350 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan Agroekosistem Dalam Pengendalian Hama

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    Agroecosystem management for Pest ControlAgroecosystem management is an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) with ecological approaches. This method can be applied when the factors that make the agro ecosystem become vulnerable to pest outbreak are known. The main agroecosystem management for pest management is to create the balance between herbivores and their natural enemies by increasing biodiversity, enhancing vegetations and biomasses. Increasing vegetation diversity can be done by adopting poly culture systems, optimizing agronomic arrangements. Increasing biomasses can be done by applying mulch, green manures, and cattle manures. Both methods are aimed to obtain optimal land productivity and sustainability

    Conservation of Agroecosystem through Utilization of Parasitoid Diversity: Lesson for Promoting Sustainable Agriculture and Ecosystem Health

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    For many years, agricultural intensification and exploitation has resulted in biodiversity loss and threaten ecosystem functioning. Developing strategies to bridge human needs and ecosystem health for harmonization of ecosystem is a major concern for ecologist and agriculturist. The lack of information on species diversity of natural enemies and how to utilize them with integration of habitat management that can renovate ecological process was the main obstacle. Parasitoids, a group of natural enemies, play a very important role in regulating insect pest population. During the last ten years, we have been working on exploration of parasitoid species richness, how to use it to restore ecosystem functions, and identifying key factors influencing host-parasitoid interaction. Here, we propose a model of habitat management that is capable of maintaining agricultural biodiversity and ecosystem functions. We present data on parasitoid species richness and distribution in Java and Sumatera, their population structure and its impact toward biological control, relationship between habitat complexes and parasitoid community, spatial and temporal dynamic of parasitoid diversity, and food web in agricultural landscape. Implications of our findings toward conservation of agroecosystem are discussed. Key words: conservation, agroecosystem, parasitoid, diversity, ecosystem healt

    Ambang Kendali Penggerek Buah Kapas, Helicoverpa Armigera, Dengan Memperhitungkan Keberadaan Predator Pada Kapas

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    Helicoverpa armigera adalah salah satu hama utama pada kapas,sehingga perlu dikendalikan. Konsep ambang kendali sebagai salah satukomponen dalam PHT telah dikembangkan untuk H. armigera, namunhanya berdasarkan populasi hama dan belum mempertimbangkankeberadaan musuh alami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji ambangkendali H. armigera dengan mempertimbangkan keberadaan musuh alamipada skala luas di daerah pengembangan dengan menggunakan lahanpetani. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada pertanaman kapas tumpangsaridengan kedelai yang ditanam sesudah padi di Kecamatan Mantup danKembangbau, Lamongan, Jawa Timur pada Maret-Oktober 2005. Lahanyang digunakan seluas 15 hektar, di bawah pengelolaan 36 petani.Pengujian ambang kendali H. armigera dilakukan dengan menerapkan duaperlakuan konsep ambang kendali yang merupakan bagian dari PHTkapas, yaitu: (1) AKH: 4 tanaman terinfestasi/25 tanaman contoh; dan (2)AKH+MA: 4 tanaman terinfestasi/25 tanaman contoh; jumlah tanamanyang terinfestasi yang teramati dikurangi 1 jika ditemukan 8 ekor predatordan kelipatannya. Jika populasi pada petak perlakuan mencapai ambangkendali, dilakukan penyemprotan dengan Ekstrak Biji Mimba (EBM).Setiap lahan petani dibagi dua, setiap bagian menerapkan satu perlakuan(n=36). Pengamatan dilakukan pada 25 unit pengamatan per 1,0 ha yangdiambil secara W sampling, setiap 7 hari sejak 50 hari setelah tanam (hst)hingga 90 hst. Satu unit pengamatan adalah 1 m 2 . Parameter yang diamatisecara periodik adalah populasi H. armigera (telur dan larva); kerusakanbuah, hasil kapas berbiji, serta penggunaan saprodi dan tenaga kerja untukpengendalian hama. Data yang diperoleh dianalisa dengan menggunakanuji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa populasi H. armigera padakapas + kedelai dapat ditekan oleh musuh alaminya, khususnya komplekspredator yang terdiri atas laba-laba, kumbang kubah dan kepik mirid.Populasi kompleks predator dapat mencapai 40-80 ekor/25 tanaman.Dengan demikian, penerapan ambang kendali H. armigera pada kapas +kedelai dengan memperhitungkan keberadaan predator menyebabkan tidakperlu dilakukannya penyemprotan insektisida sama sekali, sehinggaterdapat keuntungan ekonomis, yaitu penghematan biaya saprodi sebesarRp 259.000 per hektar dan keuntungan ekologis, yaitu tidak tercemarnyalingkungan oleh senyawa toksik

