160 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Dengan Pendekatan Visual Thinking Terhadap Sikap Siswa

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    Usaha Pembibitan Sapi Perah di Universitas Andalas

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    The business of Dairy Cattle Breeding in Universiy of Andalas is a science and technology program for innovation and creativity in Campus (Ib-IKK). This is a joint program of HEDG and University of Andalas. In 2012, it has just entered the second year of three-years scheduled. The five dairy cattle breed have brought from Lembang (West Java) at the first year program. And now, Ib-IKK have 3 lactation cows, 2 pregnant cows, 1 bull and 3 heifers.This businesses are prioritized to establish the availability of dairy cow, until the business is ready to supply of dairy cattle breed for the farmer in West Sumatera. This time, the program sold a fresh milk, pasteurized milk and agro-tourism, which is managed by undergraduate student of Faculty of Animal Science, University of Andalas

    The Effectiveness of Cumin as Natural Antioxidant to Improve Rumen Ecology of Mastitis Dairy Cow\u27s

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    The research was on the effect of supplementation of natural antioxidant (Cuminum cyminum) to improve rumen ecology of Mastitis Dairy Cow\u27s and improved milk production. This research was in-vitro treatments and using rumen fluids of Holstein dairy cows with mastitis condition. They were fed diets supplemented with various levels of a natural antioxidant ( A; 0 ppm; B: 500 ppm; C: 1000 ppm and D: 1500 ppm). Total of Rumen Bactery, pH, NH3, acetate acid, propionate acid and butirate acid were determined. The design of this experiment was used Randomized Design. The collected data were analyzed by Multiple Analysis of Variance. While the difference between the treatment effects was tested using Duncan\u27s Multiple Range Test. The results showed that supplementation of 1 000 ppm of Cuminum cyminum caused increase of population bactery, Acetic acid and Propionic acid and decrease of NH3 concentration (P0.05). Our conclusion, the level 1 000 ppm of Cuminum cyminum improve to good condition of rumen ecology. It showed to increase bactery rumen (66.02%), decrease NH3 concentration (7.58%), increase asetic acid (49.91%) and propionic acid (29.94 %). Condition of pH rumen is showed in normal condition. (Animal Production 11(3): 160-164 (2009

    The Effectiveness of Cumin as Natural Antioxidant to Improve Rumen Ecology of Mastitis Dairy Cow's

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    The research  was on the effect of supplementation of natural antioxidant (Cuminum cyminum) to improve rumen ecology of Mastitis Dairy Cow's and improved milk production. This research was in-vitro treatments and using rumen fluids of Holstein dairy cows with mastitis condition. They were fed diets supplemented with various levels of a natural antioxidant ( A; 0 ppm; B: 500 ppm; C: 1000 ppm and D: 1500 ppm).  Total of Rumen Bactery, pH, NH3, acetate acid, propionate acid and butirate acid were determined. The design of this experiment was used Randomized Design. The collected data were analyzed by Multiple Analysis of Variance. While the difference between the treatment effects was tested using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. The results showed that supplementation of   1 000 ppm of Cuminum cyminum caused increase of population bactery, Acetic acid and Propionic acid  and decrease of NH3 concentration (P0.05). Our conclusion, the level 1 000 ppm of Cuminum cyminum improve to good condition of rumen ecology. It showed to increase bactery rumen (66.02%), decrease NH3 concentration (7.58%), increase asetic acid (49.91%) and propionic acid (29.94 %).  Condition of pH rumen is showed in normal condition. (Animal Production 11(3): 160-164 (2009) Key Words: Cumminum cyminum, anti-oxidant, rumen ecology, mastitis, dairy cow


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    Fansur is an ancient Islamic city in Nusantara (the Indonesian archipelago) which was very popular in the past. However, the specific location of the city is still being debated today. Generally, contemporary writers state that Fansur is located in Barus, one of the areas in Central Tapanuli, North Sumatra. This opinion has been challenged from several authoritative sources. To solve the above problems, this research was conducted through an archaeological approach and literature study. Based on archaeological evidence and written sources, Fansur City is located in Lhok Pancu or Lhok Lambaroneujid, one of the coastal areas to the west of the city of Banda Aceh, Aceh. This location fits perfectly with the character of the Fansur location mentioned in ancient records from the Middle East, China and Europe. Due to geological changes that have occurred frequently in the past in the Aceh region, most of the area has been lost and cannot be seen again. The remains of ancient ceramics, tombstones and ancient tomb complex (diway) are archaeological evidence to strengthen the argument that Fansur is an ancient Islamic port city located in the Aceh Besar region, not in Barus, Central Tapanuli

