13 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi dampak terlaksananya aktivitas pembelajaran melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD); menguji signifikansi perbedaan peningkatan efikasi diri dan penguasaan konsep antara kelas eksperimen yang menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dengan kelas kontrol yang menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif konvensional; mengidentifikasi hubungan antara efikasi diri dengan penguasaan konsep; dan mengeksplorasi tanggapan dari siswa mengenai pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD pada topik kelarutan dan hasil kali kelarutan. Efikasi diri merupakan kepercayaan seseorang atas kemampuan dirinya untuk menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan. Efikasi diri dapat memprediksi kinerja intelektual dan dapat mempengaruhi akademik siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah mix method disertai nonequivalent control group design. Lembar observasi, kuesioner yang diadaptasi dari College Chemistry Self-Efficacy Scale (CCSS), tes tertulis, dan pedoman wawancara digunakan sebagai instrumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa melalui terlaksananya aktivitas pembelajaran STAD, efikasi diri dan penguasaan konsep siswa meningkat dengan ditandai adanya saling memotivasi, bekerja sama dalam mencapai tujuan kelompok, serta saling menjelaskan antarsiswa dalam satu kelompok sehingga terlatih pada aspek komunikasinya. Siswa dibiasakan untuk dapat berpikir secara analitis dan sistematis ketika menjelaskan pada rekan sekelompoknya. Terdapat perbedaan peningkatan efikasi diri yang signifikan (p = 0,55) dengan kelas kontrol ( = 0,35). Sama halnya dengan efikasi diri, terdapat perbedaan peningkatan penguasaan konsep yang signifikan (p = 0,71) dengan kelas kontrol (= 0,54). Pada kelas eksperimen, terdapat hubungan yang signifikan (p = 0.55) and control group (= 0.35). As well as self-efficacy, there are significantly different (p = 0.71) and control group ( = 0.54). There is significant correlation (p<0.05) between self-efficacy and academic achievement on experiment group. The result of this research shows that STAD learning model can increase self-efficacy and academic achievement of students

    The Utilization from Glucomannan of Porang Flour (Amorphophallus Muelleri Blume) as a Raw Material for Making an Edible Film

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    Porang (Amorphophallus Muelleri Blume) is a type of tuber that contains various nutrients, especially glucomannan. Besides as being a source of food, the high content of glucomannan can also be used as an alternative for making edible films, because it contains mannan polymers which have the ability to form fine and crystallized fibers. The purpose of this research is to determine the potential of glucomannan in porang tuber flour as a basis for making edible films. Glucomannan used with various variations (3, 6 and 9 grams). The first stages used were testing porang tuber flour and then made edible film base by carrying out various chemical analyzes based on the Japanesse Industrial Standard method. The results showed that the acquisition of water, ash and protein sequentially was 11.782%, 1.821%, 6.275% which conform to the SNI 7939;2013 standards. The 3 gram variation and 0.087 mm thickness of Glucomann showed the best water resistance value of 20.34%. The biodegradability test showed that the 6 grams variation of glucomannan had the best degradation ability, that is 100% for 12 days

    Artikel Review: Produksi Gas Hidrogen dari Reaksi Elektrolisis Sebagai Bahan Bakar Non-Fosil

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    In carrying out various activities today, it cannot be separated from the fuel. As we all know, fuels that are still commonly used today are fossil fuels whose energy resources are running low. Not only that, fossil fuels have also been shown to produce air pollution. Unhealthy air conditions can certainly reduce human life expectancy. In order to make the clean environment and not polluted by the air pollution, there must be environmentally friendly fuels. The answer for this kind of fuels is hydrogen which comes from nonfossil. One way to obtain hydrogen is an electrolysis reaction. Water can produce hydrogen through electrolysis. Just a few liters of water, it can produce ten to twenty thousand liters of hydrogen gas per hour. The use of Hydrogen as a non-fossil fuel has been proven to be environmentally friendly and free of carbon monoxide. Healthy air and a clean environment are certainly our responsibility. It's time to switch by using hydrogen fuel.Dalam menjalani berbagai aktivitas di zaman sekarang, banyak hal tidak bisa terlepas dari yang namanya bahan bakar. Seperti yang kita ketahui bersama, bahan bakar yang masih umum digunakan hingga saat ini adalah bahan bakar fosil yang sumber daya energinya semakin menipis. Tidak hanya itu, bahan bakar fosil pun terbukti dapat menghasilkan polusi udara. Kondisi udara yang tidak sehat tentunya dapat menurunkan harapan hidup manusia. Agar lingkungan menjadi bersih dan tidak secara terus menerus tercemar dengan adanya polusi udara, harus ada bahan bakar yang ramah lingkungan. Bahan bakar tersebut adalah hidrogen yang berasal dari nonfosil. Salah satu cara untuk memperoleh hidrogen adalah reaksi elektrolisis. Air dapat menghasilkan hidrogen melalui proses elektrolisis. Hanya dengan beberapa liter air saja, proses ini dapat menghasilkan sepuluh hingga dua puluh ribu liter gas Hidrogen per jam. Penggunaan Hidrogen sebagai bahan bakar nonfosil telah terbukti sebagai bahan bakar yang ramah lingkungan dan free of carbon monoxide. Udara yang sehat dan lingkungan yang bersih tentunya merupakan tanggung jawab kita bersama. Saatnya untuk beralih ke penggunaan bahan bakar hidrogen

