181 research outputs found

    The efficacy of a formative intervention about therapeutic communication in pediatric emergency department

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    Trabajo fin de grado en EnfermeríaIntroducción Establecer una comunicación terapéutica eficaz con el niño y su familia es un requisito imprescindible para garantizar una atención óptima en la unidad de urgencias pediátrica. Para ello, los profesionales enfermeros deben poseer unos conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes que les permitan establecer este tipo de relación. Dado que pueden ser desarrollados mediante entrenamiento, se propone una intervención formativa orientada a tal fin. El principal objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar la eficacia de la intervención formativa propuesta de comunicación terapéutica en los enfermeros/as del servicio de urgencias pediátricas de los hospitales La Paz y Niño Jesús. Material y métodos Se realiza un estudio cuasiexperiemental con medida pre y post intervención en un sólo grupo. La población diana está formada por todos los profesionales enfermeros de urgencias pediátricas de ambos hospitales, un total de 50 (NT). Mediante muestreo aleatorio estratificado se seleccionan 20 (nT) participantes, con un listado de números aleatorios. Los datos se recogerán en el transcurso de la intervención, evaluando con cuestionarios los conocimientos y actitudes. Las habilidades se evalúan en un Rolplaying, observando si cumplen unos indicadores determinados. Se propone analizar los datos obtenidos con el programa estadístico SPSS, utilizando el contraste de hipótesis T-Student en variables cuantitativas, y Chi2 en las cualitativas. Conclusiones Ante la necesidad de formación en comunicación terapéutica de los enfermeros/as en urgencias pediátricas, se considera importante integrar un programa para mejorar conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes en comunicación. Las estrategias propuestas promueven beneficios a nivel profesional y personal.Introduction Establishing an effective therapeutic communication with the child and his family is essential in order to ensure an optimal care in the pediatric emergency department. That's why nursing professionals must have the knowledge, skills and attitudes that allow them to establish the relationship required. Since they could be developed through training, it is proposed a formative intervention oriented to that purpose. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of the formative intervention of therapeutic communication proposed in the pediatric emergency department's nurses at La Paz and Niño Jesús hospitals. Material and methods It´s performed a quasi-experimental study with pre and post measure intervention in a single group. The target population is formed by all emergency nurses of both hospitals, a total of 50 (NT). Is selected 20 (nT) participants by using stratified random sample, through a list of random numbers. Data will be collected during the intervention, evaluating the knowledge and attitudes with questionnaires. Skills are evaluated in a role-playing activity, observing if the participants meet certain indicators. Its propose to analyze the data collected with the SPSS statistical program, using the T-Student hypothesis contrast in quantitative variables, and Chi2 for the qualitative ones. Conclusions Given the nurses need of training in therapeutic communication at pediatric emergencies department, is important to incorporate a program to improve the knowledge, attitudes and skills in communication. The strategies proposed promote professional and personal benefits

    Effect of the electromagnetic water treatment on the carbonate scales. Determination of calcite and aragonite by the Meigen test

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    Poster submitted to the 14th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering, Virtual Event: 16-20 November 2020Carbonate scale in water systems is a very common problem, frequently associated with exchange heaters. The presence of deposits involves technical and economic problems that can be minimised using different treatments, such as electromagnetic (EM) techniques. However, there are few studies determining the scientific basis of this water treatment technique. With the application of EM treatment, aragonite becomes predominant with respect to calcite and does not produce scale, in contrast to calcite. The presence of calcite or aragonite could be determined by the Meigen test, which is applied to solid minerals. Hence, this study aimed to analyse the potential usefulness of the TK3K equipment in water treatment, as well as the applicability of the Meigen test to solid samples obtained from water evaporation. It was observed that the evaporation temperature is a fundamental factor in the crystalline form of calcium carbonate because at higher temperatures (70 and 105 °C) there was more aragonite formed than calcite, even when no treated water was evaporated. The application of EM techniques increased the concentration of aragonite in the samples at 25 and 40 °C, as well as the durability of the aragonite crystals, by reducing their reversion to calcite. On the other hand, it was observed that Meigen test could be an excellent option as a complementary technique to X-ray diffraction and microscopy in the determination of calcite and aragonite from water evaporation. It is a simple, cheap and quick analysis, prior to determination by instrumentals techniques

    Revisión bibliográfica: Intervenciones de enfermería para acompañar y facilitar el proceso de duelo tras una muerte perinatal.

