24 research outputs found

    Sambutan Ketua Prodi S3 Ilmu Lingkungan PPS Unsri

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    Diversity of Contaminants Fungi in Coffee Beans Stored Using Polystyrene and Gunny Sacks in South OKU Regency (Indonesia)

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    Robusta coffee is a coffee type found in South OKU Regency in Indonesia, and its storage process is highly susceptible to the growth of various fungal species, including fungi that produce Ochratoxin A (OTA). Therefore, this study aims to examine the fungal contamination contained in storage using polystyrene and gunny sacks for 20 and 30 days. Data were obtained from surveys, interviews, and samples from 30 farmers which stored coffee beans using polystyrene and gunny sacks in May-July 2020. The results showed that the moisture content was higher in storage using gunny sacks than in polystyrene sacks, at 16.94 ± 0.878 % and 15.99 ± 1.33%, respectively. Furthermore, 16 fungal species were present in gunny sack storage, while 14 fungal species were observed in polystyrene sacks. The percentage of OTA-producing fungi A.niger and A.ochraceus in the two stores yielded 100% and 63.3%, respectivel

    Participation Of Beekeeping Group On Forest Sustainability In Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra Province

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    The dynamic nature of forest habitats is currently influenced by the impact of many disturbing factors, including fire, grazing, area fragmentation, land use conversion and invasion of communities outside forest areas. Fire and smoke from forest and land fires have a profound effect in producing landscape changes that also affect the regeneration of associated vegetation and animals. This study aims to determine the participation of the members of the beekeeper group in preserving the Subanjeriji production forest, in Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra Province. The research was conducted using a survey method with a qualitative approach. This study also aims to determine the attitudes, knowledge and perceptions of beekeepers on the relationship between beekeeping and forest suistanibility. The results showed that beekeepers known the suistanibility of forest areas that affect the success of beekeeping (80%), so that 60% of beekeepers understand very well that forest and land fires can reduce bee populations and reduce the amount of honey bee. Most breekeepers also understand that the existence of forest plants is very beneficial to support honey production, so that the majority beekeepers are involved in land enrichment efforts with woody plants and most choose Multi Purpose Tree Species (MPTS) plants that produce fruit. Keywords: Participation, Beekeepers, Beekeeping, Sustainibility, HP Subanjerij

    Effect of Temperature and Storage on Effectiveness of Trichoderma Viride as Biocontrol Agents on Rigidoporus Microporus, Pathogen of White Root on Rubber

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    This research was aimed to study the effect of temperature and storage on effectiveness of Trichoderma viride to suppress Rigidoporus microporus development, the pathogen of white root disease on rubber. This research applied a randomized complete block design with five treatments and five replications. Each treatment contained two rubber plants (total of plants 50). There were five treatments i.e.: compost containing T. viride which was stored at 17oC for a month ( A ), compost containing T. viride which was stored at 24oC for a month ( B ), compost containing T. viride which was stored at 30oC for a month (C), Triadimefon ( D) and R. microporus ( control Results showed that that T. viride compost which was stored for a month at various temperatures was able to suppress R. microporus development. Trichoderma viride compost which was stored at of 17o C for a month showed the best result. It was was able to supress white root disease severity up to 70 percent and rhizomorph colonization up to 62 percent respectively. The treatment was also able to increase the plant height and stem diameters


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    In education 4.0, digital technology and information systems need to be implemente in the education sector from the school to the university level. Specifically, the Geographic Information System (GIS) application needs to be mastered for the geography teachers to develop creativity related to their learning material. Based on this reason, the community dedication activity aims to improve the competency of geography teachers in the South Sumatera Province in the application of GIS for environmental studies. The method used in this activity is the GIS webinar activity and the evaluation of the action using a questionnaire. The results found that all participating teachers have well understood the webinar material. It indicates the output of the comprehension index polls before and after joining the webinar, which increased from 35% to 86%. Besides, another result also showed that the majority of teachers gave high assessments of the percentage satisfaction index that related to some aspects such as webinar activity (91.9%), speaker (87.9%), and the relevance of webinar materials to their job (96.8%). In conclusion, this webinar activity has a tremendous positive impact in improving the competency of geography teachers, especially for the application of GIS for environmental studies. --- Pada era pendidikan 4.0 ini, penggunaan teknologi digital dan sistem informasi perlu diimplementasikan dalam bidang pendidikan dari tingkat sekolah hingga universitas. Untuk guru geografi khususnya, aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) sangat perlu dikuasai sehingga guru bisa mengembangkan kreativitas terkait materi ajar kepada siswa. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru-guru geografi di daerah Provinsi Sumatera Selatan dalam pemanfaatan SIG untuk kajian lingkungan hidup. Metode yang digunakan yaitu kegiatan webinar SIG dan evaluasi kegiatan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil kegiatan mendapatkan bahwa semua guru mampu memahami materi webinar yang disampaikan oleh narasumber dengan baik, ini ditunjukkan dengan hasil polling tingkat pemahaman peserta pada sebelum dan setelah pembekalan materi yang mengalami peningkatan dari 35% kepada 86%. Hasil evaluasi kegiatan juga menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas guru memberikan persentase indeks kepuasan yang tinggi terkait kegiatan webinar (91,9%), narasumber (87,9%), dan relevansi materi dengan pekerjaan (96,8%). Secara keseluruhan, kegiatan webinar ini memberikan dampak positif yang besar dalam peningkatan kompetensi guru-guru geografi terutama untuk penerapan SIG untuk kajian lingkungan hidup

