11 research outputs found


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    With a view to establish the effect of some plant growth regulators on sunfl ower (Helianthus annuus L.) production and oil content was made an experiment. The investigation was made on Bulgarian sunfl ower hybrid Super Start, treated during pinhead and fl owering stages. The effect of the tested plant growth regulators on the quantity of yield and some structural elements (sunfl ower heads number, seeds number, seeds mass, mass/ 1000 seeds, oil content % and oil yield kg/da) was reported in the process of investigation. The effect grade of growth regulators is fi xed due to non-treated control. By the dispersal analysis method it is made mathematics processing of the values of received data. The investigation showed that there is not mathematically proved difference between the seed yield kg/da and oil content l/da in pinhead period by the use of plant growth regulators - ‘‘31’’ (1cm3/l water) and ‘’Agat 25 EK’’ (2.5 g/ da). In the fl owering period when treated with the same plant growth regulators seed yield is 15.3 % increased and the oil content -18.6 % (with “31’’) and 16.4 % (with’’Agat 25 EK’’)

    Performance of some sunflower genotypes grown under dry weather conditions in south Bulgaria

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    Information on yield and agricultural performance of new sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids grown under dry weather conditions in South Bulgaria is limited. The objectives of this field study is to acquire information on seed yield and other agricultural characteristics of five sunflower hybrids and their parental lines in South Bulgaria. This research was carried out on the Experimental farm at the Agricultural University in Plovdiv, Bulgaria in the seasons of 2008 and 2009. Statistical analysis revealed that the differences among genotypes for all studied characters were significant in both seasons as well as in the combined one


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    With a view to establish the effect of some plant growth regulators on sunfl ower (Helianthus annuus L.) production and oil content was made an experiment. The investigation was made on Bulgarian sunfl ower hybrid Super Start, treated during pinhead and fl owering stages. The effect of the tested plant growth regulators on the quantity of yield and some structural elements (sunfl ower heads number, seeds number, seeds mass, mass/ 1000 seeds, oil content % and oil yield kg/da) was reported in the process of investigation. The effect grade of growth regulators is fi xed due to non-treated control. By the dispersal analysis method it is made mathematics processing of the values of received data. The investigation showed that there is not mathematically proved difference between the seed yield kg/da and oil content l/da in pinhead period by the use of plant growth regulators - ‘‘31’’ (1cm3/l water) and ‘’Agat 25 EK’’ (2.5 g/ da). In the fl owering period when treated with the same plant growth regulators seed yield is 15.3 % increased and the oil content -18.6 % (with “31’’) and 16.4 % (with’’Agat 25 EK’’)

    Genetic variability and correlation studies in some drought-resistant sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) genotypes

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    Five sunflower hybrids (Albena, Super Start, Zora, Santafe and San Luka) and their parental lines (2607, 1234, 1607, 147 R, RW-666, RF-673 and 19R) were tested on a block design in four replication in the course of two years. The highest phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation were recorded for seed yield per plant followed by the number of seeds per plant and 1000 seed weight, while the lowest value was observed at 50% flowering. The heritability coefficients in a broad sense were high in all characters and ranged from 69.74 % to 96.96 %. Correlation between the main quantitative characters found a positive correlation with the seed yield per plant. Oil content was lower but not significantly correlated concerning the head diameter, the 1000-seed weight, the plant height, the stem diameter and the days to 50% flowering

    Determination of the Bacterial Community in Soils Associated with Rare Wild Leguminous Species Cicer Montbretii Jaub. amp%253B Spach and Lupinus albus L. in Strandzha Natural Park