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    INTRODUCCIÓNSe denomina muerte perinatal a la muerte fetal ocurrida entre la semana 22 degestación (o más de 500 g de peso) y siete días después de nacer. Tras lamuerte perinatal, las familias presentan un sentimiento subjetivo denominadoduelo.Según el Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) el número de muertesperinatales en España ha descendido, sin embargo sigue siendo un problemaactual.OBJETIVOEl objetivo principal de dicha revisión bibliográfica consiste en el análisis de laevidencia disponible sobre la eficacia de las intervenciones enfermeras paraayudar y facilitar el proceso de duelo por una muerte perinatal.METODOLOGÍASe realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica de la literatura en las distintas bases dedatos, mediante las palabras clave y criterios de inclusión y exclusión.DESARROLLOLas intervenciones analizadas según el acrónimo “LAST”: “L” significa escuchar(listen, en inglés), “A” significa reconocimiento de emociones (acknowledgment,en inglés), “S” significa apoyo (support, en inglés) y “T” significa tacto (touch, eninglés); podrían ayudar a comprender dicho duelo, y por lo tanto a conocer loscuidados que debe realizar el personal de enfermería ante dicha situación.CONCLUSIONESEstas intervenciones son efectivas si se realizan durante y después de la pérdidaperinatal, y si van precedidas de una buena formación enfermera especializada.PALABRAS CLAVEMuerte perinatal, privación del duelo, adaptación psicológica, asistentes deEnfermería, personal de Enfermería, Enfermería<br /

    Legionella pneumophila pangenome reveals strain-specific virulence factors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Legionella pneumophila </it>subsp. <it>pneumophila </it>is a gram-negative <it>γ-Proteobacterium </it>and the causative agent of Legionnaires' disease, a form of epidemic pneumonia. It has a water-related life cycle. In industrialized cities <it>L. pneumophila </it>is commonly encountered in refrigeration towers and water pipes. Infection is always via infected aerosols to humans. Although many efforts have been made to eradicate <it>Legionella </it>from buildings, it still contaminates the water systems. The town of Alcoy (Valencian Region, Spain) has had recurrent outbreaks since 1999. The strain "Alcoy 2300/99" is a particularly persistent and recurrent strain that was isolated during one of the most significant outbreaks between the years 1999-2000.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have sequenced the genome of the particularly persistent <it>L. pneumophila </it>strain Alcoy 2300/99 and have compared it with four previously sequenced strains known as Philadelphia (USA), Lens (France), Paris (France) and Corby (England).</p> <p>Pangenome analysis facilitated the identification of strain-specific features, as well as some that are shared by two or more strains. We identified: (1) three islands related to anti-drug resistance systems; (2) a system for transport and secretion of heavy metals; (3) three systems related to DNA transfer; (4) two CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) systems, known to provide resistance against phage infections, one similar in the Lens and Alcoy strains, and another specific to the Paris strain; and (5) seven islands of phage-related proteins, five of which seem to be strain-specific and two shared.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The dispensable genome disclosed by the pangenomic analysis seems to be a reservoir of new traits that have mainly been acquired by horizontal gene transfer and could confer evolutionary advantages over strains lacking them.</p

    The Long-Term Effects of Foreign Investment on Local Human Capital: Four American Companies in Spain, 1920s–1970s

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    This article explores the long-term effects of foreign direct investment on the human capital development of host economies, based on the historical analysis of the Spanish operations of four leading American firms: ITT, J. Walter Thompson, Merck Sharp & Dohme, and John Deere. Our research shows that the training and working practices of these companies had a positive impact on the Spanish subsidiaries in terms of technological upgrading and managerial development. However, the local context was also relevant, through mandatory agreements that empowered local partners from the start and the availability of locally educated professionals eager to absorb new knowledge

    Forced precipitation experiments for study of the electromagnetic treatment of water

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    The objective of this research is to know the effect of the electromagnetic equipment TK3K to prevention of incrustations in pipes. A method of forced precipitation of calcium carbonate, mixing solutions of Ca(NO3)2 and Na2CO3 with tap water, shows differences in the temporal evolution of turbidity, absorbance and in the final size of the particles formed, which makes it possible to distinguish between treated and untreated water. The latter present higher values ​​of parameters analyzed than the treated ones. A longer treatment time does not produce different results, while an increase in temperature causes a greater decrease. Since there is no immediate technique on the market to verify the effect of electromagnetic treatment, this method, with temperature control, is simple and fast.This study was carried out thanks to the financial support of the Generalitat Valenciana (FEDEGENT/2018/005) and the company ECOTÉCNICA ENERGY SYSTEMS S.L

    Ventajas de Instagram para la interacción entre empresas y clientes

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    Instagram es la red social a través de la que las empresas consiguen más interacción con sus clientes. Esto ha hecho que esta plataforma ostente una posición de gran relevancia en las estrategias de comunicación de compañías de todo tipo de sectores. Aprovechar las ventajas que ofrece esta red social y hacer un buen uso de ella puede ser clave para que una marca consiga fidelizar a sus clientes y, como consecuencia, logre sus objetivos de negocio. Este trabajo examina los beneficios que presenta Instagram para las organizaciones. Además, analiza cuáles son las buenas prácticas que estas deben llevar a cabo en la plataforma, así como los contenidos que generan más compromiso de los clientes. La investigación se sustenta en un estudio de casos múltiple sobre la actividad en Instagam de tres empresas cuyas publicaciones en esta red social acumulan una alta tasa de involucración

    Derivation of HVR1, HVR2 and HVR3 human embryonic stem cell lines from IVF embryos after preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for monogenic disorder

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    From 106 human blastocyts donate for research after in vitro fertilization (IVF) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for monogenetic disorder, 3 human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) HVR1, HVR2 and HVR3 were successfully derived. HVR1 was assumed to be genetically normal, HVR2 carrying Becker muscular dystrophy and HVR3 Hemophilia B. Despite the translocation t(9;15)(q34.3;q14) detected in HVR2, all the 3 cell lines were characterised in vitro and in vivo as normal hESCs lines and were registered in the Spanish Stem Cell Bank.Junta de Andalucía FEDER TCMR0021/06, PI246-2008Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FEDER) RD12/0019/0028, RD012/0036/0017, PI10/00964, PI11/02923, PI14/0101

    El teléfono móvil como canal de distribución de contenidos para los medios de comunicación aragoneses

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    Resumen: En torno a la mitad de los accesos a contenidos informativos se hacen a través de un smartphone y se prevé que la cifra siga aumentando. La fuerte incorporación del teléfono móvil como canal de distribución de información supone un desafío para los medios de comunicación y plantea algunas incógnitas. No obstante, también trae consigo muchas oportunidades, basadas en las características propias de este medio, que las empresas tienen que saber aprovechar. Este trabajo examina el uso que los medios de comunicación aragoneses le dan al teléfono inteligente como canal para distribuir contenidos informativos. Se centra en analizar si aprovechan las oportunidades que les ofrece este nuevo canal y en cómo afrontan los retos que genera. El estudio se fija en cinco ejes en concreto: los propios contenidos móviles, su tecnología, audiencia, financiación y futuro. La investigación se sustenta en entrevistas de profundidad realizadas a diez de los medios de comunicación aragoneses más importantes. Palabras clave: teléfono inteligente, periodismo móvil, medios de comunicación, comunicación móvil, contenidos informativos. Abstract: Around half of the access to news content is made through a smartphone and that figure is expected to increase. The mobile phone incorporation as a content distribution channel is a challenge for the media and raises some questions. However, it also brings many opportunities, based on the characteristics of this device, that companies should exploit. This paper examines how the Aragonese media use the smartphone as a channel for distributing news content. It analizes if these business take advantage of the opportunities offered by this new channel and it tries to discover how they face the challenges that it generates. The study looks at five areas in particular: mobile contents, technology, audience, funding and future. The research is based on in-depth interviews of ten workers of the most important Aragonese media. Keywords: smartphone, mobile journalism, media, mobile communication, news contents