% CI 2.08-3.50), maternal age during pregnancy=2.37(95% CI 2.29-2.46) and nulliparity=2.08(95% CI 1.44-3.01). The fetal factor was multiple pregnancy=4.24(95% CI 3.14-5.73). Four disease history factors were family history of preeclampsia=13.99(95% CI 6.91-28.33), history of chronic hypertension=8.28(95% CI 5.92- 11.59), history of preeclampsia=OR 6.90(95% CI 3.58-13.31) and family history of hypertension=2.81(95% CI 1.75-4.50). Conclusion: The results of a meta-analysis of 10 risk factors for preeclampsia could be used as a screening tool to determine the magnitude of risk and early diagnosis of preeclampsia that allows timely intervention. Key words: Maternal Factors, Chronic Hypertension, Preeclampsia, Meta-Analysis. Abstrak Latar belakang: Preeklampsia menyumbang hampir 10 persen dari kematian ibu di Asia dan Afrika. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk menemukan tanda dan gejala sejak dini dengan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berisiko untuk seorang ibu mengalami preeklampsia. Tujuan: Mengetahui faktor risiko preeklampsia di Asia dan Afrika melalui penerapan meta-analisis. Metode: Tinjauan sistematis dilakukan pada 26 studi kasus kontrol dan kohort terkait faktor risiko preeklampsia di empat database, yaitu PubMed, BioMed Central, ProQuest, dan Google Scholar. Pooled Odds Ratio dihitung dengan model fixed-effect dan random effect menggunakan Review Manager 5.3. Hasil: Sebanyak 20 penelitian yang terdiri dari 2.954.769 wanita masuk dalam meta-analisis. Faktor risiko preeklampsia berdasarkan faktor ibu adalah hipertensi kronis=9,74(95% CI 1,69-56,04), diabetes gestasional=9,28(95% CI 4,49-19,19), indeks massa tubuh prakehamilan=2,70(95% CI 2,08-3,50), usia ibu saat kehamilan=2,37(95% CI 2,29-2,46) dan nuliparitas=2,08 (95% CI 1,44-3,01). Faktor janin yaitu kehamilan multipel=4,24(95% CI 3,14-5,73). Empat faktor riwayat penyakit yaitu riwayat keluarga preeklampsia=13,99(95% CI 6,91-28,33), riwayat hipertensi kronis=8,28(95% CI 5,92-11,59), riwayat preeklampsia= (95% CI 3,58-13,31) dan riwayat keluarga hipertensi=2,81(95% CI 1,75-4,50). Kesimpulan: Hasil meta-analisis dari 10 faktor risiko preeklampsia dapat digunakan sebagai alat skrining untuk mengetahui besarnya risiko dan diagnosis dini preeklampsia, yang memungkinkan intervensi tepat waktu.   Kata kunci: Faktor Ibu, Hipertensi Kronis, Preeklampsia, Meta-analisi

    Relationship between Perceived Severity and Compliance with COVID-19 Preventive Behavior among Pregnant Women

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    Several risk groups, one of which is pregnant women are susceptible COVID-19. Pregnancy is known as a susceptible condition to COVID-19 infection because it could cause immunity decrease. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with COVID-19 preventive behavior. This study aims to analyze the relationship between perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived obstacle, perceived benefit and self-efficacy with COVID-19 preventive behavior among pregnant women in the work area of Sempaja Community Health Center. This was an observational study with cross sectional design. Samples were selected using purposive sampling technique based on inclusion criteria of pregnant women who lived and registered in the determined work area and had gestational age of more than 12 weeks. There were 194 pregnant women involved as the study samples. Data were analyzed using the Spearman Rank Test. The bivariate analysis revealed that there was relationship between self-efficacy (p value of 0.000), perceived barrier (p value of 0.025), perceived benefit (p value of 0.000), and perceived severity (p value of 0.000) with compliance with COVID-19 preventive behavior. However, there was no relationship between perceived susceptibility and compliance with COVID-19 preventive behavior (p value of 0.287). It can be concluded that the better perception of pregnant women, the better compliance with COVID-19 preventive behavior. It is recommended to increase health promotion in order to keep compliance with COVID-19 preventive behavior.Pandemi Corona virus disease (COVID-19) rentan menyerang beberapa kelompok berisiko salah satunya ibu hamil. Kehamilan dapat menurunkan imunitas tubuh, sehingga ibu hamil mudah terpapar COVID-19. Kepatuhan menjalankan protokol kesehatan penting bagi ibu hamil. Tujuan studi ini untuk mengetahui hubungan persepsi kerentanan, persepsi keparahan, persepsi hambatan, persepsi manfaat, dan efikasi diri pada ibu hamil terhadap tindakan kepatuhan pencegahan COVID-19. Desain penelitian yaitu cross sectional. Sampel sejumlah 194 ibu hamil dipilih secara purposif dengan kriteria inklusi tinggal dan terdaftar di wilayah Puskesmas Sempaja dengan usia kehamilan >12 minggu. Data dianalisa menggunakan uji Rank Spearman. Analisa bivariat memperlihatkan bahwa self-efficacy (0.000), persepsi hambatan (p value 0,025), persepsi manfaat (p value 0,000), persepsi keparahan (p value 0,000), berhubungan terhadap tindakan kepatuhan pencegahan COVID-19, sedangkan persepsi kerentanan tidak berhubungan (p value 0,287). Disimpulkan bahwa semakin baik persepsi kesehatan ibu hamil, maka semakin baik pula tindakan kepatuhan pencegahan COVID-19. Disarankan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan sosialisasi mengenai COVID-19 pada ibu hamil secara berkelanjutan sehingga kepatuhan pencegahan penularan dapat terjaga

