12 research outputs found

    Community Knowledge, Technology, and Assistance of Stop Open Defecation Program in Dawuhan on 2015

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    Based on data from the Directorate General of Environmental Health in 2006-2014 known that Situbondo triggering activities in 120 villages out of 136 villages, but the number of villages are verified as Open Defecation Free village only one village. The lowest numbers of healthy latrine ownership in 2012 was Situbondo District by 45.96%. Triggers activity of Community Lead Total Sanitation, stop Open Defecation, conducted in the Situbondo District, including in Dawuhan. Dawuhan Village is the lowest number of healthy latrines and the highest number of Open Defecation behavior in the district of Situbondo District. The aim of the study was to evaluate the implementation of stop Open Defecation program in Dawuhan. This was a cross sectional study with quantitative descriptive approach. Subjects were selected by multistage random sampling. Data collection was used questionnaire and observation. The results of this study indicate that government has fulfilled most of the resources needed to carry out the stop Open Defecation program. Otherwise, component not fulfilled yet was efforts to create a conducive environment, an increase sanitary requirement, and increase the provision of sanitation access, the lack of appropriate technology support by the government, lack of community knowledge, and no facilitator assistance. It is concluded that stop Open Defecation program in Dawuhan Village has not reached the maximum level of ODF Village because of community knowladge, technology, and less assistance activities. It is suggested to increase of socialization program, to support the appropriate technology development, and to implement facilitator assistance activity post-triggering activity


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    Earthquakes are still one of the disasters in Indonesia, especially in Situbondo. Data from the Ministry of Education and Culture states that 75% of Indonesia's total 355,270 school buildings are in moderate to high-risk areas. This community service activity aims to improve students' knowledge and skills in mitigating earthquakes that occur in schools. The methods used in this intervention are education and counseling, selection of disaster mitigation ambassadors, and simulation exercises by playing a role when an earthquake occurs in schools. The targets in this intervention were students at SDN Panji Lor 1. The statistical analysis results conducted using the Paired Samples Test showed a difference in the level of student knowledge before and after providing education and counseling on preparedness with p-value = 0.000 (p<0, 05). The increase in students' learning is known to be 12,368. In addition, disaster mitigation ambassadors from grade 5 have been selected, and the students were enthusiastic and actively participated during the simulation exercise activities. Educational activities, counseling, and disaster simulation exercises are routinely needed to improve the ability of the school community to carry out disaster evacuations, especially earthquakes. These efforts need support from all parties within the school so that routine training can be carried out according to a predetermined schedule.  ---  Gempa bumi masih menjadi salah satu bencana di Indonesia terlebih di Situbondo. Data dari Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan menyebutkan bahwa 75% dari total 355.270 bangunan sekolah di Indonesia berada pada wilayah yang berisiko sedang hingga tinggi. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan siswa dalam melakukan upaya mitigasi gempa bumi yang terjadi di sekolah. Metode yang digunakan dalam intervensi ini adalah edukasi dan penyuluhan, pemilihan duta mitigasi bencana, dan latihan simulasi dengan bermain peran saat terjadi bencana gempa bumi di sekolah. Sasaran dalam intervensi ini adalah siswa di SDN Panji Lor 1. Hasil analisis statistik yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji Paired Samples Test menunjukkan adanya perbedaan tingkat pengetahuan siswa antara sebelum dan sesudah pemberian edukasi dan penyuluhan tentang kesiapsiagaan dengan p-value=0,000 (p<0,05). Peningkatan pengetahuan siswa diketahui sebesar 12.368. Selain itu, telah terpilih duta mitigasi bencana yang berasal dari kelas 5 dan para siswa sangat antusias dan berpartisipasi aktif selama kegiatan latihan simulasi. Kegiatan edukasi, penyuluhan dan latihan simulasi bencana secara rutin diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan komunitas sekolah dalam melakukan evakuasi bencana terutama gempa bumi. Upaya tersebut perlu mendapat dukungan dari semua pihak di dalam sekolah agar latihan rutin dapat dilakukan sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah ditentukan


