27 research outputs found

    Virtual Panorama Landing dan Take Off Bandara Adi Sumarmo Solo

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    The development of information technology and lead to intense competition in all areas, many parties began implementing a strategy to improve services. Information obtained from various sources such as the Internet can make it easier to determine the state o f a place or vehicle that will be addressed, but a lot of information from various sources, it only displays a static image that is not enough to describe the situation as a whole as well as the environment, it is necessary for the proper media fo r representing the information. One type of appropriate multimedia effective dam to provide information or a description of the location of these is to use virtual panoramic view. Not like a video that is merely one direction (forward grooved) virtual panoramic view is designed to allow the user to interact directly with the environment to crawl closer and more interactive. Final results from this aplication is a multimedia display that can be applied in any kind o f media because using ActionScript for basic program so that it can be applied via online websites or interactive CDs or display advertising

    Pengaruh Kebisingan terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah Mencit (Mus Musculus L.) Jantan

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    Kebisingan adalah salah satu faktor stres bagi manusia. Stress karena bising dapat mempengaruhi sistem endokrin sehingga membahayakan kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mem-buktikan bahwa kebisingan dapat mempengaruhi kadar glukosa darah mencit (Mus musculus L.) jantan. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei - Juni 2013 di Laboratorium Zoologi Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Lampung menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 1 kelompok kontrol dan 4 kelompok diberi perlakuan kebisingan dengan intensitas kebisingan 85-90 dBA dengan waktu pemaparan 6, 8, 10 dan 12 jam/hari selama 21 hari. Tiap kelompok percobaan terdiri atas 5 individu mencit. Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah kadar glukosa darah mencit. Hasil pengamatan di analisis menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebisingan dengan intensitas 85-90 dBA meningkatkan kadar glukosa darah mencit (Mus musculus L.) jantan. Rerata kadar glukosa darah mencit jantan yang diberi perlakuan kebisingan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kontrol dan kadar glukosa darah tertinggi pada pemaparan 12 jam/hari adalah 194 mg/dL

    Keanekaragaman Serangga Hama Dan Musuh Alami Pada Lahan Pertanaman Kedelai Di Kecamatan Balong-Ponorogo

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    The study aims to determine the presence of pests and natural enemies on soybean plants and to study the effect of insecticides on the diversity. Methods for observation of insects was done by using different type of traps i.e. yellow pan trap, pitfall trap, light trap, sweeping net and direct observation (visual). The presence of pests and natural enemies of soybean plants on plots without insecticide was lower than on the plots that was treated with insecticide. Composition of the population of pests found in soybean plots that were not treated with insecticide were dominated by Aphis sp. followed by Phaedonia inclusa, Riptortus linearis, Nezara viridula and Ophiomyia phaseoli. Composition of the population of natural enemies (predators) found in soybean cropps that were not treated with insecticide was family Coccinellidae followed by Syrphidae, Chrysopidae, Mantidae and Oxyopidae. The highest composition of natural enemies (parasites) found in treated and untreated soybean plots were family Braconidae then followed by family Ichneumonidae


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    Anak Krakatau Island is a volcanic island in the Krakatau preservation complex. With its regular explosions, ranging from2 80 times/day in the year 2013, it was expected that the biodiversity would experience many changes. In orderto determine the recent condition of the biodiversity, especially animal inhabitants, a survey was conducted within the island in June, 2013. The survey was made for mammal, bird, reptile, and invertebrate(ground, aerial, and arboreal) diversity. For mammals, 10 live traps were used along 100 m of line transect, birds and reptiles were adopted faced encountered method, while the invertebrate survey was conducted with visual techniques with a sweep net, pit-fall traps, and light traps. The result from the inventory (especially invertebrate) was followed by determining the diversity and dominance of species. Relative abundancewas also determined for mammals only. The survey indicated that there was 1 species of mammal with 20% of relativeabundance, 13 species of birds within 11 families, 2 species of reptiles, 58 species of insect, and 10 species of non-insect invertebrates, which consisted of 6 species of Araneae, 2 species of Scorpiones, 2 species of Chilopoda. The diversity indexfor insects was 4.011 with Bothriamyrmex sp. as subdominantin which its index of 2.86, and index for non-insects was 2.079. The result also was compared with the other 3 islands of the Krakatau complex and data collected in the last 10 years.Keywords: Anak Krakatau, volcanic, biodiversit

    Penerapan Sistem Keamanan Menggunakan Cryptography Pada Aplikasi Chatting Dengan Memodifikasi Algoritma Rivest Shamir Adleman (Rsa)

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    Chatting application is an application which used for communication through local network or internet. It can use to make communication to be effective and easy to use but there are several shortage in delivery information process is data security when communication is going on. Using chrypthography with modification Rivest Shamir adleman (RSA) algorithm in encryption process and decryption on packet data which transmited is one of security system which can used in this application then the security of data packet secured. Result from implementation of chatting application which apply chrypthography with modification Rivest Shamir adleman (RSA) algorithm have done in local network and internet able to run smoothly and have done by several testing cases based on certain scenario. Whereas process testing encryption and decryption using tools wireshark

    Histologi Testis Mencit (Mus Musculus L.) Muda dan Tua yang Diberi Ekstrak Lada Hitam (Piper Nigrum L.)

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    Lada hitam (Piper nigrum L.) dipercaya oleh masyarakat memiliki banyak khasiat. Selain membuat penggunanya tetap sehat, lada hitam juga diduga memiliki kandungan antioksidan yang mampu menangkap radikal bebas sebagai salah satu faktor pemacu penuaan.Telah dilakukan percobaan menggunakan hewan mencit dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lada hitam terhadap Perubahan histologi testis dan jumlah spermatozoa mencit muda dan mencit tua.Penelitian ini menggunakan 20 ekor mencit berumur 4 bulan dan 20 ekor mencit berumur 6 bulan. Masing-masing kelompok usia mencit tersebut dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok perlakuan. Kelompok 1, tidak diberi ekstrak lada hitam, kelompok 2, diberi ekstrak air lada hitam 0,3 ppt, Kelompok 3 diberi ekstrak ethanol sebanyak 0,3 ppt, dan Kelompok 4, diberi campuran ekstrak air dan ethanol 0,3 ppt. Data yang didapat dianalisis dengan Analisis Ragam (ANARA) 2 jalur (dengan α = 5%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak lada hitam pada mencit usia tua mampu meningkatkan jumlah spermatogonia dengan nilai rata-rata perlakuan mencapai 81,6 sel dan jumlah spermatogonia mencit yang tidak diberi perlakuan berjumlah 47,0 sel dalam 1 sayatan tubulus seminiferus. Sementara itu, jumlah spermatozoa antar setiap perlakuan tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata