5 research outputs found

    A rare case of kartagener’s syndrome with delayed diagnosis

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    Kartagener sendromu; otozomal resesif geçişli, situs inversus, bronşektazi ve kronik sinüzit ile karakterize bir primer siliyer diskinezi sendromudur. Semptomlar çoğu zaman çocukluk çağında ortaya çıkmaktadır. Olguların % 90’ı 15 yaş öncesi saptanmaktadır. Kartagener sendromlu hastalarda kronik öksürük, mukoid balgam çıkarma, sık pnömoni atakları gibi solunumsal problemler görülmektedir. Bronşiektazi, tekrarlayan akciğer enfeksiyonları nedeniyle gelişir. Sık akciğer enfeksiyonu geçirdiği öğrenilen 15 yaşındaki erkek olgu nadir görülen Kartagener Sendromu tanısı ile literatür bilgileri ışığında sunulmuştur.Kartagener’s syndrome is an autosomal recessive inherited, primary ciliary dyskinesia syndrome, which is characterized by situs inversus, bronchiectasis, and chronic sinusitis. Symptoms usually emerge during childhood period. Ninety percent of cases are diagnosed prior to 15 years of age. In patients with Kartagener’s syndrome, respiratory infections are encountered such as chronic coughing, mucoid sputum, and recurrent pneumonia attacks. Bronchiectasis develops as a result of recurrent lung infections. We presented a fifteen year old male patient who had a history of recurrent respiratory infections has been diagnosed with Kartagener’s syndrome with the guidance of literature survey

    A rare case of kartagener’s syndrome with delayed diagnosis

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    Kartagener sendromu; otozomal resesif geçişli, situs inversus, bronşektazi ve kronik sinüzit ile karakterize bir primer siliyer diskinezi sendromudur. Semptomlar çoğu zaman çocukluk çağında ortaya çıkmaktadır. Olguların % 90’ı 15 yaş öncesi saptanmaktadır. Kartagener sendromlu hastalarda kronik öksürük, mukoid balgam çıkarma, sık pnömoni atakları gibi solunumsal problemler görülmektedir. Bronşiektazi, tekrarlayan akciğer enfeksiyonları nedeniyle gelişir. Sık akciğer enfeksiyonu geçirdiği öğrenilen 15 yaşındaki erkek olgu nadir görülen Kartagener Sendromu tanısı ile literatür bilgileri ışığında sunulmuştur.Kartagener’s syndrome is an autosomal recessive inherited, primary ciliary dyskinesia syndrome, which is characterized by situs inversus, bronchiectasis, and chronic sinusitis. Symptoms usually emerge during childhood period. Ninety percent of cases are diagnosed prior to 15 years of age. In patients with Kartagener’s syndrome, respiratory infections are encountered such as chronic coughing, mucoid sputum, and recurrent pneumonia attacks. Bronchiectasis develops as a result of recurrent lung infections. We presented a fifteen year old male patient who had a history of recurrent respiratory infections has been diagnosed with Kartagener’s syndrome with the guidance of literature survey

    Multimedia Respiratory Database (RespiratoryDatabase@TR): Auscultation Sounds and Chest X-rays

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    Auscultation is a method for diagnosis of especially internal medicine diseases such as cardiac, pulmonary and cardio-pulmonary by listening the internal sounds from the body parts. It is the simplest and the most common physical examination in the assessment processes of the clinical skills. In this study, the lung and heart sounds are recorded synchronously from left and right sides of posterior and anterior chest wall and back using two digital stethoscopes in Antakya State Hospital. The chest X-rays and the pulmonary function test variables and spirometric curves, the St. George respiratory questionnaire (SGRQ-C) are collected as multimedia and clinical functional analysis variables of the patients. The 4 channels of heart sounds are focused on aortic, pulmonary, tricuspid and mitral areas. The 12 channels of lung sounds are focused on upper lung, middle lung, lower lung and costophrenic angle areas of posterior and anterior sides of the chest. The recordings are validated and labelled by two pulmonologists evaluating the collected chest x-ray, PFT and auscultation sounds of the subjects. The database consists of 30 healthy subjects and 45 subjects with pulmonary diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchitis. The novelties of the database are the combination ability between auscultation sound results, chest X-ray and PFT; synchronously assessment capability of the lungs sounds; image processing based computerized analysis of the respiratory using chest X-ray and providing opportunity for improving analysis of both lung sounds and heart sounds on pulmonary and cardiac diseases

    COVID-19: vaccination vs. hospitalization

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    Objective Vaccination is the most efficient way to control the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, but vaccination rates remain below the target level in most countries. This multicenter study aimed to evaluate the vaccination status of hospitalized patients and compare two different booster vaccine protocols. Setting Inoculation in Turkey began in mid-January 2021. Sinovac was the only available vaccine until April 2021, when BioNTech was added. At the beginning of July 2021, the government offered a third booster dose to healthcare workers and people aged > 50 years who had received the two doses of Sinovac. Of the participants who received a booster, most chose BioNTech as the third dose. Methods We collected data from 25 hospitals in 16 cities. Patients hospitalized between August 1 and 10, 2021, were included and categorized into eight groups according to their vaccination status. Results We identified 1401 patients, of which 529 (37.7%) were admitted to intensive care units. Nearly half (47.8%) of the patients were not vaccinated, and those with two doses of Sinovac formed the second largest group (32.9%). Hospitalizations were lower in the group which received 2 doses of Sinovac and a booster dose of BioNTech than in the group which received 3 doses of Sinovac. Conclusion Effective vaccinations decreased COVID-19-related hospitalizations. The efficacy after two doses of Sinovac may decrease over time; however, it may be enhanced by adding a booster dose. Moreover, unvaccinated patients may be persuaded to undergo vaccination