41 research outputs found


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    Introduction: Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) is a disease caused due to viruses. Education about Covid-19 and how to prevent transmission is needed by the community to help accelerate handling. The head of the family plays an important role in helping to discipline family members as the smallest unit of society. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the head of the family in increasing clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) practice to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.Methods: The research method is descriptive survey using a questionnaire. The total sample is 80 heads of households with inclusion criteria head of family who has a family of at least one child or more, minimum age 17 years and maximum 59 years.Results: The results of the study showed that the highest age of 35 years was 49 people (61.25%), while the highest education was senior high school with 56 people (70.00%), and 80 people (100.00%) work. The role of the head of the family in increasing knowledge about prevention Covid-19 was 67 people (83.75) with good criteria.Conclusion: The conclusion is that the role of the head of the family is very important in increase clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) practice to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The best education starts with small groups, especially families. Keyword : role, head of family, PHBS, covid-19

    Husband’s Knowledge Level about the Importance of Husband’s Role and Support to Wife during Pregnancy, Childbirth and Postpartum Period

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    Husband's attention is the most basic level of a woman's needs in pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. The presence of a husband to accompany his wife during childbirth is highly expected because it can provide support to his wife, so that her wife feels safe, comfortable and patient so that pregnancy, birth and post partum will run smoothly and normally. The presence of the husband will bring closer family relationships to obtain emotional support so that it will reduce medical intervention. This study aims to determine the husband's level of knowledge about the importance of his role and support for his wife during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium both from predisposing factors, supporting factors and driving factors in Kampung Desa RT 003 RW 01 Duren Mekar. This research is descriptive with a cross sectional design and the type of data taken is primary data using a questionnaire, then the results are processed by the stages of data selection, data tabulation, and percentage calculations which are then presented in a frequency distribution table. While the respondents taken are men from fertile age couples who already have children who live in the Kampung Desa environment RT 003 RW 01 Duren Mekar with a sample of 34 respondents from a total population of 52 respondents. From the results of the study, it was found that 32 respondents (94.1%) had a good level of knowledge, as many as 28 respondents (100%) of 28 respondents with a high level of education had a good level of knowledge, as many as 27 respondents (93.1%) from 29 respondents who received information from health workers had a good level of knowledge, as many as 32 respondents (94.1%) of the 34 respondents who had a working status when their wives were pregnant until postpartum had a good level of knowledge, as many as 16 respondents (94.1%) ) of 17 respondents who fall into the category of late adulthood (36-45 years) have a good level of knowledge. It is hoped that further research will allow researchers to examine more and more extensive other variables that affect the husband's level of knowledge about the importance of his role and support for his wife during pregnancy until postpartum Key word: Knowledge, Education, Sources of Information, Occupation, Ag

    Analisis Sikap dan Pengetahuan terhadap Upaya Pencegahan Anemia pada Mahasiswa Bidan

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    Background: Midwife students are at risk of anemia, due to their busy life on campus and the influence of technology and modernization, thus ignoring the nutritional problems of the food they consume. Midwife students will later provide services to mothers and children so that sufficient knowledge is needed about health and healthy conditions without anemia. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between attitude and knowledge of midwife students to prevent anemi. Methods: analytical survey research type with cross sectional approach with a total sampling of 132 students of the Midwifery Study Program at the Blora Poltekkes Ministry of Health, Semarang.  The research was conducted in September 2019 and data were collected by distributing questionnaires directly to students. Data analysis using Chi square. Results: There was a significant relationship between knowledge and efforts to prevent anemia with p value = 0.001 <0.05. However, there is no significant relationship between attitudes and efforts to prevent anemia p value = 0.164> 0.05. Good knowledge about anemia will be able to encourage these students to take preventive measures. Meanwhile, students who have a positive attitude towards anemia prevention efforts do not necessarily make efforts to prevent anemia due to economic and lifestyle factors. Conclusion: Midwife student knowledge related to efforts to prevent anemia and can be improved by providing more intense information with attractive media to midwife students. Meanwhile, attitude is not related to preventing anemia

    Factors Relating to the Interest of Use MKJP (IUD and Implant) in the Village of Perigi Mekar, Ciseeng, Bogor

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    The use of MKJP in Indonesia has decreased every year from 13.7% in 1991 to 10.6% in 2012 (Ministry of Health, 2013). In 2013, based on a mini survey of the Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN), the coverage of MKJP in Indonesia was only 12.4% with a percentage based on the type of method, namely KB implants (5.2%), IUD (Contraceptive Devices in the Womb) / Intrauterine Device (IUD) (4.7%), and Women's Operations Method (MOW) (2.2%), whereas the expected MKJP target is 26.7%. This research is descriptive analytic, conducted to determine factors related to the interest in using MKJP (IUD Implants) in Perigi Mekar Village in 2016. The number of samples in this study were 104 people. Data were collected using a questionnaire. Of the 9 variables studied, 2 variables showed a significant relationship with the interest in using the MKJP is income with a p value of 0.018, and discussions with a partner with a p value of 0.024. From the above statement it can be concluded that the amount of income and the frequency of discussions with partners influences the interest in using the MKJP. It is expected that community leaders can work together with local health workers so that they can provide counseling to the community regarding long-term contraceptive methods. Keyword : Contraception, MKJP, IUD, Implan

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui GURU CIKA (Guyub Rukun Cegah dan Atasi KEK dan Anemia) Pada Remaja dan Ibu Hamil di Desa Purworejo Kabupaten Blora

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    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the highest percentage causes of maternal death are bleeding (28%) and infection, which can be caused by low hemoglobin (Hb) levels or anemia and chronic energy deficiency (CED). Prevention efforts that can be carried out before pregnancy are prioritized from adolescence so that the actions taken can provide optimal results. This activity aims to increase the knowledge of teenagers and pregnant women about preventing anemia and CED. The activity was carried out through counseling through the emotional demonstration method to 20 pregnant women and 20 young women. Assessment of the target's level of knowledge in preventing anemia and CED was carried out before and after counseling through a questionnaire containing closed questions. The Wilcoxon test is used to analyze the mean difference between the two assessment results. The results of this activity showed an increase in knowledge of adolescents and pregnant women about the fulfillment of nutrition and prevention of SEZs and Anemia after counseling using the emotional demonstration methodKeyword: adolescents, pregnant women, SEZ, anemi


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    ABSTRACTPhysiological changes during pregnancy occur due to the development of the fetus and preparation for labor. Third trimester requires attention because of the many discomforts felt by the mother due to the rapid growth and development of the fetus. Massage therapy is a non-pharmacological technique that can help reduce discomfort during pregnancy. The aim of the study was to analyze the benefits of massage therapy to reduce discomfort during the third trimester in the form of sleep disturbances, back pain and anxiety. The method used is literature review. The articles used are articles published in 5 years starting from 2015-2020. The keywords used are pregnancy massage and third trimester pregnancy discomfort. Five research articles used in the literature review showed that the results of massage therapy carried out on TM III pregnant women can reduce the intensity of back pain, improve sleep quality and reduce anxiety / stress and can make mothers feel happy. The conclusion obtained by pregnancy massage is a massage technique with gentle and smooth methods in certain parts to make the mother feel fresher and more comfortable. The main goal of massage therapy for pregnant women is to improve the welfare of the mother and the fetus. It is hoped that massage techniques can be taught by the patient's family health personnel so that pregnant women and their families can do it independently and provide a stronger psychological effect because it is given by the closest person to the pregnant mother.Key words: pregnancy massage, third trimester of pregnancy, complementary therapy during pregnancy ABSTRACTPerubahan fisiologi selama kehamilan terjadi akibat adanya tumbuh kembang janin dan persiapan persalinan. Trimester III memerlukan perhatian karena banyaknya ketidaknyamanan yang dirasakan oleh ibu akibat tumbuh kembang janin yang cepat. Terapi pijat merupakan salah satu teknik non farmakologi yang dapat membantu mengurangi ketidaknyamanan selama kehamilan. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis manfaat terapi pijat untuk mengurangi ketidaknyamanan selama trimester III berupa gangguan tidur, nyeri punggung dan kecemasan. Metode yang digunakan adalah kajian literatur. Artikel yang digunakan adalah artikel terbitan 5 tahun dimulai dari 2015-2020. Keyword yang digunakan adalah pijat hamil/ pregnancy massage dan ketidaknyamanan kehamilan TM III. Lima artikel penelitian yang digunakan dalam kajian literatur didapatkan hasil terapi pijat yang dilakukan pada ibu hamil TM III dapat menurunkan menurunkan intensitas nyeri punggung, meningkatkan kualitas tidur dan mengurangi kecemasan/ stres serta dapat membuat ibu merasa bahagia. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh pijat hamil merupakan teknik pemijatan dengan cara lembut dan halus pada bagian tertentu untuk membuat ibu merasa lebih segar dan nyaman. Tujuan utama terapi pemijatan ibu hamil adalah untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan ibu dan janin. Diharapkan teknik pemijatan bisa diajarkan oleh tenaga kesehatan kekeluarga pasien sehingga ibu hamil dan keluarga dapat melakukan secara mandiri dan memberikan efek psikologi yang lebih kuat karena diberikan oleh orang terdekat dengan ibu hamil.Kata kunci: pijat kehamilan, kehamilan trimester III, terapi komplementer selama kehamila

