5 research outputs found

    Quality of life of college students: The effects of state anxiety and academic stress with self-control as a mediator

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    College education is expected to equip students with various types of knowledge. In reality, however, the learning process is not always easy. Problems can occur and affect students' quality of life. This study aims to examine the effect of state anxiety and academic stress on the quality of life through the mediation of student self-control. A quantitative method was used involving a sample of 400 students from 24 provinces in Indonesia. The measuring instruments employed were the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL), The State Anxiety Scale, the Academic Stress Scale, and the Brief Self-Control Scale. Path analysis was conducted using R software. It was found that self-control partially mediates the effect of state anxiety on the quality of life. State anxiety has a direct effect, with a standardized coefficient of -.351 (p .01), and an indirect one, with a standardized coefficient of -.150 (p .01) on reducing the quality of life through the mediation of self-control. Academic stress has no indirect effect on the quality of life through the mediation of self-control with a standardized coefficient of -.000 (p = .990, p .05). However, it was found to play a direct role in reducing the quality of life, with a standardized coefficient of -.207 (p .01). The findings indicate the multi-dynamic impacts of state anxiety and academic stress toward the quality of life of students. Therefore, the development of anxiety and stress-management skills in students need to be addressed in the higher education management system in order to maintain the quality of life of students

    Psychoeducational support group to the resilience of caregivers of chronic kidney disease patients undergoing hemodialysis

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    Making a resilient caregiver is important; in addition to lack of preparation, they are not adequately supported. Psychoeducational support groups can provide the necessary education about the conditions they are about to confront and create the sources of social support that will enable and fortify them when dealing with difficult conditions. This research aimed to understand the effect of a psychoeducational support group on caregivers' resilience of chronic kidney disease patients undergoing hemo­dialysis. Five subjects were used in this case study, which employed mixed methods using a concurrent embedded strategy that used primary quantitative data. The qualitative data analysis used thematic analysis, while the quantitative data analysis used Wilcox signed ranks test. Quantitative data analysis showed a p-value of .892, which led the researcher to conclude no differences between the pre and post resilience scores. Qualitative primary data analysis revealed that psychoeducational support group has a positive effect on caregivers’ resilience. Besides, this research discovered that a psychoeducational support group can significantly increase the per­ception of caring ability and ameliorate the difficulties in taking care of patients

    Psychoeducational support group to the resilience of caregivers of chronic kidney disease patients undergoing hemodialysis

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    Making a resilient caregiver is important; in addition to lack of preparation, they are not adequately supported. Psychoeducational support groups can provide the necessary education about the conditions they are about to confront and create the sources of social support that will enable and fortify them when dealing with difficult conditions. This research aimed to understand the effect of a psychoeducational support group on caregivers' resilience of chronic kidney disease patients undergoing hemo­dialysis. Five subjects were used in this case study, which employed mixed methods using a concurrent embedded strategy that used primary quantitative data. The qualitative data analysis used thematic analysis, while the quantitative data analysis used Wilcox signed ranks test. Quantitative data analysis showed a p-value of 0.892, which led the researcher to conclude no differences between the pre and post resilience scores. Qualitative primary data analysis revealed that psychoeducational support group has a positive effect on caregivers’ resilience. Besides, this research discovered that a psychoeducational support group can significantly increase the per­ception of caring ability and ameliorate the difficulties in taking care of patients


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    Psychological well-being is defined as an individual's perception of one's psychological health based on fulfilling the criteria for positive psychological functioning, to realize goals in life that involve thoughts and feelings as well as the ability to actualize oneself well so as to optimize one's potential and abilities at work. Psychological well-being has dimensions that include self-acceptance, positive relationships with others, autonomy/independence, purpose in life, personal growth, and environmental mastery. This research is a survey research using a qualitative approach to phenomenological studies. The technique used to collect research data is to conduct in-depth interviews with informants, with data analysis used is content analysis. The results of this study indicate that employees in the education sector of diniyyah and Islamic boarding schools are good. Someone can be said to have good psychological well-being if someone is able to fulfill positive psychological functions. Whether or not the psychological well-being of an employee is influenced by the process of evaluating life experience while being an employee in a company, because the success or failure of a company's performance is determined by the human resources involved in it. Keywords: Psychological well-being, employee Psychological well-being didefinisikan sebagai persepsi individu mengenai kesehatan psikologis seseorang berdasarkan pemenuhan kriteria fungsi psikologi positif, untuk mewujudkan tujuan dalam hidupnya yang melibatkan pikiran dan perasaan serta kemampuan untuk mengaktualisasikan dirinya dengan baik sehingga dapat mengoptimalkan potensi dan kemampuannya di tempat kerja. Psychological well-beingmemiliki dimensi yang meliputi penerimaan diri, hubungan positif dengan orang lain, otonomi/kemandirian, tujuan hidup, pengembangan diri, dan penguasaan terhadap lingkungan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survei dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif studi fenomenologi. Teknik yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data penelitian ini adalah dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam pada narasumber, dengan analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis isi. Hasil dari penelelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pegawai di bidang pendidikan diniyyah dan pondok pesantren adalah baik. Seseorang dapat dikatakan memiliki psychological well-being yang baik apabila seseorang mampu memenuhi fungsi psikologi positif. Baik atau tidaknya kesejahteraan psikologis seorang karyawan dipengaruhi oleh proses evaluasi pengalam hidup selama menjadi karyawan di sebuah perusahaan, karena sukses atau tidaknya kinerja perusahaan ditentukan oleh sumber daya manusia yang terlibat didalamnya. Kata Kunci: Kesejahteraan psikologis, employe


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    Patients with a chronic kidney disease encounter medical as well as psychological problems. They have to adjust to the daily changes in life as consequences of the required treatment. The need to take medication regularly, hemodialysis treatment, and reduce mobility because of limitation of physical abilities may cause distress and often impact on their self-esteem. This study aimed to investigate the correlation of self-esteem to quality of life on patients with chronic kidney disease who undergo hemodialysis. The study population is patients who join “Komunitas Hidup Ginjal Muda”, a community of young people with kidney disease in the social media (Facebook) which has 371 members. The incidental sampling technique was applied and resulted in 34 patients joined the study as study participants. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and the Kidney Disease Quality of Life Short Form (version 1.3) were used to collect data. The results of product moment correlation analysis showed that there was a positive and significant correlation between self-esteem and quality of life among chronic kidney disease patients who undergo hemodialysis (r = .417; p = .014)