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    The soil formation in Strandzha Mountain is influenced by the particular combination of the climate%252339%253Bs unique forest tree vegetation, the extraordinary variety of root and soil-forming rocks, the hilly low-mountainous relief with significant fragmentation, a densely located hydrographic network with short slopes and dominant exposures. The diversity of soil microorganisms is crucial for plant growth and development and it makes it possible to understand in detail the plant-microbial interactions. The objectives of this study were to determine soil bacteria associated with rare wild leguminous species Cicer montbretii Jaub. amp%253B Spach (Constantinople chickpeas) and Lupinus albus L. (white lupinus) in Strandzha National Park. A new locality of Cicer montbretii Jaub was marked nearby village of Brodilovo. L. albus was found in saline-alkaline soil (A1) and yellow earth podzolic soils (A2) around the village of Brodilovo and the Great Pazvlak area. C. montbretii was found to grow on cinnamon forest soils (B1) and siliceous red soil (B2). A study was conducted by physio-chemical analyses and by assessing 16S rDNA metagenomics technique used to generate a total of 126,837 reads from the samples. The most significant number of observed species 2249 was found in soils saline-alkaline soil (B1) soil. According to that result, the higher diversity indices were calculated in the also in B1 soil. The alpha%253B-diversity analysis reported yielded similar Shannon indices ranging from 8,322 in B2 to 9,337 in B1. The analyses revealed that B2 yellow earth podzolic soil, unique for Strandzha, has the largest composition with Proteobacteria 44%25 and the lowest in Actinobacteria 20%25. Opposite, in A1 saline-alkaline soil have the richest composition of Actinobacteria 52%25 and the poorest in Proteobacteria 23%25. C. montbretii was found in neutral A2 and B2 soils, while L. ablus prefer acidic A1 and B1 soils. The determination of the microbiological status of the soils associated with Constantinople chickpeas and white lupinus and the annual monitoring of the species in Strandzha Park will determine the methods for the most effective maintenance and storage outside their habitats


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    Introduction: Insoles and exercise programs are the main treatment methods for pes planus patients. Insole using may prevent the formation of pain in daily activities as well as increasing the quality of walking. The aim of this study was to investigate insole usage time and the factors affecting this situation in patient with pes planus. Materials and Methods: 136 patients with pes planus who were prescribed an insole, included in the study. We invited patients to participate in a telephone survey. Patients´ demographics, insole usage time, reasons to quit and the quitting time were questioned. Insole usage rates and the demographic data of patients were compared. Results: Of the 136 patients included in the present study, 80 were women (59%) and 56 were male (31%). 86 of these patients used an insole six months and over, 15 of them used shorter than six months and 35 of them bought the insoles but they didn't use it (63%, 11% and 26% respectively ). The average age of patients who used insoles was 32.80±18.14 and who did not use insoles was 40.77±12.54 (p=0.04). 33.8 percent of women and 14.3 percent of men did not use insoles. This difference is statistically significant (p=0.04). We did not find any significant relationship between height, weight, body mass index values and usage of insoles (p>0:05). Conclusion: The use of insoles in treating patients with pes planus is widely accepted and may be affected by the demographics such as gender and age. Besides wearing comfort, female sex and older age should be considered that may affect the use of insoles

    Effect of easily biodegradable amendments on heavy metal solubilization and accumulation in technical crops ‐ a field trial