    Ekstraksi Dan Karakterisasi Glukomanan dari Umbi Porang (Amorphophallus Muelleri Blume) dari Perum Perhutani

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    Porang tubers (Amorphophallus muellei Blume) belong to the Amorphallus genus. Porang tubers contain relatively high levels of glucomannan. Glucomannan is widely used in many industrial fields such as the food, beverage, cosmetics and medicine industries. This research was conducted to determine the sodium metabisulfite ratio levels and maceration time in the process of making porang tuber flour so that optimal porang flour is produced. Varying concentrations of sodium metabisulfite used were 0.2%, 2% and 5% with a soaking time of 1-3 hours and extraction with 60% ethanol. The highest level of glucomannan produced was when using 5% sodium metabisulfite with a 3 hour soaking process with a value of 64.575%

    Students' Knowledge of Solubility Topics through The Cooperative Learning STAD Type

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    The topic of solubility is included in the chemistry subject matter that is considered difficult by students. This study aims to identify differences in knowledge improvement between the experimental class using the cooperative learning model STAD (Student Teams Achievement Divisions) type and the control class using the conventional learning model. The research method and design used is a quasi-experimental with nonequivalent control group design. The participants that involved in this study were students of class XI MIPA with 33 students for the experimental class and 32 students for the control class. A written test that has been validated is used as an instrument in this study. From the student scores that obtained, the N-Gain score is calculated, and hypothesis testing is done through SPSS. The results showed that there was a significant difference in increasing knowledge (p=0.71) and the control class (=0.54). The cooperative learning model STAD type is suitable to be applied for solubility topic learning. It can also be used for the others topic

    Pemanfaatan Campuran Pati Singkong Dan Pati Ubi Jalar Sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Plastik Biodegradasi

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    Plastic waste is already polluting the environment both land and oceans, as plastic consumption continues to increase. Biodegradable plastics are an effort to reduce environmental pollution, biodegradation plastics are plastics made from natural materials usually biodegradable plastics made from natural starch. Cassava starch is the most widely used type of starch and is developed for the manufacture of biodegradable plastics, and sweet potatoes are tubers whose starch content is quite numerous even though it has not been widely developed into plastic material. This research aims to produce natural plastics that can replace conventional plastics and reduce environmental pollution due to plastic waste. The study was conducted with variations in the composition of starch mixtures (50:0 gr, 35:15 gr, 25:25 gr, 15:35 gr, 0:50 gr) and variations in drying temperatures (40°C, 50°C, 60°C).In this study carried out organoleptic test, thickness value test, water absorption value test and degradation test. The results of this study showed biodegradable plastics that have the best characteristics are in the variation of the composition of the mixture 50:0 gr at a drying temperature of 60°C, with a thickness value of 0.11 mm and a water absorption value of 36.5%, but the rate of degradation in this variation is very slo

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Kulit Talas Bogor (Colocasia Esculenta) Sebagai Sumber Energi Alternatif Bioetanol

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    Abstrak. Penanggulangan limbah organik baik limbah domestik maupun limbah industri menjadi suatu hal yang sangat penting untuk dikembangkan karena jumlah limbah atau sampah organik  sejalan dengan pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk di Indonesia. Salah satu limbah organik yang banyak dihasilkan dari produksi makanan adalah kulit talas Bogor. Limbah kulit talas ini kami konversi menjadi bioetanol dengan metode fermentasi menggunakan ragi tape yang mengandung saccharomyces cereviceae dengan variasi lama fermentasi 4,6,8,10 dan 12 hari. Hasil fermentasi kemudian dipisahkan dengan metode destilasi dan didapatkan berat jenis destilat 0,8483 gr/mL. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan destilat bioetanol sebanyak 79 mL dengan yield 14,68%. Dengan demikian limbah kulit talas memiliki potensi untuk konversi biomassa menjadi bioetanol yang merupakan salah satu bahan bakar alternative yang ramah lingkungan. Kata kunci: limbah kulit talas Bogor, fermentasi, bioetanol Abstract.[ Utilization of Bogor Taro Skin Waste (Colocasia Esculenta) As an Alternative Energy Source of Bioethanols] The handling of organic waste both domestic waste and industrial waste is a very important thing to be developed because the amount of waste or organic waste is in line with the growth of the population in Indonesia. One of the many organic wastes produced from food production is Bogor taro skin. We convert taro skin waste into bioethanol by fermentation method using yeast tape containing saccharomyces cereviceae with long fermentation variations 4,6,8,10 and 12 days. The results of fermentation were then separated by a distillation method and obtained by the specific gravity of distillate 0.8483 gr / mL. From this study, 79 mL bioethanol distillate was obtained with a yield of 14.68%. Thus taro skin waste has the potential to convert biomass into bioethanol which is one of the alternative fuels that is environmentally friendly. Keywords: Bogor taro skin waste, fermentation, bioethano

