19 research outputs found

    Test of Morus Khunpai and M.indica Hybrid Towards Silkworm Feed

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    The sustainability of silkworm rearing depends on the availability of qualified mulberry plants. The research is aimed to observe the compatibility of hybrid Morus khunpai and M.indica (KI hybrid) for silkworm's feeding. It is related to the cocoon and filament quality. KI hybrids are a result of pollination control male parent M.khunpai and female parent M.indica S-54. The research applied a Randomized Complete Design by measuring variables, i.e.: the percentage of cocoon, number of normal cocoon, cocoon weight, cocoon shell weight, cocoon shell ratio and filament length. The result showed that cocoon and filament quality of silkworm fed by mulberry hybrid M.khunpai and M.indica (KI) have shown non-significant differences compared with silkworm fed by mulberry parents (M.khunpai and M.indica and the control (M.nigra). This situation showed that there has not been recognised yet as the compatibility of hybrid M.khunpai and M.indica (KI) hybrid for silkworm feeding

    Toward Collaborative Management of Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park, South Sulawesi Province

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    One of the missions of Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park (Taman Nasional Bantimurung Bulusaraung – TN Babul) is to develop institutional and partnership/ collaboration in natural resources and ecosystems management. In terms of developing a collaborative management in TN Babul, collaborative activities of TN Babul should be implemented as the mission has been set. This study aims to provide an overview of the collaborative management foundation that has been built in realizing the mission of collaborative management of TN Babul. The data was collected through interviews with key informen such as village and district staffs, community leaders, related stakeholders, and lecturer of Hasanuddin University. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive models. The results showed that the foundation of collaborative management of TN Babul such as networking, coordination, and collaboration with other stakeholders, has not been well established. This condition affected the successful in achieving the mission

    Understanding Social Capital in Management of Community Forest in Indonesia

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    Community forests are defined as forests that grow on private land and are managed by farmers on a small scale. Most of the community forests in Indonesia are managed by farmers, who mostly use social capital in community forest management. Understanding social capital of farmers in managing community forests is important to empower them. This research was a survey conducted by involving 240 respondents in three districts: Bulukumba (South Sulawesi Province), Gunungkidul (Yogyakarta Special Province), and Pati (Central Java Province). The research showed that majority of the farmers believed that community forests can support their livelihoods. Moreover, the research used trust, norm, and network to measure the social capital employed in the community forest management. The result revealed some trusted stakeholders for intervention in community forest management across the study locations were other farmers, farmer group committees, and farmer groups. Meanwhile, the norms that the farmers used in community forest were tradition and custom. In addition, the farming network was identified to understand behavior of the farmers in forest product marketing. A total of 68% of the farmers sell timber, whereas the others (52%) sell crops. Traders are the most important stakeholder in community forest product marketing. From this identification of social capital, we could develop appropriate strategies for intervention to manage the community forests for sustainable community forest management

    Modern smallholders: creating diversified livelihoods and landscapes in Indonesia

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    Encouraging smallholders to diversify their livelihoods has been a long-held policy objective of many governments to create resilient rural communities that can cope with seasonal variations in food production and price fluctuations in commercial markets. Due to the dynamic nature of smallholders’ livelihoods, the relative contribution of different sources to household income often remains unclear. Recent research in Indonesia used a household survey of a stratified sample of smallholders (n = 240) in eight villages (five districts) to obtain data of smallholders’ income and the relative importance of agroforestry. The research analysed income data from the same households (80%) collected in 2013, 2017 and 2020, providing longitudinal data of livelihoods and household income. Results revealed important information about the nature of Indonesia’s rural economy, whereby many smallholders received most of their income from off-farm sources (56% of income). While most smallholders still reported farming as their primary occupation, their families’ livelihoods are diverse and mainly supported by non-farm enterprises. Even the mix of farming enterprises is evolving, with agroforestry a prominent land-use and source of household income in Indonesia (29% of income), indicating that smallholders are intentionally diversifying their land-use and livelihoods. Our research found that conventional agricultural enterprises generated just 14% of household income, yet remains vital for household food security. The high proportion of off-farm income for smallholders has important implications for land management and rural development across Indonesia, as smallholders forgo intensification of their farming systems and instead opt for diversification—and at scale, creating resilient landscapes and livelihoods

    Ragam Manfaat Tanaman Kelor (Moringa Oleifera Lamk.) Bagi Masyarakat

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    Tanaman kelor (Moringa oleifera) merupakan salah satu jenis HHBK yang memiliki posisi strategis untuk dikembangkan. Tanaman kelor merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman tropis yang mudah dibiakkan karena tidak memerlukan perawatan yang intensif dan memiliki toleransi kekeringan yang tinggi. Dengan sifat tersebut, tanaman kelor memungkinkan untuk dibudidayakan pada lahan-lahan marginal untuk mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan lahan. Selain itu berbagai bagian tanaman kelor mengandung nutrisi yang baik dan bermanfaat secara luas pada berbagai bidang seperti: pangan, kesehatan, kecantikan dan lingkungan, sehingga sangat wajar jika mendapat julukan Tree For Life. Perubahan pola hidup masyarakat menjadikan tanaman kelor sebagai pangan tradisional cenderung ditinggalkan oleh sebagian masyarakat. Sebab itu, informasi terkait ragam manfaat tanaman kelor perlu disosialisasikan pada masyarakat agar dapat dioptimalkan budidaya dan pemanfaatannya

    “Tanaman Murbei“ Sumber Daya Hutan Multi-Manfaat

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    Tanaman murbei (Morus spp.) merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman berkayu yang secara alami awalnya tumbuh dalam hutan. Tanaman murbei yang tidak dipangkas, akan tumbuh membesar seperti tanaman berkayu umumnya. Pemanfaatan tanaman murbei yang umum dikenal masyarakat masih terbatas pada penggunaan sebagai pakan ulat sutera. Komposisi kandungan dan struktur tanaman murbei baik pada akar, batang/ranting, daun dan buah memungkinkan untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai pakan ternak, panganan, obat-obatan, minuman kesehatan dan sebagai tanaman konservasi. Namun, hal ini belum banyak diketahui oleh masyarakat. Hal tersebut menjadi peluang yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan petani murbei baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung