14 research outputs found
Improved multi-user interaction in a smart environment through a preference-based conflict resolution virtual assistant
In this work we will examine and develop a system that can assist people in Activities of Daily Life (ADL). This study focuses on resolving conflicts for the requests from different users’ profiles, for instance - elderly, adult and young. The objective of the system is to present a dialogue manager which is able to detect multi-user semantic conflict and to resolve the conflict for improved dialogue informing about its decisions using a system interface Avatar. The system is also able to prioritize requests that occurred among the services of multiple home appliances, as well as to deal with conflicting entities involving a single device. We investigated whether the multi-user context awareness by a Virtual Assistant adds value to the Smart Home concept in recognizing multi-user conflicts dynamically. This work has proposed a preference based method for resolving conflict and evaluated the developed system in a smart home environmen
Context aware virtual assistant with case-based conflict resolution in multi-user smart home environment
In this work we will examine and develop a Virtual Assistant that is used as a control interface of the Smart Home environment in the Middlesex University laboratory. Specifically, the system is constructed to give multiple users an ability to control appliances by voice or text commands. The main purpose of the research is to create an user friendly interface with adaptive context aware Case-Based conflict resolution system. In addition, Artificial Neural Networks were used to classify user inputs to create a natural dialogue. Further, a set of random double-blinded evaluation tests were established with general positive results in terms of interface justification
Rational extraction of arsenic from copper production waste
Practically and theoretically important are studies aimed at creating new methods for purifying copper electrolyte with the removal of such a dangerous impurity as arsenic in a form suitable for the intended use. Using probabilisticdeterministic planning of the experiment, the course of chemical reactions in manganese- and arsenic-containing systems, the directions of reactions and the stability of their constituent phases were studied. Based on experimental data and thermodynamic analysis, the probable behavior of chemical elements and their compounds, the limits of potential and pH, within which a given compound of an element must be stable, are determined. X-ray diffraction identified the formation of manganese arsenate (Mn3(AsO4)2・4H2O) in deposits formed during the extraction of arsenic from a copper electrolyte with manganese (IV) oxide
Bladder cancer epidemiology in the Kazakhstan republic
Research of the main epidemiological aspects of bladder cancer (BC) in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The material of the research is registered incidents of first confirmed diagnoses of bladder cancer. The average intensive index of bladder cancer disease was marked at 3,9 level according to 100 thousand of people. High incidences of disease were registered in the oldest age groups and more expressed among men. According to regions of country, were revealed regions with relatively high, medium and low indexes of bladder cancer disease. In a comparative aspects, overall sickness rate of bladder cancer in the Kazakhstan Republic are lower, than in the developed Nations of the world.Изучение основных эпидемиологических аспектов рака мочевого пузыря (РМП) в Республике Казахстан. Материалом явились зарегистрированные случаи с впервые установленным диагнозом РМП. Среднегодовой интенсивный показатель заболеваемости раком мочевого пузыря был отмечен на уровне 3,9 на 100 тысяч населения. Высокие показатели заболеваемости зарегистрированы в старших возрастных группах, более выраженные среди мужчин. По регионам страны выявлены области с относительно высокими, средними и низкими показателями заболеваемости раком мочевого пузыря. В сравнительном аспекте общая заболеваемость раком мочевого пузыря в Республике Казахстан относительно ниже, чем в развитых государствах мира
Современное состояние проблемы системной красной волчанки в Казахстане
Objective: to analyze the provision of medical, including rheumatology, care in Kazakhstan, to study the incidence of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and to develop a registry of patients with this condition.Material and methods. The investigators analyzed the guidelines for the organization of medical, including rheumatology, care in the republic and the official statistical materials of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the period 2012 to 2017. Articles were searched to select activity indices, organ damages and to assess the quality of life and treatment programs in order to create a registry of patients with SLE.Results and discussion. The paper presents the basic principles of providing medical, including rheumatology, care in the republic. It gives data on the issues of providing SLE patients with medicines in outpatient and inpatient settings. It also analyzes trends in the incidence of SLE in the population of Kazakhstan in 2012 to 2017. There were 4,448 SLE patients, including 3,986 women; a comparative analysis of indicators demonstrated a 62.8% increase in the incidence of SLE from 2012 to 2017. The purpose and objectives of the registry of patients with SLE were substantiated.Conclusion. An analysis of morbidity rates suggests that SLE remains to be significant in the republic. The incidence of SLE has been noted to increase in the period from 2012 to 2017; there is a female preponderance (89.6%). The application of the SLE registry in clinical practice will be able to improve the diagnosis of the disease in the early stage and to prevent possible complications. Цель исследования – анализ оказания медицинской, в том числе ревматологической, помощи в Казахстане, изучение показателей заболеваемости и разработка регистра пациентов с системной красной волчанкой (СКВ).Материал и методы. Проводился анализ руководящих документов по организации медицинской, в том числе ревматологической, помощи в республике и официальных статистических материалов Министерства здравоохранения Республики Казахстан (МЗ РК) за период с 2012 по 2017 г. Выполнен поиск статей для отбора индексов активности, повреждения органов, оценки качества жизни и программы терапии с целью создания регистра пациентов с СКВ.Результаты и обсуждение. Представлены основные принципы оказания медицинской, в том числе ревматологической, помощи в республике. Приведены данные по вопросам обеспечения пациентов с СКВ лекарственными средствами на амбулаторном и стационарном этапе. Проведен анализ динамики заболеваемости СКВ населения Казахстана за период с 2012 по 2017 г. Число пациентов с СКВ составило 4448 человек (из них женщин – 3986), сравнительный анализ показателей за период с 2012 по 2017 г. продемонстрировал увеличение заболеваемости на 62,8%. Обосновываются цель и задачи регистра пациентов с СКВ.Заключение. Анализ показателей заболеваемости свидетельствуют о сохранении значимости СКВ в республике. Отмечены прирост заболеваемости СКВ в период с 2012 по 2017 г., преобладание лиц женского пола (89,6%). Использование регистра пациентов с СКВ в клинической практике позволит улучшить диагностику заболевания на раннем этапе и предотвратить возможные осложнения.
The current state was studied and main trends of land use development under the influence of changing climate and anthropogenous influence were revealed. The spatial structure, direction and features of regional development of agricultural production in new market conditions of Russia and Kazakhstan was estimated. Creation of agroforestal complexes which have to become a necessary component when forming the profitable country farms located discretely in primordially treeless territories and applying resource-saving technologies was offered for its optimization
Optimal regime of the double-sided drift of lithium ions into silicon monocrystal
In this work, we show a new method for obtaining silicon-lithium semiconductor structures using the bilateral drift of lithium particles into silicon mono-crystal in order to create nuclear radiation detectors with a wide bandgap. This method describes the simultaneous distribution of lithium ions on surfaces of cylindrical silicon crystals, which speeds up the process of obtaining the required detector structure. Here in this work, we aimed to identify the most optimal regimes of the electric field applied in the process of bilateral ion drift, as well as to investigate the effect of the thermal factors to create a drift of lithium ions. We can estimate these optimal regimes of voltage and temperature by making theoretical assumptions based on the numerical method for solving the Poisson continuity equation, the calculations of Pell and Louber. At the same time, simplifications were made to neglect the internal interaction of particles. The paper shows the results of modeling the process of bilateral drift under the influence of a stepwise increase in temperature and reverse voltage. This bilateral drift procedure facilitates the fabrication of silicon-lithium nuclear radiation detectors with large diameters and sensitive areas
The role of statistical and rating indicators in the fight against corruption (on the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Беляева Ирина Михайловна – кандидат юридических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой уголовного и уголовно-исполнительного права, криминологии, Южно-Уральский государственный университет, г. Челябинск. E-mail: [email protected].
Кусаинова Айман Кудайбергеновна – кандидат юридических наук, доцент, младший научный сотрудник кафедры уголовного и уголовно-исполнительного права, криминологии, Южно-Уральский государственный университет, г. Челябинск. E-mail: [email protected].
Нургалиев Бахыт Молдатьяевич – доктор юридических наук, профессор, Центр правовых и экономических исследований, Академия «Болашак», г. Караганда. E-mail: [email protected].
Irina Mihailovna Belyaeva – Candidate of Sciences (Law), associate, Head Professor of Criminal Law, Criminology and Penal Law Department, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation. E-mail: [email protected].
Ayman Kudaybergenovna Kussainova – Candidate of Sciences (Law), Junior Researcher of the Department of Criminal and Penal Executive Law, Criminology, South Ural state University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation. E-mail: [email protected].
Bakhyt Moldatyaevich Nurgaliyev – Doctor of Sciences (Law), professor of Scientific Center of Legal and Economic Researches, Academy «Bolashak», Karaganda, Kazakhstan. E-mail: [email protected].Статья посвящена рассмотрению проблем влияния статистических и рейтинговых показателей на процессы предупреждения коррупционных проявлений. Акцентируется внимание на роли правовой статистики, а также использования рейтинговых оценок в разрезе регионов и госорганов в Казахстане. Анализируется динамика коррупционной активности за последние двадцать лет, а также влияние различных индикаторов и индексов коррумпированности на формирование реальной картины масштабов коррупции в стране. Предлагаются варианты совершенствования мониторинга коррупции и рейтинговых оценок коррупционных проявлений. The article is devoted to the problems of influence of statistical and rating indicators on the processes of preventing corruption. The attention is focused on the role of legal sta-tistics, as well as the use of rating ratings in the context of regions and government agencies in Kazakhstan. The article analyzes the dynamics of corruption activity over the past twenty years, as well as the influence of various indicators and indices of corruption on the formation of a real picture of the scale of corruption in the country. Options for improving the monitoring of corruption and rating assessments of corruption manifestations are offered