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    Heavy‐metal soil pollution is a common environmental problem all over the world. In the induced phytoextraction process plants can transport and translocate to their above‐ground tissues significant concentration of contaminants. Since some heavy metals are mostly presented in non‐soluble state, the application of chelating agents is needed. In this study we introduced into the rhizosphere of maize (var. Kneja 530) and sunflower (var. Favorit) plants 1 and 5 mmol l−1 of EDDS and NTA, and 5 g kg−1 of nutrients to enhance the accumulated concentrations of cadmium, lead and zinc. The fraction of CaCl2‐extractable metals increased incrementing the concentration of chelates. This was clearly pronounced for all the metals in the treatments with NTA and for Pb in those with EDDS. Generally, under all the experimental conditions the accumulated heavy‐metal concentrations were found to be significantly higher than in the control. Thus, in the case of higher concentration of NTA and EDDS, the accumulated Cd in the leaves of sunflower was found to be threefold higher. The highest accumulation of Pb in the leaves of maize was observed when nutrients were added (62 mg kg−1). On the other hand, negative effects of the used chelating agents on soil bacteria and fungi at plant harvest were not observed. Moreover, when nutrients were added, the number of studied microorganisms significantly increased. Lengvai biodegradavimą pagerinančių pataisymų priemonių poveikis sunkiųjų metalų tirpumui ir akumuliacijai techniniuose pasėliuose – lauko bandymai Santrauka Dirvožemio užterštumas sunkiaisiais metalais yra dažna aplinkos problema visame pasaulyje. Inicijuotas fitoekstrakcijos procesas augaluose gali perkelti į jų antžeminius audinius dideles teršalų koncentracijas. Kadangi kai kurie sunkieji metalai dažniausiai esti netirpios būsenos, reikia pritaikyti chelatų agentus. Į kukurūzus buvo įterpta rizosfera (var. Kneja 530) ir saulėgrąžos (var. Favorit) EDDS bei NTA 1 ir 5 mmol–1 ir 5 g kg–1 mineralinių medžiagų, padidinant kadmio, švino ir cinko akumuliuotas koncentracijas. Ekstrahuotos CaCl2 metalo frakcijos padidino chelatų koncentracijos didėjimą. Tai pasireiškė visiems metalams, apdorotiems su NTA, ir švinui, paveiktam su EDDS. Visuose eksperimentuose akumuliuoto sunkiojo metalo koncentracijos buvo daug didesnės nei kontroliniame bandinyje. Vadinasi, didesnės NTA ir EDDS koncentracijos atveju akumuliuotas Cd saulėgrąžos lapuose buvo 3 kartus didesnis. Didžiausia Pb akumuliacija miežių lapuose išmatuota, pridėjus mineralinių medžiagų (62 mg kg–1). Kita vertus, neigiamas chelatų agentų naudojimo poveikis dirvožemio bakterijoms ir grybeliams augalų derliuje nebuvo nustatytas. Be to, kai buvo pridėta mineralinių medžiagų, padaugėjo nagrinėjamų mikroorganizmų. Reikšminiai žodžiai: sunkieji metalai, fitoekstrakcija, kviečiai, saulėgrąžos, EDDS, NTA, lauko bandymai, rizosferos mikroorganizmai. Полевые испытания влияния мер, способствующих деградации тяжелых металлов, их разложению и накапливанию в технических посевах Резюме Загрязнение почв тяжелыми металлами – наиболее часто отмечаемая проблема во всем мире. Инициированный процесс фитоэкстракции в растениях может способствовать переносу значительных концентраций загрязнителей в их поверхностные ткани. В связи с тем, что некоторые тяжелые металлы находятся в нерастворенном состоянии, необходимо применение агентов хелатов. В настоящем исследовании в кукурузу была введена ризосфера (вар. Kneja 530) и подсолнечник (вар. favorit) EDDS и NTA 1 и 5 ммоль–1 ir 5 г кг–1 минеральных веществ для увеличения аккумулированных концентраций кадмия, свинца и цинка. Экстрагированные фракции металла CaCl2 способствовали увеличению концентрации хелатов. Это подтверждено исследованием всех металлов, подвергшихся воздействию NTA, и свинца, обработанного с помощью EDDS. Во всех экспериментах концентрации аккумулированного тяжелого металла были значительно больше, чем в контрольном образце. Следовательно, в случае большей концентрации NTA и EDDS содержание аккумулированного в листьях подсолнечника Cd было в три раза больше. Наибольшая аккумуляция Cd в листьях ячменя зафиксирована в случае добавления минеральных веществ (62 мг кг–1). Не было обнаружено и отрицательного воздействия от применения агентов хелатов на бактерии почвы и грибки в урожае растений. Кроме того, в результате добавления минеральных веществ количество исследуемых микроорганизмов увеличилось. Ключевые слова: тяжелые металлы, фитоэкстракция, ячмень, подсолнечник, NTA, EDDS полевые испытания, микроорганизмы ризосферы. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    Performance of some sunflower genotypes grown under dry weather conditions in south Bulgaria

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    Information on yield and agricultural performance of new sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids grown under dry weather conditions in South Bulgaria is limited. The objectives of this field study is to acquire information on seed yield and other agricultural characteristics of five sunflower hybrids and their parental lines in South Bulgaria. This research was carried out on the Experimental farm at the Agricultural University in Plovdiv, Bulgaria in the seasons of 2008 and 2009. Statistical analysis revealed that the differences among genotypes for all studied characters were significant in both seasons as well as in the combined one

    The Analysis of OECD Member States Human Development Levels For the Year 2006

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    İnsani Gelişmişlik Endeksi (İGE), ülkelerin gelişmişlik düzeylerinin analizinde kullanılan en önemli göstergelerden birisidir. İGE değerinin hesaplanmasında; Yaşam Beklentisi Endeksi, Eğitim Endeksi ve Refah Endeksi olmak üzere üç alt endeks kullanılmaktadır. Yaşam beklentisi endeksinde; doğuşta yaşam beklentisi, eğitim endeksinde; yetişkin okur-yazarlık oranı ve okullaşma oranı, refah endeksinde ise kişi başına GSYİH değerleri veri olarak kullanılmaktadır. 0-1 arasında değişen değerler alan İGE’ne göre ülkeler gelişmişlik düzeyleri açısından üç kategoriye ayrılmaktadır. İGE değeri 0-0,499 arasındaki ülkeler “Düşük İnsani Gelişmişlik”, 0,500-0,799 arasında yer alan ülkeler “Orta İnsani Gelişmişlik” ve 0,800-1 değerleri arasında yer alan ülkeler “Yüksek İnsani Gelişmişlik” kategorisinde bulunmaktadır. Birleşmiş Milletler Kalkınma Programı (UNDP) tarafından düzenli olarak dünya ülkelerinin tamamına yönelik olarak İGE hesaplanmakta ve elde edilen değerlere göre ülkelerin gelişmişlik düzeyleri İnsani Gelişme Raporları (İGR) aracılığı ile yayınlanmaktadır. OECD ülkelerinin 2006 yılı İGE değerlerine göre insani gelişmişlik düzeylerinin analiz edilmesi amacıyla yapılan bu çalışmada, tarafımızdan yapılan hesaplamalar sonucu oluşturulan endeks değerlerinin UNDP tarafından açıklanan değerlerle uyumlu olduğu görülmüştür. Oluşturulan endeks değerlerine göre; Türkiye dışındaki OECD ülkelerinin tamamı yüksek insani gelişmişlik düzeyine sahip ülkeler kategorisinde yer alırken, Türkiye eğitim endeksi dışındaki diğer endekslere göre orta insani gelişmişlik düzeyine sahip ülkeler kategorisinde yer almaktadırThe Human Development Index (HDI) is one of the most important indicators concerning the the analysis of countries’ development levels. Three sub-indexes, namely Life Expectancy Index, Education Index, and Welfare Index, are used in order to gauge the value of HDI. Life Expectancy at birth figures are used in the Life Expectancy Index; Adult literacy rate and schooling ratio are used in the Education Index whereas GDP per capita figures are used in the Welfare Index. According to the HDI, which is showing values between 0 and 1, countries are sorted into three categories. Countries of HDI figures between 0 and 0,499 are demonstrated as having Low Human Development levels; HDI figures between 0,500 and 0,799 demonstrates countries of Middle Human Development Levels whereas HDI figures between 0,800 and 1 are categorized as countries with High Human Development Levels. The HDI is calculated regularly by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for all countries in the world and countries’ development levels are published by Human Development Reports (HDR) according to the calculated figures. In this work that aims to analyze OECD countries human development levels with respect to HDI values for the year 2006, it was observed that the index values established after the calculations done by us were in line with the values published by the UNDP. According to the index values all of the OECD countries are placed in the category of countries with High Human Development Levels whereas Turkey is placed in the category of countries with Middle Human Development Levels according to all other indexes but education index.