3 research outputs found

    Android Based Multimedia Learning for Vocational High Schools

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    This This research is developing multimedia based on Andorid for vocational high school students in Makassar city. The development model used is an interactive multimedia design development model developed by StephenaM. Alessi & Stanley R. Trollip consists of planning, design and development, as well as attributes that are always present in every stage. The data collection techniques used questionnaires, interviews and documentation which were analyzed descriptive qualitative and quantitative statistics. The results showed 1) the use of the internet in learning has not been maximal, including the use of smartphones, while the development of information and communication technology demands the use of information teccnology in learning, 2) Android-based multimedia that has been developed has been validated by content expert and media expert and declared valid and very proper to be used, 3) the trial results in the individual test are in a score with very proper qualifications so that they are declared valid meanwhile the small group trials are in the very valid and practical. Based on the stages that are passed in Android-based multimedia development in physic subject, product development can be continued at the next stage, namely large group testing and implementation

    Mind mapping of teachers’ readiness for online teaching and learning: A reflective study of urban and suburban areas

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    AbstractTeacher readiness is an important consideration in online teaching and learning (OTL). To achieve successful OTL, teachers should have sufficient hardware, technical skills, and access to the internet. Although many studies have focused on OTL, none has examined teachers’ readiness for student outcomes. To fill these gaps, this study aimed to reflect on the teacher readiness category for student outcomes in the South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. We examine quantitative closed-ended questionnaires and documents of students’ evaluation reports using descriptive statistics by leveraging the SPSS application. Teachers’ readiness was categorized as (1) very good (43.69%), (2) good (50.70%), (3) moderate (5.14%), or (4) poor or less (0.46%). Moreover, this study demonstrated that student outcomes in urban areas were better than those in suburban areas. This implies that the readiness category of teachers in urban areas is better than that of suburban OTL. The better the teacher readiness category, the higher the students’ online learning outcomes. Therefore, this study suggests that future research should focus on three areas: (1) how willing teachers are to change student outcomes by participating in class experiments; (2) why teachers do OTL; and (3) how competent principals are at doing OTL that works


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    Kinerja karyawan merupakan hasil kerja seseorang secara kualitas dan kualitas sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditentukan berdasarkan tanggung jawab yang diberikan. Alasan perusahaan melakukan penilaian kinerja, (1). Manajer memerlukan evaluasi yang objektif terhadap kinerja karyawan pada masa lalu yang digunakan untuk membuat keputusan di bidang SDM di masa yang akan datang. (2). Manajer memerlukan alat yang memungkinkan untuk membantu karyawan memperbaiki kinerja, merencanakan pekerjaan, mengembangkan karier dan memperkuat kualitas hubungan antar manajer dengan karyawan, (3). Memiliki kemampuan tentang gambaran kinerja karyawan. (4). Memiliki pemahaman terkait format skala dan instrumennya. (5). Termotivasi untuk melakukan pekerjaan rating secara sadar. Kegunaan penilaian kinerja karyawan dilihat dari berbagai perspektif pengembangan perusahaan, yaitu: (1) Memudahkan manajemen untuk melakukan kesepakatan secara objektif dan rasional dengan karyawan (2). Terjadinya umpan balik pihak yang terlibat untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kinerja karyawan (3). Memudahkan dalam mengambil keputusan terkait pemberian upah atau bonus atau kompensasi lainnya atas prestasi kerja karyawan. (4). Membantu dalam melakukan promosi, keputusan penempatan, perpindahan, dan penurunan jabatan didasarkan prestasi kerja. (5). Merekomendasikan pelatihan dan pengembangan bagi peningkatan kinerja karyawan (6). Umpan balik dijadikan panduan dalam perencanaan dan pengembangan karier karyawa