    Pendampingan dan Fasilitasi dalam Mempersiapkan Pertemuan Tatap Muka Terbatas Sesuai Protokol Kesehatan di SDN 001 Sungai Kunjang Kota Samarinda

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    Online learning has the potential to affect a students’  academic achievement. Therefore, schools are encouraged to hold limited face-to-face meetings as COVID-19 cases begin to decrease. All schools should immediately begin preparing the requirements for getting permission to use limited face-to-face meetings. SDN 001 Sungai Kunjang Samarinda is one of them, and it is still having problems fulfilling these requirements. The activity's goal is to facilitated SDN 001 ready to meet the requirements of limited face-to-face meetings. Method of this community service implementation were consists of five stages, namely stage 1 licensing and policy identification, stage 2 awareness of problems, stage 3  the implementation of assistance and facilitation of limited face-to-face meetings preparation, stage 4 socialization of rules and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of limited face-to-face meetings implementation, and stage 5 the evaluation stage of activities. The results of this series of activities show that through the assistance of the school is able to arrange the rules and flow chart of limited face-to-face meetings implementation.  After socializing to all teachers and education personnels, they understand the guidance of the implementation of limited face-to-face meetings in the education unit of the Joint Decree (SKB) 4 ministry. All teachers feel confident that they can be disciplined in carrying out health protocols in school after socialization. Furthermore, to strengthen the readiness of schools to implement limited face-to-face meetings, it is expected that this socialization will also be carried out to students and their parents


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    ABSTRACT World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 8 until 9 percent women suffering from breast cancer and 84 million people died from cancer between 2005-2015. The high incidence and fatality rate of cancer could be minimized with prevention especially implemented by adolescents with health educational backgrounds. This study aims to determine association between knowledge, attitude, information exposure and health workers support with breast self-examination (BSE) as an early detection of breast cancer in students at the Faculty of Public Health, Mulawarman University. This was an observational study with cross-sectional approach. The subjects were 114 female students chosen by purposive sampling. Data collected by online questionnaire and analyzed using chi-square test. The study showed that there were significant association between information exposure with BSE (p valu

    Potret Kesehatan Perempuan Korban Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (Studi Kasus Di Pusat Pelayanan Terpadu Pemberdayaan Perempuan Dan Anak Kalimantan Timur)

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    Latar Belakang: Kekerasan terhadap perempuan merupakan masalah global yang banyak dibicarakan saat ini. Berbagai masalah kesehatan meliputi dampak fisik,mental dan kesehatan reproduksi dapat muncul sebagai dampak kekerasan. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan informasi yang mendalam mengenai potret kesehatan perempuan korban kekerasan dalam rumah tangga studi kasus di Pusat Pelayanan Terpadu Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Anak Provinsi Kalimantan Timur 2011. Metode:Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan interpretive Fenomenologi. Wawancara mendalam digunakan untuk menggali data. Informan utama terdiri dari 6 korban KDRT, 1 orang psikolog yang menangani korban sebagai informan kunci dan kepala P2TP2A sebagai informan pendukung. Hasil: Kekerasan fisik menimbulkan bekas luka bahkan ada yang sifatnya permanen. Korban mengalami infeksi pada saluran reproduksi. Dampak menonjol terutama pada aspek mental, depresi,percobaan bunuh diri hingga ada yang dirawat di rumah sakit jiwa. Anak juga kerapkali meyaksikan dan menerima dampak yang buruk dari kekerasan. Kesimpulan: Korban telah menerima lebih dari satu bentuk kekerasan dari suaminya yang meliputi bentuk kekerasan fisik, ekonomi, seksual, psikis dan penelantaran rumah tangga