    Analisis Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatiftipe Group Investigation Dan Pemahaman Konsep Awal Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Di SMA Negeri 1 Teluk Mengkudu

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan: Untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaanhasil belajar fisika siswa dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe groupinvestigation dan model pembelajaran direct instruction, untuk mengetahuiapakah ada perbedaan hasil belajar fisika antara siswa yang memilikipemahaman konsep awal tinggi dan siswa yang memiliki pemahamankonsep awal rendah, untuk mengetahui apakah ada interaksi antara model kooperatif group investigation dengan pemahaman konsep awal siswa dalam mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa. Sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan secara cluster random sampling sebanyak dua kelas, dimana kelas pertamasebagai kelas eksperimen diterapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif groupInvestigation dan kelas kedua sebagai kelas kontrol diterapkan modelpembelajaran direct instruction. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitianini yaitu instrumen tes hasil belajar fisika dalam bentuk uraian sebanyak 9soal dan tes pemahaman konsep awal sebanyak 12 soal yang telahdinyatakan valid dan reliabel. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwaterdapat perbedaan hasil belajar fisika siswa dengan model pembelajarankooperatif group investigation dan model pembelajaran direct instruction.Terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar fisika antara siswa yang memiliki pemahaman konsep awal tinggi dan siswa yang memiliki pemahaman konsep awal rendah. Terdapat interaksi antara model pembelajaran kooperatif groupinvestigation dan pemahaman konsep awal siswa terhadap hasil belajarfisika. Model pembelajaran kooperatif group investigation lebih optimalditerapkan untuk siswa yang memiliki pemahaman konsep awal tinggisedangkan model pembelajaran direct instruction pemahaman konsep awaltinggi dan rendah hasil belajar yang tidak berbeda

    The Effects of Herbs on Milk Yield and Milk Quality of Mastitis Dairy Cow

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    This experiment aimed to observe the effect of herbs (Black Cumin,Curcuma zeodharia,Curcumamangga, and Curcuma aeruginosa) supplementation on milk yield and milk quality (milk fat, milkprotein, milk lactosa and mastitis status) in lactating dairy cows suffering mastitis. Twenty cows in 2nd-4th lactation suspected mastitis subclinical (++) were used in the experiment. Completely randomizeddesign was used in this experiment with 5 treatments (A. Non Herb; B. Black Cumin; C. Curcumazeodharia; D. Curcuma mangga, and E. Curcuma aeruginosa) with four replicates per treatment. Thecollected data were analyzed by analysis of variance and difference between the treatment effects wastested by using Duncan\u27s Multiple Range Test. The results showed that supplementation of herbssignificantly increased (P<0.01) milk yield, milk protein, milk lactosa and significantly decreasedmastitis status and did not significant affect milk fat

    Performa Reproduksi Sapi Perah di Sumatera Barat

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui performa reproduksi sapi perah di Sumatera Barat. Metode yang dilakukan adalah survey terhadap 24 ekor sapi perah yang dikelola oleh Perusahaan di Kabupaten 50 Kota dan 35 ekor sapi perah yang dikelola oleh peternakan rakyat di Kota Padang Panjang. Analisis data dengan deskriptif, serta dilakukan uji T dengan program SPSS versi 12. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan umur beranak pertama (Age at First Calving) sapi perah di Kabupaten 50 Kota dan Kota Padang Panjang masing-masing 31,63±6,37 bulan dan 30,17±4,10 bulan; masa kosong (Days Open) 260,63±147,04 hari dan 192,26±114,04 hari; sedangkan selang beranak (calving interval) 548,63±168,30 hari dan 477,26±114,04 hari. Performa reproduksi di kedua daerah ini belum baik karena melebihi jangka waktu optimal untuk ketiga variabel tersebut. Tidak ada perbedaan (P>0,05) antara penampilan reproduksi sapi perah di kedua daerah penelitian
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