    Konservasi Musuh Alami Serangga Hama Sebagai Kunci Keberhasilan PHT Kapas

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    RINGKASANSejak awal pengembangan kapas di Indonesia, serangga hama merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam budidaya kapas, sehingga ditetapkan sistem pengendalian dengan penyemprotan insektisida kimia sintetik secara berjadwal sebanyak 7 kali selama semusim dengan jumlah insektisida hingga 12 l/ha. Pengembangan PHT kapas ditekankan pada sistem pengendalian non-kimiawi dengan memanfaatkan secara optimal faktor-faktor mortalitas biotik serangga hama utama, yaitu wereng kapas Amrasca biguttulla (Ishida) dan penggerek buah Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). Optimalisasi musuh alami serangga hama kapas dilakukan melalui tindakan konservasi, yaitu memberikan lingkungan yang mendukung terhadap musuh alami untuk dapat berperan sebagai faktor mortalitas biotik, sehingga populasi serangga hama dapat dijaga untuk selalu berada pada tingkat yang rendah. Tindakan konservasi musuh alami dilakukan dengan memperbaiki bahan tanaman dan teknik budidaya yang dapat mendukung perkembangan musuh alami, yaitu penggunaan varietas kapas yang tahan terhadap wereng kapas, sistem tanam tumpangsari dengan palawija, penggunaan mulsa, penerapan konsep ambang kendali dengan mempertimbangkan keberadaan musuh alami dan aplikasi insektisida botani, jika diperlukan. Penerapan PHT kapas dengan mengutamakan konservasi musuh alami, berhasil mengendalikan populasi hama tanpa melakukan penyemprotan insektisida dengan produksi kapas berbiji yang tidak berbeda dari produksi budidaya kapas dengan sistem pengendalian hama menggunakan penyemprotan insektisida, sehingga menghemat biaya input dan meningkatkan pendapatan petani. Konservasi musuh alami melalui penerapan komponen PHT sebenarnya dapat dilakukan petani dengan mudah, karena komponen PHT tersebut pada umumnya merupakan praktek budidaya kapas yang sudah biasa dilakukan petani.Kata kunci: Kapas, Gossypium hirsutum, Helicoverpa armigera, Amrasca biguttulla, ambang kendali, musuh alami, PHT. ABSTRACKConservation of natural enemies is the key for successful IPM on cottonSince early development of cotton in Indonesia, insect pests were the most important aspect of the crop cultivation, so that the scheduled sprays of insecticides were applied. The frequency of sprays were 7 times using 12 l/ha of insecticides per season. The development of IPM on cotton is emphasized on non-chemical control methods by optimizing the role of natural enemies of the key pests, i.e., cotton jassid Amrasca biguttulla (Ishida) and cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). Conservation of the natural enemies provides the suitable environment for them to be an effective mortality factor so that the pests could be maintained always in low population. Conservation of the natural enemies was done by improving the plant material and cultural techniques. These include the use of resistant cotton variety to jassid, intercropping with secondary food crops, applying mulch, and adopting the action threshold concept which considers the natural enemies presence, and using botanical insecticide if necessary. Conservation of natural enemies on IPM successfully controlled the cotton pests without any pesticide sprays and the production of cotton seed did not significantly different with that use insecticide sprays. This leads to reduction of cost production and increase the farmers' income. Conservation of natural enemies by applying IPM components should be no difficulty to be applied, as the components are mostly those that usually practice by the farmers

    Keanekaragaman Spesies Parasitoid Telur Helicoverpa Armigera (Hübner) Pada Sistem Tanam Monokultur Dan Polikultur Kapas

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    Polyculture system is one of techniques in pest management. In Indonesia, cotton is always intercropped with second food crops such as maize, soybean, mungbean or peanut. This research was aimed to evaluate the effect of culture system, i.e. cotton monoculture vs. cotton intercropped with soybean on the increase of species diversity of H. armigera egg parasitoids and the parasitoid contribution to mortality of H. armigera. The research was arranged in a split plot design with two main factors: three cotton varieties with three levels of trichome density (Tamcot SP 37, Kanesia 8 and LRA 5166) and the subplots were two cultivation systems (cotton monoculture and polyculture), with three replicates. Observations were made by collecting H. armigera eggs on population of first generation (45 days after planting) and second generation (75 DAP). The results showed that on cotton polyculture the egg parasitoid complex which consisted of Trichogramma spp. and Trichogrammatoidea spp. was higher than that in cotton monoculture and so was the egg parasitism level. The increase of egg parasitism was 24% in the first generation and 15% in the second generation. Parasitoid species found belonged to the genera Trichogramma and Trichogrammatoidea. In the parasitoid complex, Trichogrammatoidea armigera was dominant on the first generation and Trichogramma chilotraeae on the second. The domination succession could be as a result of the higher host-searching capacity of T. chilotraeae than that of T. armigera