    Participation Of Beekeeping Group On Forest Sustainability In Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra Province

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    The dynamic nature of forest habitats is currently influenced by the impact of many disturbing factors, including fire, grazing, area fragmentation, land use conversion and invasion of communities outside forest areas. Fire and smoke from forest and land fires have a profound effect in producing landscape changes that also affect the regeneration of associated vegetation and animals. This study aims to determine the participation of the members of the beekeeper group in preserving the Subanjeriji production forest, in Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra Province. The research was conducted using a survey method with a qualitative approach. This study also aims to determine the attitudes, knowledge and perceptions of beekeepers on the relationship between beekeeping and forest suistanibility. The results showed that beekeepers known the suistanibility of forest areas that affect the success of beekeeping (80%), so that 60% of beekeepers understand very well that forest and land fires can reduce bee populations and reduce the amount of honey bee. Most breekeepers also understand that the existence of forest plants is very beneficial to support honey production, so that the majority beekeepers are involved in land enrichment efforts with woody plants and most choose Multi Purpose Tree Species (MPTS) plants that produce fruit.   Keywords: Participation, Beekeepers, Beekeeping, Sustainibility, HP Subanjerij

    Optimizing the Utilization of Swamp Lands for Urban Settlements in Kertapati District, Palembang

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    The water crisis caused by floods and droughts has become an urgent problem in many regions worldwide. To address these challenges, the provision of empty spaces for rainwater harvesting has been a focus of attention as a potential solution to reduce the adverse impacts of these extreme phenomena. The objective of this study is to explore and propose effective strategies for optimizing the utilization of swamp lands for urban settlements in the Kertapati District of Palembang. The research methodology involves quantitative and qualitative analyses of hydrological data and land use on a property in Bukit Lama IB I, Palembang, South Sumatra, who has implemented the rainwater harvesting system. The hydrological data includes rainfall, roof catchment area, yard area, and rainwater accumulation rates. The results of the study show that the provision of empty spaces for rainwater harvesting can significantly reduce the risks of floods and droughts. When heavy rainfall occurs, this system can retain excess rainwater, thereby reducing surface runoff volume and slowing the flow towards rivers. Additionally, the harvested water can serve as a reserve to cope with drought during the dry season. The research also identifies several critical factors influencing the effectiveness of the rainwater harvesting system, including infrastructure design and surrounding land use. In this context, collaboration between the government, communities, and the private sector becomes crucial in implementing this system widely and sustainably. In conclusion, the provision of empty spaces for rainwater harvesting has proven to be an effective approach in reducing the risks of floods and droughts. Facing increasingly complex climate change, it is essential for communities, governments, and other stakeholders to adopt and implement this system as part of a comprehensive strategy to manage water resources sustainably and protect the environment

    Assessing how changes in land use affect runoff and water quality in Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia

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    The concerns about the conversion of swamp land into settlements and its effect on the quality of river water are urgent in Indonesia as a developing country. This research evaluated how changes in land use in the Keramasan region of Palembang, South Sumatra, affect the water quality of the Pedado River. Physical, chemical, and microbiological characteristics of the water were gathered in 2017 and 2022 from four monitoring points along the Pedado River. Pollution indicators were used to evaluate the state of river water quality. The results showed that land conversion operations increased flow from the mainland into the Pedado River and the loss of swamp vegetation. One such activity in 2022 was the backfilling of 42.92 hectares of swampland. Total suspended solids (TSS), copper (Cu), oil, and fat in the Pedado River surpassed the quality limits of class II, according to Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 82 of 2001, based on measurements of the water quality in the Keramasan region. The Pedado River's water pollution status changed from mildly contaminated in 2017 (pollution index: 3.728-4.940) to moderately polluted in 2022 (pollution index: 5.395-6.236). These results highlight the critical need for thorough water treatment and preventative actions to lessen further contamination in the Pedado River


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    Rain water is a potential source of water as a source of clean water for households if accommodated and stored properly. This paper attempts to illustrate the results of calculations on the potential of rain harvest and surface runoff prediction using android applications from rooftops and home yards as an alternative to the provision of clean water. The method used in this study is to observe the amount of rain that is harvested in an integrated rain harvest at Bukit Sejahtera Palembang. Rainfall prediction that falls in all catchment area using android application (runoff prediction). In the event of moderate rain for a long time and lasted several days during the rainy season accommodated the amount of rainwater in the whole rain harvest area around 50-100 m3, while during the dry season the amount of rainwater accommodated about 5-10 m3 or equivalent with rainfall 30 mm per day. The calculation result of maximum runoff rate in rainy season falling from roof and land is 31 liters per second, while in dry season less than five liters per second. The prediction results are plausible and evident from the shelter on the concrete tank is never dry throughout the year, so also the fish pond is never dry throughout the year, which means with proper rain harvesting and storage the rainfall harvesting house experiences never dry and never flooded. There are a number of recommendations that must be met if rainwater is harvested from the roof and the yard as alternative provision of clean water in the cities