    The Effectiveness of Pregnancy Online Classes (PROCLASS) on the Level of Knowledge and Anxiety Ahead of Labor During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background: Restrictions on health services such as prenatal checks and the Pregnant Women Class program during the COVID-19 pandemic in several regions will have an impact on the quality of services for pregnant women. Purpose: Pregnancy online classes can potentially increase knowledge and reduce anxiety ahead of labor during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Methods: Quasi-experimental and nonequivalent control group, pretest and posttest design approach Each group of 30 people (purposive sampling technique). Pre-test and PROCLASS provide material every week through videos uploaded to the WhatsApp group. The instrument uses a questionnaire (Google Form). Independent t-test and Mann-Whitney test to compare the PROCLASS and control groups. Dependent t-test and Wilcoxon test to compare the pre-and post-test in the PROCLASS group.  Results: There were differences in the pre-post test on the variables of knowledge and anxiety in the PROCLASS group, respectively (p-value 0.000). There was a difference in knowledge between the PROCLASS and control groups (p-value 0.002), with an average knowledge of 88.83 in the PROCLASS group and 85.73 in the control group. There were also differences in anxiety levels between the PROCLASS and control groups (p-value 0.000), with an average anxiety level of 28.17 in the PROCLASS group and 45.70 in the control group.  Conclusion: PROCLASS has proven effective in increasing knowledge and reducing the anxiety level of pregnant women before giving birth during the COVID-19 pandemic so that health workers can carry out the process (Puskesmas)


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    Pandemic COVID-19 telah mengubah pola pikir masyarakat dalam mencari pelayanan kesehatan. Berubah untuk mendapatkan pelayanan yang sifatnya preventif dan promotif, yang peluang dan tantangan bagi para lulusan keperawatan dan kebidanan untuk mengembangkan usaha entrepreneurship, salah satunya yaitu bidang perawatan ibu dan anak. Tujuan dari program pengembangan kewirausahaan (PPK) adalah menciptakan wirausaha baru bidang perawatan ibu dan anak bagi mahasiswa dan alumni jurusan keperawatan dan kebidanan Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang. Metode yang digunakan adalah Project Based Learning (PBL) untuk merintis usaha baru. Metode PBL meliputi beberapa tahap yaitu rekruitmen dan seleksi peserta, training kompetensi dan entrepreneurship, magang atau praktek klinik dan pendampingan meliputi penyusunan proposal dan penciptaan usaha baru serta monitoring dan evaluasi. Hasil dari kegiatan PPK menunjukkan animo masyarakat khususnya para lulusan bidan untuk mengembangkan wirausaha perawatan ibu dan anak sangat tinggi, terbukti dari 1:12 peserta (dimana target sasaran hanya 10 tenant, tetapi pendaftar mencapai 124 pendaftar). Target dari kegiatan selama 7 bulan terdapat 50% tenant telah membuka gerai baru usaha Mom and Baby Care tersebar di beberapa kota (Cepu, Pati, Jepara, Purbalingga) dan homecare di kota Blora. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pandemic COVID-19 yang disikapi dengan pemikiran positif dan inovatif, menjadi peluang untuk dikembangkan menjadi bidang usaha jasa kreatif bagi para lulusan bidan dan perawat seperti usaha perawatan ibu dan anak


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    One of the problems in Indonesia is the rate of population growth which can cause a population explosion. To overcome this problem, the government implemented a Family Planning (KB) program using contraception. The aim of this research is to find out the picture of acceptors in South Tanimbar District in 2023. This research is a quantitative analytical research with a cross sectional research design. The sampling time was carried out in January-April 2023. Samples were taken using a total sampling of 460 people. Data analysis uses univariate analysis with frequency distribution. The results of the research show that in South Tanimbar District, Maluku, the subdistrict with the highest number of active family planning participants is the subdistrict with the highest number of family planning acceptors being Saumlaki and Olilit Raya, namely 99 people, while the highest number of contraceptive users is injectable family planning at 59.35% followed by implant birth control at 27.61 %