8 research outputs found


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    Perancangan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro (PLTMH) di desa Garabak Data berlandaskan pada kebutuhan energi listrik masyarakat yang belum terpenuhi akibat keterbatasan daya yang dibangkitkan PLN yang belum mampu memenuhi seluruh wilayah di Sumatera Barat. Perancangan pembangunan PLTMH ini memanfaatkan aliran sungai desa setempat dengan debit aliran 0,6m3/s dan head 1,5 m. Pembangunan PLTMH membutuhkan pemilihan peralatan mekanikal dan elektrikal yang sesuai untuk performa terbaik sistem PLTMH. Berdasarkan potensi yang tersedia jenis turbin yang dipilih yaitu turbin waterwheel tipe undershot dengan efisiensi 71-76%. Generator yang dipilih yaitu generator sinkron 1 fasa dengan kapasitas 5 kVA sesuai dengan kondisi daya yang dihasilkan oleh turbin yaitu sebesar 4,96 kW. Untuk menstabilkan tegangan arus listrik digunakan stabilizer 7,5 kVA dengan faktor keamanan 20% sehingga daya listrik yang stabil dapat dibangkitkan per tahun sebesar 34.759,68 kWh dengan faktor kapasitas 80%. Pembangunan suatu PLTMH memerlukan studi kelayakan sebelum proyek dijalankan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis ekonomi, dengan biaya investasi awal Rp 61.270.000 proyek dan biaya operasional Rp 36.000.000 per tahun pembangunan PLTMH memiliki nilai net present value sebesar Rp 28.843.248, nilai internal rate of return sebesar 21,78 % dan nilai benefit cost ratio sebesar 1,08. Berdasarkan syarat terhadap studi kelayakan ekonomi, proyek ini layak untuk dijalankan dengan nilai payback period pada titik 4,65. Hasil perancangan PLTMH di Desa Garabak Data ini menghasilkan harga daya terbangkit sebesar Rp 899,05 per kWh

    Geographic Accessibility towards Primary Health Care in Karawang District

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    Health accessibility refers to the availability of health care services accessible to the community as required. However, the convenience of accessing such services vary throughout regions due to geography. Hence differences in geographic accessibility can be an obstacle to accessing health care. This study characterized the influence of geographic accessibility on primary health care (PHC) in Karawang District. A cross-sectional study was conducted in November 2019 in five sub-districts of Karawang District. Respondents were interviewed using questionnaires to collect geographic (mileage and travel time from respondents’ house to nearest PHC) and transportation (mode of transportation and transportation cost) data. In total, the study involved 513 randomly selected households, of which 11% had far to travel to the PHC, 22% had a long traveling time, and 23% had expensive transportation costs, with motorcycles being the most common means of transport. Therefore, PHCs in several sub-districts in Karawang District are less accessible due to geographic barriers

    Challenges in the Diagnosis and Management of Intracranial Abscess in Developing Countries: A Retrospective Study from a Tertiary Hospital in Indonesia

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    Despite progressive development of antibiotics and surgical approaches, outcomes in patients with intracranial abscess remained far from ideal. This paper aimed to describe challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of intracranial abscess in developing countries based on study from a tertiary hospital in Indonesia. A retrospective study was performed and included patients who were suspected of intracranial abscess at a tertiary referral hospital in Indonesia between January 1, 2012 and January 1, 2020. Clinical, radiological and laboratory characteristics were analyzed. Two-hundred-and-seventy-seven patients were initially enrolled. Age (p = 0.001), GCS at admission (p = 0.009), comorbidity with hypoalbuminemia (p = 0.003) and hydrocephalus (p = 0.009) are significantly associated with patients’ GCS when discharged.  Results from culture and resistance tests could only be retrieved from 66 patients, with 33 (50%) obtained negative results, while the other 33 (50%) results were positive, consisted of 20 (60.6%) were of gram-negative bacteria and 13 (39.4%) were of gram-positive bacteria. Treatments that are directed to hypoalbuminemia and hydrocephalus should also be prioritized when any of these comorbidities exist.Tujuan Meskipun terjadi kemajuan yang signifikan dari pengembangan antibiotik dan tindakan bedah, hasil luaran pada pasien dengan abses intrakranial tetap buruk. Studi ini bertujuan untuk meneliti tantangan dalam diagnosis dan pengobatan abses intrakranial di negara berkembang berdasarkan studi dari sebuah rumah sakit tersier di Indonesia.   Metode Sebuah studi retrospektif dilakukan dan melibatkan pasien yang diduga abses intrakranial di rumah sakit rujukan tersier di Indonesia antara 1 Januari 2012 dan 1 Januari 2020. Analisis dilakukan pada karakteristik klinis, radiologis dan laboratorium.   Hasil Sebanyak 277 pasien terdiagnosis dengan kecurigaan abses intrakranial. Usia (p = 0,001), GCS saat masuk (p = 0,009), komorbiditas dengan hipoalbuminemia (p = 0,003) dan hidrosefalus (p = 0,009) terbukti memiliki asosiasi yang signifikan dengan GCS pasien saat dipulangkan. Hasil pemeriksaan kultur dan resistensi hanya dapat diperoleh dari 66 pasien, dengan 33 (50%) didapatkan hasil negatif, sedangkan 33 (50%) lainnya positif, dengan uraian 20 (60,6%) bakteri gram negatif dan 13 (39,4%) adalah bakteri gram positif.   Kesimpulan Selain tata laksana terhadap abses intrakranial sendiri, terapi hipoalbuminemia dan hidrosefalus sama pentingnya untuk memperoleh hasil luaran yang optimal.   Kata Kunci:   Abses intrakranial, diagnosis, penatalaksanaan, negara berkemban