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    Indonesia adalah negara maritim dengan panjang garis pantai sepanjang 108.000 km. Profesi nelayan menjadi pilihan masyarakat yang tinggal dikawasan pesisir. Wanita nelayan adalah istri nelayan yang berperan dalam keberlangsungan rumah tangga nelayan. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggambarkan peran wanita nelayan dalam upaya sanitasi serta kesehatan dan keselamatan keluarga. Metode penelitian adalah observasional dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Data dianalisa secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Responden penelitian ini adalah wanita nelayan dengan kepala rumah tangga nelayan yang masih aktif melaut sebanyak 60 orang responden dan berdomisili di Desa Jangkar, Kabupaten Situbondo, Jawa Timur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata usia responen adalah 35 tahun dengan pendidikan sebagian besar lulus Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP), memiliki aktivitas ekonomi untuk membantu keuangan keluarga. Responden memiliki harapan yang tinggi untuk anak anak mereka untuk dapat bersekolah hingga perguruan tinggi, lebih memilih pendidikan berbasis agama, dan ingin memiliki 3 orang anak pada setiap keluarga. Pelayanan kesehatan yang dipilih keluarga adalah puskesmas, serta melakukan pemantauan kelengkapan imunisasi anak. Responden berperan dalam upaya keselamatan kepala keluarga saat melaut dengan mengingatkan penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri, waktu istirahat, mempersiapkan kelengkapan melaut, menyediakan menu yang bergizi maupun suplemen supaya tetap bugar saat melaut. Kondisi sanitasi dan hygiene masih kurang, karena masih membakar sampah, dan memiliki aluran air limbah tidak sanitair. Perlu peningkatan pendidikan supaya mampu mendukung diversitas usaha yang lebih menguntungkan secara ekonomi, serta peningkatan sarana sanitasi, serta perlu pelatihan cara mengolah sampah rumah tangga berbasis peningkatan ekonomi untuk menurunkan beban pencemaran lingkungan pesisir sekaligus dapat membantu peningkatan pendapatan

    Analysis On Village Readiness In The Acceleration Of Open Defecation Free Achievement Status Based On Stimulus, Organism, And Response Approach

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    Introduction: Open Defecation Free (ODF) is a condition in the community that has carried out total sanitation and does no more Open Defecation (OD). Dukuh Village was chosen as the research location because it was a village with the highest OD in Ngadiluwih, Kediri. This high rate of OD is caused by a lack of public awareness about the importance of sanitation. This research was conducted to analyze the village readiness to accelerate ODF status in Dukuh Village.Methods: This study was done in a qualitative method with a single holistic case study design using Stimulus-Organism-Response theory. The key informants of this study were five persons:1) the Head of Dukuh Village, 2) the environmental health officer of Wonorejo Community Health Center, 3) Dukuh Village community leader and 4) the community representatives who still defecated, and 5) no more defecated in an open area after triggering activities. They were selected purposively. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, Focus Group Discussion, and documents review. Data analysis was done through the Spradley model, scoring and categorizing village readiness using the scales of Aydin and Tasci.Results: Five main problems were the lack of funds for the ODF program, poor socialization, low Clean and Healthy Behavior, lack of roles from community leaders, and limited land for latrine construction. Based on the analysis of village readiness in achieving the ODF program using the Aydin & Tasci scale, the obtained score was 2.1. This score indicated that Dukuh Village was not ready yet and a lot of system improvements[h1]  were needed.Conclusion: Dukuh Village was not ready yet for the ODF program and need a lot of system improvements. It was recommended to make village policies, create working groups, and maximizing socialization.

    Source of microplastic pollution within human stool in the Surabaya river basin area

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    The Surabaya River is a tributary downstream of the Brantas River, which is the longest river in East Java. The source of raw water for the city of Surabaya comes from the Surabaya River. Currently, the pollutants in the Surabaya River are not only organic and heavy metals but also microplastics. This study aims to identify the microplastic content in human stool as well as possible sources of microplastic pollutants in the community living in the Surabaya river basin area. This research was conducted on ten samples of human stools in the Surabaya river basin area. The results showed that the types of microplastics found in human stool samples were divided into three types, namely the type of fibre, the type of fragment, and the type of filament. The most common types of microplastics were the types of fragments and filaments found in nine human stool samples. Meanwhile, the type of fibre was only found in seven samples of human stool. With the discovery of the three types of microplastics in human stool, the human stool in the Surabaya river basin area has been contaminated by microplastics. This can be possible because most of the respondents' drinking water consumption comes from bottled water. In general, this type of microplastic fragment can come from plastic bottles, plastic bags and pipe fragments

    Kejadian Mild Cognitive Impairement pada Petani Tembakau Pengguna Pestisida di Kabupaten Jember

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    Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is a prodromal phase of cognitive decline that can precede the emergence of Alzheimer's Disease (AD). The populations most at risk are farmers who apply pesticides to their crops. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between age, length of working, and pesticide use (frequency and duration of spraying) with the incidence of MCI in tobacco farmers in Jember District. The type of this study was observational analytic with cross sectional design. The respondents of this research were 200 farmers in the district area, with stratified sampling method. Data analysis used the chi-square statistical test. The results showed that most respondents were aged ≥ 45 years and most respondents had working period of > 10 years. Most respondents sprayed pesticides 3-4 times in 1 month and the duration of spraying was evenly divided into two groups, ≤ 2 hours and> 2 hours. The results of bivariate analysis showed that in the study respondents, there was no relationship between age, years of working, and frequency of pesticide spraying with MCI, but there was a relationship between the length of pesticide spraying (p = 0,026) with MCI. Based on these results, it is necessary to educate tobacco farmers, especially in Jember Regency about the dangers of pesticides and to shorten the duration of pesticide spraying