    A Review : Degradasi Elektrokimia Zat Pewarna Golongan Azo (Azo Dyes)

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    Berkembangnya berbagai bidang industri yang menggunakan pewarna sintetis di duniaberimbas pada meningkatnya pencemaran lingkungan air di sekitar lingkungan industry tersebut.Pencemaran lingkungan air oleh limbah zat warna ini berbahaya untuk kesehatan manusia maupun biotaair di tempat lingkungan tercemar. Penanggulangan limbah cair zat warna sintetis ini sudah banyakdikembangkan berbagai metode seperti fotolisis, biodegradasi, elektrokimia dan sebagainya. Degradasielektrokimia sudah berkembang saat ini dengan elektroda-elektroda baru terhadap berbagai zat warnasintetis. Zat warna sintetis yang paling luas penggunaannya adalah zat warna azo yang memilikispesifikasi ikatan N=N. Artikel ini menampilkan berbagai riset yang dilakukan oleh peneliti-penelitiyang mengembangkan degradasi elektrokimia terhadap berbagai zat warna sintetis azo (azo dyes). Metodeini memberikan hasil yang signifikan terhadap dekolorisasi zat warna dan COD removal yang sangatbagus diberbagai hasil riset. Sehingga degradasi elektrokimia merupaka metode yang menjanjikan dimasadepan untuk penanggulangan limbah zat warna yang ramah lingkungan karena penggunaan bahan kimiayang sedikit.Kata kunci: Azo Dyes, degradasi elektrokimia, pencemaran lingkunga

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Sabun dari Minyak Jelantah sebagai Upaya Pemanfaatan Limbah Rumah Tangga

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    During the pandemic, we are getting more demanded to maintain cleanliness and wash our hands frequently. The purpose of this community service activities is to educate the public in processing cooking oil waste into a useful product, that is soap. This activity is carried out as an effort to support the government program namely 5 M, which is one of the activity from this program is washing hands with soap. This activity was carried out in Tegal Kunir Kidul Village, Mauk Sub-District, Tangerang District. The methods that we used are workshops and direct mentoring. The participants who attended the workshop were 30 persons, consisting of program at village level womens and youth organizations. The results obtained from this workshop are the increasing of resident’s insight in terms of processing waste, as well as increasing skills in making soap products from cooking oil waste. In the future, it will not only come to waste processing, but also making the opportunities to increase businesses that can be manage by local villages

    Konversi Batubara Menjadi Syngas Menggunakan Metode Gasifikasi Dengan Variasi Air Fuel Ratio

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    Coal is one of the natural resource commodities produced from mining activities in Indonesia and is a strategic mining material in the supply of energy sources. Especially for Banten , coal were found in South Banten Bayah. Gasification is a solution for the use of coal. Coal gasification is the process of converting solid coal into a gas mixture. The main reactions that occur are the water gas, boundouard and water gas-shift reactions. This study aims to determine the effect of Air Fuel Ratio (AFR) gasifications in the Banten Bayah Natural coal gasification process which produces synthesis gas with an H2/Co Ratio 2. The measured parameters are the composition of H2 and CO gases using Gas Chromatography. The gasification process is carried out with an updraft fixed bed reactor using steam medium on a 14 mesh coal size of 300 grams with AFR variations of 1.5, 2 and 2.5 with temperature 800oC. The activation energy of the gasification reaction can be reduced by using Ca(OH)2 catalysts as much as 3% of the mass of coal. From the research results obtained the best H2/CO ratio syngas gas composition at AFR 1.5 temperature 800oC using Ca(OH)2 catalyst which is 1.98 with H2 gas composition 33.8% and CO gas 17.1%..Batubara merupakan salah satu komoditi sumber daya alam yang dihasilkan dari aktivitas pertambangan di indonesia dan merupakan bahan tambang strategis dalam penyediaan sumber energi. Untuk wilayah Banten batubara banyak ditemukan di daerah Banten Selatan tepatnya di daerah Bayah. Gasifikasi merupakan solusi untuk pemanfaatan batubara. Gasifikasi batubara adalah proses konversi batubara berwujud padat menjadi campuran gas. Reaksi utama yang terjadi adalah reaksi water gas, boundouard dan water gas-shift. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Air Fuel Ratio (AFR) gasifikasi pada proses gasifikasi batubara Alam Bayah Banten yang menghasilkan gas sintesis dengan Rasio H2/CO ≈ 2. Parameter yang diukur adalah komposisi gas H2 dan CO dengan menggunakan Gas Chromatography. Proses gasifikasi dilakukan dengan reaktor fixed bed tipe updraft menggunakan medium steam pada ukuran batubara 14 mesh sebanyak 300 gram dengan variasi AFR 1,5, 2 dan 2,5 pada temperatur 800oC. Energi aktivasi reaksi gasifikasi dapat diturunkan dengan menggunakan katalis Ca(OH)2 sebanyak 3% dari massa batubara. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh komposisi gas syngas rasio H2/CO terbaik pada nilai AFR 1,5 temperatur 800oC menggunakan katalis Ca(OH)2 yaitu 1,98 dengan komposisi gas H2 33,8% dan gas CO 17,1%