    Neuropsychiatric Manifestation Screening among Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients in Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung

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    Background: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune diseases caused by deposition of immune complex with the involvement of various organ system and certain autoantibodies production. One of the most significant manifestation is neuropsychiatricsymptoms, known as NPSLE (Neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus). This study aims to portray the distribution of neuropsychiatric manifestation of SLE patients using a screening method in Hasan Sadikin General Hospital.Method: An observative, descriptive categoric study, with consecutive sampling were done. Data were collected by spreading the questionnaire to subjects diagnosed as SLE who visiting Hasan Sadikin General Hospital during August-October 2016 and by tracingtheir medical records. Data analyzed included age, sex, education background, duration of lupus, diagnosis criteria, ongoing therapy, and neuropsychiatric manifestation.Result: Samples volunteered in this study were 97 patients. Of them 94 patients (96.9%) were women and 47 patients (48.5%) were senior high school graduated. Most common diagnosis criteria found was positive ANA test (91.8%). Most necessary ongoing therapygiven was methylprednisolone (96.9%). Common neuropsychiatric manifestations were mood disorders (73,2%), headache (57,7%), and mononeuropathy (51,5%).Conclusion: The common psychiatric, central nervous, and peripheral nervous manifestations were mood disorder, headache, and mononeuropathy, respectively.Keywords: Neuropsychiatry, NPSLE Screening,Systhemic Lupus Erythematosu

    Correlation between Learning Comfort and the Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorder in Anatomy Laboratorium Activity Based on RULA Method

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    Objective: To describe learning comfort in the anatomy class of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran as one of the learning facilities, to assess the risk of musculoskeletal disorders in students, and to observe correlation between learning comfort and the risk of musculoskeletal disorders in students. Method: A cross sectional research design conducted to the participants that were students from batch 2017 (second year), faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran as the population sample. Data were taken using a Likert scale questionnaire (very uncomfortable–very comfortable) about the comfort aspects in the class, meanwhile the risk of musculoskeletal disorders were assessed by using Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA). After data collection, there were 106 respondents with complete data, then the data were processed by using descriptive statistical analyses. The correlation between the two variables was analyzed using the Gamma correlation test.Results: Majority of the students were very comfortable with the aspects of learning comfort (majority scale 5), except in aspects of furniture, work area, room aroma, personal storage area, maintenance and repair. A moderate risk level of musculoskeletal disorders (58.5%) was found in the majority of the students. There was a relative significant relationship  between learning comfort and the risk of musculoskeletal disorders in the aspect of colors (γ=0.445, p<0.01).Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between learning comfort in the aspect of colors and the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. Other aspects do not indicate a significant relationship.Keywords: Learning comfort, risk of musculoskeletal disorders, RULA

    Parents' Understanding of the Safety and Comfort in Using Gadgets for Children

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    The utilization of technology among children has significantly increased since the outbreak of the Covid 19 pandemic. Therefore, the use of gadgets among children requires special attention from parents, since under incorrect ergonomic circumstances, it could endanger the health of children. This webinar was designed with parents in mind, giving them valuable information on how to use kid-friendly technology. Additionally, a pre- and post-test was assigned to evaluate parents’ knowledge about ergonomic conditions (safety and comfort) when using gadgets, both before and after the webinar. The results indicated a substantial increasement in parental knowledge among the webinar participants as well as the heightened desire and willingness to apply the right ergonomic conditions for their children’s gadget use at home

    Mapping national information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure to the requirements of potential digital health interventions in low- and middle-income countries

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    Background Digital health can support health care in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) by overcoming problems of distance, poor infrastructure and the need to provide community practitioners with specialist support. We used five RESPIRE countries as exemplars (Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan) to identify the digital health solutions that are valuable in their local setting, worked together with local clinicians and researchers to explore digital health policy, electricity/ICT infrastructure, and socio-cultural factors influencing users’ ability to access, adopt and utilise digital health. Methods We adopted the Joanna Briggs Institute’s scoping review protocol and followed the Cochrane Rapid Review method to accelerate the review process, using the Implementation and Operation of Mobile Health projects framework and The Extended Technology Acceptance Model of Mobile Telephony to categorise the results. We conducted the review in four stages: (1) establishing value, (2) identifying digital health policy, (3) searching for evidence of infrastructure, design, and end-user adoption, (4) local input to interpret relevance and adoption factors. We used open-source national/international statistics such as the World Health Organization, International Telecommunication Union, Groupe Speciale Mobile, and local news/articles/government statistics to scope the current status, and systematically searched five databases for locally relevant exemplars. Results We found 118 studies (2015-2021) and 114 supplementary online news articles and national statistics. Digital health policy was available in all countries, but scarce skilled labour, lack of legislation/interoperability support, and interrupted electricity and internet services were limitations. Older patients, women and those living in rural areas were least likely to have access to ICT infrastructure. Renewable energy has potential in enabling digital health care. Low usage mobile data and voice service packages are relatively affordable options for mHealth in the five countries. Conclusions Effective implementation of digital health technologies requires a supportive policy, stable electricity infrastructures, affordable mobile internet service, and good understanding of the socio-economic context in order to tailor the intervention such that it functional, accessible, feasible, user-friendly and trusted by the target users. We suggest a checklist of contextual factors that developers of digital health initiatives in LMICs should consider at an early stage in the development process