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    Program STBM pilar satu yang dilaksankan di Kabupaten Situbondo selama hampir 10 tahun masih belum maksimal dengan hasil yang masih jauh dari target RPJMN tahun 2019 yaitu 100% bebas BABS. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis keberlanjutan Program Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat (STBM) pilar satu pada pembuat, pelaksana, dan penerima program dengan pendekatan modifikasi Ecological Model di Kabupaten Situbondo. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan metode evaluatif melalui pendekatan kombinasi antara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Rancang bangun penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Situbondo. Informan penelitian diambil secara purposive sampling sebanyak 27 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi kebijakan program yang meliputi komponen situasi dalam program STBM pilar satu di Kabupaten Situbondo termasuk dalam kategori baik begitu pula dengan komponen pertimbangan prioritas. Input program STBM pilar satu yang terdiri dari sumber daya pada pembuat program termasuk dalam kategori baik sedangkan sumber daya pada pelaksana program termasuk dalam kategori cukup. Faktor interpersonal dan intrapersonal pada penerima program STBM pilar satu diketahi bahwa masih terdapat 2 Kecamatan yang termasuk dalam kategori kurang yaitu di Kecamatan Kendit dan Mlandingan. Output program pada tingkat pembuat, pelaksana, serta penerima program STBM pilar satu termasuk dalam kategori cukup. Outcome program pada penerima program di Kecamatan Mlandingan termasuk dalam kategori kurang. Di Kecamatan Kendit dan Suboh termasuk dalam kategori cukup. Outcome pada pelaksana program termasuk dalam kategori cukup di Kecamatan Kendit, Mangaran, dan Suboh, sedangkan di Kecamatan Mlandingan termasuk dalam kategori kurang. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah keberlanjutan program STBM pilar satu pada pembuat program termasuk dalam kategori berlanjut sedangkan pada pelaksana dan penerima program termasuk dalam kategori kurang berlanjut

    The Effectivity of Solid Medical Waste Management in Pandemic Era

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    Introduction: The increasing of confirmed positive case of SARS-Cov-2 Virus impacts to the need for improvement of health services, especially to the health workers and medical equipment. Along with the importance of regarding need of health service, it causes the rise number of medical waste that leads to health problem crisis. Therefore, this article presents common insight of the effectivity and challenge of medical waste management in Covid-19 pandemic.Methods: The notion is gained by finding out the source database from Pubmed, ScienceDirect, Google scholar, Researchgate that classified based on the research purpose. The keywords used were: (1) Covid-19 and medical waste; (2) pandemic solid waste; (3) waste and Covid-19; (4) management and pandemics.Results: An effective method to be applied is sterilizer technology, such as VH2O2 dan Stryker STERIZONE VP4, and the development of late waste respirator with the pyrolysis process. The method and the management process is considered, either nationally or internationally, as effective, but still we found challenge to implement the method, as lack of socialisation and support from the functionary.  Conclusion: the method management can be implemented in the various countries, based on the needs and capability.

    Evaluation of the Commercial Bio-Activator and a Traditional Bio-Activator on Compost Using Takakura Method

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    Developing countries have a serious problem of limited land for handling organic waste. New, simple, and economical methods that can be applied maximally by people in developing countries are needed. This study aimed to evaluate commercial bio-activator (EM4) and traditional bio-activator in compost using the takakura method. Seven treatments were carried out to determine the most effective mixture to be applied to composting using the takakura method. The graph of fluctuations in temperature, humidity and pH in the composting process with seven different treatments shows that the activity of decomposing microorganisms is going well. A mixture of 2 kg organic waste and 500 ml EM4 has the values of potassium oxide (K2O), phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5), and nitrogen which meet the compost content requirements based on the Indonesian National Standard (SNI-19-7030-2004)

    Microplastic Pollution in Green Shells in Aquatic Ecosystems: A Literature Review of Determinant Factors and Management

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    Introduction: Water territories produce a large number of biota worldwide. The imbalance in conserving aquatic ecosystems, along with the increasing disposal of waste into the environment, has resulted in the risk of contamination of the environment and the resulting biota. The dangers of waste disposal into water can destroy the ecosystem and affect the usability of water for the environment and human beings. Discussion: The PRISMA method was used in this literature review, which examined 35 articles: 23 articles from ScienceDirect, 10 articles from Proquest, and 2 articles from PubMed. Data were analyzed by synthesizing the research variables compared with theory and then presented in the form of tables and figures. The results of this study are presented with a complete narrative description of three sub-discussions, which consisted of the characteristics of microplastics in green mussels (color, shape, size, and abundance). The color was acquired in the dark, with the predominant form of fibers <1 mm in size, which determined the amount of microplastics in green mussels induced by both human and industrial activities, as well as countermeasures through filtration of industrial effluents, the utilization of organic plastics, and policy enforcement. Conclusion: Microplastics found in green mussels in Asian waters vary in their characteristics, with the main determinants of human and industrial activities as well as multi-sectoral countermeasures