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    Background: There continues to be a gap between facility-based delivery and homebirth. This condition is influenced by various social and cultural factors, which in rural areas could affect childbirth in health facilities. Objective: This study aimed to explore whether there has been a shift from homebirth to facility-based delivery and what factors are associated with the phenomenon. Method: A qualitative longitudinal research with ethnographic study design was conducted in the working area of Muara Kaman Health Center in Kutai Kertanegara District, East Kalimantan. The data were collected using in-depth interviews of 17 pregnant women as informants who were followed from the first or second trimester of pregnancy until delivery, and interviews with four midwives. Data were analyzed with thematic analysis. Results: Nine of the 17 women gave birth at the health facility, while there were still three who had homebirth assisted by traditional birth attendants. The number of women who performed deliveries at health facilities was increased from five in the previous pregnancy to nine in the current pregnancy during study. Women’s autonomy and risk awareness were considered as enablers for delivery at health facilities, while perception of homebirth as appropriate for normal labor, unnecessary planning of place and birth attendants, and less optimum partnership between midwife and traditional birth attendants hindered facility-based delivery. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that the shift from homebirth to facility-based delivery has been slow. Efforts to minimize the barriers and improve supportive environment for women to deliver at health facilities should be strengthened

    Determinants Associated with Discontinuation of Modern Contraceptive in East Kalimantan: a Further Analysis of Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2017

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    The national family planning program in East Kalimantan needs to achieve a larger target on modern contraceptives. Despite the fertility decline, this program still facing increasing discontinuation rates. A better understanding of the factors behind the discontinuation of a modern method would help in improving programs. This study aims to analyze the determinants of discontinuation of modern contraceptive use. This was a cross-sectional study, the dataset came from Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2017 of East Kalimantan Province. The sample is all couples of childbearing age between 10–49 years with marital status who have used and are still using contraception (408 samples). Descriptive analyses were used to assess the reasons for discontinuation. Multiple logistic regression was used to estimate the likelihood of discontinuation by demographic characteristics and others. The proportion of respondents who continue using modern contraceptives was 51%, against 49% discontinuation. The reasons for discontinuation were the husband’s disapproval (31%) and health problems related to side effects (26.5%). In the multivariate analysis showed maternal age, women who live in urban areas, and women with birth planning near the future will have an opportunity to discontinue in modern contraceptives. It concluded that there is still high modern contraceptive discontinuation in East Kalimantan, therefore it needed for disseminating information through entertainment-education in social media, health workers better counseling services from also better tools, and include the male participation in family planning counseling.   DETERMINAN YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN PUTUS PAKAI KONTRASEPSI MODERN DI KALIMANTAN TIMUR: ANALISIS LANJUT SURVEI DEMOGRAFI DAN KESEHATAN INDONESIA 2017 Program keluarga berencana nasional di Kalimantan Timur perlu mencapai target yang lebih baik dalam penggunaan kontrasepsi modern. Meskipun terdapat penurunan fertilitas, namun program keluarga berencana masih menghadapi peningkatan angka putus pakai. Pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang faktor-faktor di balik putus pakai metode kontrasepsi modern akan membantu meningkatkan program. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis faktor-faktor penentu putus pakai penggunaan kontrasepsi modern. Desain penelitian ini adalah cross-sectional, set data berasal dari Survei Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia 2017 untuk Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Sampel adalah semua pasangan usia subur berusia 10–49 tahun dengan status perkawinan baik bagi yang pernah menggunakan dan masih menggunakan kontrasepsi, yaitu 408 sampel. Analisis deskriptif digunakan untuk menilai alasan putus pakai. Regresi logistik berganda digunakan untuk memperkirakan kemungkinan putus pakai berdasar atas karakteristik demografis dan lainnya. Proporsi responden yang masih terus menggunakan kontrasepsi modern adalah 51% dibanding dengan 49% putus pakai. Alasan penghentian adalah ketidaksetujuan suami (31%) dan masalah kesehatan yang berkaitan dengan efek samping (26,5%). Analisis multivariat menunjukkan usia ibu, wanita yang tinggal di daerah perkotaan, dan wanita dengan perencanaan kelahiran dalam waktu dekat akan memiliki kesempatan untuk berhenti menggunakan kontrasepsi modern. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kejadian putus pakai kontrasepsi modern masih tinggi di Kalimantan Timur, oleh karena itu diperlukan diseminasi informasi melalui entertainment-education dalam sosial media, layanan konseling dari petugas kesehatan, serta alat bantu konseling yang lebih baik dan juga keikutsertaan pria dalam proses konseling