    Karakteristik Kimia Serat Buah, Serat Batang, dan Serat Daun

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    Serat alam yang berasal dari tanaman non-kayu dikategorikan menjadi tiga kelompok yaitu serat buah, serat batang dan serat daun. Masing-masing jenis serat alam tersebut memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda. Karakter kimia, fisik, maupun dinamik dari serat alam diperlukan untuk pengembangan pemanfaatannya sebagai bahan baku industri strategis berbasis serat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis karakteristik kimia serat buah (kapas), serat batang (abaka), dan serat daun (sisal), serta membahas peluang pemanfaatannya dalam industri berbasis serat alam. Informasi mengenai karakteristik kimia serat diperlukan sebagai dasar untuk pemanfaatan serat sebagai bahan baku dalam industri strategis. Data karakteristik kimia serat alam juga diperlukan sebagai dasar pembuatan produk-produk turunannya (diversifikasi produk) sehingga dapat menjadi nilai tambah bagi produk tanaman serat. Analisis karakter kimia serat alam dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang kandungan selulosa, hemiselulosa, holoselulosa, lignin, dan pentosan, serta kadar zat ekstraktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa serat buah kapas memiliki kandungan selulosa tertinggi (98,06%), serat batang abaka mempunyai kandungan lignin tertinggi (7,63%), sedangkan serat daun sisal mempunyai kandungan hemiselulosa tertinggi (21,97%). Kadar holoselulosa ketiga jenis serat hampir sama, yaitu antara 93,3–94,7%. Kadar zat ekstraktif (kelarutan alkohol-benzena, air panas dan air dingin) ketiga jenis serat termasuk kecil (<5%) yaitu antara 0,63–4,44%. Informasi tentang karakter kimia serat alam tersebut hendaknya dipadukan dengan informasi karakter fisik dan dinamik serat untuk dikembangkan sebagai bahan baku industri strategis berbasis serat, misalnya kertas uang, biokomposit untuk industri automotif, biopolymer dan produk yang berbasis nano fiber.Chemical Characteristics of Boll, Bast, and Leaf FibersNon-wood natural fibers are categorized into three groups, viz. boll fiber, bast fiber and leaf fiber. Those natural fibers have specific characters. Chemical characters as well as physical and dynamical characters of the fibers are useful for their utilization in natural fiber based industries. This research aims are to analyse chemical characters of cotton boll fibers, bast fiber of abaca, and leaf fiber of sisal, as well as to discuss the possibility of their use in fiber based industries. The information of the fibers chemical characters is needed for developing their use as the main materials of strategic industries. The data are also useful for developing derivates products or product diversification, so that could be an added value of the natural fibers. The characterization of those fibers used Indonesian National Standard (SNI) methods to analyse the content of cellulose, hemi cellulose, holocellulose, lignin, and pentosan, as well as the extractive compounds. Result showed that cotton fiber has the highest cellulose content (98.06%), the bast fiber of abaca has the highest lignin content (7.63%), and sisal has the highest hemicellulose content (21.9%). Holocellulose content of those fibers were around 93.3-94.7%. The content of extractive compound of the fibers (in term of disolve capacity of fiber in alcohol-benzene, hot and cold water) was catogerized as very low (less than 5%). These information regarding to the chemical characters of those three fibers when are integrated with the fiber-physical and dynamical characters would be useful for developing the utilization of the fibers into natural-fiber-based industries, such as paper money, biocomposite for automotive industry, biopolymers, and nano fiber products

    Developing Cotton IPM by Conserving Parasitoids and Predators of the Main Pest

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    On early development of intensive cotton program, insect pests were considered as an important aspect in cotton cultivation, so that it needed to be scheduled sprays. The frequency of sprays was 7 times used 12L of chemical insecticides per hectare per season. Development of cotton IPM was emphasized on non-chemical control methods through optimally utilize natural enemies of the cotton main pests (Amrasca biguttulla (Ishida)Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner)). Conservation of parasitoids and predators by providing the environment that support their population development is an act of supporting the natural enemies as an effective biotic mortality factor of the insect pests. The conservation could be done by improving the plant matter and cultivation techniques that include the use of resistant variety to leafhopper, intercropping cotton with secondary food plants, mulch utilization, using action threshold that considered the presence of natural enemies, and application of botanical insecticides, if needed. Conservation of parasitoids and predators in cotton IPM could control the insect pests without any insecticide spray in obtaining the production of cotton seed. As such, the use of IPM method would increase farmers' income


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    This research aims to describe the implementation of Pancasila and Citizenship Education learning using wordwall media for fifth grade students at SDN 2 Pagerejo. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach with a case study method. The research subjects were elementary school principals, elementary school teachers, elementary school students.Data collection techniques use observation, interviews and documentation studies. Testing the validity of the data in this research uses repeated observations and triangulation, both source triangulation and technical triangulation. Data analysis techniques use data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that the form of implementing wordwall games media in learning Pancasila and Citizenship Education using wordwall media for class V students at SDN 2 Pagerejo can be implemented in several stages, namely opening activities, core activities and closing activities. Before entering this step, the teacher will prepare all the media and materials that will be used during the learning process. The impact of using wordwall games media is clearly visible with students' ability to more easily understand the material norms that exist in Indonesian society
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